#they wouldn't be so involved in quadrant if he didn't. so this is me just kind of lightly building my own boundary when it comes to slaggin
landinrris · 4 months
This is gonna get super long so sorry in advance but I wanted to put it out there that I would pay real good money to know what Lando and Martin's friends think of the whole thing.
Like on Lando's side you have his lifelong friends who are his safety bubble who he spends all his time with, he always tends toward his close known circle rather than throwing himself into a ton of new friendships (Carlos being an exception but the teammate bond plus the covid bubble was a big accelerator there and of the group only Sasha really seemed to embrace that friendship, the others even mock it at times). And since he's been in F1, they've watched Lando gradually start to be more outgoing and lose some of his shyness but its first half of 2022 and he still clings to their bubble, even now he has a serious gf. Also he lets them tag along on nights out with people like Max Verstappen so they're all happy with that. Then come Summer 2022 there they all are on their traditional yacht vacation this time in Ibiza, and Lando takes them to meet a famous DJ that Danny Ric has helped Lando to get them backstage at his gig. They know Lando's getting into DJ'ing so they likely don't think much of it beyond cool, we get to meet Martin Garrix.
And then pretty much from that moment on they would have watched Lando throw himself headfirst into a new friendship with this DJ, going to stay in his hometown after just a few weeks, they see this dude buy Lando a DJ'ing set up even tho he barely knows him, then Lando checks out early from their annual winter Dubai trip to go on vacation with the DJ taking only Martin K with him, he starts hanging backstage at this DJs shows and before his buddies know it they find they've been more or less ditched during any F1 breaks except for the odd bone of a week of attention here and there thrown their way. I remember Fewtrell in early summer 23 on a stream bemoaning with Connor about how their yacht trips no longer happened and Fewtrell was like it will again, I've had words, and I've never heard anything that made me think "ha you'll be lucky" quite so fast. I also remember Fewtrell trying to bring Martin up on stream once when Lando was staying at his, must have been like Feb/March time, Lando mentioned learning to produce and Fewtrell made a comment like 'oh is Garrix teaching you' a little sarcastically and Lando just went 'yes' and shut the conversation down in an instant, like he was saying no, you don't get to go there and Fewtrell's face was a picture, he looked like a kicked puppy for a second before remembering there was a camera on him. They also see Lando getting adopted by Martin's close circle of friends and him adopting them in return. And then having been ditched most of the year, Lando's group find an about turn this winter when Martin actually goes on vacation with them for once and they're permitted to get to know him, before they then watch Lando head off to be glued to Martin's hip for more or less the entire rest of the winter break.
And then on Martin's side you have his lifelong friends who yes have become friendly with some other people around him who Martin's good friends with, they know Danny Ric from when Danny goes to Ibiza and they've gotten to know Max over the years, but here Martin is in late 2022 suddenly parachuting this young F1 driver he's only known a handful of weeks right into their Amsterdam world, not even Ibiza but their hometown. They got to know him in that time I guess, and then just as suddenly Martin is going on vacation with this dude, making an effort to fit spending time with him into his hyper-busy schedule. Lando even makes another visit to their hometown mid-summer. And then come end of Summer 2023 they are all on vacation together in Ibiza, Lando is staying with them in a villa there and they have adopted him to the point he's part of their core group celebrating their birthdays. (As an aside, I can't help but think they must have spent much more time with Lando than we know prior to Ibiza 2023 for him to be staying in a villa with them and them calling him family at that stage and for Lando to look so comfortable and at home around them. There has to have been time they have spent with Lando when he has been with Martin that we have no idea about for them to consider him part of their group that way).
Then this winter they've not only watched Martin be essentially glued to Lando's side for a vast majority of his free time and going on vacation with Lando's close circle but have also been witness to their entire carryon, things like the matching clothing, the vacation couple postcard pics etc all of which seems quite out of character even for someone as affectionate as Martin is. Like I've only followed Martin since he became friendly with Lando but I don't see him doing this kinda thing with anyone else. Thinking about it, his friends have likely been witness to their carryon for a while if those loud shirt & shorts combos from Ibiza were anything to go by.
