#this is in the topic of ts4 ofc
socialtownie · 7 months
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ivyandink · 6 years
Do you have any advice for people who want to start writing a sims story on tumblr? I’ve always wanted to but I’ve never really known how to start one. Also using poses/custom content stuff is kind of new to me and I don’t want to look like a huge noob lol
Hey anon! I’m briefly coming out of hiatus, just to answer this for you, lovebug.
First off- thank you in your patience for my reply. :) I know, I’m a little slow sometimes!
Second off- THANK YOU for asking me this :D Such an honor to have someone ask me how to start writing a simblr story! lol. I’m such a dork- okay, moving on.
Third off- I actually have a little project in mind that will cover this topic WAY MORE in depth.. ;) (queue me being extra af as always) but, I didn’t wanna leave you hanging, so I’ll put some tips here :) 
Below the cut bc it long lol #extraAF
So for CC, literally just so go sssvitlans.tumblr.com and scour her ts4 tags! :D Lana’s blog is like the only place I use for cc, outside of others’ cc finds blogs (which typically are just reblogging Lana too lmao). Don’t worry about Alpha vs Maxis Match. Just download what YOU like :)
Scour her pose tag as well! I’d recommend getting a few basic ones, like talking, a few general romantic ones, etc. to start, and adding more to fit any scenes you want to create :)
But ALSO- decide how much you want to use poses! They add a tricky element to storytelling, it’s true. Poses can be a bitch sometimes. So think about what ratio you wanna use. When I first started my simblr story, I used 75% in game stuff. That percentage changed as I grew more invested in my story however. Because posing CAN be so frustrating though, I do recommend starting off with mostly gameplay anims, until you know for certain you’re really digging your story and want to invest more time into it! That way you don’t get discouraged. 
As for the actual story part.. I recommend developing characters you love first. Don’t try and come up with a super dramatic plot, or something you think will be “popular”. The best plots fall short when you have flat characters. Come up with characters that YOU love, and everything else will fall into place a lot easier!
As for how to get started… literally, just do it! If you need some ….. inspiration?? for lack of a better word, lol. Go to the VERY beginning of my Ivy Legacy (the prologue, called ‘Diaspora’) and see how gd awful my story was back then lmao. It takes a while to get into the groove of things, that’s just how it is. Unless you’re already used to how the whole sims/simblr story thing works for you, there WILL be a learning curve. But that’s ok :) As long as you keep trying to learn! 
The longer you wait, and put off starting, though, the longer you’re delaying your success!!! And by success I DON’T mean “followers”- please, DO NOT pay attention to the numbers. It’s hard not to- I know, I sometimes even still do sometimes. But it’ll only do you a disservice. When I say success, I mean writing a story you love and being able to share it with others who will love it too :) 
As far as the “aesthetic” side, i.e. how you edit your pictures, to use reshade or not to use reshade, captions or no captions, short or long posts, etc. Just experiment! Follow people who’s work you admire, and take inspiration (don’t copy, tho!). Try out different styles until you find something you like. My editing/writing style has changed dramatically over the whole time I’ve had my simblr. Change is good. Change = growth. :)
I also recommend actively engaging with and reading others stories. Not only with that help you grow in your editing/writing by consuming their content, it’ll also help you make friends! And having friends in this community makes it a lot more enjoyable! It could also potentially give you people to bounce ideas off of, come up with plots, run things by if you’re unsure, etc. Feedback is good, when it comes from a place of care and appreciation! 
Okay.. one last lil note for this long af ask… DM me when you start your story! I’d love to read it.
And like I said at the beginning, I do plan to make a more comprehensive guide to this kinda thing, since it’s a question I see asked a lot :) So, keep ya eyes peeled for that! ;) ofc, i’m also a v busy gay so who knows when itll happen lol. 
Anyways, I hope this helped somewhat!! Send me another ask if you need more clarity with anything :)
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20-44-sims · 6 years
Hello! I hope the question I’m about to ask isn’t annoying. I’m interested in joining the ts4 rp community, but it seems dead. I can’t tell if it’s just because this part of the year is busy or not. So I’m just wondering it looks the same way to people who have been rping for a while, or has the common experience been that it feels dead until you developed a social circle.
Hiii hello :) well I’m not rp-ing since this summer (I think) so I’m not the right person to answer this…but I do see a lot of comments around here how rp is dead… 
BUUUT if you want to join then DO IT! just bc some ppl left doesn’t mean that whole place should stop existing ahhah I mean you guys need to make it alive again! it’s on you…make it alive again, I’m so sad to see it like this bc I was part of rp community for a year and a half so in a weird way it has a special place in my heart ahhaha 
In conclusion - join rp community, develop your char, keep in mind that IT’S NOT TINDER! … and very important thing is that you need to do things alone at first, then ppl will come …you’ll connect with some more than the others, fun collabs will be developed and maybe even love partner for your sim … JUST HAVE FUN! tbh I always saw simblr as a place to entertain myself and ofc others …
ALSO, now that I’m talking about all this … in my opinion, it’s  faaantastic that this happened to rp community bc it reached the lowest point hahaha so now it’s time for rebuilding it and making it better and fuuuuun again … ok I can talk about this topic for daaays but I’ll stop here, I tried to keep it short … 
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