#this feels like some weird self inflicted torture bcs its not like i hate it but its also not the most exciting
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Pls tonight I just wanted to watch testing in the background while I worked on gifing 2005, but then I got completely blindsided by certain things which I am now working on :)
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thechocoboos · 5 years
last one I promise: ffxv but in space?... OK I'll admit I'm starting to run out of ideas. have a nice day and good luck with school!
holy fuck i went way more crazy with this than I planned. so have fun. Keep in mind, y’all, this is a space au–things are defo different than the actual plot. also: happy ending
The Regalia is a small prototype ship made for small trips to and from space stations and moons
Noctis’ father is the leader of a massive space colony circling a dimming blue star
Their space colony is running out of resources and energy as a result of a longstanding war with The Empire, a corporation that grew too powerful back when space travel became big and now aims to take control of every colony, resource, and inhabitable planet in the galaxy
so Regis sends Noctis and Co out on an expedition to build alliances and find potential resources that the Empire had overlooked
Noctis is a drifter who doesn’t want to take over his dad’s colony
Gladio is a soldier, a bodyguard in training for the leaders of the space colony. His family has always worked closely with the colony’s founders, so he was raised to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and to protect Noct
Prompto is a lower level settler of their space colony
He ran into Noctis during their school days and latched himself to Noct like a leach (Noct never minded and even grew to like Prom)
Ignis is still an advisor, albeit a SPACE ADVISOR
He is well versed in most, if not all, of the known alien languages and settlements (he spent so much of his schooling learning languages that he dreams about learning them–granted they’ve become more of nightmares by this point)
He guides Noctis on their mission to find resources and build alliances, giving advice such as “Do not try to navigate that asteroid belt” and “stay far from the Black Hole of Ostenbar–many civilizations were lost there”
Granted that advice is always ignored, but hey, it’s the thought that counts!
One day on their expedition, he mentions rumors of a ship called The Oracle–a ship that opposes the Empire
Supposedly, it started out as a simple rescue ship that grew bigger and bigger and soon became a massive self sustaining ship that travels around the galaxy helping those in need
Noct and Co. realize that it may be their first step towards building alliances and aim to find The Oracle–it’s their first tangible mission
The Oracle, if you hadn’t already guessed, is run by Luna
She and her brother, Ravus, inherited it from their family
The Oracle had many run ins with the Empire as a result of its good deeds, and Ravus grew tired of the pain inflicted on both his people and his inheritance due to those assholes
He knew he could never deal with the Empire directly, especially while handling The Oracle, so he left the ship in the hands of Luna and ran off
He fell in with a group of good-natured space pirates and now raids the Empire’s smaller ships with his small, growing fleet and gives the resources he obtains from them to those who need it–kind of like a robinhood of sorts
(I’m expecting some SpacePirate!Ravus spin offs in the future–i’ll even take the transcript of pirates of the caribbean except with ravus and in space)
Ardyn is a strange deity who was once worshiped on a more primitive, jungle based planet
His planet is hot, humid, and full of bright, colorful creatures. Some of them are poisonous and deadly, and others are docile and harmless
His people made beautiful buildings of stone with carved designs and everything they made was otherworldly and beautiful, there wasn’t a single item of theirs that wasn’t art in one way or another
They made the most beautiful songs and their language was magnificent and elegant; it was as though their voices were woven from the stars
Keywords? Made. Was.