I'll end this now as it's got out of hand (Sorry!) but I really truly would love to know what both sets of friends thoughts are on it all. Like I wonder if they all just realized gradually over time the way things were going or if they've actually had moments of sitting back and going wtf??!!
While I love the idea of an outsider's pov on the insanity of the trajectory of Lando and Martin's relationship, I hesitate to make it sound like Lando's older friends are leaches or that he's abandoned them, and that's something they feel spite for.
Lando did spend time with Max F during the first bit of Summer this year, and I believe Tom was in Ibiza at one point. He's had dinner with Max and Pietra and Pietra's family a few times. We've also seen them together (Tom specifically) in Monaco a few times during non-race weeks with a few of Lando's newer friends. As practically lifelong friends who find themselves on different career and relationship paths, it probably takes a bit of adjusting to changes in plans (e.g., Lando and co not going on the yacht this year).
Meeting someone new and involving yourself with their friends to the point where they become your own doesn't necessarily mean you drop your childhood ones. Sometimes friend groups don't mix and you do different things with each one.
I'm sure both parties though recognize how important each of them are to each other, especially when Lando is so firm with his boundaries and not wanting to talk Martin up. Martin bringing Lando into his group and introducing him to everyone in itself seems to be a very pointed and powerful stance on what he thinks in the first place. It is indeed a little crazy to think about when you stop moving for a minute and let your brain run.
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karuuhnia · 9 months
Okay, I doubt anyone’s ever gonna read this, but I just need to write down my thoughts on Good Omens Season 2. (Beware of spoilers) 
The Characters
First of all, I love, love, LOVE the writing and especially the acting of everyone involved! Both Michael Sheen and David Tennant (and everyone else) gave absolutely stunning performances! I also like that the main cast was a lot smaller than in season 1, so everyone had more time to shine. Great choice! (I did however kinda miss God’s narration and meta commentary).
My favourite new character is Muriel by far. She is like Aziraphale's cute, naive, dorky little sister or niece and I had the biggest smile on my face whenever she was on screen! I hope to see more of her in season 3 (which we probably will since she now runs the bookshop).
What I also liked was that Nina and Maggie don’t just magically fall in love in the end. I mean, they barely know each other and Nina is still in a relationship for most of the season. I liked that they even call out Crowley and Aziraphale for trying to force a romance between them instead of treating them like real humans with free will. (Was that a slight call-out to shippers in fandoms? Who knows lol) I hope they'll find love along the way, but I'm glad they were portrayed as realistic human beings.
Gabriel goes from smug, condescending asshole everyone loved to hate to adorkable himbo and I'm all for it! lol I wasn't in the fandom back in the day, but apparently Gabriel x Beelzebub was a popular ship and I can only imagine how happy the fans must be now that it became canon! I didn't see it coming at all, but it played out really well and didn't come across as forced. I just found it a bit funny and sad that these two fell in love and decided to break away from Heaven and Hell to be together in only a couple of years whereas Crowley and Aziraphale haven't managed to do that in more than 6000 years.
Which brings me to...
The Last Episode
We all know the last 20 minutes of episode 6 were absolutely heart-wrenching, but I wouldn't have it any other way! It was the perfect ending/cliffhanger in all regards and both their decisions make perfect sense. I wouldn't have wanted Crowley and Aziraphale to get their happy end at this point in the story because they're simply not there yet, character-wise. 
Also, then a huge plot point and conflict would miss from the final 3rd season. I live for the angst and the drama and I can't wait for satisfying character development and the ultimate, heartfelt conclusion. (Please, Neil! ;__;)
Character Analysis
The most interesting things for me were the several hints that Crowley used to be a very high-ranking and powerful angel before he fell (maybe Gabriel’s predecessor?). 
In S2-1 Aziraphale already knows who Angel Crowley is and looks at him with awe and admiration. (In German we have the great expression "jemanden anhimmeln" - roughly meaning sth like "to admire someone as if they came from heaven")
Crowley was part of the designer team of the universe and worked together closely with the higher-ups. He was also entrusted with starting the engine of a quadrant.
He is a creator and visionary who loves the stars, the planets, the whole universe and sees the big picture. He also uses critical thinking and encourages others to do the same.
