#they don't know what happened beyond their carrier coming home Different
transingthoseformers · 3 months
I still cannot get over the image of Shockwave post Empurata/shadowplay coming home to his youngling, who is terrified of how much his carrier has suddenly changed
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Pictures of you-Chapter 15 (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: fluff AF, language, maybe a few spelling mistakes. (smut back in the next chapter guys ;) )
Words: 1194
Summary: Take a look into Y/N and Liam's new fatherhood and motherhood.
A/N: Hey guys ! Here's chapter 15 ! It's shorter than usual. I decided to talk about something important in some motherhoods which is the baby blues, but don't worry, this chapter is still cute. See you on Wednesday for our weekly oneshot !
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September 1999- London:
After giving birth to Lennon, I was exhausted, so the thing I was doing the most was sleeping. But there was something else. I had a growing ache.
I just thought that my bipolar disorder’s depression was coming back, but it was different, and felt worse but wasn’t.
Liam was often going out for fresh air with our son in the baby carrier.
Paparazzi were here to take pictures, but happily, baby Lennon was well hidden.
He was sitting on one special bench, opposite to a little lake where ducks were bathing.
Baby Lennon was sleeping with his head against his father’s torso. He was so peaceful.
Liam had found its other strength.
He was kissing his head, hugging him, staying there for about 45 minutes before coming home and putting our son to bed.
Then he come to our bedroom to hug me.
Hello sweetheart.
Wakey wakey!
Ye sleep too much.
I need to, I’m exhausted.
The more ye sleep, the more ye’ll feel exhausted.
I carried your child for 9 months; I’m going to need 9 months of recovery.
I’m going to prepare something to eat. What do ye say about some nice pastas with a pesto rosso sauce?
I’m not hungry.
Ye don’t eat anything…C’mon Y/N, ye need to be healthy. Fer ye and fer Lennon. He needs good milk to feed him.
He’s got you, you can feed him. Bottle-feed him and let me sleep.
Y/N, our son needs ye. Ye haven’t touched him since he was born, what’s happening to ye?
And I started crying uncontrollably. I, myself didn’t know what was happening to me.
I’m not good enough to be a mother Liam, I don’t deserve to be his mother, he needs a better one. I won’t get better I know it, I feel it.
Liam felt powerless. He took me in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably.
Me love, what’s happening to ye? He said, panicked
I grabbed his armpit and squeezed it as he kissed my head.
Liam took the phone and called to his brother’s place. It wasn’t Supernova Heights anymore; Meg and Noel had moved since then to welcome their daughter somewhere else.
As Lennon was born only a few days before, Peggy was still staying at Noel’s.
What’s up our kid? Noel said, answering the phone
Hi Noel, can I talk to mam please?
Noel went to call Peggy.
Hi mam, can ye come over? I need ye.
Is everything alright?
Tell me, what’s happening me boy?
It’s Y/N, she’s not doing fine, that’s why I need ye to come over. I also called her therapist.
Okay, I’m coming, I’ll be there in a few.
Peggy arrived at the moment my therapist was about to leave.
What’s happening? Liam asked
Your wife suffers from a baby blues.
Oh dear… Peggy answered, worried about me
What’s that exactly? Liam pursued
Don’t worry, it’s not unusual, it’s not a big deal. 30 to 80% of new moms suffer from this. It won’t last, but if it lasts call me and take her to me. How long has she been like this?
Since we came home. How can I act on this?
Just stay with her, show empathy, be patient, be kind, listen to her, compliment her new role as a mom. Within a few days, she will get better. Or even tomorrow, who knows?
I’ll make her something to eat. Liam, let me talk to her. We will understand each other between mothers. Peggy said
Alright mam. I trust ye. I hope she’ll get better soon. I love her. I fucking love her beyond everything mam.
I know.
The morning after, after Peggy talked to me and after Liam took great care of me, I woke up to the sound of my son, crying his room, through the baby phone.
Liam, not knowing I was awake, got up and went to Lennon’s bedroom.
