#this isnt how they wire people's jaws shut for like live people but
brutal-nemesis · 2 years
Silence Day 2022: Hitting the Nail on the Head
Many people over the centuries have tried their own unique ways of Shut The Fuck Up, Castys. Here is one of the many such instances, set in an AU for Personal Reasons ❤
Castys Masterlist
Ingredients: hammering nails into a guy, mouth whump (not teeth, but tooth whump mentioned), some tongue whump, choking (on a liquid), burns
Everything about this was, in Castys’s opinion, incredibly generic. Cold metal table, check. Tight ropes around his wrists and ankles, check. A handful of dudes smirking down at him, one brandishing a hammer, check. The rope over his forehead was new, he supposed. Ooh, another twist, they were taking the fucking gag off.
“Afternoon, everyone. What fun game are we gonna play today, huh?”
The one holding the hammer waved it in the air a little. “We’re gonna finally shut you up for good, Black.”
“Aw, you gonna knock all my teeth out instead of pulling them to use as your stupid gambling chips? You know people don’t need teeth to talk, right?” Castys was sure that wasn’t it, but, what, were they gonna break his jaw or something? They said for good, but that shit would heal so he didn’t-wait was that a fucking-
“You’ll see, so just hold still, you fucking cockroach. Wouldn’t want to mess it up and make us start over, would you? You can’t be that stupid.” Hands descended on his face, pulling his upper lip back, holding his mouth closed, pressing the point of a fucking nail to his gums. Castys couldn’t make remarks at them anymore, just stuck breathing heavily through his nose as the person holding the hammer got it lined up, shifting their grip on the nail, raising the hammer, smirking, saying something he couldn’t hear over the blood pounding in his ears, and then, finally, dreadfully, swinging the hammer down. 
Castys jerked against the restraints as the bright little point of pain in his upper jaw tore open into a scorching sun, blinding and so intense and definitely nowhere near done getting worse. He barely had time to take a breath before the hammer fell again, and now he was definitely screaming, and he couldn’t even feel the hands on his face anymore because all that existed was pain, that and the sound of the slightly rusted metal scraping its way through his jawbone. A third swing and the nail punched through completely, the sharp point digging into his tongue where it had been resting on the roof of his mouth, just his fucking luck. Each successive hit of the hammer drove the nail further in, scraping against the roof of his mouth, more and more blood gushing out, pooling in his throat, choking him, each pointless cough making him jerk uselessly against the hands holding his head still, driving the pain gripping his face further and further beyond the plateau he’d thought it reached.
And then it stopped. The pain didn’t stop, no, not in the slightest, but the hammer stopped coming down, the nail stopped digging further in, the hands stopped holding his jaw shut. He tried to turn to the side and cough out some of the damn blood, but the rope across his forehead made that very super difficult so he gave up and just coughed it up into the air, which went about as well as he expected, which was not well at all. Before he could say anything cool and funny, which would have taken a while because he could not think of anything cool and funny to say at the moment, his jaw got slammed shut again, momentarily pinching the tip of his tongue between his teeth, because he needed more blood in his fucking mouth. On the bright side, he didn’t really feel it because Wow The Nail In His Face Hurt A Whole Lot. And judging by that prick on the gums of his lower jaw, he was about to get another one!
