#they’re both skk haters and skk fetishizers
losinghope71 · 2 years
One thing I will never forgive bones for is completely fucking up the dynamic of skk. They could not have portrayed them more off 😐
Lemme rant about 15 in the anime because WTF WAS THAT. Dazai did NOT look like the whiny little bitch who’s a know-it-all until he met this kid that for the first time in his life he was genuinely in shock that I know and love. There was NO build up to dazai saying he wanted to give life a chance BECASE HE LOOKED SUPER BORED THE WHOLE TIME!! It’s like making dazai anything other than an emo teen was out of their budget. What he said didn’t make sense because at no point did dazai show any hints of him being the least bit intrigued to live throughout the duration of the mission. They didn’t add dazai being in awe with chuuya’s combat skills, they didn’t include the private two on two conversation they had before deciding that they want to defeat randou together and that the other reason he wanted to continue living was so that he could be alive to interact with Chuuya more. Honestly I cannot think of a better way to say fuck skk than this. ITS SO- UGHHH!! It’s like bones has their own vision of bsd that they make up, and it completely ruins the story 😐 They fail to add depth to the characters and instead make them as one dimensional as possible. I don’t even know how bones saw dazai to only feel bored and suicidal when the words are RIGHT FUCKING THERE. You don’t need pictures because it’s WRITTEN!! RIGHT!! THERE !!
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