Hey, what’s up little man? Ye hungry? Yous nappy full? Let me check that. Oh yeah, yous nappy’s full, without a doubt. Shit, it stinks!
I laughed to myself.
I heard my husband sing him a lullaby, but it didn’t stop Lennon from crying. Then he started singing I am the walrus. And this time, it worked.
Ye like it? Ye like it when I sing The Beatles to ye, John Lennon Gallagher?
I chuckled to myself.
It’s only Lennon Gallagher. I murmured
Alright, yer all-clean mate, let’s go see yer mam now, don’t ye think it’s a good idea?
Liam came back with our son in his arms in our bedroom.
He laid him in the middle of the bed, between us two.
I turned around and finally opened my eyes, smiling. This day was a better one.
Hey, say hello to yer mam.
Good morning! I said
My son was awake and looking at me, his tongue poking out from time to time.
I put my little finger between his lips, and he suckled it.
I think he might be hungry.
Yeah, I think you’re right.
I sat and raised my tee, which was soaked with milk, by the fact I didn’t touch my son since we came back from the hospital.
I took him in my arms and fed him. Liam caressed our son’s head.
Are ye okay? He asked, looking at us two
Yeah. Are you?
Tired but okay.
A silence took place, but it was soon interrupted by my dear husband.
Thank ye Y/N.
For what?
Fer giving me what I never hoped fer. Ye gave me a fucking wonderful life. And I’m soz I’ve been mean to ye at the beginning and I fucked up these past two years. I love ye Y/N. I fucking love ye. Ye gave me everything I wanted. And ye made me a better man.
I smiled
I love you too Liam.
We kissed and I looked at Lennon who had fell asleep.
Take him in your arms, lay him on your torso but only skin on skin. I want to do something.
He executed himself and I took my camera.
I sat next to the bed.
Now look at me.
He did, and I took the picture.
I showed it to him after.
It’s a dead good picture me love.
I’ll have it printed. It’s a good picture indeed. A very beautiful one, with my two favourite people in the whole universe. Now I’m gonna take a good and needed bath.
I prefer to see ye like this, me.
It’s us now Liam. We’re a family. And I want to fight for it to work. I want to fight all my problems, these fucking illnesses, for you, and for Lennon. For our family. It will make me, it will make us stronger. You are my strengths.
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sleeping on the blacktop
pairing: harry styles x reader
warnings: angst, descriptions of a car accident, blood, gore, mentions of death, vomiting, medical terminology (that i know absolutely nothing about !! i am not a doctor or an emt—almost all of my knowledge is from an anatomy class or tv so—don’t come for me pls), my ramblings about fate and free will, i also gave the baby a name (sorry if you don’t like it :( i just hate having y/d/n, ya know? too much work)
word count: 8.5k
synopsis: while harry is away on tour, his wife and baby get into a car accident
author’s note: please, be mindful of the warnings and don't read if you're uncomfortable with anything mentioned and sorry for the sort of rushed ending... other than that, i hope you enjoy! xx all the love
“You don’t need to do that,” Anne says from behind her, and Y/N flinches, nearly dropping a plate. She got lost in her thoughts, staring out the window in Anne’s kitchen.
“You cooked. It’s the least I can do,” she says. Anne grabs a rag and dries some of the dishes. Gemma is keeping Rhiannon occupied in the next room, and from the peals of laughter, it’s the happiest she’s been in days. Y/N sighs, wiping her pruned hands on a paper towel. If she’s being honest, she’s not doing too well; Rhia has had a hard time adjusting to not having Harry around all the time, causing a varied sleep schedule and more bouts of fussiness in general, and Y/N struggles keeping up.
“How’re you doing?”
Y/N hesitates. She contemplates lying. She doesn’t need one more person worrying for her, and she doesn’t want people to think that she can’t take care of her own child by herself. Harry already worries enough, even though she’s assured him many times that he doesn’t need to be.
She knows that he feels guilty for not being there all the time, but she would never force him to stop touring and doing what he loves, partly because she’s afraid he’ll resent her. Despite him being across an entire ocean, she never feels like he is far; he’s always willing to stop anything when she calls, and he tries his hardest to talk with her twice a day. She always keeps him as involved as possible, sending daily updates and photos.
