#this is only anh and rotj because literally the one time they all appear in the same frame in esb is when leia kisses luke
jadelotusflower · 3 years
It’s Cold in that Fridge: The Case of Nakari Kelen
Since The Case of Mara Jade has been doing the rounds again, I’ve finally gone back to this post that has been sitting in my drafts for literally years. So let’s honour this absolute badass who deserved better:
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Once upon a time, the Star Wars universe was but six films (and a tv series) in the story of the Skywalker family. But beyond George Lucas’ story was an absolute boatload of books, comics, games, and other materials that made up the Expanded Universe. When Disney purchased Lucasfilm and the rights to the Star Wars saga, everything in this universe was decanonised and deemed “Legends” - some aspects of this universe were retained or re-purposed, others sit in Disney’s figurative vault and will likely never see the light of day (and seeing how the ST turned out, maybe that’s for the best).
But this transition between Legends canon and Disney canon was not so simple, because the nature of publishing meant that there were novels approved during the time of Legends canon that would be released in the time of Disney canon. In particular, there had been the planned trilogy “Empire and Rebellion”, set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, with each novel from the perspective of one of The Big Three.  
Razor’s Edge (Leia) and Honor Among Thieves (Han) were released prior to the Great Canon Split of 2014.  But while the Luke-centric novel had been planned, it was not due to be released until well after the Split. So Heir to the Jedi (so called as an homage to the Legends progenitor Heir to the Empire) became one of the first books of the Disney canon.
What does this background have to do with Nakari Kelen?  Perhaps nothing, but I do wonder how the writing process was affected by the shift from Legends to Disney - was the novel a relic of the old EU with any reference the LFL storygroup didn’t like excised during editing, or was it a trendsetter for the new EU, a Sign of Things to Come?  
The most salient point being, of course, that Nakari Kelen - like so many love interests before her - was not allowed to go along her merry way at the conclusion of the novel, but was shoved into the fridge.
If there was one constant of the Legends EU, it was that Luke Skywalker’s love interests couldn’t catch a break. Mara Jade naturally lasted the longest relationship-wise, with almost twenty years of marriage to Luke before some bright spark decided she had to go (as per the aforementioned case study). But before Mara there was Jem, Shira Brie, and Gaeriel Captison (who came close to escaping the curse), and in the Legacy of the Force series they brought back sole survivors Akanah and Callista, only to kill them off for good too (and rather brutally, if I may add).
So perhaps when Kevin Hearne began writing HttJ within the confines of the Legends continuity, he was merely sticking to the status quo, or perhaps once subsumed by Disney they needed to make sure Luke's slate was clean (so to speak).  And I can’t put all the blame on Hearne since I don’t know whether it was his idea, or LFL mandated - but regardless it was a poor decision.
The root cause of fridging, imo, is limited imagination.  How best to cause your male protagonist pain if not kill off someone they love, or at least have strong feelings for? The answer is of course, easily. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The Luke Skywalker of HttJ is fresh from his victory in ANH, a lieutenant in the Rebellion: young, not dumb, and full of...
Nakari Kalen is an absolute Queen a civilian volunteer and crack-shot sniper who loans her ship Desert Jewel to the Alliance. Luke is immediately attracted to her, they bond over a mutual love of fast ships and leaving behind desert home planets, and engage in the inexpert flirting of two nineteen year olds while also risking their lives several times over.
I want to make it clear: I actually really like this book. It's a breezy read, almost serialised as The Early Adventures of Luke Skywalker, and is ofttimes genuinely funny. And credit where it’s due to Hearne, many of of the supporting roles in the novel are female. Other than Nakari, there's Soonta, the Rodian who gives Luke her uncle’s lightsaber, Sakhet the Kupohan spy, and the Givin cryptographer/math genius Drusil Bephorin. In a genre where male characters are often the default for these kind of roles, it was nice to see, but makes the regressive fridging of Nakari even more egregious.
Luke and Nakari make a good team fighting brain-sucking monsters and Imperials, but more importantly they have fun together - she encourages him to work on his Force skills, and he successfully moves objects with his mind for the first time (leading to Nakari adorably dub him "a little noddle scooter"). It's a very sweet, if brief, relationship, and a respite from the danger of the mission. They spend the night together (leaving the reader to decide exactly what happened behind closed doors), and share a kiss before splitting up to try and escape bounty hunters. No prizes for guessing what happens to Nakari immediately after she received the Skywalker Kiss of Death.
I assume there were two motivating factors for why Hearne and/or LFL couldn't let Nakari live:
1. If she survived, fans would wonder why she doesn't appear in ESB/subsequent material.
I recall this bandied about on forums back at the time of the book's release, and to that I say - so what? Fans are always going to wonder, and try to paper over the gaps in canon, to make up their own headcanons to explain any any perceived inconsistencies. It's certainly no reason to kill someone off.
It is in fact possible for two young people to have a romance that just fizzles, or doesn’t work out for whatever reason - it should not require great maneuvering or explanation. If Nakari doesn’t show up in the next book in the timeline, what about it? The reader is smart enough to assume she and Luke broke up, decided to just remain friends, whatever. But it seems that the only way for a female character to exit stage left is for her to die, which is bullshit.
And actually, there's no reason why she couldn't have shown up again. ESB and RoTJ cover a month and a few days, respectively, of Luke's life - just because there was no mention of Nakari doesn't mean she didn't exist at that time, whether or not she and Luke were an item. She could have made an appearance in a subsequent novel, or Rebels, or the comics - she could have become a recurring character, showing up when the Rebellion needed her, or - heaven forbid - even have her own comic/book/show! Her existence in Star Wars canon didn't need to begin and end with Luke Skywalker, merely to service his plotline and backstory and abandoning the richness of her own.
No, the only reason Nakari had to die was to facilitate this:
It was a blow to the gut, realizing what that sudden absence meant. I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, but I had felt Nakari's life snuffed out through the Force, and into that void where she had shone anger rushed in - anger, and a cold sense of raw power and invincibility...I took a step to join in the hunt but stopped, breathing heavily, unaccountably sweating even though I felt so cold inside and the power of the Force roiled within me... I shook with emotion and power, and none of it felt the way the Force had before...I saw what kind of space it was , a black hole that would always be hungry no matter how much I fed it. I might never feel warm again if I didn't get myself under control.
Luke feels the dark side and is tempted by the boost of power it offers him, but immediately identifies it as dangerous and unnatural. I can understand why Hearne wanted to include this - it is a book of firsts after all: Luke's first solo mission, his first time using telekenisis, and ending with story with his first experience of the dark side makes sense. But it wasn't necessary, which leads to:
2. How to push Luke to touch the dark side without killing someone he has romantic feelings for?
Also, obviously, shite of the bull (or nerf, if you prefer). Even if this brush with the dark side was absolutely necessary for the novel's climax, there's any number of ways it could be achieved. At this point, Luke is fresh from losing important people in his life - Owen and Beru, Ben, and Biggs - lumping another death on top of that a narrative trick for Luke to react not only to losing Nakari, but the others as well. But it's cheap, the first card in the deck, and why not show a bit of imagination? Luke is young and inexperienced enough at this point that any number of things could be the catalyst - the whole book he's struggling with his growing powers, why not try and reach too far in the firefight with the bounty hunters, his anger and frustration with himself in not doing enough trigger the dark side temptation? It would work thematically and doesn't involve a fridging that ultimately has very little payoff.
Because Nakari is killed less than ten pages from the end of the book - afterwards Luke grieves, but ultimately chooses to honour her memory and be grateful for what he learned with her, recommitting to becoming a Jedi. It's all very surface level, and once again a female character's death facilitates a male character's development. Was it so imperative that Luke lost someone he cared about as part of this story? Sure, this was a time of galactic civil war, and it's far from unrealistic that these stories have a high body count, but who to make collateral damage remains an authorial choice, and in this case Nakari Kelen was (a) a female character of color, (b) a love interest of the protagonist - not just of this book, but the entire Original Trilogy.
I don't know to what extent (if any) race had to play in the decision. I'm sure there was a segment of the fandom absolutely livid that Luke Skywalker kissed (and maybe had sex with) a black woman. Was her death LFL hedging its bets, or demonstrative of the general lack of attention/respect they show their characters of colour?
In any case this was a chance to stand out from the old EU and it's fridge full of Luke's dead girlfriends, but instead they chose to introduce and kill off Nakari for the sole purpose of Luke's manpain and character development, and that's gross.
And then there's this:
A grisly yet reliable fact about custom bounty hunter ships is that you can always count on them to have body bags stashed somewhere for the easy transport of their kills. They often have built-in refrigerated storage, too.
I really hope this was unintentional on Hearne's part, because yikes. He was halfway there, this book was full of interesting female characters who had agency - Drusil in particular was a delight with her super math and inability to understand human interaction. Nakari was full of life and fun - capable but relatable, showing a different side of the Rebellion and those that suffered under the Empire's rule. Fridging her in her first appearance is considerably more vile, because it reduces her to a footnote of Luke's story, a plot device to Help Him Grow, rather than a springboard to tell more of her own story.
Because Nakari was a compelling character ripe for spinoff potential. I would absolutely have read or watched her continued adventures, juggling missions for her father's Biolabs company and trying to aid the Rebellion, shooting her slug rifle and cracking wise, maybe even finding a way to amplify her mother's song Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts to really stick it to the Empire, or try and free the political prisoners on Kessel.
The old EU was made great by allies and enemies of Our Heroes showing up again to help or hinder them, and/or branching out into their own material. We fell in love with them, and followed their stories even as they diverged from the main saga, eager to read more about their lives.
