#this lad saw a hairy chest and went FERAL
ex-textura · 2 months
My mind has been stuck on Ilztaufein all day and the way that he loves Gale and it's driving me crazy that I don't have the words to describe the kind of obsessive, possessive way he begins to worship him before their romance even really starts.
The way he wants to climb past his teeth and live inside his ribcage. He wants to wrap himself around the heart of this ambitious mortal and become the rhythm that it beats to.
He wants to prostrate himself at Gale's altar. He wants to beg him for absolution and be denied.
He wants to rip and tear from the heavens themselves the fool of a goddess who would deny him divinity and sit upon her throne instead.
He wants Gale to be his god, if no one else's. And he'd gladly tear the realms asunder for the chance.
Humans only live so long, but Ilztaufein needs him to live forever. To persist. So he might worship his heavenly body for eternity.
He wants to corrupt Gale, and to be corrupted.
He wants
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