#thinking about it literally makes me cry like. jill was always portrayed as the softer more sensitive sister.
spurgie-cousin · 1 year
Jill's out here confirming everyone's worst suspicions. I hope that she has plenty of happy days - Derick seems good for her and seems to really love her. But she's really going through some shit on a regular basis. She deserves to be happy. And I honestly can't blame Jinger for sort of being half in, half out. Jill's journey looks excruciating.
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Yea, I really think Jinger's 'memoir' was less about being honest about her upbringing, and more about controlling the narrative. It was a way for her to make it known before the doc came out that she didn't want to be lumped in with the IBLP lot, but she kept it vague enough so that she wouldn't become completely estranged from her family (at least that's the vibe I get).
Sadly, Jill I think has been estranged for a while now from most of her family, so she had less to lose by being honest. I know Derick is an ass but he does seem to be really supportive of her healing process which I appreciate, and I hope his family is also a part of her support system since I really don't think her own parents are. Also now that I know she was in the doc, it makes sense that they timed her book to come out just as the doc was because people are going to be eager to know more about her experiences.
Regardless of her current beliefs, I think Jill is so incredibly brave. Talking about religious trauma is hard enough and she's doing it on an international stage, while her famous family is still doing propaganda for the religion that abused her. Her parents chose Gothard over her and she has to not only try to pick up those pieces, but forge a new path for her own kids, all while being in the public eye and I just respect her so much for having the courage to do all of it. Like the first anon said, I hope she has so many happy days in between the hard ones.
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