#this is my first time drawing minato and kushina that’s CRAZY
iennoganan-aha · 3 months
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He’s been my comfort character for a while now, thank you fictional character for being the pillar of my mental health 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I owe it all to you 🫡
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moonasheschevalier · 5 years
Hey, kakashi was in his late 20s and Sakura was 12 when in part 1. Don't you think that's pedophilia? Their relationship is like father daighter.
"Hey, kakashi was in his late 20s and Sakura was 12 when in part 1. Don't you think that's pedophilia? Their relationship is like father daighter."
If you really do like/enjoy to ship minors with grownups - it actually is and you probably got some problems.
But if we talk about Kakasaku, first of all, I suggest to consider some things.
Firstly, keep in mind that there are two groups of KKSK shippers: West (we) fans and East (mostly japanese) fans. A lot of minor/grown up ships there come from the old culture/history/traditions of Japan. The best example you can read about is Genji Monogatari. The book is amazing in many ways, and it clearly shows how "the protagonist" grows up a wife for himself from a child and the girl there was shocked by the fact that the person she thought of as a parent figure wanted to do something totally far from daughter-father relationship. The book shows a lot of ways women of any age suffer from the male actions also, but that takes some stamina to read it, really.
Though recent years we also got a lot of loli-fanservice in manga/anime, but japanese society these days tries to change a lot of things that are considered troublesome. But yeah, still, if you see KKSK where Sakura's shown as 12yo and Kakashi is 26yo together kissing or etc - it comes from the japanese fans. Well, not anymore, and that's good. But when we talk about the west KKSK fans, the most of them ship KKSK with a grown up(!) Sakura. And I find that amazing. They draw/write/enjoy both of them being grown ups, they also accept Sarada as their kid, so, you see that's why I like west KKSK fans, they see that ship from the point of the potencial of two grown ups(!) being in a peaceful and healthy relationship, where characters love and care about each other.
Secondly, if it bothers you, am I personally into minor/grown up ships - no, I'm not. You can look at all my KKSK (Sukea/Sakura) arts and you won't find there minor Sakura. I have another ship though with the age difference thingy, I guess, it's Bruno/Trush from JJBA part5. He's 20yo and she's 15yo. Due to that west fandom thinks it's pedophilia to ship them in any from and consider their relationship as father and daughter one. I don't see them as f/d at all, to me they are both kids (I guess I feel THAT old). I don't actually see any problem here, I just will ship 23yo Bruno with 18yo Trish, cuz I ship them for their character development and amazing relationship, and some timeskip-au will never erase it. And actually the more mature the ship is... the better!
Thirdly, the father/daughter type of relationship. I wish you people were there when Jashi became "canon".
- I don't recall anybody of team 7 saying Kakashi was like a father for them. Kakashi was like 26 yo, while team 7 - 12yo, Kakashi wasn't just that old to feel like a dad. Kakashi spent most of his time babysitting Sasuke, based on that and on the Kakashi and obito's relationship they could be older brother Kakashi and younger sibling Sasuke at most. Naruto tho had Iruka as the father figure (not Kakashi imo), and Jiraya as a grandad figure, due to the fact how Minato and Kushina talked about Naruto with Jiraya. Sakura had her parents both alive, and Kakashi spent most of his time with babysitting Sasuke, then Naruto, and the least with Sakura.
I also can't say I enjoy m/f teacher/student trope cuz for the most of the time it's poorly written male phantasy. But as I mentioned before, I like KKSK when Sakura is the grown up woman(!) and also is the independent kunoichi who completed all her training years ago.
I never seen KKSK as a thing before boruto. Then it started for me, really.
I know some grown up people in real life with 10-15 years age gap and they live happily enough, ngl, even better than same age pairs I know.
If you personally can't tolerate any thought of such ship then all my words won't mean anything to you. That's you, it your personal trait, by some reasons, maybe personal, you can't stomach it and that's understandable.
You don't like it by your own reasons and that's fine, but people grow, age, get older, and so did Kakashi and Sakura, she's not a kid, teenager anymore. Calling it pedophilia just because some people can't move on after the first chapters of Naruto is crazy.
I guess it's also really important to note that like almost everybody has someone in Boruto, while Kakashi is alone and Sakura is alone too (12 f*cking years, Sasuke, goddmt), and after all what Sasuke put Sakura though people just started to ship 2 lonely grown ups who always cared about each other.
You don't like KKSK? Just filter the tag and enjoy the glorious multi-saku fandom, where you got Narusaku, Saisaku, Inosaku, Sakuhina etc. I enjoy.
Whoever tells me to stop ship KKSK, keep in mind, that it won't stop me ever from shipping and drawing KKSK. Like, if that's makes you angry/uncomfortable or whatever that's not my problem, it's yours.
And especially no sssk has the right to tell any KKSK shippers what is right or wrong to ship.
Thank you for the ask, anon.
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