#they say you cannot bait a mf ship and yet
mitskiesques · 2 years
the more i think about it the more i realize how insanely funny the whole deal in the 100 was between clarke & bellamy because they say you cannot bait a m/f relationship but that’s literally what happened. down to the emphasis on them being not just friends but BEST friends and actually that’s why they’re so obsessively insanely desperately devoted to one another and why they look at each other as if they wanted to start making out right in the middle of the battlefield. #besties #bro #no hetero. the fact that their (M/F i repeat M/F!!!!!;;/&_;;) actual true love bond was shoved down the audience's throat as platonic while the short-lived hot and intense F/F (i repeat F/F +"!$(_;#?_!#(";$!) relationship that was actually kinda bad for clarke, and rushed and mediocre in general was deliberately sold as true, epic soulmate love instead. the way bellamy’s two relationships started always off-screen whenever clarke wasn’t around with 0 development and their whole purpose being to show how much bellamy held back and repressed and coped with and through them. mostly though, the crew’s shameless, defensive denial of there being ANYTHING remotely romantic happening there when there it was, all the ridiculous amount of evidence plain in the text (which was put there By The Crew) that they were in mad crazy desperate love with each other, right in front of our eyes just sort of sitting there. the subtext that became progressively more explicit as it went until it was literally just Text. and they never said anything because why. why didn’t they ever say anything. what was the reason, narratively speaking, for them to never actually get together. like even when the show got objectively bad. it was the most obvious, in the best interests of the show thing to canonize it. it’s so fucking crazy it literally reads like, as if bbc merlin had merlin be a girl and gwen a man and literally nothing changed. as if in the destiel show castiel was a girl and literally nothing changed. bellarke was literally a m/f ship between the two leads that had more romantic build-up than 90% of most relationships in general western media, labelled as “best friends forever <33” it’s hilarious and despite all the frustration i actually LOVE the fact that it was never canon bc that’s like half the reason it’s so iconic.
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