Nakari Kelen never got that chance. In many ways, she exemplified what Disney Star Wars was to become: an exercise in wasted potential.
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threadsketchier · 4 years
i'm the anon asking about Luke's Jedi school, i guess i meant the whole who, what, when, where, why thing? who was there? what did they do, in general? when was this (which i guess means how long after ROTJ)? i guess the where and the why can be skipped cause you said it was on yavin iv (right?) and the why is obviously the "pass on what you have learned" so yeah. also a random question haunting my brain is how did they, like, get groceries, were they near a town or something? thankssssss
OK  *cracks knuckles*
The Whoozle - Luke’s first class attendees were:
Tionne (a scholar/historian and musician)
Dorsk 81 (a clone from an entire society of clones)
Kirana Ti (a Dathomiri witch)
Kam Solusar (a former member of cloned Palpatine’s Dark Side Elite)
Brakiss (an Imperial spy who never fooled Luke but he kept him on hoping to turn him to good; he eventually ran off and got recruited by another failed student, Dolph)
Streen (a Bespin tibanna gas prospector who kept himself isolated from sentient contact because he couldn’t control his strong latent Force empathy from picking up everyone’s thoughts and emotions around him)
Gantoris (tormented leader of a forgotten colony on a deadly volcanic planet)
Corran Horn (attending under an alias of “Keiran Halcyon” for Reasons™, otherwise a cocky asshole from the X-wing novels lol)
Kyle Katarn (a dude who got his own graphic novels/video games; he didn’t stick around for long and had a bunch of adventures on his own - and actually spent some time tutoring Mara Jade)
Kyp Durron (a sadly messed-up kid who was fucked over by the Empire real good and thrown into the spice mines of Kessel before he could even reach puberty, so he carried a really big traumatic chip on his shoulder; he was like barely 17 or 18 when he was busted out and started at the academy)
Cilghal (a female Mon Cal - a niece of Admiral Ackbar, and also a New Republic ambassador - who possessed a natural talent for healing)
Mara Jade (that baddest bitch we all know and love from the Thrawn Trilogy lol)
***There’s a few others mentioned on Wook but I’m not including them here because they’re kind of sprinkled in from various other EU media and don’t make an appearance (that I can recall) in the actual JAT series.
The Whatzle - everything got started in the Jedi Academy Trilogy by KJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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*cough* sorry  XD
Fun fact: apparently it was Mon Mothma’s idea to suggest the location and not Luke, go figure.
The Whenzle - about 7 years after ROTJ (I get annoyed with Legends EU always dating stuff as “X years ABY,” meaning After the Battle of Yavin, so I always gotta mentally subtract 4 years from those dates).
The Wherezle - yep, Yavin 4, a nice green steamy joint much nicer than Dagobah, where you can still get swamp-ass without the swamp.  They repurposed the ancient temple that the Rebellion had used as a base in ANH.
The Whyzle - Luke eventually let the fire under his ass get lit and petitioned the New Republic to get his Jedi school started so he could finally not be the only fucking Jedi saving the whole-ass galaxy all the damn time...aka, yes, “pass on what you have learned.”  (Like I mentioned, this took place barely a year after Palpatine tried to come back and wreck everything again, so there was definitely some motivation from that plus the Thrawn disaster that happened the year before THAT.  The GFFA is always crisis-central so the Jedi needed to make a serious comeback.)
WHAT DO - Like I also mentioned, Luke was still figuring everything out regarding the old Jedi Order, and his own training had been the severely abridged Cliff Notes version (plus, um, these books were written way ahead of the prequels so...they don’t mesh well), so needless to say his teaching methods were not nearly as formal, and he tended to use examples from his own training.  Because he was the only master to go around, there wasn’t any pairing up for “padawans” at this point, he was teaching everybody simultaneously, so there were a lot of group lectures and activities.  They’d also gather to hear Tionne sing about Jedi history that she’d researched and turned into ballads.  In order to keep everything running, there also likely had to be task assignments as part of everyday life - somebody’s gotta clean the toilets and cook, etc., but that’s technically extrapolation.
JEDI DOORDASH - no, loooool, considering that this place was on a jungle moon, they had a nice tropical climate but not a ton of clear space for agriculture.  Keep in mind Luke’s a former moisture farmer (and I can’t believe the only thing the Larses were harvesting was literal moisture) - he had to have extensive knowledge of hydroponics or other indoor farming, and that temple is huge, so it’s totally possible they could grow at least some of their own produce.  But they need a lot more supplies than that, especially at the beginning, so they had supply runs from cargo ships who would bring them stuff - and hey, Mara herself was one of those supply pilots sometimes.  Some of my fellow Legends peeps also conceptualized the academy as opening up to some tourism to contribute much-needed funds - come chillax in the hot springs and learn more about the “mysterious” Jedi that used to creep so many people out back in the day, and see they’re just ordinary folks like everyone else...
...except that, yeah, they can technically kill you with their minds.  :)
In Legends it seems like the academy (also known as a Praxeum) was the only habitation on Yavin 4, but in Disney nu!canon there are other settlements on the moon; Poe Dameron’s parents Shara Bey and Kes Dameron go live there with a baby Force tree.  Feel free to remix and mash-up whatever elements you dig!
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a-nerd-obsessed · 5 years
Yet Another Long, Unnecessary, and Obvious Star Wars Trailer Breakdown (Read: Fangirl Blathering) that Literally No One Asked For
Yup. I’m doing it again.
(My other breakdown for the first trailer is here.)
So this time we start with Rey in training mode. Apparently, she’s following Obi-Wan’s training regimen by using that remote that Finn found on the Falcon in TFA and the helmet with the blast shield that Luke used in ANH. 
But something happened to call her away, which is why she drops everything (except the lightsaber, thank goodness) and starts running through the jungle. I assume she’s headed back to the Resistance base of operations, which we see more of later in the trailer. 
Is it too much to assume this might be Endor’s forest moon? That would connect with the Death Star wreckage and how they end up on the Death Star.
Then we’re on the Death Star, with Rey jumping across a chasm, one that I believe is the same where the Emperor fell to his “death” in ROTJ. Behind her you can see the turbolift where Luke and Vader arrived before approaching the Emperor, which would mean she’s looking towards his throne.
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Finn’s been giving the voice over thus far, speaking about how “the Force brought us together.” The shot we get of him looks to be from the planet where the Knights of Ren will be making an appearance, along with the chase scene from the first trailer, and the ultra-awesome TIE Fighter FlipTM.
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What’s he looking at? No idea. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if he’s looking at Kylo’s TIE Whisper with Rey riding on the back and he’s just like... wtf?
More running Rey... presumably a continuation of the previous shot
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And we get more Lando!!! I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what they have in store for Lando’s part in this film. Again, we haven’t got much of anything, but based on the way this scene is set up, it looks like he just showed up at the Resistance’s base. Everyone knows who he is, of course, and they all turn out to see the old Rebellion hero.
We’re not alone
From Poe’s voice over and the visual we see here, I think Lando’s going to bring something to the Resistance - a game changer. I mean, besides himself.
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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Lando Calrissian = the best part of the Solo movie. And let’s be real, I’ll take any more Lando content I can get.
And then we see Rose, looking tired and burnt out. Behind her, Connix doesn’t look much better. Also, shit’s going down in the background. It looks like the base is being attacked and they’re having to evacuate. 
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But wow, I really hope that we get more of Rose’s character arc. Along with Finn and Poe, they’re the ones who grew the most in TLJ. Rose didn’t have a lot of confidence at the start of the last movie, but she became stronger by the end. And of course it’ll be interesting to see how they choose to proceed with her and Finn’s relationship.
And then it’s my boys!!!
Good people will fight if we lead them
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I don’t know if this is a line Poe actually says in the movie, but I like that they chose him to say it. He’s been learning this whole time how to be a leader and I think we’re going to see that growth come to fruition here. Not that he can’t do a bunch of crazy stuff or get in trouble (because goshdarnit I freaking love that) but he’ll be more aware of the consequences for the people he’s leading.
Also, what are they looking at? Maybe it’s Rey busting out of the jungle because she knows they’re in trouble. I’m not 100% sure this is connected to the earlier bits with the base getting attacked but the guys in the background look like they’re trying to get outta there ASAP. 
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The next shot appears to be some sort of Resistance transport taking off... or landing... or crashing. Still I feel like the theme is we gotta go.. 
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People keep telling me they know me...
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...no one does
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But I do
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This. Is everything.
Like, who needs the movie?
Just kidding. I do. Desperately.
But guys, this is exactly it: they are the only ones who know what the other person is going through, understand where they’ve come from, and seen where they’re going. 
This is going to sound cliché and dramatic af, but their fates are intertwined. They are going to bring balance to the Force. Like, that’s fact at this point. Don’t @ me.
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Next we see TIE fighters coming up on this icy island, which appears to be free-floating? I don’t know if it’s orbiting a planet or if it’s by itself in space, but it’s not a reflection over water like I thought the first time I saw the trailer. 
Again I’m assuming it’s that same icy, mountainous city we saw in the first trailer where our Resistance heroes are going to meet up with Zori Bliss (who we also see later for the first time live!) And it seems they’re going to be rousted from here as well as the jungle planet where their base was located - the First Order is closing in.
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Long have I waited...
Okay, Palps. We get it. Your throne is super menacing. We know you’re all creepy and evil. Let’s just hope that Rey and Kylo kill him for good this time. Although as Luke says, no ones ever really gone... so yeah.
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This Star Destroyer is breaking out of the ice somewhere - so maybe Palpatine pulled a Steve Rogers and went into deep freeze for a few decades?