The Empire found him one day and found his immense power very beneficial
They captured him and his worshippers, turning the worshippers into slaves and science experiments while they used torture and abuse to control Ardyn before turning him into the High Commander or the Empire
They brainwashed him into thinking it was Regis’ colony that had done him wrong, and he has it out for Insomnia Space Colony ever since
It takes a metric fuckton of cycles for Noct and co to finally find The Oracle, who is very willing to join the Insomnia Space Colony cause (my god is that a mouthful or what)
Sidenote: Cor is pretty high up on commanders from Noct’s colony, so he was out conducting business with other settlers at the far end of the galaxy
After the destruction of Insomnia Space Colony, he managed to get hold of Noct on The Oracle and relay the news
It leaves Noctis and the others crushed
They end up lost for a little bit, uncertain what their goal should be from then on
One day, however, The Oracle receives an SOS call from that same dimming star that Noct’s colony had orbited
The Oracle takes them there, and they find many, many survivors
The Oracle takes those survivors on board without a single word, and as Noctis sees the remnants of his people’s suffering at the hands of The Empire, he swears to bring an end to those fuckers as long as he lives (cue his new reason for living)
Noct and co.’s favorite pit stop is a small colony on an asteroid called Crash Comet
It’s run by Cid, an old alien friend of Regis’ and his granddaughter
It’s the nicest gas station, diner, and mechanic outside of their solar system
They visit it regularly, especially after Noct learns how to fly the Regalia (he can’t avoid those asteroid belts even when he tries)
Gladio once asked why Prompto was with them on their expedition bc he genuinely had no idea why the kid was there
Gladdy was there for protection, Ignis was their walking, talking adviceman, and Prom? He had no idea
Prom lowkey didn’t know either, but he just held up his old lil camera and said some BS about being their historian
In reality, Noct really just brought him bc he didn’t want to be stuck in a tiny spaceship with Ignis and Gladdy alone, besides, he knew that Prompto always wanted to see the galaxy outside of their colony
They have many run-ins with Ardyn and The Empire–it always ends in a massive chase scene through the stars, a disappearance in a hectic asteroid belt, and another trip to Crash Comet
Noct, Iggs, Gladdy, and Prom have a blast on their space adventures
At least, up until their colony is destroyed
Still, they meet aliens from all walks of life and eat strange alien food at strange alien gas stations on the edge of the galaxy and make friends everywhere
They make alliances as they go, building up their own army of settlers, colonists, space pirates, and aliens alike to rise up against the Empire, with The Oracle heading their fleet
Prompto takes so many pictures that he ends up with a massive database of things ranging from aliens, planets, stars, flora, fauna, selfies, weird poisonous glowing bacteria–you name it, he’s got it (after their adventures he actually finds scientists and alienologists asking him for his pictures for research and references; our boi makes bank on his pics!)
Ignis tries every single different cultured cuisine he can get his grubby lil gloved paws on and he will eat ALL OF IT. he has been poisoned by the clashing chemical makeup on more than one occasion (but he still won’t stop)
Noctis hates trying new culture foods, like he goes for some of it but if Ignis tries to feed him one more Glockinshnid’esiria throat casserole, he’s going to vomit
Gladio towers over a lot of alien species they meet, but he also looks like a penny next to some of them (he lowkey feels insecure about it)
Gladdy likes to trade work out regimens with some aliens
He once tried working out with the very gruff, muscled Kleeverprongs, a species known to eat the muscles of their dead to become stronger and who begin weightlifting at 3 months old (he threw his back out and couldn’t walk for a week)
Prompto tries to steal small alien pets but Ignis threatens to throw him out the back of their cruiser if he so much as looks at one more Puffelzingor.
He once hid a small mouse like rodent in his shirt for three weeks, but it escaped and ate through one of Ignis’ prized pots (it’s one of the more expensive ones that can handle stardust and the harshest of acids)
Ignis hasn’t forgiven him yet. And he probably never will.
Sometimes Noct and Co. cross paths with Ravus
Ravus usually screams about them being the ones who got his sister tied in even further with the bloody empire and being the biggest thorn in his ass
There was one time where Ravus was thought to be dead in the middle of space, and none other than Noct and Co. rescued him (he had lost an arm and been abandoned by accident. Space pirates aren’t very bright sometimes)
He was less aggressive towards them afterwards, especially because he was stuck with them for about 2 and a half cycles (roughly 3.67 months) because the nearest welcoming outpost was at least a good hundred stars away
ANyways plot stuff:
So, throughout their journeys and travels, Noct and Co. slowly learn about some of the Empires more hidden histories and ties with differing colonies
They learn more about Ardyn, how he was essentially a tool used by the empire
THey actually travel back to the planet that Ardyn had been worshiped on and end up learning even more
At first, they thought he had just been a leader of some strange planet, but when discovering he was essentially a god? Oh boi, they were faced with a big moral dilemma