“It’s tough,” she admits, “but it’s getting better, no need to worry about me.” She offers Anne a weak smile.
“Can’t help it,” she says, pinching her cheeks lightly.
Noticing the dimming sky, the sun sinking below the line of trees in the yard, Y/N sighs.
“We should probably go,” she mutters, slipping into the next room. Despite how tired she is, she can’t help the smile that takes over her face when Rhiannon looks up at her, showing her gums.
“Time to go, bug,” she says, light and lilting. Rhia kicks her legs, making her almost lose her balance. She’s too confident for her own good, like her father; she’s only just started sitting up on her own and thinks she can wiggle around without falling.
“You sure you’re okay to drive, love?” Anne asks from behind her. Y/N rolls her eyes, yet smiles fondly at her protectiveness.
“We’ll be fine. It’s only a few minutes away.”
Ever since Harry left for tour, Y/N has been staying in their lake cottage to be closer to Anne. It’s only a quick 20 minute drive away, which has been helpful during the days when Y/N needed to catch up on sleep, and Anne is always happy to help. She didn’t like to do that very often, feeling like she was taking advantage of her mother-in-law.
The cottage was a cute little thing, perfect for just the two of them, and Y/N was glad to get out of their shared home; it was too big and empty for just her and Rhia. Harry was always able to liven up any place they were at, but now that he’s gone, it felt hollow and dismal.
“You know you’re welcome to stay here. I’ve got plenty of room,” Anne tries to convince her one last time. As much as Y/N appreciated her worrying, she didn’t want to impose, and she’s sure that Anne wouldn’t want to listen to a fussy baby, even though she would deny it to the end of her days.
Y/N puts Rhia in her coat with little resistance, which is surprising, but she only had a short little nap that afternoon, and they had a busy day.
“I know, Anne, but I don’t want to intrude,” Y/N says. “Besides, Rhia sleeps better in our bed, and you need all the sleep you can get, don’t ya?” She tickles her daughter’s little bloated belly, making her giggle sweetly. Once she’s strapped in, the baby stretches and tries to put Y/N’s fingers in her mouth.
“You know I worry about you,” Anne sighs, kneeling next to Y/N.
“No need to worry,” Y/N smiles. Anne tucks the woven green blanket under Rhiannon’s legs. It’s the same blanket Harry had when he was a baby, barely held together with a few threads and love. Y/N stands, hoisting the carrier up to her hip.
“Call me when you get home, yeah?”
“Course,” she says, pressing a kiss to Anne’s cheek.
When they’re settled in the car, Anne stays out on the porch, watching them until they’re safely on the road, offering a wide smile and an air kiss. Y/N is so thankful to have her shoulder to lean on.
It’s a clear night, which Y/N is thankful for, no fog or rain, which isn’t an often occurrence. She stops at a sign, brakes squealing slightly. She stays there for a second, feeling the familiar burn of exhaustion behind her eyes. She rests her forehead against the steering wheel.
“Da, da,” Rhiannon mumbles. Y/N reaches behind her, barely able to reach her on the opposite side of the back seat, and she grabs onto her fingers.
“I know, peach,” Y/N sighs, “Miss daddy, too.”
She never considered how fragile life could be until she met Harry, not in the sense that death is an imminent and constant force, more in the sense that everything, her goals, her view on life, and her priorities, shifted when she met him. He became her influence, and she was willing to go through hell or high water just to be with him.
In summation, it takes all but five seconds for your life to completely change, for better or for worse.
There are dozens upon dozens of tiny events that build up and push you toward that one big moment that will change your life. Nothing is set in stone; different choices lead you down different paths, and your paths are constantly changing, either for better or worse, and slowly but surely, you’ll finally reach the top of that mountain. Every choice you questioned, every sacrifice you made, will come together in due time, just know that you’re working toward a greater purpose.