(And yeah I’m pretty sure it’s ice, people, not water - I’ve watched it in slo-mo SEVERAL TIMES OKAY)
*insert March of the Resistance*
The Millennium Falcon!!!
You know what I might miss the most about the saga ending? This old ship. Okay, not really, but it is very near and dear to my heart.
Ok, pause for a second with me. Can you imagine this: 
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Versus this?!?
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Like, HELL YES. This is the ultimate showdown, baby! BRING IT ON!
I like how the Resistance’s side is a bunch of random ships as compared to the First Order. I’d like to think that this is an Avengers: Endgame style battle where literally EVERYONE shows up, even if they’re not in the Resistance. They just know that Palpatine/First Order is the ultimate evil that needs to be taken down at all cost and risk to self.
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...and now your coming together...
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Interesting that they chose to impose Palpatine’s words over both our classic heroes together in the Falcon and over Rey and Kylo “fighting.” I say “fighting” because are they really opponents? Really? Not in this story. Obviously they’re not yet on the same page, but their relationship been a rollercoaster thus far and I feel like we’ve got some abrupt twists still to come.
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Something goes boom. No idea what, but with a Star Destroyer lurking in the background, something sinister is afoot.
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Poe to the rescue!! Is there someone else in there? I can’t see for sure, but he’s headed to the Death Star, where we know Kylo and Rey end up at some point. 
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Then they give us this HEART-WRENCHING SCENE of C-3PO saying goodbye to his friends?!?! Like, what does this mean? Without context, we can’t be sure, but it sounds like he’s going away - permanently. I never expected it - which is great for plot - but I don’t know what to think about this.
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Also could be a total red herring. He could be risking his life and he’s saying goodbye just in case. Or he’s getting a reboot - maybe he knows too much, or maybe forgot something when his memory was wiped in ROTS and he needs to remember. I literally have no idea, but even D-0 looks concerned. (I love him already)
Also note Zori Bliss in the left corner of this shot! I cannot WAIT to know what her role is going to be in this story. And we can tell they’re where they first meet up with her in the snowy city because they’re all wearing thick insulated gear. So I feel like this would be earlier in the film...?
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This guy’s gone through so much. Please just give us Ben Solo redeemed just for his sake.
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Chewie’s had so much practice running through corridors taking out stormtroopers. Hopefully this is the last time...
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Every time.
Now with more footage of the Resistance’s jungle base and their evacuation... why are they hugging here? Is Leia staying behind? Are they splitting up? Rey has clearly become close to Leia, which I’m thrilled by. I’m curious to see how they play this. 
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We don’t see much of Pasaana in this trailer, but we do find out who threw up that smokescreen for our Resistance friends during the chase sequence. BB-8 is a trouble-maker. Honestly he’s worse than Poe, but he doesn’t get the proper fear he’s due because he’s just so gosh darn adorable. And with everyone encouraging him, he’s not liable to get better.
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Of course we can’t have Lando in this movie without having him pilot the Falcon. I kind of love that even though it’s Han’s ship (sorry Lando) everyone has some kind of connection to this old freighter. Again, I love the Falcon.
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Then we see a Y-wing taking on a Star Destroyer, with more in the background. Part of that epic showdown?
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Finn has joined with Jannah, another new (female!) character that I can’t wait to meet. They’re mounted on charging orbaks, which are from Pasaana. Does the final showdown take place in the sky above the desert planet? Is this part of the emergence of that Star Destroyer from the ice?
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Cut back to the Death Star wreckage, where Kylo and Rey are facing off - note Kylo’s saber isn’t lit. Rey doesn’t trust him for obvious reasons (cough, cough, failed proposal in the throne room).
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My gut instinct says they didn’t know the other was coming here. But something drew them both here - maybe this is Palpatine’s influence bringing them together.
Or is this a Force bond vision? Is the bond still a player in this chapter?
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Back to the outside - Finn runs up and calls Rey’s name, probably interrupting their duel. As much as I’d like it, I feel like the alignment of Kylo and Rey’s objectives doesn’t happen until Pasaana - and yeah I’m kind of putting the events of Pasaana after the Death Star. Do I have solid evidence for this? Nope. Just my current interpretation of the absolute lack of plot we can get from the footage we have so far. 
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That said, I have no idea where this shattering of the Dark Side artifact would fit in. But yes they’re working together here. They’re very clearly attacking the ugly black thing (it looks a lot like Vader’s mask again) and not each other based on their stance and movement. 
Also, theory time: 
We’ve seen dark Rey in the previous trailer. She seems very rigid and emotionless - like a vision, perhaps, not a flesh-and-blood Darksider.
IWe also see this shot of Rey at the end of the trailer:
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She’s also pretty emotionless, and the background is out of focus. This could be from another segment of Kylo’s (or Rey’s?) vision. With them shattering the Dark artifact together... could it be them breaking free of the trance? We never see this location in any of the other footage. This could be a part of the vision, too.
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Back to the trailer sequence: We see more of the Resistance heroes and that (final?) battle. This just points out that they’re in some kind of atmosphere if Finn and Co. are running along the outside of a Star Destroyer. 
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Back on the Death Star: Kylo’s intense gaze that communicates so much. 
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We can’t see what he sees, but it’s like every other time he looks at Rey - he knows what he wants. It liquidizes my mind every time. 
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Kylo better figure out whatever is keeping him from helping Rey out and get his butt over there. Only together can they do this.
The Force will be with you
Interesting how they give us almost no plot that we had already, huh? And I like it that way. 
We don’t see Hux or the Knights of Ren at all - which is a significant omission.
I have an idea of the sequence of what I think is going to happen, but honestly I’m probably all wrong. Still I trust them to finish the saga in a satisfying way. 
What are your thoughts on the trailer?
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absolxguardian · 5 years
Master and Apprentice Propechy Analysis
Alright, with Master and Apprentice giving us snippets of Jedi prophecies, it’s time for one of my favorite things, analyzing them with not just the hindsight of over 60 years of events on the characters, but with the knowledge that narrative imperative means that the prophecies cover events in the main story. So let’s go:
“She who will be born to darkness will give birth to darkness.”
I can very confidently say this refers to Leia. She’s Vader’s biological child, and her son will be Kylo Ren. The original prophecy was also in Old Alderaanian, making it even more relevant to Leia. Qui-Gon brings up a possible interpretation of the prophecy having already passed, referring a Malastaran duchess with an evil father and a Dark Jedi daughter. I’m going to say narrative imperative makes it about something the audience already knows about. And something involving the family of the likely Chosen One is going to give the events more weight to the Force, if you want an in-universe explanation.
“When the kyber that is not kyber shines forth, the time of prophecy will be at hand.”
Qui-Gon ends the book believing that the false kholen crystals on his mission indicate that his mission starts the time of prophecy. I don’t really agree with him. To start, there’s nothing about this mission that makes it more prophecy-like than any other mission Qui-Gon went on with Obi-Wan. It’s not their first, and it’s not the one right before TPM. Qui-Gon does have visions that end up being correct, but he didn’t even have them before the mission. And visions aren’t really prophecies.
If you assume the time of prophecy is the time periods covered by the movies (again narrative imperative and the Chosen One prophecy), either TPM or ANH/Rogue One starts the time of prophecy. Qui-Gon’s first vision after seeing the kholen crystals consist of them turning red, like bled crystals. I could see bled kyber crystals not being considered kyber because they’ve been damaged. If that’s the case, then TPM will mark the first time the wider Jedi order encountered Sith lightsabers in a thousand years. And so that’s when “kyber that is not kyber” shines forth. Or if the “time of prophecy” is the OT then the activation of the Death Star would be when kyber that is not kyber shines forth. The laser is powered by kyber crystals, but the modifications and impersonal activation of them could make it so they’re no longer true kyber. I don’t really have a preference for either marker, but I don’t really agree with Qui-Gon.
“When the righteous lose the light, evil once dead shall return.”
Obviously, this could be about the complacency of the Jedi Order leading to the return of the Sith and most likely is, but there’s another more specific reading for this prophecy. And that’s Maul. This would make the Jedi losing the light when they enter the Clone Wars. Now if the prophecy said evil once dead would return because of the righteous losing the light, then I’d say it’s definitely the Sith, because the survival of the Sith comes directly from the Jedi’s problems. Maul’s return is a less direct cause and effect, but the prophecy doesn’t require the return to be because of the Jedi’s problems.
“The danger of the past is not past, but sleeps in an egg. When the egg cracks, it will threaten the galaxy entire.”
Yeah, it’s the Sith. I don’t think there’s any deeper symbolic meaning of the egg part, it’s just that things grow in eggs, but can’t hurt anyone while inside one.
When Qui-Gon is musing over the whole idea of prophecies, he thinks about a prophecy that “said the Sith would disappear yet appear again”. We don’t know the exact text of the prophecy, but I could see it as being either of the previous two. Jedi studying that prophecy agree that it references to a possible return of the Order, which it obviously does. Qui-Gon mentions that it could be about Darth Wrend, a Sith who was assumed dead but then returned to fight the Jedi. Again, I think narrative imperative requires it to be former. I also think we can say that Qui-Gon studying this prophecy is why he’s so confident Darth Maul is a Sith.
“One will ascend to the highest of the Jedi despite the foreboding of those who would serve with him.”
Qui-Gon believes the prophecy refers to him, but since he never accepts the position of the council, it can’t be. And it’s clearly about Anakin. Thank you random Jedi Seer for having such a straightforward prophecy.
“Only through sacrifice of many Jedi will the Order cleanse the sin done to the nameless.”
