#this is a joke post if you could not tell by the jokey format
braxiatel · 3 months
I am not here to police anyone’s characterisation, but I will just say I wish more people would acknowledge that Mumbo isn’t just anxious he is also
1. full of violence
2. Autistic
3. homosexual to his very core
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faetaiity · 1 year
HII! If you don’t mind could you do the rise tmnt guys (separate if u don’t mind) reaction to a normally rlly sweet and happy reader getting angry/snapping at something for 2 seconds (reader secretly has bad anger issues ☠️) like reader is doing homework and then just randomly punch’s their computer and just takes a deep breath and goes back to normal LMAO
Tysm for ur time! ^^ have a nice day and remember to take breaks <3
Yeah! I relate to the Reader in this ask a lot tbh.
Separate! Turtles x Gender Neutral! Has Bad Anger Issues! Reader
Post Format: Headcanons
CW/TW: Yelling, Mild Angst for Leo, Crying, and 'mild' Leo 'slander' lmao ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You're playing a game with Raph and Leo, unfortunately, Leo ends up winning and taunting you in particular, mainly because you preformed the worst
You grit your teeth as you hear him gloat "Oh ho ho! It seems I've won a game, it was bound to happen anyway, with how horrible you are at anything we play~"
Normally this wouldn't be too bad, you'd leave as soon as he was done piggishly gloating, but he HAD to jab you in the fucking ribs
Tears prick your eyes angrily as you tell him to 'shut the fuck up and shove the award up his ass', this causes him and Raph to wince at your harsh words
They don't know how to respond, Leo ended up awkwardly walking away, unnerved with your sudden display of hostility
Raph walks up to you and asks what's wrong, you take a deep breath and try to relax for a few seconds
You talk about how you actually get angry and frustrated a lot, it's just physical touch makes it harder to push aside
I actually HC him to still have anger issues like his previous Iterations, but on a lower and more mellow level
he gets irritated sometimes when things don't go the way he wants them, (aka safely and quickly) or when Leo is a pain in the ass, but he never takes it out on people or openly talks about it
He understands a lot.
He hugs and kisses your head, making you promise that you will tell him when you're starting to get a little too angry so he can help smoothen the situation
You nod and thank him
"Anytime <3"
Also has some bad anger sometimes
You're doing homework with him, usually you didn't need help, but you wanted him to explain certain trigonometry concepts to you because the Teacher was downright horrendous at explaining things.
You both got frustrated when you couldn't understand what Donnie was explaining, you because you were usually a really fast learner and didn't understand why this was so fucking difficult, and He was frustrated because he considers this relatively easy
It gets hostile when he says in what you misread as a condescending tone "How can't you understand this?! It's like teaching ABC's to a Kindergartener! It's simple!", you growl out a 'Fuck you' and start packing your stuff, just wanting to leave the lair and cool off
He doesn't stop you, he only huffs and puffs in irritation
Leo would be near the entrance of the lair and would probably crack a stupid joke, causing you to snap a "Back off!" at him, making him squint his eyes, trying to make sure this isn't someone else.
Once you leave the lair, you start to assume this will put a strain on your relationship up until he breaks into your apartment and apologizes a couple hours later
He struggles to understand that you won't get things as quickly as he does, he understands that concept with his brothers, but not with you
Mainly because he considers you smart, he's not good with apologies but he wants you to know that it wasn't your fault
It would probably lead to a long talk about you two and your anger, you two promising to be more open about your frustrations and to vent it out in a healthy way and not demean each other for what they don't yet understand
and that would lead to a rather uncommon case of Donnie cuddling you, with you two finishing your homework and watching Jupiter Jim movies
Okay, unpopular(?) opinion but he would totally unintentionally rile you up
He's just so.... Jokey and to someone who doesn't know him, Probably Narcissistic, Dense and Immature
Which, with the Last two, he can be, but he definitely is NOT narcissistic.