Y/N has never been a big believer in fate, that everything is beyond your control and that everything is already set in stone, but perhaps there is some truth to it. Fate could have pushed her to leave home when she was young. Fate could have put her on a safe and stable path when she went to university that landed her a good job when she was fresh out of her internship, and fate could have brought Harry into her life.
But she will never claim fate as a sole guide to her life. Fate is not responsible for her success nor her mistakes; that was all because of her hard work and integrity, her youth and ignorance. To her, fate is simply an excuse. People want to put blame on something, and when things seem out of their control or when they make bad decisions, they don’t feel quite as guilty. They’re willing to take credit for good things that happen but won’t when it affects them negatively.
Say, perhaps, that fate brought Y/N to that intersection, then maybe it was fate that planted the trees that obscured her vision; perhaps, it was fate that made the lights in the post go out that evening.
If so, fate has a twisted sense of humor.
If not, why wouldn’t fate give her any time to react before the impact?
How could fate be so cruel?
Working as an EMT, there are always certain risks you accept when you are on the clock; not only are you surrounded by an unbelievable pressure, there is always the ominous cloud looming overhead, a thin thread between life and death threatening to break at any moment, and it’s your job to keep them stable until they arrive at the hospital.
Not too hard, right?
Being able to save people from the brink of death and reuniting families makes almost everything worth it, but there are always scenes that stick with you for the rest of your life, and for Leslie Greene, this is one of them.
What stands out the most is the sound of a crying baby.
She’s seen some very horrific accidents: cars that have been reduced to nothing more than a ball of cheap scrap metal, with blood coating the shattered glass, to DOA’s, where the impact made them look unrecognizable. She has seen a lot of unspeakable things and had a lot of good people die on her watch.
But never has she ever had a baby present at any accident scene. That’s new.
Those cries will probably haunt her for the rest of her life.
“I didn’ see ‘em,” the man slurs from the police car. He has a bloodied lip and a slight bruise forming around his neck from the seat belt. The stench of rum rolls off him with every breath. He sits back, eyes dull and hooded, like he doesn’t even realize what he’s done.
Another EMT meets with her half-way to the other vehicle, lodged against the ditch across the way.
“Driver side sustained some serious damage. The baby has no discernible injuries, but another ambulance is a minute out to take her.”
From the driver’s side, Leslie can see the baby on the opposite side of the backseat, the car seat still tightly in place. The baby flails about, legs and arms kicking with strength. The car is twisted and mangled, but most of the damage is on the driver’s side, the door latched closed. Shattered glass cracks beneath her boot.
When they’re finally able to get the car door open, the woman, barely even mobile, opens her eyes slightly, but she flinches back at the bright lights. Blood drips down from her hairline, bruises already forming on her eyes from the impact on the steering wheel. Blood pools on the leather seat as she shifts with discomfort.
James, a newbie who has never been to a scene with this much damage, breathes out shakily. Leslie turns to see his lips curling, close to dry heaving.
“Go get the baby, yeah?”
He nods quickly, pale in the face, and scurries to the other side. The baby is soothed only momentarily before her wails continue. The woman’s eyes snap open fully this time, panic clear on her features. She tugs fruitlessly on the seat belt, a pained groan leaving her when she moves too quickly.
“Please, don’t move. My name is Leslie. I’m here to help.” She presses a hand to her chest, feeling the woman’s racing heart. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” she grits out, her eyes fluttering dangerously. From how she reacted to the lights, she probably has a concussion. Leslie cuts the seat belt, and glass falls onto the blacktop, clinking musically until they settle, like they’re sleeping. Through the gloves, she can feel how warm she is, sweat beading down from her forehead. Glass has settled in the divots of her wool sweater, but not before cutting her skin, caking the pearl necklace peeking from the neckline in blood.
“Y/N, I need you to turn a bit. I need to see where the bleeding is coming from,” Leslie says softly, inching her slowly onto her side. She sighs as more blood pools, gushing down her back and soaking her jumper further. It’s from a rib that broke through the skin. She can only hope that they didn’t puncture an organ.
“Does that hurt?” She asks as she puts pressure on the skin.