Noctis still wants to bring down the Empire, but now, he also wants to help Ardyn and Ardyn’s people
Gladdy is against it, of course, saying that Ardyn had still done terrible things and was still a terrible person who should pay for his actions
Noct mostly disagrees. He thinks Ardyn needs to pay to a certain degree, but to him, it was more important that they at least try to free his people and attempt to get the truth out there
He argues that it really wasn’t all Ardyn’s fault, that he was nothing more than a pawn who had been manipulated and lied to for nothing but selfish reasons
He doesn’t want to help Ardyn, necessarily, but he does want to make things right
It was truly at this point that his friends began seeing the leader that Noct truly is
Noctis and Co. were never really able to convince Ardyn as much as they tried; he was past the point of simply believing things
Still, he made a deal. A snarky deal with a smirk and teasing tone to his voice, but the look in his eye had been enough to give them hope
He told them, that if they were able to find his people and set them free, he just might be willing to strike up some sort of deal that would work out for both of them
Cue montage
The space bros go through hell and back trying to find out what happened to most of the worshippers
They break through and destroy so many Empire outposts and institutes that they probably single handedly cripple part of the Empire
Even so, with how hard they work to find out where the worshippers were, they had to ask for help
They asked both Ravus and Luna for help, as well as some of the more trusted allies they had made through their journey
In the end, they find that most of the worshippers had been killed. They manage to rescue those who had survived, and bring them to Luna’s ship for safety
They’re beaten and bruised with fearful eyes and they spend most of their time praying–it’s all they can do at this point
It’s heartbreaking, and it truly reminds Noctis and his friends that they weren’t the only ones who had lost their home
Luna and Noct both promise the worshippers that they would be brought back home when it was finally safe, but no one knows when that will be
The next time Noctis crosses paths with Ardyn, there is no snark in Ardyn’s voice–only the serious tone of a man who had lost everything
He demands that Noct bring him to his people, his voice harsh and sharp as he snaps. His eyes are furious and his stance is dangerous but Noct remains calm and tall, his eyes cool as he talks Ardyn down
Ardyn agrees to go with Noctis alone, he agrees to relinquish his weapons and trickery–all he wants is to see that his people are safe
The others aren’t happy, the air is tense in their cruiser as they return to The Oracle. Gladio silently fumes and Ignis is ready to pounce any second.
But Ardyn makes no moves. He waits, his heart still, his eyes sharp–he could be walking into a trap, and he knows it, but he doesn’t care, not if his people are there
Luna is respectful when Ardyn boards her ship. She doesn’t show any ill will despite what he has done–she knows he had been tricked, and she knows that all that really matters to him are his people. She respects that.
She leads him to the worshippers, and the second his eyes fall on them, he smiles–truly smiles
He feels relief, hope–glee
They look just as stunned as he is, their eyes wide and sparkling as they drop to the floor and bow
He only tells them to stand, speaking in an old, dead language that even Ignis doesn’t know
He asks them questions, touches their cheeks, their shoulders, their hands… He’s so gentle and careful, no one else can believe it
As they finish answering, he thanks them with a warm, soft voice, promising he’ll get them home safe–that they will all go home safely and that he’ll join them, that they will rebuild their beautiful civilization once again and no one will ever hurt them again
He turns and looks at Noctis, his eyes full of cold murder as his fury burns. He asks when they’ll launch their full attack–because he wants in. He quietly vows that he will bring down the empire–every last ship, even if it kills him.
It only takes a few more cycles for everything to be ready.
There are at least a thousand ships that come forward to help fight. Their alliances hold true to their words and promises and join The Oracle, bringing their own smaller allied ships and friends with them
Ravus brings at least 200 ships full of space pirates with a new, shiny arm at his shoulder
Noctis contacts older allies that his dad had made, as well as the hundreds of new ones he’s made through his travels–and those allies bring their own, as well
Luna has age old promises that are being fulfilled, her oldest contacts coming forward from the deep recesses of space to help fight the Empire
Even Ardyn pulls some strings, pulling a few of the Empire’s allies over to their side–after all, many of them had been loyal to Ardyn alone, in the end
With the Empire spread over so much of space, it isn’t a clean, straightforward war (then again, most aren’t)
The war lasts 81.7 cycles–nearly ten years. Strategies are stretched, lives are lost, people were worn down, but Noctis never wavers
In the end, the Empire crumbles–losing far too many of its ships and colonies, especially as the civilizations it took over rebel and fight back.
Eventually, there is only the head colony left–and Noctis’ side easily corners it.
Noctis isn’t alone when he approached the leader of the Empire. Ardyn goes with him, his losses just as valid as Noctis’
The leader begs. He cries, yells in desperation, falls to his knees and simply weeps–asking for Noctis to have mercy.