The most obvious interpretation is that the destruction of the Jedi somehow “cleanses” what they did to the clones. I’m not sure how the Jedi Order falling makes up for what happened to the clones, it certainly doesn’t improve their situation. The only thing I can think of is that it’s somewhat implied that Order 66 only works once (Tiin was only able to pull his Order 66 trick because the clones with the inquisitors were new, but Bilabla’s clones keep hunting Kanan. On the other hand, the few Imperial clones we know of aren’t obsessed with the Jedi anymore), and so with it fulfilled, they’re finally freed from the inhibitor chip. But it seems like a pretty bad deal, but I could imagine the Force or the Seer considering freedom from possible literal mind control enough.
Another reading I could think of is that the masses of the galaxy: slaves, clones, and exploited poor beings are the nameless because no one pays much attention to their plight. With the Jedi Order reset, the sin that was their complacency and being bound to the Republic is destroyed. You see that with Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka, but Luke clearly falls into the same trap. Qui-Gon says that the prophecies can be filtered by the Seer’s basis (so it’s a tool to learn about how they see the world), so it’s possible that the Seer just saw Rey’s new light-side Order as Jedi, or maybe Rey ends up calling them Jedi. Of course, this is if it does turn out Rey does the likely thing of forming a new and improved Jedi-like order.
“When the Force itself sickens, past and future must split and combine.”
The stuff about past and future made me think of the World Between Worlds, but nothing about that time really strikes me as making the Force sick any more than the Empire after Rebels. They were single-handedly causing climate change on Lothal, and with the Loth Wolves, the planet seems to be very important to the Force, but I can’t really see Ezra’s time travel as “splitting and combining”. Maybe the Force was just worried about Ahsoka, since she holds the spirit of the Daughter.
However, there’s another way to read this. With the Cosmic Force “awakening” in TFA and Luke noticing a change in the Force when Rey arrives, it’s implied that the events ST trilogy is affecting the Force itself. With them returning to Jakku, where the definitely dark-side abyss is located, it's possible that part of TROS deals with the Force being sick in some way. Rey learning from the Jedi of the past, but also using her own morality and ideas to create a better order and that’s past and future splitting and combining. Take what works from tradition, but make your own future. If my second guess is true, then it means that this prophecy has actual predictive qualities for us, and that’s pretty cool.
“A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.”
So you know how I’ve said that I wouldn’t make a Chosen One theory without the actual text of the prophecy, well here it is. It’s also simpler than the several page mostly-censored version from legends. Well to start, unless there’s some translation gender weirdness (like the original language of the prophecy had no gendered pronouns and the translator’s own basis influenced them), Rey isn’t the Chosen One. But don’t get excited, Kylo Ren can’t be the Chosen One either, because the identity of Kylo’s dad is pretty important. In fact, the only way I can see the Chosen One being Luke is that “born of no father” isn’t literal, but instead, it's about how when Anakin fell and Padme rejected him, he forfeited the right to be Luke’s true father. I like that reading, but the ending of ROTJ seems to imply Lucas doesn’t agree with me.
In fact, I’m now firmly in the “Anakin is the Chosen One” camp, and I’ve left my “series of Chosen Ones” headcanon. The main reason is the “through him” part. It implies that it’s not Vader’s actions that cause balance in the Force, but that it’s an unintended consequence of his actions. Now people have joked that the two-ish Jedi and two-ish Darksiders after ROTS mean that Anakin balanced the Force then, and Rael even brings up that same idea, that balance is when light and dark are equal. But when the Empire rose, it was only the numbers of Sith and Jedi that were equal (and they weren’t even that equal, with the Inquisitors, short-term surviving Jedi, and the almost Jedi like Ahsoka). The Sith were clearly more powerful. However, as I mentioned before, there’s a good chance the Cosmic Force “fell asleep” after ROTJ. And there have been hints that extensions of the Cosmic Force like the Ones or Force Ghosts are actually aberrations. Anakin brings balance to Mortis by killing all of the Ones, and the Father seems confident Anakin will do the same to the wider galaxy. Now he may be wrong, but I’m more inclined to trust a Force god over someone like Maul. And Qui-Gon’s story in FACPOV makes it clear that when a Force ghost manifests, it’s an unpleasant and unnatural separation from the Force. Somehow, the end of the Sith caused the Force to smooth out the aberrations that are consciousness independent from the whole. Well, until TFA. And if that is true, it explains why the Force Ghosts couldn’t give Luke advice until TLJ.
“He who learns to conquer death will through his greatest student live again.”
Obviously “he who learns to conquer death” is supposed to be Qui-Gon, but the question is, who’s the greatest student? Qui-Gon becomes the master when he teaches both Yoda and Obi-Wan after his death, but I wouldn’t describe anything of what Yoda or Obi-Wan does counting as living again. Neither of them really live up to Qui-Gon’s temporal goals. Also, who is supposed to be the greatest? Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon’s only temporal student, and you can’t be the greatest when there’s no competition. But Qui-Gon only taught one thing to Yoda.
The fact the obvious interpretation doesn’t quite fit has led me to another reading, one that also predicts the future from our view as well. And that is that Luke ends up conquering death a lot more metaphorically through Rey. The TROS trailer has, what we have to assume to be Luke’s Force Ghost saying “we have taught you all you know- a thousand generations live in you now.” It sounds like Luke is somehow speaking for other Jedi spirits or at least the contents of the Jedi texts. As I discussed earlier, Force Ghosts are aberrations in the Force. So Luke conquering death is more metaphorical. His beliefs in both the failings of the Jedi, but the need for the Jedi to exist will come to fruition in the form of Rey’s reborn Jedi. And Luke has had many students, but since they all either fell or died, Rey is certainly his best one.
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anghraine · 6 years
Okay, so the follow-up to this post: here are the actual reasons that I prefer to err in the direction of longer rather than shorter starship travel (and offscreen time in general).
(Caveat 1: I know that SW ships actually travel at the speed of plot.)
(Caveat 2: These are reasons that I prefer it, not reasons that have no other explanation or which can’t be interpreted in any other way.)
(Caveat 3: Feel very free not to talk to me about the EU. Yes, haha, [obligatory European Union joke], but I genuinely care no more about it than any random person’s interpretations and imaginings.)
In ANH, Luke develops a close relationship with Obi-Wan, whom he did already know, but only as a strange neighbour. 
Luke is devastated by Obi-Wan’s death and, retroactively, by his deception. Once he comes to terms with it, however, he continues to feel a profound respect and affection for him, to the point that his sister names her only son after Obi-Wan without having ever met him. 
(Han met him, of course, but didn’t care for him—it seems pretty clearly via Luke.)
Han and Luke bond over the film, if in a somewhat adversarial way, and are friendly enough that Luke feels betrayed by Han quite predictably leaving the Rebellion to its fight.
Leia, at first similarly outraged by Han’s contempt for the revolution, has become positively zen about it by the time Han actually leaves.
Also by that time, Han invites Luke to become part of his and Chewie’s team/surrogate family. At Luke’s angry dismissal of him, the prickly Han attempts an awkward gesture of conciliation.
Ultimately, Han feels such a profound depth of friendship that he uncharacteristically abandons his self-interest and risks his life to turn back and help attack a planet-destroying space station.
Despite being a longtime member of the Rebellion, Leia seems closest to Luke and Han by their return to Yavin, and runs off with them to celebrate the destruction of the Death Star, rather than any of the people she’s known for her entire life.
In ESB, Luke undergoes a rigorous extended training with Yoda by the time Han and Leia get from Hoth to Bespin (in fairness, without hyperdrive). As with Obi-Wan, he develops a profound respect for Yoda and is grieved by his death.
During that journey from Hoth to Bespin, Han and Leia’s relationship drifts from adversarial UST (if with genuine affection) to love that seems largely steady and amicable, even tender.
Han formally leaves the Rebellion on Hoth, his departure delayed by factors beyond his control, which also lead to the sidetrip with Leia. He gets frozen into carbonite on that sidetrip and remains frozen throughout the entire gap between ESB and ROTJ. After being rescued from the carbonite, we next see him as a general in the Rebellion.
Jumping, of course, to Rogue One:
On Yavin 4, Jyn and Cassian regard each other with mutual suspicion and little short of mutual antagonism. Cassian tells Kay that he doesn’t want her along; Jyn steals his weaponry and then shamelessly lectures him on trust.
On Jedha, Jyn is getting a kick out of trolling Kay. Cassian watches with wry amusement; he seems to find the bickering both entertaining and rather endearing.
Throughout the Jedha scenes, Jyn is skeptical but civil, while Cassian is brusque but respectful; when she has a question, she simply asks it, and Cassian simply explains. Neither really leaps to assumptions.
Despite the bickering, Jyn rushes to protect Kay when she thinks he’s in danger.
Jyn and Cassian protect each other in battle, and stick unnecessarily close together even when not.
When the Death Star attacks Jedha, Cassian already has the information he needed Jyn for. Nevertheless, he sends a potentially valuable Imperial defector off with two men he’s just met and rushes after Jyn, risking death and by extension the entire operation.
This is a man who has literally murdered someone for this operation.
When they address each other by name, it’s “Jyn” and “Cassian,” never surnames/titles (where e.g. Chirrut persistently addresses Cassian as “captain” or “Captain Andor”). Jyn shouts his name during the battle and Cassian shouts hers when he runs off to pull her out of the destruction of Jedha.
By the time that they arrive at Eadu, the team appears to be on fairly comfortable terms. Baze says Cassian has the face of a friend (not, shall we say, the first impression that Cassian gives).
Jyn, prickly and suspicious, with a history of abandonment, doesn’t even contemplate the possibility of Cassian betraying her trust. She’s shocked as well as angry. 
