#theyre abstract to me in a really funky way because i wasnt around for s1
akilliosacheron · 1 year
Can you talk about the original three talkers? Trevino and Kennedy and TyVi?
oh, you know i can.
kennedy and trevino have this really connected lore for me. they went to the same school all throughout life and trevino was the one friend that kennedy ever picked that their parents didnt despise, so kennedy sort of clung to him really tightly for a very long time. so those two have this huge thing where theyre really good at reading eachother, to the point where they had a crush of some sort on eachother and never did anything about it.
Kennedy & Trev met Tyvi first when at least Kennedy was 16 and had just gotten their first car, they drove to this random backwater town a province over and met tyvi and ziwa, your 'i hate my parents and i hate this town!' type of teenagers, and ended up hanging out with them for the day.
they all sort of forget about that until later, in most cases they remember meeting properly at some random blaseball game years later when kennedy was sort of scouting for potential talent. most of the talkers s1 roster feels like people who just stumbled across recruitment for the team and joined except for tyvi and maybe bates to me, maybe also ogjenkins. i wouldnt put it past kennedy to try to make things as official looking as possible.
trevino is an architect. ive mentioned it a few times but i think its a real fun concept. he specializes in underwater structures and is really good stabilizing and developing buildings meant to be partially underwater. I think trevino would have been good friends with the Leviathan and a big fan of the Underarena if he had been on the team for longer. Even though he's a timid guy i think he would have loved the structural nonsense in the Underarena. Kennedy and Tyvi dont know jack about architecture but they absolutely love to hear trevino talk about it because he gets very passionate and opinionated and rarely does he get like that.
Tyvi ive always thought of not being able to touch people who didnt have poison, so they became friends with ziwa because they were literally the only friend option in their little town or whatever but theyre the kind of people who should have been friends anyway so its all good. tyvi is prickly physically and it sort of made them prickly with other people, in a sense, because theyre really affectionate without realizing sometimes and they didnt want to hurt someone again so they figured it was easier to keep a distance from most people who would get hurt. They have some form of medication that deactivates their poison that they take in tense scenarios when they might need to lend physical aid like when trevino was incinerated oops
Kennedy is probably immune to Tyvi's poison, but they never risked it. Kennedy is super fun for me to think about because they have so much potential nonsense going on. flootball star that retired to play blaseball at the height of their career. has a child. started a whole blaseball team. is a shapeshifter that doesnt ever shapeshift. married a prehistory player and due to Book Schenanigans forgot all about them. in love with their best friend. hotheaded goofball but tries to convince everyone theyre professional about everything. theyre so augh. love em
tyvi being captain is fun dynamic wise because theyre probably the middle point between trevino and kennedy. kennedy can be super forceful and trevino can be a pushover. Tyvi is a good captain because they manage to balance in the middle of both of those things. the more i think about tyvi the more and more they are a middle point between kennedy and trevino and stuff like that is fun. i like thinking about them in the hall because its Free Real EstateTM for bonding time. what else are you gonna do? might as well hsve bonding time. also youre dead so why would tyvi's poison work??? tyvi hugging trevino addiction real. trevino is a good soft boy he deserves to be hugged.
thats my basics i think? maybe? in no particular order? idk i just sort of rambled thats what this is all about right /j
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