“No,” Y/N whimpers, eyes fluttering closed. When they get her on the stretcher, with minimal blood loss, she stirs with life again, her trembling hand reaching onto the sleeve of Leslie’s shirt, painting it red.
“Rhiannon—my baby girl—is she…” She swallows back tears.
“She’s fine.” Leslie knows that it’s unwise to lie to a patient; perhaps, she’s not entirely lying, but it’s never a good idea to give a victim a sure diagnosis without actually knowing anything. There may have been no physical signs of trauma to the baby, but internal problems are a very real possibility that they won’t know of until they get to the hospital.
She knows that she shouldn’t lie. It takes seven minutes to get to the nearest hospital, but it’s time that Y/N may not have; despite how quickly they were able to get her into the ambulance, she’s losing a lot of blood.
“Thank you,” Y/N sighs in relief, clutching onto her hand. Her wedding ring nearly cuts through the gloves from the pressure.
“Of course,” Leslie says, easily putting her on an IV.
“My husband,” she gasps suddenly, her arm jerking about. “Harry—he—he’s gonna be worried. ‘M supposed to call. He has to tell her goodnight—“
“Y/N, relax,” Leslie coos. “We will contact your husband. You need to focus on yourself, yeah? Don’t close your eyes, Y/N.”
Leslie can see the fear in her eyes; it’s something she’s grown very familiar with, but it’s not just fear for her own survival. She can see how scared she is for her family. She struggles to keep her eyes open, resilience and weakness fighting for power. Like any mother, she’s fighting for her family. She’s fighting to be able to hold onto and kiss them one more time.
She is trying so hard to fight for her family.
But at the same time, it’s so easy to give in.
“If I don’t make it,” she slurs, breathing quickly out of her nose. The blood from her nose slips down into her mouth, making her cough.
“Don’t say—”
“If I don’t, I need you to tell Harry that I love him, and that…” She lets out a pained whimper, struggling to catch her breath. “I’m sorry.”
“This wasn’t your fault, love.”
Her lip quivers, teeth chattering.
“I’m just sorry for everything.”
Leslie knows exactly what that means. She’s making amends, apologizing for not being able to fight. A lone tear slips from her eye, but Leslie wipes it away.
“I will.” She promises, gripping her hand tighter.
Only two more minutes.
Y/N gives her a thankful nod, and as if she has finally made peace with the world, she falls limp, the light leaving her eyes.
Harry has always enjoyed New York, and it’s not very often that he is able to stay for longer than one night. There is just something about it that’s completely different from London or L.A. that he likes about it; He couldn’t imagine actually living there, with the massive crowds and fluctuating weather, but it’s a nice place to visit, very different from what he’s used to.
He’s halfway through the tour for his most recent album, and New York is the last stop before he gets a short break to go home. He has a show tonight at Madison Square, a radio interview in the morning, and then, he’s home free. He’s been looking forward to this break before the tour even began. Don’t get him wrong, he loves performing and meeting fans and traveling the world, but now that he has a family, it gets more and more difficult not being there for the people who need him most.
“So, I heard,” the interviewer begins, smiling widely.
Sadly, Harry has already forgotten his name. The interview was supposed to be a short little thing for social media, only supposed to take 20 minutes, so he could prepare for the concert that evening, but it’s been nearly an hour, and there are no signs of stopping any time soon. Harry holds off yet another yawn, the lack of sleep from the night before washing over him. He’s having trouble focusing.
“You’ve got a baby girl.”
“Yes,” Harry beams. Even though he wants to keep his baby out of the limelight, he can’t help the excitement that fills his chest whenever she's mentioned. He can easily go on and on about how wonderful and sweet and perfect she is. He tugs on his pearl necklace, biting on his lips to keep quiet. He and Y/N agreed that it would be best for Rhia to grow up as normally as possible, which meant only posting about her on his private social media and avoiding busy places so as to not be seen, but some things were simply unavoidable, like interviewers trying to get him to let something about her slip to get their five-minutes-of-fame. It seems rude of him to completely ignore their questions, so he just sticks to very short, vague answers.