Cassian tries to halt an entire Alliance assault to protect Jyn, and then risks his life, again, to extract her from danger. 
When Jyn confronts him, Chirrut(?) gives her hand a supportive squeeze. The team is silently judgmental with her; here and on Yavin, they seem intensely loyal to her.
Cassian is upset by her (justifiable!) anger and snaps out the (justified!) point that he didn’t actually do it and defied orders in the process. When Jyn uncritically seizes on “orders” and accuses him of being like a stormtrooper, he lashes out with a rant that a) takes no account of her father just dying in her arms, b) doesn’t really have much to do with the situation at hand, but seems to have been building for awhile, and c) is painfully accurate.
When they arrive on Yavin, they’re partners again. Jyn seems to expect that Cassian will back her up, and is openly bitter when he appears to have betrayed her trust again. It turns out that Cassian trusts her implicitly and, after twenty years of unwavering service, not only is willing to go rogue with her but raises a team to help her do it.
Cassian publicly bares his soul to her while framing the strike team as following her, although he recruited them and they’ve barely met her. Although this is pretty clearly a polite fiction as far as the soldiers are concerned, he now takes care to run his orders past her before delivering them.
While Jyn expected him to back up her testimony, she didn’t expect him to take the harder route of actually sticking with her in defiance of the Alliance’s decision. She’s enormously touched and as they’re (literally) circling around each other, says she’s not used to people sticking around when it’s difficult. Cassian leans in and says “welcome home” as they gaze into each other’s eyes.
It’s worth pointing out that it would make zero sense for the home in question to mean the Rebellion. The Rebellion just very publicly refused to stick by her because it’s difficult, as he fully expected. And it’s a direct response to Jyn addressing him, personally. “Home” has to mean Cassian himself.
Again: the last time we saw them really interact, Jyn was saying that he’s no better than a stormtrooper and Cassian was accusing her of egocentric moral cowardice. 
In the shuttle, Jyn and Cassian impulsively smile at each other, they both turn shy, and just about short-circuit when their arms brush. 
Also in the shuttle, Baze affectionately calls Jyn “little sister.”
*deep breath*
Okay, I’m definitely firm that literal time spent together is not the sole determiner of intimacy (and esp in high-pressure situations, is not required for it!). e.g. Luke and Anakin Skywalker spent a sharply limited amount of time in physical proximity, but felt a very profound love for each other in the end.
(No, not interested in hearing that they didn’t really, it was just xyz.)
That said, it seems pretty clear that significant advancements and even interactions happen offscreen. It’s not just that we’re missing the sort of detail you get in narratives more exclusively focused on character; there seem to be genuinely important developments and interactions that we simply don’t see. We get more of a highlight reel than anything else: a few representative, dramatic incidents that give us an idea of the rest, rather than actually all that’s significant. SW gives us forests rather than trees.
Whether that’s a persistent flaw or not is another conversation. But I do think that there is a lot we don’t see that would take up a longer period than is generally assumed. Jyn and Cassian, Luke and Obi-Wan, Han and Leia, and the rest—there was more than enough time to know and love each other, in all their different ways.
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
My Thoughts on Star Wars Episode VIII
Opinions, observations on The Last Jedi and predictions for episode 9 below the cut. Naturally there are spoilers ahead.
Before I start, please be aware that whilst this post is not at all focussed on shipping, there are anti-reylo sentiments at a couple of points and the post is generally anti-Kylo. 
So, I saw Star Wars last night. Before we went, my friend and I were discussing some of the things we had predicted, or had seen predicted online, that would happen in this episode, our main theories being:
Kylo and Rey would swap places, with Rey being seduced by the dark side and Kylo moving back towards the light. It nearly happened and I’m incredibly relieved it didn’t.
Reveal of Rey’s parents as Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, with Kylo having killed Mara Jade in the massacre at the Skywalker training temple, and Luke having rescued Rey and taken her to Jakku for her own protection. I don’t know anything about the expanded Star Wars universe so I leave this one in Miran’s hands. 
Since neither of these actually came to pass, I’ll move on quickly to my thoughts on the film. 
I think this film can be summed up thus: “The Resistance spends 2.75 hours running away from the First Order in the universe’s slowest space chase.”
OH MY GOD THIS HAS TO BE THE LONGEST FILM I’VE EVER SEEN. Seriously the film was great but it was just too long. Every time I thought that they were coming to a logical ending point and thought I could foresee an ending taking shape, they tacked on another climax point. This film could have ended sensibly five times before it actually did. 
Five possible alternate ending points were:
Finn and Rose’s mission to turn off the tracking string is successful with various other mishaps along the way; Poe has to perform incredible feats of flight to make sure they get back on the resistance ship before it jumps to light speed and leaves them behind, as well as the three of them getting Rey from Snoke’s ship and getting her back as well. 
Everything proceeds as with the film, but the evacuation to the mine planet is done successfully and the film ends with them in hiding on the mine planet. 
Everything proceeds with the film as expected until the sonic boom cannon thing makes an appearance; I was honestly expecting Rose to shove Finn’s speeder out of the way and take the suicidal run to blow up the cannon herself. I didn’t want her to because I like Rose and want to see her in future films, but considering she’d already lost everything, it seemed like it was going that way. 
Resistance allies arrive and deal with First Order ground troops either before or after the cannon fires.
End on a cliffhanger with Luke appearing in the base and/or going out to meet Kylo. 
It just felt that every time they could have ended the film, they decided to add more on. 
Other observations:
 - ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS (well most of them) COULD HAVE BEEN SOLVED IF POE AND HOLDO HAD JUST FUCKING TALKED TO EACH OTHER!!!!! If they had actually talked to each other about their plans, then everything would have been solved. 
 - I loved how anticlimactic and ignominious Snoke’s death was. 
 - I am incredibly, incredibly glad that they decided to completely subvert Kylo’s redemption arc and not fall into the trope of ‘pretty white girl’s tender affection is what redeems problematic white boy’. They came so close and I was there with head in hands fully expecting it to go that way, but they didn’t. 
 - I almost feel sorry for Hux in that his leader is now basically a whiny teenager, only this whiny teenager has the ability to force-choke him whenever he gets angry. 
 - Does Kylo even have a plan moving forward? His only plan seems to be ‘wipe out the resistance’, but if he doesn’t have a plan for the resistance to resist... What’s the point?
 - Finn v. Phasma = two thumbs up from me. One of the best fights of the film. 
 - The entire thing with the codebreaker just jarred me. Maz told them to find the guy with the red buttonhole. They found the guy, and randomly decided to go off with another guy whom they had no idea who he was and who had not been vouched for by Maz instead. Sure, he got them out of jail, but they had no proof that he could do any of what he said he could, they literally met him two minutes before, and they were discussing delicate military tactics in front of him which ultimately cost them hundreds of lives. It just felt like the characters were making stupid decisions for plot purposes. They could have easily broken out, found the buttonhole guy they were meant to find, and still run into a whole ton of problems and ended up the same position, but it would not have been as a result of blindly trusting the wrong people. 
 - I am sure that there is more to Rey’s story than meets the eye, because why did she see her younger self being left on Jakku when she touched Luke’s lightsaber in Force Awakens? All the other images she saw were through Luke’s eyes, which is why I assumed that Luke had been there when she was left on Jakku for some reason. WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO JAKKU!
 - At first I thought they were setting it up for Poe to be the new Han, Rey and Finn together to be the new Luke, Kylo to be the new Vader and Snoke to be the new Palpatine. Now it looks like they’re setting up Poe to be the new Leia, Rey to be the new Luke, Finn to be the new Han and Kylo to be the new Palpatine, with Snoke as a red herring. 
 Major theories and predictions for episode nine. 
Miran and I came up with the theory that the final trilogy is mirroring the original trilogy, but in sort of in reverse, thus ending up where the series began (in chronological order of film release, not in actual film order)  and bringing the films full circle, with the prequels standing alone as a history. Fantasy and sci-fi sagas very often move in cycles (it’s a major plot of the Belgariad and Mallereon), and it’s not too much of a stretch to believe that Star Wars is moving likewise and is on its second cycle now. 
As such we’re predicting various events of episode nine based on events of episode four. 
This is just our personal theory and we’re probably reading way, way too much into it, but we’re having a lot of fun with it. Also, it made us see just how similar in plot New Hope and Return of the Jedi are.
So far, Force Awakens mirrors New Hope in various ways (find a jedi on a desert planet, escape in the Falcon, droid in charge of delicate information vital to rebellion etc), but also mirrors Return of the Jedi thus:
 - Junkyard/scavenger society on Jakku sort of mirrors Hutt society on Tattooine. 
- Resistance base in TFA is on a planet very similar to Endor in RotJ.
-  In TFA  they know what they’re up against (Starkiller) and pretty much know already how they’re going to defeat it. It’s a huge space station that destroys planets. In ANH, the Death Star was something new, the likes of which they had not seen before. By RotJ, they know what they’re up against and how to defeat it: It’s a huge space station that destroys planets.
 - A very well-known and pivotal character dies - Vader in RotJ and Han in TFA. Arguably Han’s death mirrors Obi-Wan’s in ANH, but at the time of release, Obi-Wan was not as well-known and pivotal as he later became. 
The Last Jedi mirrors Empire Strikes Back thus:
- Ahch-To mirrors Dagobah. Complete with sunken x-wings!
- Rey learns from Luke mirroring Luke learning from Yoda.
- In both, the hero (Luke/Rey) is tempted by the dark side but chooses the light (Luke throws himself off a radio tower, Rey chooses to fight Kylo).
