#they provide a teamlabs app on your phone and explains the art nearest to while you walk through the place
blogmatsu · 7 months
Extra: Here's a little more again from the second to the last art piece in TeamLab Planets in the Japan trip if you guys wanna see.
The Falling Universe of Flowers.
But stay long enough, and you'll start to wonder whether the flowers are falling towards you, or you're falling towards them.
Honestly gave me a bit of an existential crisis, because all you do is continuously fall into the endless dark abyss but it's infinitely filled with flowers.
It was like being at the edge of the universe, or life after death, and that's what you see.
The flowers felt like the emotions or experiences you've encountered throughout your life and are reliving them as they pass by.
As if that's the eternity of what the afterlife will be like, a constant reflection of what you've done, how you felt, and who you were while you were alive.
Makes you question, what kind of flowers will you see in your eternal abyss in the afterlife?
Would they mostly bring good and happy feelings? Or would they be filled with bitterness, resentment, and sadness?
How had you chosen to live and feel throughout your life --the life which you would now endlessly cycle over through for all of eternity.
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