He kind of had a guess as to where this was going. Like, the whole thing in general, since he was very certain where the next nail was going to go, because it was-fuck yup yup there it was making its merry little way through his mandible bit by large bit and he was so smart this time and kept his tongue well away from the bottom of his mouth which was about the only conscious movement he could make at the moment because the rest of him was far to squirm-around-in-pain but it paid off it did the nail didn’t poke his tongue until it did because now it was burrowing into the base of his tongue which he couldn’t really help wasn’t that delightful this was all so delightful and fun and didn’t hurt like he was being injected with acid that was also on fire they were just nails why did they hurt so much maybe it was the fact that they were around his tooth-nerves it sort of felt like tooth pain now that he thought about it but it was hard to think about anything well not hard to think exactly just hard to focus he kept jumping around from one thing to the next in his head trying to think about something that wasn’t the nails or the pain or the screams trapped in his throat or the ropes tying him down or the hands holding his jaw closed or the fact that he was alone here now and might never see-
Hey, pay attention, they were saying something, holding up a thin metal wire, bringing it towards his mouth, wrapping it around the nails, pulling tight, tight, so tight that his teeth were pressed together uncomfortably hard, and then there was some device he didn’t recognize, sort of like a gun, pressed against the wire, against his teeth, and it was hot, burning, scorching, he couldn’t breathe in and out fast enough, eyes squeezed shut as tears leaked out, fists clenched, stomach twisting, he was stuck, trapped here in this awful, agonizing moment, fire piercing his every nerve, and maybe the hands left his face, or maybe they just weren’t gripping him as tightly, and the fire might be calming down, quieting, growing more dull, more tolerable, his breathing slowing…
Castys pried open his eyes and glared up at the people surrounding him, who all looked way too fucking pleased with themselves. One of them patted his cheek. “Well, Black, how’s it feel? Got anything to say?” Castys tried to open his mouth, but even attempting to move his jaw shot infinitely more awful pain needles into his entire face, so he just ended up wincing as they all laughed at him. 
“Now you’ll be all quiet and well-behaved like your late buddy Red, won’t you?” another one jeered.
“Best of both worlds, even if he’s not as pretty.”
“Hey, he’s a lot prettier with his stupid annoying mouth shut!”
Castys wanted nothing more in the world than to bite all of these fuckers like a rabid bat but instead he got to lie there and be quiet as they made all their dumb comments and pulled on his stupid long hair and poked at his face, which definitely did not hurt like hell. Eventually they got bored, thank fuck, and Castys didn’t resist much as they dragged him back to the cell and shoved him inside, hard enough that he fell to his knees. Sighing, he forced himself to his feet and walked a few steps, plopping down on the edge of the bed. He was glad that shit was over, but now he was…
Reluctantly, Castys reached up to tug at the wire tying the nails together. He knew it wasn’t gonna come off, but he still had to try. Yup, stuck, all melted together by a dot of metal that was still pretty warm to the touch and tangled around the nails stuck in his fucking skull. Maybe he could-ouch no no nope, not gonna be able to pull those out. At least, not without some pliers or something, if he would even be able to do it to himself. Giving up for now, he sighed and pulled his knees up to his chest, curling up against the wall on the corner of their…his bed. 
The sounds of the jungle outside were the same as ever, but the cell was so…quiet. It had been ever since…and now he couldn’t even talk to himself or sing badly or say weird things to the guards outside he just had to be…silent. He supposed he could bang on the walls or something, but he wasn’t really in the mood. All he really felt like doing right now was being quiet, just like his fucking captors wanted, so hooray for them, they fucking won, whatever, but it wasn’t because of the nails, he just…
There was only one person he wanted to fill this silence, and he wasn’t here anymore. Might never come back.
So, for now, and maybe forever, it was quiet.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog @thehopelessopus @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen @galaxywhump @starnight-whump @his-unspoken-words @misspelledwitch @suspicious-whumping-egg @pumpkin-spice-whump @painsandconfusion @i-can-even-burn-salad @befuddled-calico-whump @whumpinggrounds @whump-queen
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ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
LR: what is UP
TF: Halloween's in a few days and I'm ready for some (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ~『✧~*SPOOPS*~✧』
LR: i hope i dont die
TF: If you try to die on me I will grab your soul and shove it back into your body
TF: No friend death allowed!
LR: ??try
LR: im so
LR: fucking
LR: high still?
TF: How long have you been high? (″・ิ_・ิ)
LR: h o u r s
LR: i think my dealer sold me weed that was laced
TF: ∑(゜Д゜;) Do I need to come over?
LR: im??????? no
LR: im ok
LR: i made a smoothie
TF: Did I already show you what I'm wearing for Halloween? (◕ω◕✿)
LR: i dont know
LR: i in fact just forgot that i was on the computer at all
-- tapeFace [TF] sent the file "literally-the-coolest-ever.jpg" --
TF: Guess who I'm dressed like (⊙ω⊙✿)
LR: you look like
LR: ME!!!~
TF: YOU!!!~ (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ
LR: im gonna freeze half of my body
LR: and ill change the display n my eye
TF: (◕△◕✿) Cool! So you'll be a snowman for real, kinda!
