#this is what happens when you read lovecraft and then immediatley see an anthill getting sprayed
lilylauk · 1 year
You know, I think true cosmic horror a la Lovecraft isn’t the undefinable features of some otherworldly being, nor the immensity of their power in relation to us. The true cosmic horror of realizing you’re an infinitesimally smaller and weaker and more insignificant creature than some behemoth leviathan that can traverse the void of space and speak words that would make your ears and eyes bleed, isn’t any of that.
The true fear of being an ant, is by the very nature of being one, the higher cosmic being cannot ask you to move your mound; nor could you comprehend or comply if asked. True cosmic horror is knowing if we’re in the way: in their yard, their home, eating their crumbs- someday we may be exterminated. And an ant cannot fight an exterminator any better than it can comprehend one.
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