#this gave me so much serotonin you don't even know oof
khaleesiofalicante Β· 1 year
Hola Dani...! How are you?? How has your weekend been?? πŸ€—
So here's the story (it's not really that long) but it involves TLND...
First I would like to apologize for every single time I have called "obliviousness" in stories unrealistic because Holy fuck!! πŸ™ƒ
So today I got this delivered to my house...
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I'm a shitty photographer but it's a bouquet of red and white roses with some Christmas flowers in it, very pretty 😍 and it smells amazing πŸ₯°
And in it there was a simple card that said, I hope you're feeling better, love... and the signature and it's handwritten!!
Also in it... a small package of RAISINS!!!
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Now, I don't hate raisins but I very much don't love either... I just won't stop eating something because it has raisins in it πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
So I obviously texted him to thank him for such a beautiful present and I wasn't even going to mention the raisins but HE himself brought it up and I asked, why raisins? And he says:
"Because of that book you were reading where the characters expressed their love by eating each other's raisins..."
To which I reply by explaining to him that it wasn't exactly like that and basically proceed to explain all the nuances of TLND Malec...
And it wasn't until hours later when I was talking to my favorite cousin that I realized (she pointed out) that he had used the motherfucking raisins to tell me he has feelings for me πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
No wonder I'm so chronically single, I can't tell when people like me 😭
And then I asked him, and he told me that he has had feelings for me for YEARS, he apologized for getting the raisins thing wrong and then asked me out on a date πŸ₯Ί
Hindsight is now 20/20, I should have noticed because it was obvious 😫
And the thing is, I don't know if I want to go on a date with him, we've been friends for years and what if it doesn't work out??
I don't know what to do, he doesn’t even live in the country he's only here to spend the holidays with his family, although his mom told me a while ago that he wanted to move back πŸ€”
Wow... it was a long story 😬 but yeah, that's it, that's the thing that happened to me...
What would you do?
Soy amarte mucho mucho siempre πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
First of all, I squealed at this whole thing. Wtf. I don't squeal. I only *makes dragon noises*
Red and white flowers are such a good combo. (i find them very catholic but okay that's just me). ALSO HANDWRITTEN NOTES? OKAY THEN.
"feeling better....love. AMOR. WHAT. OKAY.
Also this man is the 'he might be a little confused but he got the spirit' meme
*more screaming*
Okay. Okay. As to what to do now. You should obviously do whatever the fuck you want. Duh. You're smart. Amazing. THE best. You'd make the right decision!
*clears throat carefully* but if I may, this guy seems so sweet. (but he is still a guy ew). For me, the two most attractive qualities in a person are 1) paying attention to the things we're passionate about (i can't believe he remembered the raisin thing!!) 2) giving a shit (the gesture was so romantic i always thought what in the lightwood-bane is going on lol)
I know that you are worried about the friendship. That's a very valid concern when you start dating a friend. But here is the thing. If it works out, it works out. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Sometimes when it doesn't, it's a little awkward. That's very normal.
But I've noticed some guys act like a dick about it. Like, 'if you can't date me, i don't wanna be friends with you' or whatever. And if this guy is like that, if it someones who acts like a child because you both tried something and it didn't work out and you decided to move on as adults, then this guy is not not worth being your friend OR your boyfriend.
But if it works out, then that's amazing! If it doesn't and you decide to be adults about it, that's even more amazing! Because are there are no 'what ifs' and regrets.
As I said, it's up to you. I know you are dealing with a lot right now and this year has been difficult with a lot of ups and downs, so when good things come your way, it's important to seize them and give it a shot.
I hope you know you deserve ALL the good things. This guy kinda seems good so πŸ‘€
Anyway. I love you and I'm so excited for you!!!
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i-bring-crack Β· 7 months
Forgot to ask you on AO3 last time so gonna do that here. I'm kinda curious how long it takes for you to write a single chapter. And whether you write it in one sitting or partly. Don't feel pressured to answer though ^‐^
Oof that does depend a lot on several reasons, most of those reasons that these:
Daily life
Uni entrance exam studies
Practical hobbies/blogging.
Other SL content: Translating SL:Ragnarok & setting the novel/manwha differences in the blog(which I haven't uploaded this months ;-;)
Tend to take most of my time so I don't usually have a certain hour for when I can write my fics, literally when I DO try to set a schedule all the sudden there is an event which I must assist and must be happening at that same time as when I scheduled another thing. (And I hate that way too much)
But when I do have time, say on weekends or just free time, I write around 1000 to 5000 words easily... BUT that's if I know the plot.
Why I have a lot of unfinished wips is for that reason as well, if I don't have every knowledge from begging to end then I will just get stuck on a lop of inconsistent plotholes and bad writing, which I hate whenever I try to have a reread over it.
For Finish What You Never Started, which I think you might have read it(?) Idk it's the one that I've uploaded most recently so idk if you are coming from thatβ€” but yeah at first I could just grind 2 chapters (maybe 8000 words) easily in a day because I didn't tend to think about the plot as much and also because my energy was top notch on it. It was something I was fully engrained in, and still am but considering I have to remember my own notes and writings, my own world building and leave hints here and there to foreshadow a lot of events (both that will come wayyy later and others that will come in the next arc) I've had to often work on one chapter for 5 to 6 days before publishing it. Worse I've gotten was like, working on one chapter for 11 days but that again was because they never gave me a single time to work on.
But this is like medium work. I'd say the one I would often spend a lot of time working on and one that I do want to absolutely polish, even the updated chapters, is: Make a man out of you. Now that one I absolutely took weeks per chapter and then sometimes more days to refine it. But in general it had taken me just a year to find all the information on a specific time and date (sengoku's momoyama period) and even then I still I left it on a hiatus to redesign it again, not completely rewrite it but absolutely to polish the events that will come into place soon enough.... and the hiatus has already been one year 😭😭😭.
So TLDR: pray I have enough serotonin per day bc I know only God knows how long these chapters take.
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