Noctis is cold as he responds, simply staring down the old man. He’s gotten what he wants–the Empire’s downfall. Yes, the leader needs to pay for his crimes, but he doesn’t care much for the logistics of that–so deciding punishment falls to Ardyn.
The details don’t matter too much–the Empire fell, Noctis was able to rebuild his colony around a new star, The Oracle was free to help the civilizations that had been under the Empire’s control, Ravus and his space pirates became the police of sorts–protecting people from unsavory sorts in space, and Ardyn was able to return to his home with the remainder of his people
Space was free again, its planets and civilizations free to return to run their lives as they pleased
Edit: Things I forgot to mention™
Arenaea is space’s local lesbian space pirate whose fleet was actually hired by Ardyn somewhere down the line
She was actually notorious and was a big rival of Ravus (they crossed paths on more than one occasion)
She’s lost a couple digits and a foot, as well as an eye in her pursuits but replaced them all with cybernetic implants (her eye can actually see in infrared, very handy in space)
Her cyborg foot has a built in high heel
She’s one of the most dangerous enemies and one of the best allies to have
No one crosses her and lives to tell the tale (unless she wants them to)
Insanely good strategist and is one of the best allies Noct has in the war
You can hear her loudly walking down the metal bridges of ships when hunting down mercenaries and criminals, her cybernetic foot and high heels clanging loudly (she likes to scare them--she could move quietly with no effort at all)
Anyways so weapons right
Ignis’ weapons are duel blades ofc, however, they’re HEAT DUEL BLADESSSS
With a click of his thumbs he's got some lasers shooting down the edge of his daggers and ready to burn the guts of his enemies as he stabs them (it’s pretty good at cauterizing wounds so his slices and jabs are well placed for instant death)
Gladio??? Yes, he still uses those massive as two handed swords. No one can rip that away from him
They, too, have laser capabilities
He keeps two laser pistols on either side of his belt for when they’re fighting in smaller quarters  
Y’all haven’t lived until you’ve gotten a mental image of sweaty gladio with burn wounds from laser rifles and holes in his tanktop shootin a couple of laser pistols with his beautiful manbun-ponytail thing and 10-year gap hair chillin out there, mouth turned down into a scowl as his sharp eyes aim
He also has a couple of electric cybernetic gloves that stun enemies with a single punch
Now. Noctis? Listen. He doesn’t use lasers--too much of a hassle
Our boi has a few cybernetic implants, kay?
Y’all ever played mass effect? His magic is basically like the biotics of mass effect
In other words, he still has magic, it’s just sci-fi magic!
His swords are made out of the sharpest metals one can find, and they glow because 1) I say so, and 2) they were forged from radioactive materials and stardust from the heat of a dying star because that’s how we do things in S P A C E
S O  M A N Y  L A S E R S
He’s got a laser rifle, he’s got a laser sniper, he’s got bullets that electrocute, bullets that explode, bullets that burn, grenades that stun, grenades that blow up, grenades that disintegrate only organic forms (helpful in space ships tbh)
He has a good trusty ole missile launcher type of weapon that launches concentrated laser ball missiles at shit
Also he’s far sighted.
Anyways; prom is always making modifications to his weapons (and gladio’s pistols) and is always the one to repair or alter the spacebro’s weaponry
He once smacked Noct for trying to fix a sword and somehow damaging its mechanics
Prom actually makes some serious cash fixing weapons at outposts and such, he also buys cheap weapons and bulks them up before selling them for like three times his buying price
He’s actually the most well-off out of them further down the line and he’s the one who brings in the credits throughout their journey because he’s the only one with some sort of income
Also i forgot to mention
Noct loses a leg in the war and gets a cheap prosthetic to tide him over until the end; then he gets a hella cool cyborg leg like Arenaea
Ignis does NOT go blind, however, he loses an eye in a fight with some space pirates who try to raid The Oracle and ends up with an eyepatch for a while
Later on, he gets his own cybernetic implant eye--it’s a lot like Arenaea’s actually
It glows red and the metal covers the area around his eye completely, reaching around towards the side of his head and disappearing beneath part of his hair
Ravus’ right hand pirate is an android
Gentiana is also an android
Cor punches Ardyn in the face the first time they meet during the war--yes, he does know that Ardyn is on their side, now
Cor was the one who found many of Ardyn’s worshippers and brought them to The Oracle
Also Cor is a cyborg
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