Knowing him, He'd probably make a smartass comment, come up to you saying "huh?! Huh?!" Over and over again, you KNOW he's not trying to irritate you, mainly because you've never actually shown irritation or aggression when he does this (Because you're used to this behavior even before you dated)
Like in the Raph scenario, he jabs your ribs with his fingers, causing you to yelp and glare at him, he just looks at you, completely misreading the situation, thinking you're just being playfully angry so he fUCKING JABS YOU AGAIN
You snarl out a "WHAT THE FUCK, LEONARDO!?" and instinctively shove his hand away from your side
He looks shocked before actually becoming a little sad, looking akin to a kicked puppy
You sigh and relax, feeling guilty you softly mumble out, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell... I'm just in a bad mood, you didn't deserve that treatment." he averts his eyes, clearly still hurt
I'm gonna be honest, you're the only one who truly accepts his jokes aside from Mikey (Mostly), so he kinda.... gets depressed
Over the next few days, he might become slightly timid with making jokes around you, and might actually fall into a small depressive episode, feeling as if his coping method irritates his S/O
It'll take a long talk about boundaries with jokes and reassuring him that it was just a bad day, and you genuinely don't mind his jokes
that talk actually made people like Donnie tolerate his jokes more, as now he doesn't usually include physically jostling, pinching or poking people in his jokes
It might take a few days of mild, timid jokes before he goes back to his absolutely wild personality that you fell in love with.
Gonna be honest once more, he is the least likely to see you in an irritated state
He is super in-tune with your emotions and can tell when you're irritated or sad so he can get you out of that situation... 98% of the time.
But also, like Leo, I could see him being unintentionally irritating at times, it never bothered you up until this point because its Mikey! one of the most lovable goofballs you know!
But if you're already in a bad mood and he's being a little too rambunctious, I could see you snapping at him a little, and then instantly feeling guilty
Like Leo, the minute you snap at him, he gives you the biggest kicked puppy eyes, tears softly falling down his face as you wince and apologize profusely
He forgives you, albeit asking for a reason as to why you barked at him
He might turn into Dr. Feelings to help you talk about your outbursts and why it's not a good response to irritating stimuli
Similar to that episode with him and Donnie lmao
He doesn't blame you; he knows everyone has their own emotional baggage, but he makes you promise to tell him when you're getting closer to having an outburst so he can help you.
You agree and place a kiss on his beak, making him churr happily
there's probably a lot of small sessions with Dr. Feelings about your anger over the next couple weeks/months until you can handle it better
All of Them:
They love you even if you snap at them sometimes (and them sometimes snapping right back)
The last thing they want is to make you feel negative/neurotic emotions because of them
While they wouldn't change anything about themselves, they know you don't want them to do that anyway.
You have issues, they understand that and are willing to talk to you about boundaries, so you don't have or get a bad reaction from you or them.
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random-french-girl · 3 years
Could you possibly do a goodfoe/shoni brotp? Thank you!!
Hi Anon!
Sorry it took me so long to do this! Since Toni and Shelby are canonically... not just friends, I’m gonna answer this brotp meme with some romantic stuff, obviously. Here you go!
What in-jokes do they have with each other?
There MUST be an inside joke involving lychees. When they all live together post canon and Shelby adds “lychees :P” to their grocery list on the fridge every time it’s Toni’s turn to go grocery shopping... the first time Toni takes a pic and sends it to the group chat with like eye emoji + fire emoji because she wants everyone to know she’s gonna get laid tonight but all that happens is that the other girls reply with various iteration of “oh you’re going to the store? can you pick up some chips” and “dont forget the milk”. Very disappointing. 
Are they the “I’ll pay this time if you pay next time”-type friends, or the “I’ll pay for my food and you’ll pay for yours”-type friends?
Oh they’re gonna fight about who pays Every Single Time, methinks. It’s not serious though, they’re just both stubborn and wanna treat their gf. Unless Toni’s like: “You should pay, actually. Hashtag reparations.”
Who’s more prone to pranking, or otherwise messing with, the other?
Shelby, 100%. Toni loves it.
How do they text/message each other? Proper punctuation and capital letters, egregious overuse of emojis, mostly in meme format…?
Lots of emojis (hearts... hearts everywhere...). Toni definitely sends memes. 
