#this isn't dismissive or dissing on the game it's truly a disstilled essence of Epic Highs And Tragic Lows of card games
Saw a lot of people on my friends list suddenly playing yugioh so I decided to give playing it myself another shot and this really is a game where default gameplan is just vomiting your entire hand and half the deck out in one turn so the enemy has fifty negate cards to counter your gameplan so you carry your own negates to negate the negates and your opponents own vomit so the game ends up being decided on who has the better vomit to negate ratio.
And the joke about players not reading the cards is so real because if I honestly were supposed to read all of my opponents cards and look how they interact with each other I'd get a forfeit for timing out.
Every time it's like "at the end of your turn I activate the graveyard effect of Trickstar Jopping which deals 300 damage times the amount of monsters you special summoned this turn and I chain Trickstar Blaster (Trickstar Desert Eagle in the OCG) from my hand so combined with the field spell's effect you lose 2300 Life Points!" And I'm like sure buddy, I'll take your word for it.
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