 - In both we meet the big bad and find he’s not actually all that impressive close-up.
- Both begin with an evacuation and end with the rebels on the back foot. 
- Both have major parentage reveals, but here’s where the reversal starts coming in - Luke’s parent who was assumed to be no-one particularly special turns out to be Vader. Rey’s parents who were assumed to be important are revealed not to be. 
- ESB starts with the rebels escaping a white planet and ends with them drifting in space. TLJ starts with them drifting in space and ends with them escaping a white planet. 
So based on these parallels and reversals, our predictions for episode 9 mirroring and reversing New Hope. 
- Mentor figure will die - Obi-Wan in ANH, naturally this will be Leia in Ep9. I think it likely that she will die off screen between the two films and her passing will be referred to in the opening text scroll. 
- They will face something they have not faced before. The Death Star was something new in ANH; they were ready for it by RotJ. They were ready for Starkiller in TFA, so they’ll face something brand new and even deadlier in Ep9. 
- We’ll end up back on Tattooine, where it all started. Or, if Jakku is now standing in as resident desert planet, we’ll end up back on Jakku, where this particular story cycle started.
- ANH begins with Luke losing his family;  we predict Ep9 will end with Rey getting closure about her own, I am sure that we’ve not heard the full story. 
- ANH opens with the government being disbanded, we predict Ep9 will end with government and democracy being restored. 
Unrelated to the story cycle:
 -  We also think that the distress signal that went out to the resistance allies that was ignored was not in fact ignored - the resistance allies knew that if Leia was using her personal call then pretty much all hope was lost to the main resistance band, and instead of helping that little core group that would most likely be lost by the time they arrived, they used Leia’s signal as a rallying cry for the rest of them to come together and form a much larger resistance elsewhere.
 - Linked to this, I like the idea of the Resistance not having a major base somewhere but actually being based out of the Falcon, able to pack up and move on at a moment’s notice, but just with little outposts here and there where they store munitions, supplies, fighters, fuel etc. I also like the idea of the Falcon being a decoy figurehead, with the Resistance still mobile on a different ship, but Chewey flying the Falcon all over the galaxy sending Kylo on a wild goose chase, whilst the Resistance move on in another direction. 
Only another couple of years to wait to see if we’re right! 
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northernxy · 6 years
My version of Kathleen Kennedy’s Star Wars: The Great Demise
Literally just made up a better trilogy than KK, "slightly” altered.  Before TFA, kid KR witnesses something traumatic, deeply scaring him emotionally, so much so his mind represses the memory, but still feels the effects of it.  Luke takes him under his wing and hopes that learning to control the Force will help KR find peace.  KR learns but is still scarred emotionally.  Luke tries a technique of opening KR's mind so Luke can find out what's wrong.  He finds it but KR can't handle going through it right now and Luke stops, feeling sorry for KR.  A short time later Sidius comes to him in a dream, manipulating him because Luke's idea to enter KR's mind leaves it wide open for a while.  After some time Luke realizes that KR is acting very strangely, deeply troubled, and distant.  Luke tries asking to help but continually gets rebuffed.  Finally one nightHe should have been seduced to the dark side and made to think Luke was evil by Sidius.  Luke suspects something is really bothering KR, Luke tries to get a glimpse of KR's mind to try and help.  Immediately notices KR has a huge block, something Luke finds disturbing, wondering how the block in KR's got there.  He is especially troubled because he felt something he can't quite place, something familiar, like a half forgotten dream.
After talking with Han and Leia, they convince Luke to try even harder because KR looks up to him so much.  Luke thinks maybe the block won't be as strong if KR is asleep.  Luke tries to enter KR's mind and manages to get through only to discover Sidius brainwashing KR.  Luke's presence is felt by KR and Sidius, and the two combined force Luke out. Luke immediately runs to KR's quarters, hoping he's not too late to help KR.  By the time he gets there, KR is gone, Luke can't even feel his presence (maybe KR attacks Luke, but Luke barely fights back, trying to talk KR back to the Light.  KR causes an accident causing many to be about crushed by a building or something and Luke has to use all his power to save people and KR gets away) Luke feels incredibly guilty for not helping KR and leaving him open to Sidius.  Ashamed he's partly responsible for KR going to the Dark Side, Luke exiles himself to that island.  Copy the rest of TFA because I don't want to rewrite 2 movies right now.  However whenthe scene of KR kills Han, it cuts away from KR to Sidius so we know that Sidius knows what's going on through his connection in KR's mind. Han initially convinces KR to come home, not for Han's sake but fo Leia's.  Sidius is getting angrier and angrier, similar scene happens, but then suddenly it cuts to Sidious close up screaming, "DO IT!!!"  The order is so powerful everybody in the chamber with KR hears it somehow.  Han immediately understands what just happened, his son is controlling his son, looks KR in the eyes, gets stabbed with a heart broken face.  KR snaps out of it, realizes everything that just happened. KR is shocked and confused about what he just did, "Dad... I... I..."  He's crying. Han is heart broken, not because his son killed him, but because his son is lost and confused, he couldn't protect his son, he failed him.  He cups KR's face with his hand and responds the perfect line, "I know"
Mary Sue shows up, tries to give Luke his lightsaber, Luke is taken aback at the shock of being handed a lightsaber, he takes it and pauses, it's obvious from his face he did not expect that and is thinking a million things at once. 
Luke then says, "This isn’t my lightsaber." Mary Sue, "Well, then whose is it?"  She's confused Luke, "My father's" MS is shocked and trips over words, not knowing what to say, eventually she mutters "But... but your father was Darth Vader.  I thought the Sith only used red lightsabers?" Luke, "He wasn't always Darth Vader"
Chewie gets off the ship after shutting it down, a warm smile spreads over  Luke’s face, he affectionatelly calls out, “Chewie!  How you doing you big dumb animal?”
Luke, MS, and Chewie walk into a cave that's Luke's home.  They sit around a campfire Luke opposite MS and Chewie, Luke has 4 bowls, hands them a bowl of something.  MS is aprehensive to eat it, asks "What is this?"  Luke says some name.  Cut to MS still apprehensive.  Luke says it tastes better than it looks.  A short time goes by then Luke finally realizes Han isn't there.
Luke puzzled, "Chewie?  What’s keeping Han?” Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*" Cut to Luke shocked, looks back and forth between the two hoping MS will denyy it.  Then looks at Chewie, "How?" MS cuts in telling KR did it, goes off on KR not realizing he was trained by Luke and his nephew. Luke gets up, and silently walks out of the cave into a dark, calm night.  MS doesn't understand, looks at Chewie, "Chewie?" Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*" MS repeats what Chewie said as questions, making sure she heard him correctly, and so we know what he said. Luke is sitting, hunched over, sobbing, face down, hood obscuring his face, his foearms resing on his thighs, physically shaking he's so distraught.   As he keeps crying the it starts raining, and gets harder and harder, a hurricane is forming (shows you how powerful he is).  He slowly stops and the hurricane slowly dissapates.  Cut to KR in his chambers.  He hears Luke's voice. "Ben"  KR looks around expecting to see Luke, Luke says something else, KR realizes Luke is in his head, 
"Come home Ben".   KR says, "That's not my name anymore old man". Luke, "You were never good at hiding your feelings, you know who you really are" KR, "Get out" Luke "You are the grandson of Anikan Skywalker. KR "Get out" Luke "You are my nephew" KR  "Get out!" Luke "You are the son of Leia Skywalker" KR "GET OUT!" Luke "You are the son of Han Solo" KR "Get out, get out, get out, GET OOOUUUT!!!" KR looks around and no longer feels or hears Luke.
Cut to Luke’s face PISSED OFF.  Thunder clouds form in seconds, gale force winds, lightning striking every couple of seconds.  Luke is losing it. Light and Dark together, MS&C come out to see what’s going on, MS tries to go to Luke, but Chewie puts his hand on her shoulder and motions her inside.  Then we hear a familiar laughter along with Luke.  He looks around sees nothing, we hear a voice making fun of Luke’s anger.  Then Yoda appears, Luke talks about the situation, the scene heavily mirrors Luke’s scene with Obi-Wan on Dagobah RotJ.  Luke is walking next to a floating Yoda.  Luke doubts himself, he can’t kill KR and he’s no match for Plagueis (Luke knows who he really is).  Yoda chuckles, then says, “Jedi master you are but still much to learn you have.  Come, little time we have”  
Next scene MS and Chewie wake up to Luke standing over them.  He’s in a good mood, makes a small joke at their expense to show he’s in a playful mood, his hope has returned to him.  Next scene is the 3 walking down hill, they walk past the sea cow thing, MS asks what’s that thing.  Luke says something like
“Where’d you think you dinner last night came from?”
MS disgusted “You mean I ate one of those?”
Camera shows a native walking up to it Luke looking back ove his shouler “No” MS thinks he’s going to kill it.  Native sits down and proceeds to milk it.  MS “ew, gross”  Millenium Falcon takes off, cut to scene of cockpit, Luke and Chewie in the captains’ chairs. MS “Where are we going? We need to go to *wherever Leia is*.” Luke looks at Chewie who knows exactly what’s the plan, “Chewie?” Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*" MS looks shocked. Luke looks out in the cockpit window in front of himself and nods, he knows exacly what he’s doing. Scene of Sidious asking KR why his mind is closed to him.  KR tells him about Luke in his head.  Doesn’t tell him that he also doesn’t want Sidious in his head. While traveling, L, MS, and C are sitting in the common area.  Luke is playing Chewie space chess, both are calm, old soldiers who’d rather die fighting today than running for the rest of their lives.  MS is pacing, anxiously talking too fast and too much.  Luke decides that she needs to learn the ways of he Force if she is to become a Jedi, it can’t fade into nothing.  Luke looks around for something to train MS with, after searching with his back to the camera, he stops. Camera is now looking up to look from the position of what he found, a broad smirc spreads across his face.  Turns around and reveals the floating lazer ball and the blast shielded helmet.  After a while she gets fed up from not being able to block lazers and quits in dispair, "How could anyone learn to use the Force like this?"  Chewie gives Luke a knowing look then makes a noice at him.  Luke returns the look with a smile. 