The miracle he performs with Aziraphale to hide Gabriel’s identity is so strong that Heaven thinks the most powerful of Archangels must have done it. Since Aziraphale hides Gabriel from Hell and Crowley hides him from Heaven, but the alarm only goes off in Heaven, we can assume that Crowley had a bigger part in the miracle.
He can somehow deceive other angels from recognizing him as a demon: Gabriel, Michael & Co. in the Ijob episode and later Muriel when she first comes to observe Aziraphale. 
He can change the weather and cause fire or lightning at will.
He still has access to classified files for dominions or above.
He literally brings the guy who was killed by the demon horde back to life like it's nothing.  Short update: Neil recently said that Mr. Brown wasn't actually dead but only held captive during the battle. Well, Crowley at least healed Mr. Brown's injuries and removed his traumatic memories.
He is the only one in a room full of high-ranking angels who recognizes Metatron as what he is.
But it’s also implied that Crowley may have memory loss after he was kicked out of heaven because the angels did to him something similar to what they want to do to Gabriel now.
He doesn't remember working on the universe with Saraqael.
He remembers being in the Great War, but not battling right beside Furfur.
He vaguely remembers discussing gravity with the other angels, but he doesn’t remember why it was a good idea.
He seems to know exactly what the amnestic Gabriel is going through (the empty house metaphor, the physical pain of trying to remember etc.)
Crowley is hiding a huge trauma and it becomes really obvious how hurt and lonely he really is. 
In S1-5 we learn Crowley was tortured by being thrown into a pool of boiling sulfur, just because he dared to ask a few questions and make suggestions. Heaven is cruel beyond all measure! (But because of their chronic lack of communication I doubt Aziraphale knows exactly how much Crowley suffered both physically and mentally.)
At the end of the Ijob episode in season 2 he laughs at the distraught Aziraphale because he knows what it’s really like to have fallen. The thought of someone like Aziraphale going to Hell is ridiculous to him. And he wouldn’t wish something so terrible on anybody anyway, especially not Aziraphale. He knows first hand what Heaven does to “traitors”.
He’s been tortured and kicked out of Heaven, but he doesn’t resent creation itself like the other demons do, quite the contrary. He often goes out of his way to help humans, even if it means punishment from Hell. 
Because both Heaven and Hell are cruel and toxic, he decides he doesn’t want to be on any side in this eternal and pointless conflict. This, of course, leads him on a very, very lonely road.
Maybe this is why he (consciously or unconsciously) latches onto Aziraphale so much: He notices Aziraphale’s own doubts about the heavenly plan really early on. So he constantly encourages him to question his beliefs and own morals. 
I don’t think he does it for overly selfish reasons, he just wants to show someone else that not everything is black and white and that Heaven’s plans are not always as good as they want to come across. But of course he also doesn’t want to be all alone anymore.
Aziraphale is, first and foremost, a guardian, a protector. But we can’t forget he is also a warrior and a leader. 
In the beginning he was wielding a flaming sword, in S1-5 he is supposed to lead the heavenly troops into battle, in 1941 we learn he owns and knows how to use a gun. In S1-6 he is willing to shoot the Antichrist (who is in the body of a child I might add!!), but Madame Tracey stops him.
He likes spending his time helping others and indulging in his quirky little hobbies, but if he needs to, he steps up and becomes a leader (e.g. the stand-off in S2-6 when the demons and angels shout at each other and he takes control of the situation).
Aziraphale embodies many positive core values: Love, loyalty, politeness, kindness, forgiveness - which sometimes lets him come across as naive. He is also a big people pleaser. 
In Season 2 we once again see how much Aziraphale values and loves humanity (more than we deserve tbh). His heart is so big and full of love for them. He is his best self when he can do good for humans and he thrives off it. The thought of innocent people, especially children dying is really the only thing that ever convinces him to go against Heaven’s rules/orders (seen in the entirety of season 1 and in season 2 in the Ijob and graverobber episodes). 
But because of these core values he sometimes acts pretty holier-than-thou and hypocritical: He tends to try to make others do the dirty work so that he can wash his hands of responsibility.
