#this is the internet and this shit will spawn inevitably anywhere
naivety · 6 months
really do think people of the west oughta be careful with how we're borderline parasocializing with these journalists in gaza. a lot of them are not career first responders, they are not superheroes, they did not choose this, they are citizens of gaza with the means to record what is happening to them. this is not to downplay their bravery or risk of life every day by doing so, nor the need for us to continue to support and encourage them in what little and big ways alike that we can, but we oughta be careful with what emphasis we're putting where and that it is unconditionally on their right to life and dignity, as any gazan, the right to exist as palestinian at all. to make it about 'heroism' at best misconstrues the fact that they would not being doing this were they not forced at literal gunpoint to, and at worst creates an expectation to be heroic, when they are just trying to be alive and free. please please please be careful with the conscious or subconscious expectations you are creating for these people and what imagined conditions your mind may create for your continued support of them, because i promise you they see and feel it, and they do not owe you anything.
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