They arrive and sneak on the ship Sidious is on.  Everything rhymes with ANH, this time Luke is the master.  Luke tells MS to stay out of sight, him and Chewie have a score to settle.  L&C see there are too many people to sneak by or Luke to mind control.  A stormtrooper accidentally walks into where they're hiding,  Chewie knocks him unconscience.  Luke says, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"  Chewie noice.  Eveyone thinks it's going to be like ANH, next frame is the back of them (Luke maybe in a stormtrooper outfit to really sell it to the audience) walking away from the camera.  The audience assumes it's Luke w/ fake prisoner Chewie.  Frame of them meeting a guy at a service desk, the desk hiding thier hands hanging at their sides.  Desk guy says, "Yes?", short pause to let the audience think about what's Luke about to say.  The same thing as ANH?  Chewie then pushes Luke closer to the desk, Luke's hands fly up to balance himself and reveals he's the one if cuffs.  Chewie noise, guy acknowleges Chewie caught this Stormtrooper who diserted or a spy posing as a ST.  
KR is alerted Luke is there either by feeling his Force presence or Sidious does and tells KR to capture Luke. Luke feels they're about to be caught and tells Chewie to hide and get back to the ship.  Chewie hides and Luke takes off his ST gear.  KR and a squadron of STs surround Luke, he goes peacefully to Sidious.  Luke continuously tells KR this isn't him.  Search your feelings, etc.  They arrive Sidious thanks KR.  MS sees ST's assembling and somehow sneaks off the ship and goes looking for L&C.  Luke and Sidious are exchanging insults about their side is stronger, Sidious getting angrier and angrier.  Scene of Chewie hiding with a view of L&S, setting up his bow.  KR leaves, ashamed of himself.  Scene of MS and KR run into each other, KR starts a monologue.  Sidious has had enough of Luke and orders his Red Guard to kill Luke, camera pans to each one to show their weapons.  They start walking toward Luke, surrounding him.  Luke gives Sidious the look of annoyance.  Shot from above with the RG surrounding Luke and getting really close.  He uses the Force and all RGs collapse.   Looks back at Sidious with the look of "You thought that was going to stop me?"  Scene of Chewie rushing to get his bow ready, drops a part, he can't see where it fell, but knows it's under something, shot of him trying to find it with his hand. Scenes are getting faster, KR tries to convince MS to join him, KR hates the world and himself, tells MS you have to kill the past (he wants to run from it).  Scence of Luke starting a monologe, switch to Chewie w/ Luke's speech being the major souund.  Switch to KR giving an oddly similar speech to MS, again quick scene.  Luke's speech takes off right where KR's left off, STs start piling through the doors.  Quickly to Chewie still trying to find the part with his hand.  KR continues Luke's speech to MS.  Chewie stil searching, sees STs pilling in and starts to get anxious about what we all think is going to happen, Luke's speech sounds like it's coming to and end.  KR continues, but only a couple words becausee the shots are quickly cycling through the 3 situations to build rising tension.  Several more cycles.  Luke sees the last of the STs pile in aiming their blasters at him while he sounds like he's about to finish, Chewie's hand find the part, finishes the bow, and takes aim at Sidious.  Scene of KR finishing the speech with something very ominous.  Scene with almost no noise of Luke, then a hundred blasters fire at him. Quick shot of Chewie shocked, then shot of KR's eyes glaring at MS, he attacks her.  Shot of STs still firing at a growing cloud of smoke.  Cut to Chewie taking aim then firing at Sidious, Sidious catches it, sees where it came from and redirects back to Chewie still hidden, probably behind a vent grate. Chewie sees what happened and takes off before he’s hit.  Shot of KR and MS, KR is toying with her like Vader to Luke in ESB. ST slowing down firing, lots of smoke in the air, Sidious starts walking from his throne to where Luke fell.  Scene of Chewie running for his life.  KR pins down MS with his lightsaber pointed at her throat.  Scene of throne room, smoke disapating.  Chewie running.  KR says something like join me or die.  She closes her eyes, resolved to her fate.
Sidious is standing joyfully over the spot Luke fell, the last of the smoke clears, only Luke's robes and lightsaber, he did the same thing as Obi-Wan, that must be what Yoda taught him back on the Jedi temple island.  Sidious, "WHAT!?!?!".  Scene of KR getting reading to strike.  Audience, "hey, shouldn't this scene been of Chewie?" KR and MS hear thundering footsteps, KR turns back to MS, audience can't hear loud footsteps anymore.  As he prepares his strike, he sees MS staring at something behind him, turns around and the audience sees Chewie when he does.  Chewie clobbers him and knocks KR out.  MS is too injured to move, bleeding heavily, tells Chewie to save himself, he picks her up and runs with her to the MF. They make it, Chewie lays her down in a bed, starts the MF, and takes off.
Scene of Leia stopping mid sentence, she looks worried, someone notices and asks if she's okay, she responds with "I don't know.  I just had a feeling like part of me screamed out then was silence"  You show Leia too can use the Force, again, without making her suddenly without training, proficient in the Force.  People are more likely to accept a passive abiliy rather than actively using the Force.  Scene of Sidious chewing out KR, tries to show KR how powerful the Dark Side is pointing out how easily he killed Luke, points to Luke's robes, then walks out of the room.  Next scene is Chewie attending to MS now that they're in hyperspace, he's worried she won't make it.  Back to KR walking toward Luke's robes, kneels down, then notices a lightsaber, picks it up, turns it on, it's Vader's green. Chewie and MS arrive where Leia is, he lands, calls for medical help for MS.  There is a rush to save MS. Next scene starts with SW theme very soft, some time later MS in bed unconscience, Fin and Po in the background Chewie more in front, huge window covering an entire wall, a blizzard rages outside (winter would be the theme of VIII, very deep blues but overall not much color, VII would be autumn, IX would be spring, X is the start of MS, P, & F’s journey) Leia walks in, "Chewie, you and MS went to planet X to find Luke.  What happened?  Where is he?"  She already knows the answer, Chewie responds, she gasps while covering her mouth and looking away.  Chewie puts his hand on her shoulder, Leia turns around and starts crying as she hugs Chewie for comfort, SW theme gets louder till the next scene.  She's lost everyone, says she doesn't care about the resistance anymore, she just wants KR to come home.  Wideshot of everyone with the blizzard giving the room a dark blue color.  
Screen wipe to wide shot in space outside of KR chambers, SW theme soft in the background. Next a scene of KR walking into his chambers, shot of a desk/table in the foreground and a blurry background of his bed.  KR walks past and sets down Vader's green on the table, walks to his bed and sits down, very out of focus.  He takes off his helmet, sets it to his right and stares at the lightsaber.  Eventually the camera focuses on him to reveal tears.  He looks down, sees his helmet and what it means.  Grabs it and proceeds to smash it against a wall till it shatters.  He collapses into a sitting position in greif on his bed.  PoV of his hands shacking, feeling a thousand emotions, he says, "What have I done?"  SW theme starts building, KR gets up, walks off screen, camera focuses on the lightsaber for a few seconds, pans to KR standing infront of a window starring into space.  It seems like it's about to pan to space, then "Ben".  
We and KR know who the voice belongs to, he twists his head around to see the owner of that voice, a split second later SW credits theme, role credits.
I haven't given much thought to IX yet, but it would focus on Luke trying to mentor KR and bringing him back to the Light.  KR is ashamed of himself, doesn’t feel he should be saved, pretends he hates Luke and constantly tells him to leave.  Resistance is on life support, though MS and the resistance seem to be constantly slipping through Sidious's finger.  At first they think it's luck or Sidious is over confident and making hasty decisions.  Finn and MS get captured and taken to a holding area near by.  There's no chance of escaping, they suddenly hear shouts and blasters being fired, then silence.  MS walks to the bars to see if she can see something.  As she's stretching her neak to see something, the door unlocks and opens a couple inches.  They hesitantly make their way toward the exit.  They discover where the fighting happened and nothing but dead bodies everywhere, only STs.  MS is now sure someone has been helping them, audience gets hints who that person is.  