We also learn that he sometimes abuses his heavenly powers to get what he wants. I mean, organizing a ball itself is a very wholesome idea, but he literally manipulates everyone’s clothes, feelings and behaviours, making them do or feel things they wouldn’t normally do in this situation. Nina is the one affected by this the most: She just got dumped and is sad and angry, but Aziraphale’s magic doesn’t allow her to feel those very valid emotions. He only means to do good, but ultimately he forces his will on the participants of the ball. And he doesn’t even realize it! This is not okay. 
There is this one very meaningful line in Season 1 where Aziraphale says: "You go too fast for me, Crowley". And it really shows in every aspect of his personality and character design. 
Aziraphale always wears similar, familiar clothes and barely changes his hairstyle over the centuries. Crowley on the other hand looks completely different in each time period we see him. Crowley lives in the present, goes with the time, Aziraphale lives in the past, can’t catch up. 
No matter how often Heaven disappoints and mistreats him, he still desperately clings to the idea that their plans and institution are good at their core. Even after more than 6000 years Aziraphale is still so obsessed with the idea of good vs. evil, Heaven vs. Hell and to an extent even Aziraphale vs. Crowley. Yes, the two have become visibly closer and more familiar with each other since season 1, but Aziraphale still thinks in the good side vs. the bad side ("my people" vs. "your people", “Of course you said no to Hell, you [not “THEY”!!] are the bad guys!”) absolute, whereas Crowley has distanced himself from both sides long ago and only wants to be with Aziraphale.
Besides their lack of communication this is their biggest problem: Aziraphale can’t accept Crowley for what he is - or is not anymore. 
First there is some sort of resentment and caution towards this fallen angel, of course. But Aziraphale wouldn’t be Aziraphale if his big loving heart held onto those feelings for long. He quickly sees that Crowley isn’t purely evil as demons are supposed to be. He likes and WANTS to see the good in everything and everyone.
Aziraphale begins to enjoy Crowley’s company over the centuries and eventually trusts him completely. But due to his indoctrination by Heaven he still unconsciously believes that Crowley, as an evil demon, is beneath him, Aziraphale, who is a righteous and morally superior angel. And while he has compassion and sympathy for Crowley and his terrible fate - he also somewhat pities him. (And being pitied is certainly nothing Crowley wants.)
This is the reason he is so incredibly happy about the thought that he could give Crowley his angel status back. As sad as it is to see how little Aziraphale understands Crowley after all those millenia, it feels completely in-character why he wants Crowley to be an angel again. He sees that there is still so much good left of the former angel he admired so much. He witnessed how brilliant Crowley used to be, an angel who loved creating and gazed at the universe with such exaltation. How happy he was, how bright, how enthusiastic in what he was doing! 
This plays right into Metatron’s hands in the last episode. 
Early in the season Crowley is offered a huge promotion in Hell if he finds Gabriel. And Crowley doesn’t even consider it for a single second - even though he hates Gabriel (He still clearly remembers the "Shut your stupid mouth and die" and all the other horrible things). When Aziraphale is offered the new position as Supreme Archangel he hesitates at first, but as soon as Metatron suggests reinstating Crowley to angelic status, he agrees in delight. Aziraphale thinks now they wouldn't have to be separated, they could even be together officially and it wouldn’t be reprehensible anymore because they’d now both be angels, both on the “good” side. They’d finally be equals and could even do good together, change the system.
So of course, from Aziraphale’s perspective, making Crowley an angel again would solve all of their problems (or what he perceives as problems). He, Aziraphale, wouldn't have to have a bad conscience anymore for spending time with someone who should be a mortal enemy. He could finally “fix” Crowley, make him truly good again. But of course it backfires horribly.
Their relationship:
As much as I loved the funny banter, the wholesome and adorable slice-of-life moments, this season made one thing really obvious to me: There is a big power-imbalance (for the lack of a better word) between them in their relationship. 
As far as we've seen, Crowley is almost always the one who gives, Aziraphale is almost always the one who takes. When Aziraphale wants something (e.g. protect Gabriel, take the Bentley to Edinburgh, have Crowley take care of the bookshop in his absence, organize a dance etc.), Crowley initially refuses - but in the end always gives in to what Aziraphale wants. 
