#this is a verrrrryyyyyyy belated bday gift for my dear fren bee robinsatthedisco also
saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Two digital sketches of Tim Stoker from TMA. He is an East Asian trans man with dark hair in a short back and sides cut, light brown skin, and brown eyes. The first sketch shows him wearing white sunglasses, a pink collared shirt worn mostly open with top surgery scars visible on his exposed chest, and blue shorts. He is leaning against an unseen fence and lowering his sunglasses with a slight smirk as he looks off to the side. The second sketch is Tim sitting at a 3/4 angle. In this sketch he wears a luridly coloured floral Hawaiian shirt, blue shorts, and a Miku binder. He is smiling softly and looking to the side.
The background is a desaturated trans flag. Text in the top right corner of the image says: “(caps) Fun fact: (end caps) the “T.S.” in Tim Stoker also stands for: Tboy Swag/Top Surgery/Trans Srights”. End ID.]
i only regret that i have but one life in which to think about Him
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