#this is very kind i am so ☹️💕 like GOD
firein-thesky · 1 year
oh god cielo what have you done. What have you done with godmaker. I usually send you very long asks but today its like i'm broken. My stomach is churning at the thought of what happens in the future. Like i was actually seeing the future with the reader.
Shibuya arc broke me, safe to say. Maybe its the thought of going through that again that's haunting me haha. And knowing your writing style, I *know* i'll have a vivid recollection of it. But for now, I'll enjoy the possessive gojo you have gifted me with and pretend nothing bad ever happens and everything is going to be ok.
As always, take love cielo. You’re really an amazing writer. I'm not much of an analyzer, I don't usually catch the finer details of a story. So while I can't show my appreciation like that, please know that Godmaker is the only fic i actively look forward to. Always. It makes my day better in a horrendous but good way.
Take care!!!💟
this is absurdly kind omg. im sorry for the 6 day late response sometimes i get busy during the week 😭 and i had a busy lil weekend!! but anon i am so glad to hear that you're enjoying this story and looking forward (or dreading lol) the ending??
i can't describe the ending. i don't think it's absurdly angsty but....idk?? i don't think ppl are prepared or expecting it maybe lol. or maybe they are!! i will be very curious to see your reaction! i am working on the final chapter this week. unsure if there will be an epilogue or not yet tbh?? i gotta see how the cookie crumbles ya know. i do have it all blocked out tho.
gosh anon thank you so much!! i really appreciate you reading and also reaching out to me in this way!! your words are very encouraging <3 godmaker has been a tough one for me but comments like this make it so worthwhile!!
thank you so so much!!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
if i could i would fight the school system just so u would have the time and mood to write >:T but i'm glad u could write a bit and waiting for ur next fic!!!🥳🥳 (your post about a fic u are writing seems pretty fun :o and love jihoon as a side character!!!) AAA IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT I WOULD LOVE TO READ TREASURE FICS FROM U ESPECIALLY THE JIHOON ONES HIHI!!! I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR UR FRIEND WHO CONVINCED U!!!!
hmmmm idk if its reveal vibe or not but my fav ep from them is the thrill ride ep (probably has a special place in my heart cuz that was my first cb with them lmao but that era was so well done and i really love the songs!!) i think their new ep is really great my favs are especially awake and savior aaanndd their breaking dawn album slaps as a whole i love it so muchhh and for my last recommendation from them would be survive the night which is a song that was fully written by sunwoo and it's definitely one of my favs (there is also a song from giuk featuring sunwoo that just dropped and u might like it if u are interested) and i really hope u will like some cuz idk if any of these would be the type of songs u would listen to;-; the last longer content i watched from them was come on the boyz but eric isn't in it cuz he was on a hiatus at the time:( but it's really fun! i also started to watch back the boyz timeout (and had to stop cuz school >:T) and that is also really good and everyone is there:D so i would recommend those if u want like a series (?) type of thing with them but for "shorter" contents their mafia games are very fun to watch!!! their idol human theater videos are great as well!!! and the last one i would say is they just made a video with the fo squad and that seemed very funny although i didn't have the time to watch it yet;-; (IM VERY SORRY ABOUT JUST RECOMMENDING SO MANY THINGS AND FOR THIS LONG ASS LIST I WENT A BIT OVERBOARD D: )
KEVIN IS SUCH A LOVELY GUY his bubble messages are usually either very funny or just very meaningful and his posts are always top tier🤌 i think he would just solidify his place in ur heart lmao and eric is just such a bestie material!!! well u know i just came in here in the middle of ur treasure era being like 🧍the boyz🧍and i don't want to interrupt u with just randomly talking about them 🧍(which i deff did so im sorry and sorry again for the long ass list of recs)
ooo god gifted kid burnouts suck so much;-; but tbh yeah the grade doesn't really matter just pass and get the paper in the end cuz that's the most important ig and u would get it with even just passing (although im just🤡 cuz i will never think like this sadly so) i don't think my experience will be different ngl;-; so im trying to get myself ready to just not be sad about it cuz it's bound to happen lmao
SJSJSJ its okay because the motivation is that once its over i have the whole summer to write is making me go through this more easily 😙😌 also im handling things a lot better than last semester LMAO so im good over here 🤞 DJSJ glad u liked the posts abt the fic so far, jihoon is kind of the main character unfortunatelt (he is in the fic more than mark i-) but the brainrot cant be helped. IM GRATEFUL FOR MY FRIEND TOO she's a real one 😙 i'll let u know abt the blog if i manage to set one up after all hihi
first comebacks with a group are always the most special istg i thought about this the other day. like for me rock with you, hot sauce and can't you see me? are really special too😭 i havent had time to listen to these but i promise that by the time we talk again i will and i'll have my reviews ready!! 😌😌 also i love how u can kinda get my music taste w western artists (like when u recommended me hungarian songs and were spot on) but w kpop u rlly cant tell😭😭😭 i love me some kpop group variety shows tbh so i will definitely watch all of these later !! DONT BE SORRY ABT RECOMMENDING SO MUCH I GET U IF I WAS ASKED FOR RECS FOR ANY OF MY FAV GROUPS I WOULDVE DONE THE SAME THING. i saw kevin's weverse (?) replies on tiktok today and i- 😭 my man is a comedian i love him. the same w eric. icons. SJSJS dont worry about interrupting my treasure era i can handle it (im also suddenly into cix as well so i can handle everyone atp)
and u get it u get it !!! like it does feel good to get academic validation from time to time (i got a 45/50 on my essay today❤❤❤) but as long as its not an F i do not feel disappointed. esp when i get reminded of the fact that im studying on one of the best unis in my country and that my major is actually kind of hard 💀💀 get ready for the terrors of university i mean u can expect it but actually experiencing it will be just as shitty so i just pray u dont take it as badly as i did for a lil while🤞 im here for u if that happens tho!!