Aziraphale is very outgoing, has a whole little community with the vendors in his street, actively mingles with humans and has hobbies (reading, collecting books, eating at fine restaurants, listening to music, practicing magic, going on little detective adventures etc.). What I’m saying is: Aziraphale has a life for himself, even after becoming a persona-non-grata in Heaven.
Crowley on the other hand... He either goes along with what Aziraphale does/wants or sleeps in his car (and takes care of his plants I guess). That's pretty much it. He doesn’t get any new tasks from Hell and only communicates with Shax on occasion when she brings him his mail or random news. He is so isolated from Hell, Heaven and Earth that literally his only reason for existing at this point seems to be Aziraphale. He practically has no ambitions or life of his own. Aziraphale always lets Crowley be his rescuer because it makes Crowley happy. But isn’t it sad that Crowley is only ever happy when he can protect and be around Aziraphale? Crowley’s whole life revolves around him and nothing else. This is not healthy!
Think back to season 1 when the bookshop burns down and Crowley thinks he’s lost Aziraphale forever. He is a mess, he screams and cries and breaks down. It was only for a couple of hours, but he’s experienced what a life without his one true friend is like and the loss hits him so hard, it hurts even us as an audience! 
And the worst thing: I don't think either of them really notice all that - because they don't TALK! Nina and Maggie were so right: The two idiots never really talk to each other about their true thoughts and feelings. 
There is so much miscommunication and misunderstanding of each other's needs because of that:
Aziraphale is internally conflicted about what he wants (be a good angel of Heaven vs. be with the enemy, an "evil" demon).
Crowley knows exactly what he wants (to be with and ONLY with Aziraphale), but he can’t muster up the courage to say it. After all, the last time he spoke freely about his thoughts, he was branded a traitor, tortured and cast out by Heaven.
So they constantly fail to find a solution that both of them are happy with:
Both in Season 1 and 2 Crowley asks Aziraphale to leave everything behind and run away with him, not acknowledging Aziraphale's undying love for and loyalty to humankind. And he gets rejected for it both times.
In S2-6 Aziraphale asks Crowley to come to Heaven with him, not acknowledging how Heaven has hurt Crowley, not accepting him for who he is. Instead he wants to fix him. Over the years he has also become so used to Crowley always being there for him, he takes his help for granted. So when Crowley actually stands his ground for once and refuses to do what Aziraphale wants, it shocks Aziraphale to his core. He’s never been rejected like that.
They aren’t humans, they are both ageless, sex- and genderless, asexual, otherworldly beings, so human relationship standards don’t apply to them. We can also see that in Gabriel’s and Beelzebubs relationship. Their love is something emotional, not physical. They don’t kiss or even hug, they just look at each other and sing "Everyday" - their personal love song - before they go off together. 
Crowley and Aziraphale have spent so much time away from Heaven and Hell and lead almost human-like lives on Earth. So in a desperate, last ditch effort Crowley chooses to show his emotions in a very physical, human way, a way that beings like them wouldn’t normally do. But it’s his very last chance to make Aziraphale understand. So he kisses him. It’s an angry, sad, messy, utterly unpleasant kiss, it’s painful to look at. 
Aziraphale doesn’t kiss back, his hands are erratic. He is so torn. His heart and his brain tell him two different things. He needs Crowley, but Crowley refuses to come to Heaven with him. 
And what is the first thing that comes to Aziraphale’s mind after the kiss? “I forgive you!” Because that’s what he’s good at, right? Forgiveness. He told Maggie that in the first episode of the season. I don’t know what exactly he wants to forgive and I’m not sure he knows himself. 
When they part they’re both in emotional agony, they both feel betrayed. Crowley storms out, but still waits outside his car. He still has this tiny bit of hope left that Aziraphale will come with him after all. He only gets in and drives off once he sees the doors to Heaven close behind Aziraphale and Metatron.
Metatron’s plan
I read some theories that Metatron poisoned Aziraphale’s coffee, but I really, REALLY hope that this isn’t true. It would take away all the gravity of Aziraphale’s decision if he is just drugged to go along with Metatron and comes to his senses once the drug wears off. That would be boring and lame!