Do they exchange jokey birthday presents, or deeply thought-out and meaningful presents? Or both?
Thoughtful, probably? Although I don’t know if either of them are super gift-oriented. 
They go on a road trip together. Who drives, who picks the music, who’s in charge of snacks?
Shelby drives. Toni picks the music (non negotiable, she’s never giving that much power to Shelby ever again, she still has nightmares about having to listen to christian rock). They both pick snacks thinking of what the other would want most, so they end up with their favorite snacks even if they didn’t buy them themselves :’)
What do they think of each other’s family?
OH BOY. Toni thinks they’re the worst kind of homophobic & racist white christians, full offense :) Shelby’s probably... very protective of Toni when it comes to her mom, but also very supportive if Toni wants to reconnect with her? 
Do they have any nicknames for each other?
I guess “princess”, but only if Toni is angry at her, so I’m not sure that counts. Shelby starts calling her “baby” after like, a year of dating, which makes Toni’s brain explode. Martha thinks it’s both adorable and hilarious. 
Who’d be the first to try and patch things up if they had a fight?
One of their phones goes off in the middle of the night. Who’s calling whom, and why?
Toni would call her without regards for Shelby’s sleep schedule, yes. It’s because she loves their talks, and she misses her :’)
What’s their favourite funny story about something that happened to the two of them?
Hmmm. Toni probably LOVES telling the story of their first kiss. (”She couldn’t resist my raw sex appeal any longer...” “Toni, that’s not how it happened at all.”)
Would they do a joint cosplay? If so, who would they dress up as?
Oh, I can see Shelby convincing Toni to do a couple costume for Halloween, but only if Toni gets to look Really Cool. Cue Fatin taking pictures of them like the mom in Mean Girls. 
Do they have any TV shows that they watch together? Are there any shows they have wildly different opinions on?
Toni tries to get Shelby to watch detective/mystery shows with her, which doesn’t work. Shelby likes teen shows, but Toni’s not a fan of the drama. Eventually, Martha tells them to try Planet Earth and they love it! Very relaxing, ideal for cuddling, and they both love animals. 
Which one is the “fight me” friend and which one is the one who tries to keep the peace and prevent their friend from punching a total stranger?
Toni is the fight me one. Shelby is very good at keeping the peace, but also will not hesitate to cut a bitch if necessary - and she’s much more terrifying than Toni when it comes to it.
One of them comes up with an ill-advised but mostly harmless idea. Does the other one egg them on because they think it’ll be funny, or try and talk them out of it?
Shelby tries to talk Toni out of ill-advised ideas. With only mixed success. 
Who would win if they arm-wrestled?
Shelby, but only because Toni lets her win every time.
Who’s better at what type of video games, and how competitive are they when they play together?
Toni’s better, because she has a bit more experience. They’re actually VERY competitive. It’s insufferable to play with them.
One of them ends up in hospital for something serious but not life-threatening. What does the other bring along when they visit in order to cheer them up?
Shelby brings Toni so much chocolate. And candy. 
How huggy are they?
They both love hugs! Very physically affectionate in general, once they are fully comfortable with each other.
What was the moment when they first realized that they’d become friends?
Hmm. Complicated question in canon, tbh. I think Toni probably realizes there’s more to Shelby than what she thought in episode 7 - that’s when she makes an effort to be nice and comfort Shelby after Leah goes on her lil rant. This might also be the moment for Shelby, actually? It’s their first real conversation after all, the first time they actually connect and share stuff about themselves. 