“How are you adjusting to fatherhood?”
“Uh,” he laughs, fiddling with his wedding ring. “It was a struggle to begin with. I will admit that, but it’s getting better. We’re still learning how to adjust to everything.”
He says it like he’s actually there, actively helping Y/N, even though he's on the other side of the world. He hasn’t seen his daughter in nearly two months; video chats have absolutely nothing on the real thing. He isn’t helping Y/N put Rhia to sleep when she’s feeling particularly fussy or feeding her at two in the morning, so Y/N can finally get some well-deserved sleep, and he’s not there to play with her or comfort her.
It feels like he’s lying.
He’s a sad excuse of a father. That’s what he really is.
The thought makes the smile fall from his face, but he’s quick to force another one; if there’s anything that he’s learned after years in the public eye, it’s how to fake emotions. The interviewer gives him an understanding smile. He’s older, but not too old, only having a few years on Harry, age wise, but the wrinkles beside his eyes and the nicked ring on his finger suggest years of familial experience.
“I completely understand. I have three boys of my own, and—”
“I am so sorry,” Jeff, Harry’s savior, says suddenly from behind the camera. “D’ya mind if I borrow Harry for a second?”
The interviewer nods.
“No problem. Take 15?”
Harry feels a twinge of guilt as he stands quickly from the chair, happy to finally have a break.
“Thanks,” Harry sighs, brushing past Jeff to the refreshment table. “‘M exhausted. Maybe it’s ‘cause of Rhi, but every little thing wakes me up. Swore I heard her cryin’ last night.” Jeff is quiet, fiddling with his hands nervously. Harry doesn’t notice how quiet the man has gotten, and he opens a bottle of water, rifling through his bag.
“Isn’t it almost 3? Y/N should be callin’ soon.”
“Harry,” Jeff says again, stronger this time. Harry still doesn’t notice how his voice breaks slightly, wobbly and hesitant.
“Yeah?” Harry drinks nearly half of the water, not sparing a glance up. He fishes for his phone, only to remember that he left it in the car. He sighs and turns. That’s when he finally notices how shaken up Jeff is, pale and nervous.
“What’s up? Look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he laughs, downing the rest of his water before tossing it in the bin.
“Harry,” Jeff says again, soft and somber, and it makes Harry stop. Dread settles in his stomach, deep and heavy. Jeff has never been one to be the bearer of bad news, and he tended to beat around the bush. “Why don’t you sit down?” Jeff tries to guide Harry over to the cheap stool in the corner of the room, but he rips his arm from his grasp.
Harry has never been one to let his mind run wild; he’s the calm one, who looks at reason and logic. He's the one to tell everyone that everything’s going to be fine; he’s the one who takes everything in stride, like water rolling down his back. Bumps in the road are nothing. He’s the one that comes up with solutions and executes them with ease, but with the way Jeff is treating him, his heart races.
“There’s been an accident,” Jeff says slowly, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
It takes a second for Harry to process his words, but when he does, he stumbles back.
His mind automatically tries to reason with itself, that maybe it has nothing to do with him. Perhaps, something went wrong at the venue, and they would have to postpone, lengthening his stay for only a couple more days. Maybe, Mitch got food poisoning and will be unable to play that evening. There are dozens of reasonable explanations as to why Jeff pulled him aside, but Harry knows, deep down, that he wouldn’t have such a mournful look in his eyes, if it isn’t anything less than very serious.
Okay, fine, there was an accident. That could mean so many different things. An accident doesn’t even necessarily mean that they are in grave danger; they could be walking away unscathed.
“W-what? I-i-is it Gem? Mum?” Endless scenarios flicker in his mind, each one worse than the last. The one thing that he doesn’t even consider is it being Y/N or Rhiannon. His mind refuses to go down that road; if it did, there’s no way of knowing how he would react. He doesn’t even consider the possibility of them being in trouble. He hates how long Jeff is taking to tell him, as if holding off will soften the blow. Irritation starts bubbling below the surface, and he finds it hard to keep calm.