I also don’t think that Crowley and Aziraphale switch appearances again as they did in Season 1: Clearly Metatron would be able to see through the disguise, he is much more powerful than the angels after all.
No, I think Metatron cleverly manipulates Aziraphale by giving him the opportunity (or rather the illusion thereof) to make changes in Heaven with Crowley at his side. Aziraphale is so convinced that Crowley would be full of joy and gratitude at the prospect of becoming an angel again. He once again fails to understand that this is the exact opposite of what Crowley wants.
Metatron on the other hand appears to know Crowley much better in that regard. He remembers how powerful Crowley is and how far he fell for asking the wrong questions. He loathes Crowley and would never want him in a position of power in Heaven ever again. So from the outset Metatron knows that Crowley would not agree to become an angel again, that’s why he makes that specific offer to Aziraphale in the first place. It’s his clever way to make the two fall out with each other, to separate them and still win Aziraphale over for his plan.
I just wonder what his real goal is here. Michael or Uriel seem like a much more logical choice for Supreme Archangel if he really only wants to go through with the next Armageddon. That can’t be everything, right? He knows that Aziraphale actively worked on preventing the first Armageddon. Why would he think Aziraphale would now be on board for the second one? Metatron can’t underestimate Aziraphale that much, right? He’s way too cunning to believe that Aziraphale is weak-minded and gullible.
I mean, I’m not too versed in religious mythology, but doesn’t the Second Coming of Christ mean Judgement Day and that God’s kingdom takes over the world after smiting all enemies? That doesn’t sound like something Aziraphale wants (especially the smiting of all enemies which would include Crowley). So why does he still agree to go with Metatron after learning about this??? 
Does Aziraphale think he can outsmart Metatron and all the other high-ranking angels and avert the end of the world when he’s in a position of power? I mean, he is intelligent, he must have a plan after hearing about the Second Coming, right? That would at least somewhat explain his very weird and uncanny smile during the credit roll. I just don’t know what to think about all this.
My best guess is that Aziraphale will first try to undermine Metatron and speak to the Almighty Themselves (something he already wanted to do in season 1 but was denied), and also to make positive reforms in Heaven. But Metatron sees this coming of course. To make Aziraphale his obedient puppet he will simply threaten to erase Crowley from the Book of Life should Aziraphale ever dare to step out of line.
Crowley never told Aziraphale about what he and Muriel found out in Heaven - that Michael & Co. were actively planning Armageddon 2.0 before Gabriel went renegade. But now Crowley can’t do anything to help prevent it because he knows that Aziraphale is completely at Metatron’s mercy.
I’m dying to see how this will all play out, but at this moment I’m just confused and unsure about all of this. 
So what do I want/expect from season 3?
I want Crowley to overcome his trauma, his pain, his trust issues, all the rejection and loss he faced. I want him to be able to be himself: Free, loved, respected, cared for, accepted. I want him to live a happy life with, but not live FOR Aziraphale. I want him to make other meaningful connections. Maybe with Muriel? She is the only other kind and good-hearted angel we see in the show and a friendship would benefit both of them greatly in my opinion. 
I want Aziraphale to fight for Crowley, to protect him for once. When they meet again I want him to do the stupid apology dance for three hours. I want him to finally accept Crowley as his best friend, his soulmate, his true love, his equal. I want him to take Crowley’s glasses off, look him in the eyes and then be the one to lean in for a kiss. A kiss that isn’t forceful and desperate, but heartfelt and genuine.
As for the plot of season 3… I’d really like to see a flashback of the often mentioned Great War between the angels and soon-to-be-demons. I’d also like characters from season 1 to make a cameo appearance if possible. Apart from that I don’t have any predictions or big ideas (as I said before, still very confused about Metatron’s plan). 
I will put my faith in Neil Gaiman and Wait and See (TM) what he ultimately comes up with. :’)
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I don't date Cops (J. Halstead)
Summary: Will is trying to convince you to go on a date with his brother which you didn't want to do until you spent some time with him without knowing he was Will's brother.
Words: 1160
Requested: yes
Warning or A/N: Anyone want a part 2? Please say yes or no in the comments!