TF: You gonna trick or treat or party?
LR: im gonna probably hang out at a friend's place
LR: she's doing up her shop for halloween and one of her roommates is going all out and like
LR: its legit
LR: i think theyre giving out candy
LR: im gonna steal like half of it so i can eat it when im healed
TF: That sounds like fun (´◠ω◠`)
TF: Wait, healed?
TF: Healed from what? (●△●✿)
LR: oh
LR: i got my jaw broke
LR: and then i made it worse
TF: WHAT!!!!!!!!
LR: so Flo wired me shut and confined me to a liquid diet
-- tapeFace [TF] can't type in enough all caps or exclamation points to fully express how much "WHAAAAAT!!!!!!" --
TF: HOW???????? (⊙∩⊙)
LR: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
LR: i got in a fight
LR: im just gonna come out and say it
LR: i was being a dick
LR: and trying to hurt people
LR: that i had no business hurting
TF: I feel like I'm missing something. (◕︿◕✿) That doesn't sound like you at all.
LR: mmmmmh yeah
LR: so uh
LR: have i told you that i used to be a slave
TF: holy shit
TF: No you never told me
LR: well yeah i was a slave most of my life
LR: my slaver was this blueblood chick and she had her one big enforcer guy who basically protected her and did everything for her but like. i didnt know back then that he was a slave
LR: i thought they were like concentual mates
LR: and he was the guy that kidnapped me and brought me to her
LR: so like i saw him a while back and i kinda snapped
LR: and he got away but then i saw him again with this chick
LR: and that resulted in a broken jaw for me
LR: well come to find out that one of my other friends actually helped him escape and he's living with her now
LR: and she set us up to like. talk things out
LR: and i found out that im an entire prolapsed asshole
TF: Well, it's not like you knew any of that until then. (◕︿◕✿) I can't really fault you for being a dick when you didn't know.
LR: well the thing is like
LR: he tried to explain things
LR: while i was trying to freeze him to death i guess
LR: im pretty sure he's terrified of me now tho
TF: (◕︿◕✿) oh. Yikes.
LR: i feel powerful tho
LR: the man who once kidnapped me and hauled me off while i tried and tried to fight him
LR: is afraid of me
TF: Huger than you??
LR: he's like 7 feet tall
LR: probably almost 8 actually
LR: isnt being really tall like a purple thing
TF: (⊙︿⊙✿) holy shit he's a truck
TF: Yeah, that's what I always thought, but I guess not @_@
LR: then again
LR: i dont see a lot of jadebloods
LR: especially dudes
TF: That jade person that showed up at your birthday wasn't gigantic.
LR: yeah Flowers isnt a giant
LR: D8
LR: guess ill die
TF: There's a name for that, isn't there?
TF: Feeling the same way for more than one person
LR: yeah but
LR: Max and I talked about it way before we even started dating and i know she wouldnt wanna be with me
LR: riparoni............
TF: D: Oh noooo
TF: Sorry I can't be helpful (◕﹏◕✿) I don't know what to tell you
LR: thats ok
LR: i guess ill just have to talk to them both about it
LR: ive never really been one to beat around the bush with feelings
TF: I hope everything goes well!
LR: me too
LR: idk
LR: i feel like my quads are all hecked up right now
LR: the only one i feel certain in right now is my black
TF: You and the bad doctor made it official?
LR: yeaaaaaaahhh
TF: (๑﹏๑✿) I don't talk to you for a while and I miss so much stuff.
LR: life moves fast
TF: Speaking of moving fast, Dad just went out a window. (⊙︿⊙✿) And I gotta go get him back before he gets into trouble.
TF: One night I have to get windows installed that he can't open
LR: oh my god go you turd
TF: Seeya!!
-- tapeFace ceased messaging liberatedRaptor [LR] --
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