“Harry,” he says, shaking his head. “Anne called me. There was a drunk driver, and they’re headed to the hospital now—”
His heart stops for a second, and it feels like his chest collapses in on itself. His body feels like it’s reacting to a stressful situation, with adrenaline and fear and anger, but Harry isn’t thinking with a grieving mind; it’s cloudy and slow, delusional, even. He shakes his head.
“No,” Harry mutters, taking a step forward. He can feel tears burn in his eyes, and he makes no move to wipe them. “It wasn’t…” Harry can’t finish the question. It makes him nauseous. Jeff nods solemnly, which, in any other circumstance, would have been answer enough. “Say it,” Harry snaps.
It’s unreal, like a dream. This didn’t happen to him, not his family.
They’re safe. There’s just been a mistake. That’s the only reasonable explanation to everything. Someone made a mistake. Maybe a fan thought it would be funny to pretend to be his mum, and they somehow got Jeff’s number. It had to be a horrible, awful, repulsive joke to get some attention or something; as implausible as that seems, it’s the only thought that makes sense to him because he can’t possibly understand the weight of the truth. He doesn’t know if he can handle it.
His girls are fine.
They have to be.
“Harry—” Jeff tries to calm him down, seeing a bright red flush to his skin, frustration seeping through every pore. Anger isn’t becoming of Harry; Jeff has only seen him angry a couple of times, but never to this extent: red in the face, words shaky, eyes glassy.
“I need to hear you say it.”
“It was Y/N and Rhiannon.”
That is the absolute last thing that he wanted to hear.
Even though, deep down, he knew that they were in trouble. From the first moment Jeff said his name to how sickly he looked when he told him to sit down, Harry knew, deep in his heart and mind, that his family is in trouble. He just wasn’t willing to accept it or even think about it, as if that could change reality. Until Jeff said those five words that confirmed his worst nightmare.
And he feels his world come crashing down, but he’s stuck, frozen, mind not moving nearly as fast as it should be.
“My—my…” He stutters, throat closing. “My girls?” The ache in his chest increases tenfold, and he holds onto his, feeling the racing of his heart and his quick breathing. “You’re fuckin’ with me,” he scoffs, rage building. He shakes his head with denial. “What kind of fuckin’ prick—”
“I wouldn’t joke about—”
Harry knows that. Y/N and Jeff are close. Hell, they even considered making him their daughter’s godfather. Jeff would never joke about something this serious, and Harry knows that, but he isn’t willing to accept the reality because the reality is nearly too much for him to comprehend, to carry on his already weak shoulders.
“No, they’re not,” Harry closes his eyes, hands slipping through his hair like it normally does when he’s anxious. He tugs on it, but the pain is nothing compared to the sick feeling in his stomach or the crack in his pounding heart. He honestly feels like he’s going to be ill or pass out, feeling his mouth dry up, his hands clamming up, and he begins to feel light-headed.
“Y/N’s just about to call me. It’s Rhi’s bedtime.” He rambles, not listening to Jeff.
They can’t be going to a hospital. He talked to Y/N just this morning when he couldn’t fall asleep. He spoke about his worries and doubts and guilt that he felt for being so far away from them, and Y/N soothed all of his fears and reservations, reminding him why he does what he does. Before she left, she told him that she loved him, and he could hear Rhi babbling away in the background, content and happy and safe.
“There’s a plane leaving in a half an hour—”
“And I sing to her. That's the only way she’ll sleep through the night. She hasn’t been sleepin’ very well these past few days,” he says, lost in his thoughts. His words begin to slur.
“Harry, listen to me,” Jeff says, holding onto his shoulders, trying to keep him grounded, from falling apart. Harry doesn’t get anxious often, but when he does, everything comes to a startling halt; he’s not used to it, and he lets it overwhelm him until he can’t function. That’s the last thing anyone needs.
“No, no, they’re fine. They’re fine. They’re—” He swallows, and like a wave, realization dawns on him, drowning him. His family is in the hospital, and he’s not there with them. “Oh, god,” he cries, feeling bile burn his throat. He sinks to his knees, hand pitifully covering his mouth to keep from vomiting. His vision darkens. It feels like the walls are crumbling down, and he’s stuck, frozen and alone, with no one coming to save him.
