#this isnt all the shots btw but image limit </3
haunted-xander · 1 year
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This was for a reel over on insta (that you should def watch bc soundless images don't do it justice) but I'm really happy with it so im posting some of the shots here too!
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gg-selvish · 2 years
baby's breath lyrics brainrot containment post
obviously white winter hymnal by fleet foxes is scene setting more than anything. its a bit on the nose but i like it
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piano player – the hotelier
like literally ALL OF taken for a ride by tally hall i literally could copy/paste the whole lyrics but also the vibe + pacing of the music itself is very jackcore (chaotic lol)
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would it kill you? – hellogoodbye. ugh theres another song by them im thinking if adding but its gotta match up in chrono so maybe after ch 3 is posted
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george obviously (a little respect – erasure)
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holy shit. HOLY SHIT. you in this light – the hotelier. this song is fucking everything. the driving force of the repetition drives me insane
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give me your fire, give me your rain – the paper kites....... wow
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dreams - the cranberries. get it?? GET IT?????? CUZ HE HAD THE DRE- /shot
+ sunlight by hozier obviously because. symbolism. the dream !!! wow
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like his brain right??? ok u have to pretend this song isnt about politics this is kind of abstract forgive me... my adhd brain is just very flexible lol
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title track (there is a light) - the hotelier
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running with the hurricane - camp cope. the rest of this song is actually really hopeful and whether or not u take that is up to u 😏
delilah by florence is just an excellent song for the turmoil jack experiences like its edgy but its COOL!!!!!!
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buzz by maddie medley... HAS ANYONE WHO LIKES BB READ BANGOR... THIS IS ALSO A BANGOR SONG. its just so good for slowburn hhhghggghgh
wonder by the lone bellow i cant explain its just. fuck
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sept 16 by the mountain goats. holy shit. ‘i will keep away the cold / when you touched me i felt fire coming through’ yknow????? YKNOW?????
peach fuzz is just a jack vibe hehe
me putting this song about not letting go in here as if the fic has a happy ending.... its doesnt btw LMAFKMES
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sun by the hotelier... yeah... thats more like it
tumblr image limit my detested. heres the last 2 songs:
this spoken word is actually the first track of this album thats been interspersed within the playlist. i really love the contrast of calling someone both the moon and the sun throughout a piece, it suits jack well since his perception of george has so much duality and changes so much within himself: george is both a giver of life and warmth, yet also a cool companion that asks for nothing in return for his presence
"We sit and we talk, not of much but of little.
I see the moon, the moon sees me.
I would smile but it would be meaningless.
I wouldn't want it to be.
But in the landscape of tilted heads,
While the sky sheds skin on my body,
I feel my voice quiet to a halt,
And this is where I am.
You in this light feels new/woken,
Woven deep until the roots touch dryness,
Against the fallen limb of oaken.
This place speaks.
It says many things of nothing.
Makes no demands,
And offers no salvation.
Only repeats what you say in a way you've never heard it.
An echo off the far wall.
A reflection of your face.
I see the moon.
The moon sees me.
That's enough."
'It says many things of nothing. / Makes no demands, / And offers no salvation. ... I see the moon. / The moon sees me. / That's enough.'
this part is integral to their dynamic. this cycle was full of so much feeling and hard to grasp intimacy, but it must close and be enough as it is and without any further expectations
then the music at the end fades into the next song, track 2:
"There is a kind and immediate hushing.
There is a setting enveloped in cold.
Withered down to our basic components
We are naked, at rest, and alone.
And the drone of the open air yawning
Couldn't help me feel any less small.
In these days we will wear the same blanket.
In these days we feel nothing at all.
When the floor was all littered with pictures
Like the flora was drenched in the thaw,
I was grasping to stay in the present
But your negatives flipped what I saw.
A little bird from the side of sidewalk
Sings me hymnals of comfort in pain.
Said "Give me you all disarmed and uncertain
And I promise that I'll do the same"
And it sounded like something you'd say.
If we spin without compass in circles
Will we fall in the same exact place?
When this began
This was a thing
That we could both share.
A bit of shade
The goodness fades
And we begin there."
i once again consider this a hopeful ending and i /know/ people are going to disagree but its true! the ending of a relationship/situationship/cycle is not the end of everything. its the sign that were ready to move on and try again. this is what the fic is all about!! the final time jack lets himself cause ruin, you have to have faith in him as a reliable narrator that he will succeed next time despite the pain of this closure
and george? as hes said, hes broken so many bottles already, whats one more?
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zenosanalytic · 4 years
HoXPoX Liveblog: House of X#6
It’s the Home Stretch! Here’s the Link
Alright; continuing again the HoXPoX Readthrough with House of X #6; I'm on the last two now ^v^ The cover's a variant again; seems to be a collection of villains.
Opening X Quote: "Is what we have perfect? No. *What Is*? But it's a *start* -- and a *good one*" So I guess we'll be dealing with some of the negatives of the Krakoa ideology?? Maybe??? Let's see :> 
Cut to: Krakoa, one month ago, Moira's No-Place. Kinda freaky, nestled "upside donw" among some roots, and there's a backup "cradle" there for the Cerebro mind downloads. 