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        You were just about done with a patient's discharge paper when your favorite co-worker walked up to you. "Hey Y/N!"
       You smiled. "Hey Will,"
       "I have a question for you?"
       You finished the discharge paper and handed it to Maggie and walked to the room. "I might have an answer,"
      "So you're still single right?"
      You stopped in front of the door and looked at Will. "Yes, but we're just friends Will,"
       "What? No. Im not asking for me, Im asking for my brother,"
       "The cop?"
       "I don't date cops,"
       You pushed opened the door and smiled at your 8 year old patient and her family. "You guys are free to go,"
       "Thank you so much Dr. Y/L/N!"
       "No thanks needed. If you need anything else when you get home, dont hesitate to call,"
      You smiled at them once more and walked out of their room. "Why not?"
      "Will, I said no. I don't need to give you my reasoning,"
       Will sighed in defeat and walked away. You knew Will wasn't going to give up but at least for now, he'll leave you alone for a second.
      You were walking out of a room when you heard Maggie's pager go off and then alarms going off. 
    "Dr. Choi, Dr. Y/N. GSW coming in. A detective. Go to Baghdad,"
    You quickly grab your gloves and put them on just in time to see the paramedics bring in the detective. "Antonio Dawson. Fourty Nine. GSW lower right quadrant. Stripped his body armor in the ambo,"
      You see a bunch of cops walking into the E.D. "Hang in there, Dawson,"
     The paramedics continued. "BP 110/82, heart rate 104. Sats 100%,"   
      Choi looked at Doris. "Doris, with me," 
       You looked at the X-ray tech. "Yeah. Mike, gonna need an X-ray. KUB and chest. Let's transfer on my count.  Everybody ready? One, two, three,"
    After you got him moved, Choi looked at his gunshot wound. "Single lateral gunshot wound. No exit wound. Likely retained the bullet,"
        You pulled out your stethoscope to hear his breathing. "Bilateral breath sounds. Focused lower right quadrant pain. Let's get that lateral X-ray first,"   
       Everyone backed up. "Clear,"  
        "Retained bullet in the posterior lateral. Definitely transabdominal,"
       You nodded. "That's enough for me. Okay, Detective Dawson, we're gonna take you up for surgery, okay? Okay. All right, Doris. Let them know we're coming up. Lets move,"
       You walked out of the room and throwing your gloves away. You almost bumped into a cop. A very attractice cop. "Hows he doing?"
       "Hes going up for surgery,"
       "I don't know what happen, we cleared every room,"
       "Officer ?"
       "Its Detective and you can call me Jay,"
      "Okay Jay, listen you cant blame yourself for this. He choose this career path just like you did,"
       "But nothing. Like you said you cleared everyone, as far as you knew there was no one else whereever you guys were. It wasn't for fault,"
       You squeezed Jay's shoulder before walking away and you saw Will just walking into the E.D. "That is why I don't date cops," 
      "Y/N, every job has its hazards. Our job definitely has its hazards,"
      "Yeah, but with our job, those hazards rarely affected us,"
      "Just give him a shot. If you don't like him, then I'll stop,"
      "No Will,"
      You were sitting on a bench in the hospital's courtyard. You were finally taking your ten minute break and you were enjoying the sunshine. You heard footsteps coming towards you. "Doctor Y/L/N?"
You head lifted up from the laying position you had it in. You looked behind you and saw that Jay was walking up to you and smiled at you. "Jay. You can call me Y/N,"
He nodded. "May I sit?"
"Go ahead,"
He said his thanks and sat down. "Taking a break?"
"Doctors deserve breaks too,"
"Oh for sure,"
You looked over at Jay and noticed he still was looking down. "Hey, maybe if you tell me what happened, maybe it'll make you feel better?"
Jay looked at me for a second and then away. "We were working on a case that involved a drug deal and we were still looking for a supplier and we got a tip that he has held up at this house and so we go. We busted in the door and shot a few people after they shot at us after we said that we were Chicago P.D including the supplier. I had checked every single room and there was no body in there and the next thing I hear is a gunshot. I run out of the house and see Dawson laying on the ground bleeding from being shot,"
"Was it just you two or did you have backup,"
"We had backup but we just all missed it,"
"Did you get him?"