Skipping over a lot, Sidious asks why KR is still shielding his mind even though Luke is dead.  KR gives a hard to believe answer.  KR eventually confronts Sidious at the end while Sidious's fleet comes out of hyperspeed right where Leia and the last of the Resistance are holding out.  He easily takes out the new Red Guards, but is overwhelmed by Sidious's force ability.  As he’s getting tortured, Force red lightning, he hears, “Ben”.  *more torture*  “Fight it Ben” *more torture* “Fight it!”  *more torture* KR takes out Vader’s saber *even worse torture* “Use the force”  *more torture* KR drops the LS, collapses on all four.  Shot of his face trying to overcome. Scene of chaos in the Resistance, no hope, Leia goes to her room, sits on her bed then grabs a picture from the bedstand.  She starts crying, it's a picture of Han, Luke, Chewie, Leia, and KR from long ago.  She hugs it, and says she just wants KR to be okay.  She unknowingly reaches out to KR, he feels Leia and a picture of her on the planet flashes before him.  He slowly starts to overcome Sidious's Force over him,  
Sidious, "Kylo Ren, now you see there’s no point fighting, all your...” KR "My name is not Kylo Ren." Sidious "??? shocked KR managed was able to defy him" KR "I am the grandson of Anikan Skywalker."  Gets to one knee Sidious is shocked, then angry, LOTS more red Force lightning.  KR "I am the nephew of Luke Skywalker." Slowly standing up Sidious uses so much Dark Side he’s actually in pain. KR "I am the son of Leia Skywalker."  Slowly standing up Sidious is starts showing fear, he's uses the Force to throw things at KR but always misses.  Lands one, it shatters. KR Smoke/dust hides KR "I am the son of Han Solo." Smoke/dust disapates.  We see Force lightning is stopping in front of KR.  First it’s unclear what’s KR doing, it then appears he’s actually gathering Sidious’s lightning.  Eventually Sidious seems to run out.  The red lightning turns blue, a few seconds, then KR releases it, causing a huge boom, things get violently knocked over, and Sidious gets knocked towards his throne.Sidious has now crawled all the way back to his throne.  KR walks up, "My name is Ben Solo" runs him through with Vader’s LS.
Movie ends with BS and Leia reuniting, some celebration then very similar to RotJ, no Ewoks, Luke shows up as a Force ghost, haven't decided if Luke showed himself to KR and counciled him, or remained invisible and only whispered things in his ear so KR thought it was his guilt, and not actually Luke. Wouldn’t prefer it because this is the end of Luke’s, he needs lots of screen time. BS sees Luke, heads over and apologizes, Luke is crying in happiness, he brought BS back to the Light and reunited him with Leia.  BS asks how Luke knew he wasn't completely gone.  Can’t think of something good right now. BS turns to see what's Luke looking at, camera pans to Leia.  BS turns around to talk to Luke again, but he's gone.  BS slowly walks back to the party, he hears in his own head Luke's voice, "Remember, the Force will be with you.  Always"  Leia sees him and he walks over, camera pulling back.  We see Leia still overjoyed her son has returned, they hug, Leia keeps a hand on his arm, afraid to lose him again.  Then pan to Luke (possibly Yoda, OLD Anakin, and Obi-wan Kenobi as ghosts), Luke is happy.  He saved his nephew, his story came full circle.  Close up Luke again, overjoyed, looking at the crowd of happy people, he slowly fades away.  High shot of the whole crowd, Leia and BS in the center.  SW theme credit 
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northernxy · 6 years
Literally just made up a better trilogy than KK, only slightly altered.  Before TFA, kid KR witnesses something traumatic, deeply scaring him emotionally, so much so his mind represses the memory, but still feels the effects of it.  Luke takes him under his wing and hopes that learning to control the Force will help KR find peace.  KR learns but is still scarred emotionally.  Luke tries a technique of opening KR's mind so Luke can find out what's wrong.  He finds it but KR can't handle going through it right now and Luke stops, feeling sorry for KR.  A short time later Sidius comes to him in a dream, manipulating him because Luke's idea to enter KR's mind leaves it wide open for a while.  After some time Luke realizes that KR is acting very strangely, deeply troubled, and distant.  Luke tries asking to help but continually gets rebuffed.  Finally one nightHe should have been seduced to the dark side and made to think Luke was evil by Sidius.  Luke suspects something is really bothering KR, Luke tries to get a glimpse of KR's mind to try and help.  Immediately notices KR has a huge block, something Luke finds disturbing, wondering how the block in KR's got there.  He is especially troubled because he felt something he can't quite place, something familiar, like a half forgotten dream.
After talking with Han and Leia, they convince Luke to try even harder because KR looks up to him so much.  Luke thinks maybe the block won't be as strong if KR is asleep.  Luke tries to enter KR's mind and manages to get through only to discover Sidius brainwashing KR.  Luke's presence is felt by KR and Sidius, and the two combined force Luke out. Luke immediately runs to KR's quarters, hoping he's not too late to help KR.  By the time he gets there, KR is gone, Luke can't even feel his presence (maybe KR attacks Luke, but Luke barely fights back, trying to talk KR back to the Light.  KR causes an accident causing many to be about crushed by a building or something and Luke has to use all his power to save people and KR gets away) Luke feels incredibly guilty for not helping KR and leaving him open to Sidius.  Ashamed he's partly responsible for KR going to the Dark Side, Luke exiles himself to that island.  Copy the rest of TFA because I don't want to rewrite 2 movies right now.  However whenthe scene of KR kills Han, it cuts away from KR to Sidius so we know that Sidius knows what's going on through his connection in KR's mind. Han initially convinces KR to come home, not for Han's sake but fo Leia's.  Sidius is getting angrier and angrier, similar scene happens, but then suddenly it cuts to Sidious close up screaming, "DO IT!!!"  The order is so powerful everybody in the chamber with KR hears it somehow.  Han immediately understands what just happened, his son is controlling his son, looks KR in the eyes, gets stabbed with a heart broken face.  KR snaps out of it, realizes everything that just happened.
KR is shocked and confused about what he just did, "Dad... I... I..."  He's crying. Han is heart broken, not because his son killed him, but because his son is lost and confused, he couldn't protect his son, he failed him.  He cups KR's face with his hand and responds the perfect line, "I know"
Mary Sue shows up, tries to give Luke his lightsaber, Luke is taken aback at the shock of being handed a lightsaber, he pauses, it's obvious from his face he did not expect that and is thinking a million things at once. Luke then says, "That's not my lightsaber." Mary Sue "Well, whose is it?"  She's confused Luke, "My father's" MS is shocked and trips over words, not knowing what to say, eventually she mutters "But... but your father was Darth Vader.  I thought the Sith only used red lightsabers?" Luke, "He wasn't always Darth Vader"
Luke, MS, and Chewie walk into a cave that's Luke's home.  They sit around a campfire Luke opposite MS and Chewie, Luke hands them a bowl of something.  MS is aprehensive to eat it, asks "What is this?"  Luke says some name.  Cut to MS still apprehensive.  Luke says it tastes better than it looks.  A short time goes by then Luke finally realizes Han isn't with Chewie. Luke puzzled, "Chewie.  Where's Han?" Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*" Cut to Luke shocked, looks back and forth between the two.  Then looks at Chewie, "How?" MS cuts in telling KR did it, goes off on KR not realizing he was trained by Luke. Luke gets up, and silently walks out of the cave into a dark, rainy night.  MS doesn't understand, looks at Chewie, "Chewie?" Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*" MS repeats what Chewie said as questions, making sure she heard him correctly, and so we know what he said.
Luke is sitting, hunched over in the rain, sobbing, physically shaking he's so distraught.   As he keeps crying the rain gets harder and harder, a hurricane is forming (shows you how powerful he is).  He slowly stops and the hurricane slowly dissapates.  Cut to KR in his chambers.  He hears Luke's voice.  KR looks around expecting to see Luke, Luke says something else, KR realizes Luke is in his head, Luke start encouraging him to go to home, Sidious is using him, this is not who he really is "Ben".   KR says, "That's not my name anymore". Luke, "I know who you really are, you can't hide your feelings to me" KR, "Get out" Luke "You are the grandson of Anikan Skywalker. KR "Get out" Luke "You  are my nephew" KR  "Get out!" Luke "You are the son of Leia Skywalker" KR "Get out!" Luke "You are the son of Han Solo" KR "Get out, get out, get out, GET OOOUUUT!!!" KR looks around and no longer hears Luke.
Cut to Luke’s face PISSED OFF.  Thunder clouds form in seconds, gale force winds, lightning striking every couple of seconds.  Luke is losing it.  Then we hear a familiar laughter along with Luke.  He looks around sees nothing, we hear a voice making fun of Luke’s anger.  Then Yoda appears, Luke talks about the situation, the scene heavily mirrors Luke’s scene with Obi-Wan on Dagobah RotJ.  Luke is walking nex to a floating Yoda.  Luke doubts himself, he can’t kill KR and he’s no match for Sidious.  Yoda chuckles, then says, “Jedi master you are but still much to learn you have.”  Next scene MS and Chewie wake up to Luke standing over them.  He’s in a good mood, makes a small joke at their expense to show he’s in a playful mood, his hope has returned to him.  Next scene is the 3 walking down hill, they walk past the sea cow thing, MS asks what’s that thing.  Luke says something like “Where’d you think you dinner last night came from?”
MS disgusted “You mean I ate one of those?”
Camera  shows a native walking up to it
Luke looking back ove his shouler “No”
MS thinks he’s going to kill it.  Native sits down and proceeds to milk it.  MS “ew, gross”  Millenium Falcon takes off, cut to scene of cockpit, Luke and Chewie in the captains’ chairs.
MS “Where are we going? We need to go to *wherever Leia is*.”
Luke looks at Chewie who knows exactly what’s the plan, “Chewie?”
Chewie responds, "*Chewie noise*"
MS looks shocked.
Luke looks out in the cockpit window in front of himself and nods, he knows exacly what he’s doing.
Scene of Sidious asking KR why his mind is closed to him.  KR tells him about Luke in his head.  Doesn’t tell him that he also doesn’t want Sidious in his head.
While traveling, L, MS, and C are sitting in the common area.  Luke decides that she needs to learn the ways of he Force if she is to become a Jedi.  They arrive and sneak on the ship Sidious is on.  Everything rhymes with ANH, this time Luke is the master.  Luke tells MS to stay out of sight, him and Chewie have a score to settle.  They employ a similar but not copy the ANH bit where they pretended  to be taking Chewie to detention center.  L&C see there are too many people to 
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