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Journaling Attempt #1 – 8/19/2021
I had all these ideas of things I wanted to say but all I can think about right now is if I should change the format of the date to the more reasonable European way of going Day/Month/Year instead of the Month/Day/Year that I am used to. You know, to make a change. Maybe it will be THE change that I make that finally gets me on tract to being a normal person in the world and everything clicks in to place instead of this disjointed catch all, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, somehow I manage, way things have been going so far. I watched Bo Burnham’s “Inside” special about two weeks ago and have been listening to the songs again recently. Man did that hit hard. I think like a lot of people right now it really resonated. If you haven’t seen it yet, I wouldn’t say it is ‘funny’ but it’s not not funny too. It is this weird line of being openly raw about one’s mental health – which is both refreshing and scary, and also being painfully self-aware of being open and raw about one’s mental health. The latter of which I can relate to on a cellular level. It is also very inspiring. While I’m not locking myself in a room with a camera and making a special or writing catchy songs, I am writing this. Which is the first time I am really writing anything that wasn’t an assignment or something for work. So, who knows if I am any good at this? (The self-aware portion of my brain pops in as I write that to say “You don’t know if you are any good. This is true. But you think you are good, even though you have never done anything like this before, but you are doing to post this somewhere with the though that it will be seen and impress people who read it which in turn will have them heap praise on you and give your life meaning.” It also says “This gimmick of knowing that you know is a great way of distancing yourself from everything and making yourself feel above it all and comes across as smart, you “I’m 14 years old and so deep” jack ass. You’re 43. Grow up!” And lastly “You just don’t know when you stop?” Rule of 3’s!) Anyway, I’m not completely sure what I am going to do here or what I am looking to accomplish, beside procrastinate while at work because the idea of rifling through the messages on my desk, or in my phone, or in my email, gives me a full-on legit panic attach. And not in some modern “OMG, I’m having a panic attack looking at that line in Starbucks” kind of way. No. Like real tightness in my chest, breathing getting shallow, and sweating through my shirt kind of panic attach. Luckily, I’ve got my trusty pill case here and I’ve taken a piece of a Klonopin that I have at the ready and it seems to be helping some. At least with the panic part. Not with the getting work done part. That’s where the ADHD part of my brain can still run wild and fuck stuff for me. What’s tough about that diagnosis is that in talking with my therapist (one of two that I have. One LCSW and one Psychologist) is in telling her that I’ve always been distractible or in my own head she just simply said “So you have ADHD” which in some respects is freeing because there is a label and now a known way to attack the problem. However, in trying to figure out how to attack it and become more “neuro-typical” as the kids say, is rough as we try to find the right fit. I know that is part of the process. Nothing is going to be perfect right out of the gate. But man, is it fucking hard. I just want to find the right pill to take to make me ‘normal’ so I can live in the world and be a productive and useful member of it. Of course, I know that there is no magic bullet cure-all. It will take finding the right mix of meds and supplementing that with life-style changes. Exercising more and mediating more. Eating better. Change is flippin’ hard though. And to what end? Do I want to be normal? Whatever the hell that means? I’ve always prided myself on being a little bit different. I know, I know. That makes me sound insufferable, which is totally fair and true. What was fun and endearing at 13 doesn’t fly at 40 as the father of two. That said, I have found my way to be the slightly “off” one. The one parent who doesn’t mind putting himself out there for things or be the but of the jokes. People, especially kids, can tell who can take a joke and who can’t. So, I don’t have a problem being the parent whose kids friends circle can call by name in a jokey way or let the girls on the soccer team constantly beat me in races or games. But, does taking that magic pill that I’ve yet to find, is that going to change who I am, and will I lose this more “wackier”, and one might say “passionate”, side? Will become just a regular dull drone in the sea of corporate masses? How do you hold on to the part of yourself that you feel defines you while it also appears to be killing you? Do other people ever feel this way? Does my wife? My siblings? Do you? I’m sure someone reading this just now say “Yup! I totally get what you are saying” to which I respond, “I’m so sorry as this suck, huh?”
 Talking with people helps for sure. Seeing you are not alone. But sometimes that is a hard place to get to. How much do I want to share with my wife? I know she loves me and will continue to do so and only wants the best for me. But I don’t want to open this door and unload all my own bullshit on her and now she will be constantly worried about me. Like more than the regular amount of her worrying about me because she loves me. And god forbid I actually go into this kind of detail with my therapists. Because once I do that, that means I officially have all these problems and then I have to do deal with it. So, I continue to keep things surface level. “Yeah, I’ve been depressed lately” and “so this is what is going on with my parents at the moment and how I have to deal with it” and those kinds of things. Which is still helpful. But I’ve been talking to them for years now. Does this mean I need to find new therapists? I’m such a non-confrontational person I don’t even know how to begin thinking about ‘breaking up’ with them if that is the case. And how do I even find someone else? Like most things in my life, I just kind of lucked into these ones and been coasting ever since.