Jay shakes his head. "Not yet, the rest of my team is looking,"
Jay wouldn't look at you. So you grabbed his face gently and made him look at you.  I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. Outlined by long, full eyelashes, and above are his arched eyebrows. The whole look, gives me the urge to love him but I told Will that I couldn't date a cop but man, this one is gorgeous. "Your team was there with you, you all missed this shooter. He could have been hiding a tree, behind a car or in another house. Like you said you serached the house in question. You couldn't have known that there was another person that was involved. Jay, its not your fault. Is your team beating themselves up over this?"
Jay shrugged. "They just want to find the son of a bitch who did it,"
"Then thats what you should be focusing on too,"
You two just stared at each other in silence. You could feel a connection start to build. Jay's phone going off broke the stare. "Sorry, I got to take this,"
Your pager was just paged and you were needed down in the E.D. "I got to go,"
Jay nodded as you wlaked away he answered his phone. "This is Halstead,"
This makes you stop.
Halstead? You thought to yourself. Is this Will's cop brother?
You wanted to turn around and asked but your pager went back off and said that it was urgent.
After dealing with fifteen patients of a bus crash, you finally let out a breath of exhaustion as you put your things in your locker to go home. You haven't seen Jay since you talked to him on break, you've seen Will but you two both were super busy and you couldn't make time to ask him. You turn around to leave the breakroom but you see Will coming in. "Will!"
"Im not gonna ask you,"
You shook your head. "Is your brother Jay?"
Will looked at you. "Yeah?"
"Set it up or give him my number,"
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I added 44 tags in 2021
#voltron - 7 posts
#atla - 6 posts
#itsv - 5 posts
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#cool cat draws - 3 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i said this on reddit and i'll say it again but pearl would be sweating because it is not cold enough for fur lined shit! its nearly summer
My Top Posts in 2021
Shiro: let me see what you have
Pidge: a knife!
Shiro: no!
Keith: nice- wait that's one of mine! Get back here, ya little shit!
12 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 01:42:18 GMT
Did anyone read that dbz fanfic where pan and Bulla were messing around and ended up bringing a gohan from every z saga into the future (plus Future trunks, chibi trunks & goten, and videl)? I do remember that Teen Gohan (cell saga) told all the kids a story involving people they knew. Saiyan Saga Gohan was referred to as chibi Gohan, and also I think they took over the world
12 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 11:15:46 GMT
Long ago, the four elementals lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the ice elemental attacked.
Only the lumps, the anti-elemental, could reset the damage. But when Ooo needed her most, she spent a lot of time goofing off.
A month or so passed, and my brother and I found LSP roller-skating in the slime quadrant. And although she's made of lumps, she has a lot of character growth to do before she's ready to save anyone. But, hey, LSP's my friend, and I know she can save Ooo!
37 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 07:01:52 GMT
In Miles's universe, Alexander Hamilton didn't make stupid fucking decisions like cheating on his wife, publicising it, encouraging his son to duel, and accepting Burr's duel challenge. He still did stupid shit but not those four. Also gay and polyamorus marriages have been legal for, like, ever. And Laurens didn't die early either. Yes this is purely because I want elams to be real in Miles's universe.
In Gwen's universe, the women were the important figures. If a man is an important figure in ours, it's his wife/significant other. If he doesn't have a significant other, he gets genderbent. Yes this is because of a post where in Gwen's universe, John Mulaney's wife was the famous one.
65 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 22:46:56 GMT
Time to compare Voltron characters to ATLA characters BC it just wouldn't leave my mind
Sokka and Lance: bi blue memers who think they're hot shit (but also low self esteem) (they are but only for their love interest) but can't flirt
Pidge and Toph: green ace gremlins who are the second memeiest
Zuko and Keith: red gay disasters who are emo
Hunk and Aang: yellow cinnamon rolls who could cut a bitch but don't want to
Katara and Shiro: team parent with the same rage face
Allura and Suki: the only functioning braincell
Iroh and Coran: the uncle who everyone likes with cool facial hair
69 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 05:48:34 GMT
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