always appreciating u and smiling at your asks, mwah mwah ‼
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hueningshaped · 2 years
STOPPP!!!!! me reading your replies to my asks = best part of my day (also very much genuine and serious!!!)😔😔🫶🏻💗💗💗 it's okay!! i completely understand you're busy, i barely even glance at my phone whenever i go on vacation so i'm happy you find the time to reply at all🥹🥹 you: i'm sorry for picking two me: literally chose four😭😭 but amor. you actually have to be kidding me those are my favorites TOO signal will ALWAYS have me like 🤙🏻🤙🏻JJIRIT JJIRIT JJIRIT JJIRIT🤙🏻🤙🏻 and WHAT IS LOVE!!!!!!! oh my god where do i even begin to describe the love i have for that song :( the melody + the bittersweet lyrics + their vocals are just perfect and i'm so happy that the mv was so amazing as well song of the century truly🧎🏻the feel my rhythm classic version!/!/!/!-!!- the EXHILARATION i felt while watching🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i love that they had a whole story to the mv and that they actually made it look nice, feel my rhythm deserves the world i love her so much😔 i never would have even SEEN those behind the scene photos if you hadn't mentioned them i owe you my life💓💗💖💘💕💞 also this was in the recommended tweets below it and i just had to share it with you tyun acting like blinking is a limited resource that needs to be used sparingly is on my very long list of things i love about him😭 omg a question i have a definite answer to!!!! it's 10000% moa diary because i loveeeeee everything about it especially how soobin could not stop smiling when he saw that the mask they gave him was twisted🥹 and it's the first dance practice i watched from them too so i'm even more attached to it!! as for performance that is something i unfortunately cannot answer i'm not even gonna attempt because they pour their heart into every performance so every time i watch one i'm like omg this is the best thing i've ever seen🫶🏻 what about you!!! omg i totally understand ghosting is such a tearjerker and i've never even been ghosted😐 that along with anti romantic and run away💔 TEARS. and they have so many more too😭 those songs are so very dear to me i will always love them</3 and omg our summer!!! it has such a happy melody but it does sometimes make me feel like☹️☹️ i've never actually tried milk tea before because it's not really something we do here??😭 i've never seen anybody put milk in their tea but i'm kind of curious now🤨 does caffeine keep you up at night or is it something else!! because omg. i never drink coffee but my parents drink some multiple times a day because it's a huge part of my culture and one day they made me drink some with them (horrible experience😐) so i was like "this better not make me unable to sleep tonight😾😾" and around the time that happened i would always fall asleep at like 3am but that night i was out COLD by 11pm😭 also me whenever your ramble😌🎧🎶🎵 even if you wrote a 10k essay about your favorite beverages i would read it and ENJOY it please do not ever worry about talking too much🫡 omg very good taste in weather conditions!!! and tbh i kind of miss snow because even though we do get it sometimes it's so little☹️ when i was a kid there used to be so much of it💔 beffie wdym if i'm okay with interacting with you off anon once i actually open the blog i am RUNNING to your blog you will not know peace again😼😼 i love talking to you🥺 i'm kinda boring so i rarely watch any movies😐 i usually only watch horror movies with my cousin when i go to see her and we get bored but other than that.... nothing :// also i JUST realized that when you asked me about my favorite shows i literally forgot about my no. 1 all time favorite show?/?!/!/ i may be stupid. i am so emotionally attached to atla!! best animation best music best storyline best- ANYWAYS what about you!! do you watch movies and if you do what's your favorite!!! and the tiktok omg😭😭 i LOVE edits like that dw your humor is fantastic (just like everything else about u)🫶🏻🫶🏻 also please look at this why am i so emotional over this😔😔 stay hydrated and happy and safe!!! have a great day!!!!💗💗💗 -🧃
my answer was TOO LONG APPARENTLY so i’m linking my message HERE <3 [ 1 and 2 ] — i luv u here are some gyus FOR U
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