#they have a few lessons to teach to Narinder before they ascend back into godhood
theywhospringforth · 2 months
@angstandhappiness in reply to your question on (this) post. Plus some other things I has going on in my brain.
In the god of life turned mortal version of twsf au, the Lamb actually foresaw the downfall of the first gods and that being imprisoned would help them escape from the fate of the others. Not sure if I'll leave this the same for the other version of twsf au or do something a little bit different.
They Who Spring Forth is definitely a lot less mentally stable before becoming mortal. They carve out pieces of their body in order to create catalysts for new mortals to become gods, not just replace the old one.
They also create the Snake of Sin (from their own flesh) who ends up taking residence within The Red Crown at some point in time.
Heh heh...
Every quasi-immortal within several continent's radii seeing Lambren, (ex)God of Life: YOU!
Lambren: 🥳🕺💃😝 Me
Mystic Seller thought they'd finally seen the last of The Lamb of Life but guess who shows up after "killing" death? Looking to reclimb the ranks into godhood??
Lambren is absolutely a pain in the ass on purpose and seems to enjoy inciting fury in others.
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