It's his announcement of their plan to the humans of earth(broadcast telepathically, individually, to all of them at once, so also letting everyone know just how powerful a telepath he is) & it makes the strong case for Krakoa; non-mutants have stood by while mutants were killed 
This sequence is a series of reaction shots of ppl hearing the speech and obvsl they're meaningful collections of text and image. Some notables: a pic of the avengers as he mentions the genocides; of the Fantastic 4 with "you have not earned it"(their gift)... 
..."well let you pay for it" Dr. Strange in the penthouse of his Manhattan Brownstone; ORCHIS command under "you make our lives better we'll make your lives better"; Mags, Proud; Moira, trepidation&determined. Ending with X and "while you slept the world changed"
It's really heartbreaking how simple and small what he's asking for is, and it's composed well as the final anguished "defeat" of a man of peace, choosing separation and real politick over his dream of human solidarity.
Infopage, revised Quiet Council chart: Only one seat remains hidden; the "Red King" within the "Spring" faction(Hellfire Corp). Also lists the "Great Captains"; their war leaders.
Cut to Krakoa, a Council meeting. The Players are defined: "Family"(XMen seats), "Friends"(Hellfire, Red King absent), "Allies"(Old Enemies), the a frame of The Big Three(X, Mags,&Apoc), then cut to Krakoa and Cypher to start the metting.
Mystique's part of the "Villain" seats, and I love how she's studiously ignoring the proceedings uwu
It's time to make some laws. And judge Sabertooth. Sinister is a trip. Apoc wonders why it should be illegal to kill mutants when they can be brought back. Jean says, if greatness of purpose is the goal, killing those who CANT come back(humans) should be banned... 
Mystique objects on self-defense grounds, Mags gens it to defending Krakoa/Mutantkind("the nation"), and agrees with Jean that murder of humans should be banned, X asks for objections, none, Sabertooth objects to being made an example, Frost tries to compel silence he fights it
...Jean adds her weight, Sabertooth is "pacified"(cant say I agree with this, but it's more humane than the usual methods). Shaw argues for capitalism, Cypher points out "Krakoa's a person, my dude", Exodus agrees; Krakoa is an Eden when should be for all and held free in itself
They agree Krakoa should be for all and itself and not property. Mystique decides now to play the atheist and needle her son, Kurt, for his piety. A Great Face here:
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Kurt's Law, of course, is Sex u_u u_u u_u(I really hope they call it Kurt's Law. It's what I'D call it u_u u_u)
Kurt's Law, of course, is Sex u_u u_u u_u(I really hope they call it Kurt's Law. It's what I'D call it u_u u_u) So the Laws: Make More Mutants, Murder No Man, Respect This Sacred Land. 
They condemn Creed for violating these laws, retroactively(not great), and condemn him(as if many here arent worse, but he's pretty awful) He, of course, threatens mass murder. Mystique just wants it over with(abstains I guess), other than that it's unanimous. Condemned to what? 
his punishment is to be held in aware stasis within Krakoa "for eternity", which X defines as basically until they think he might be useful(ie "redeem" himself) Honestly I think this is an awful&easily abuseable punishment system&redundant when youre tripping over mind-alterers
I mean: I realize it's something ppl recoil at, and there are obvs drawbacks to it, but all human behavior is a result of their brains&and theyve reacted to their environment. Evil isnt real beyond awful actions committed to others and reform is very possible.
so the question is one of what punishment is just for what he's done, and how to "reform" him. Reformation's easy with all the telepath's around, and an "eternal" punishment is way too long. And "sentence by whim" is ALWAYS an awful system, easily prone to abuse.
Everyone but Mystique's and Storm's eyes are on X, Emma is surprise, Kurt watchful, Jean ready to jump from her chair. Mystique is looking at where Creed was, and Storm, I think, is watching Mystique. Shaw is Appraising. Leaving Sinister does not look happy, despite his flippancy
Some rather heavyhanded text-to-image here: X talking abt governing "I pray that we never get used to it" above the "villains" leaving; "that we never grow cold from it" above the Xmen leaving; "that we never learn to love it" Above Hellfire...
3 look back: Sinister, angry Kurt distraught/conflicted(cool thing here: Storm not looking back, Kean looking at Kurt, Kurt looking back); Frost w/ a mysterious fraction-smile. Each frame a trio too: Mystique Exodus Sinister; the Xmen; Kurt and Hellfire.
the last trio; I wonder if that's a joke?(He's a devout catholic, and has been a priest in the past, so Hellfire) or foreshadowing of an alliance btw him & Hellfire, or both.
X talks abt governing in parenthood allegory(another bad sign |:T) as they walk out to a massive party filled with resurrected mutants. Everybody seems to be getting Drunk and Handsy :p And one questionable act of forgiveness. Some great character drawing tho.
Ends with an infopage detailing Krakoa Atlantic. That was fun, but I'd have liked more time spent on the whole government and laws thing, but it IS a comic book with VERY limited page-space. Just one left!
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