 Sorry, about 5 minutes just passed as I sat here frozen at my keyboard thinking about what I just wrote and what else I might want to say and get out of my system right now. Scene:
Brain: Um, dude? What happened? You started off alright and had some amusing bits in there but then when full on confessional. I thought you wanted to be funny and stuff.
 Me: I know, I know. I just kind word vomited and went stream of consi…stream of consusious…stream of thought and that’s what came out.
 Brain: That’s the joke you are going with? Everyone reading this knows you have spell check; you could have just done that and no one would know or cared.
 Me: Yeah, I could have, but A) it gets another joke inside this bigger bit we are doing here now and B) helps endear me a little more as a grown man who has trouble spelling.
 Brain: Okay, wow. First of all, I don’t know if it really endears you to the reader or not but calling attention to it doesn’t make sense or help at all. And secondly, you never explain the joke. That ruins the joke. You’ve scene enough documentaries on comedy to know that’s how it works.
 Me: But what about being ‘meta’. Commenting on the commenting.
 Brain: Yeah, I get what you are going for but at some point, it is just tacky and uncreative.
 Me: So, you are saying this is just going to come across as obnoxious and whiney and faux-intellectual?
 Brain: Absolutely. You really just need to put on your big boy pants and suck it up, buttercup.
 Me: Shit.
 Me: Want to go look at some porn? Brain: Obvious, exploitive, and immature but sure. Let’s get that dopamine hit. That always helps.
 Sponge Bob “Three Hours Later” title card
 Me: (with a heavy sigh) I hate myself.
 Brain: Me too. But I am feeling a little better so let’s get some actual work done. Me: If you say so.
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so. ach’m. he is an amphibious alien character thats been with me for a long time and i havent had the feeling for him in YEARS. but i have to talk about him because hes still got a special place in my heart despite my uh... abandonment of him. 
this is really long so it’s under a cut
first things first: his name, Ach’M Raten, is pronounced, Ahk-mm Rah-ten. it has a meaning to it because apparently those are names derived from words in his people’s language, which you’ll find out about more later. 
he was someone i made when i was RIGHT in the middle of my Alien phase, and was also just starting my OCT xDDD phase on deviantArt. (i was. not good at octs bc i had no concept of cohesive storytelling in a limited timeline comic format and also had really bad add that made it impossible to ever finish anything.) the OCT he was apart of was Tapestry of Horror, which, honestly i think my audition comic for that was the only good one i made for that entire tourney. this was his reference for it: 
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ahh, look at that. the nostalgia is all coming back to me. the amount of “:U” which was a go-to face for 13 year old me. this was posted back in 2010! wow!
the reason the 63 on his age is crossed out is because THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY THE ORIGINAL REFERENCE I HAD FOR HIM! i had to redraw him because his original reference (which unfortunately has been lost to the annals of time) was too human looking? and tapestry of horror was an anthro/alien/no-human-faces tourney, so they told me i should probably change his face up some and then he’d be fine, and ORIGINALLY, ACH’M WAS AN OLD MAN. I DON’T KNOW WHY I ALSO CUT HIS AGE IN HALF BUT IT’s PROBABLY BECAUSE I WAS THE INDECISIVE BASTARD THEN THAT I STILL AM TODAY.
supposedly he used to slink around in shadows and laugh and speak in rhymes, and im pretty sure that was a side effect of edgy 13 year old interests? like, i think i tried giving him kind of a creepy serial killer vibe? and then just never executed it? he had an epithet of, The Laughing Cyborg, which is still relevant in later versions of him. 
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i don’t believe i was lying. i think i did originally make an amphibious alien woman character that just later evolved into ach’m. i’m sure if i had any of my sketchbooks from that age physically with me i would ABSOLUTELY be able to find it and show you guys but i dont so, rip. 
because i was trying to be coy and ~*~mysterious~*~ i never originally explained his backstory on his reference. it was planned to be something revealed overtime through ~*~dramatic~*~ flashbacks and dream sequences that i did not have the ability to execute. its always followed the same beats, though: ach’m and his younger brother were child refugees from a civil war on his home planet. in their initial escape, ach’m is caught under a crumbling wall and loses his leg, and they’re later found and adopted by a retired opera singer of another species. through vague never-established family issues, ach’m leaves his adoptive mother and joins a travelling circus. 
this is his adoptive mother: 
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her name is (and i’m sorry) Nippeteranulzenkodelonio. You can just call her Nippy, though. Please just call her Nippy. 
god, her species used to be called draconae? what the heck. in future designs, those religious symbols are obsolete and replaced with other symbols relating to a galaxy-wide secret society that has NOTHING to do with ach’m and i never figured out how nippy was involved in it, so we’re not delving into that. 
they both come from a planet called Naruviie, which in his language just means, “Land of the People,” “naru” being the part that means people. i never like, fully fleshed out their planet aside from very vague allusions to it being mostly swampland populated by cute little amphibious animals like this fun guy: 
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pictured: a gold Yarlian, which is basically the Naruviian equivalent of a dog. 
SO BACK TO ACH’M AND THE TAPESTRY OF HORROR: i only won the first round because my opponent had to drop out, and i lost the second round. it didn’t really matter though, because ach’m remained an incredibly popular character to followers of the tourney, and No, It Was Not Because Of Me. it was because one of the other competitors who i was friends with included him in her rounds, mostly for jokes, and i thought it was the best thing ever. the problem with that though, was that even though in every entry for the tourney she would say IN THE DESCRIPTION that he was NOT her character, everyone thought he was. because she was just a more well-known artist in that community, and i was just. some 13 year old. 
but anyway, she was a more competent storyteller than i was so she actually like... gave him more character than i was capable of at the time, and she would ask me if i characterized him wrong and i would always be like, “NO ITS GREAT HES PRETTY MUCH WHAT I WANTED HIM TO BE BUT JUST COULD NOT WRITE FOR WHATEVER REASON!” not that i ever expressed it like that because... from what i remember about my 13 year old self... i was very Virgo in all of my statements. yikes. 
im not close with that artist anymore, and our interests have diverged a lot since then, but i always think back to that time with fondness. for my tween mind, having an artist that i looked up to see my character and actually like them enough to do that absolutely had a profound effect on me at the time. 
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see i told you his name had a meaning. and look, i even gave his language a name! wow! such developments!
his backstory didn’t really change, except this time instead of a wall falling on him and crushing his leg, he was just born with a bad leg that had to get amputated. apparently. i also changed up his personality more. instead of him being this one dimensional jokey boy that talked in a bad accent, he became more of this like... roguish bardish type of character? he’s more flirty, more prone to being pride and false bravado, tells ridiculous stories of his life to appear more dashing, and, get this: i literally put in his updated backstory that he used to work more Colorful Jobs (ie: he was a prostitute at some point) 
his brother also has more of a presence and an actual character? i think i planned on him being dead in his 2010 iteration. Orith in this version is a grouchy mechanic/space engineer with a prosthetic eye. oh yeah that’s right him and ach’m were like. attacked by giant birds at some point in their childhoods? i think i had it that the giant birds were a natural predator of his fucking species????????? and thats why ach’m is missing an arm and an ear
moving on. 
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big himbo energies. i knew what was up. 
and that leads us to the latest ach’m that i’ve drawn which is these sketchy things from 2016
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his cybernetic arm looks completely different now, he doesn’t have the robot ear anymore and his brother (wow an actual picture of his brother!) doesn’t even have a robot eye, and nippy now looks actually old and is like. completely blind now. i didn’t even realize my art style changed THAT much in the span of like, one and a half years until like.. JUST now. wow. 
he definitely looks like more of a scumbag now, and i don’t think i ever made anymore drastic changes to his backstory. i’m probably going to take another crack at it though because uhhhhh i dont like a lot of the implications i made in his backstory lmfao.
anyway yeah that’s the story of ach’m! 
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