Just like his girls.
“Harry, you can’t shut down, not now,” Jeff says, kneeling beside him. “They need you.”
He knows that. He needs to be strong for the both of them, so he wipes away his tears, clenches his jaw, and pushes everything down, even if it feels like he’s choking. He has to be strong for the both of them.
The drive to the airport is a blur. He swallows back his tears until his head feels like it’s going to burst and holds his breath until he can see black spots in his vision, but most of all, he’s numb. A small part of him is still trying to convince himself that this is all just a big misunderstanding, but the larger part, the part that’s screaming the loudest, tells him he’s being irrational and selfish.
It takes 7 hours to get home; he has to travel across an entire ocean to get to his family.
How unfair is that?
He wants to blame the world, God, fate. He wants to curse whatever force existed, but behind all of the hate and accusations and judgement, he is nothing more than a guilty, broken shell of a man.
He’s angry with himself, mostly, with the choices he’s made, with how selfish and greedy he was, and how inconsiderate his actions have been for the past few months. He can’t believe that he could be so self-centered, taking Y/N for granted. She’s his wife; they’re supposed to be partners, equals, and he treated her like she was disposable while he traveled the world, living out a dying dream.
He wishes he was there, to not only prevent it, but also to tell her just one last time how important she was to him and tell her of the pain that would spread in his chest at the possibility of losing her or their child; he wants so badly to show his love for her. In four days, they would have been celebrating six years together, and in that time, he has never doubted his love for her. He knew, from the moment they met, that she was meant to be with him until the very end. They were soulmates.
Now that he might lose her and his baby, he feels like his soul is being ripped out of his chest, leaving nothing but a gaping, painful void.
Jeff sends him a link to Twitter and a message: Harry, take all the time you need.
The post says: Due to a personal emergency, Harry will not be able to make the show at MSG this evening, and all tour dates from this moment forth will be canceled until further notice. Know that he wishes he could be with you all, and please, respect his privacy in these trying times.
He calls his mother shortly after, but she doesn’t answer. When he tries Gem, she picks up after a few rings, shaky and winded. He sighs, trying to quell the tremors in his hands. His lips quiver.
“What’s goin’ on?”
Gemma explains what happened to the best of her ability, that Y/N just left to go back to the cottage after eating dinner And that Anne received a call from the hospital, after he didn’t answer his phone (that part stung to hear).
“Please—” He begins, but his voice teeters and breaks at the end. He can’t help the tears that slip down his cheeks. Exhausted and weak, he finally cries. He cries for his wife, his child, and himself. They’re not heart-wrenching sobs, where he’s keeled over, grief and anxiety spilling out of every pore, but they leave him breathless, chest aching.
“Please, tell me everythin’s gonna be fine.”
Her silence is answer enough. She can’t promise him anything. It’s too early to tell, and she’s not going to lie to him, either, not when his wife and child’s life is in the balance.
“I don’t know, Harry,” Gemma admits, “but I will call you as soon—”
He hangs up before she can finish.
Rain thunders onto the broken concrete, a flash of lightning brightening the dull sky. Despite the rain, the earth nearly brimming with life, the hospital is dead. There’s not a soul going in or out. The lights flicker eerily in the corner of his eye. It’s four in the morning, so it’s not much of a surprise, but the sight of it being so lifeless just feels wrong.
His mind is moving quicker than the world can keep up with, it seems, and he feels like it goes against the laws of nature. It’s a strange feeling when you feel like you’re falling apart, but the world continues on; most people on the street wouldn’t bat an eye or even pay any notice to him as he’s deteriorating before their very eyes.
As irrational as it is, it feels wrong. It feels wrong that everyone else is able to go on while his life is crumbling.
He called Gemma when he landed, and there were still no updates on their condition. He broke dozens of traffic laws to get there, and now, he stands outside the entrance, still wearing his wool jumper from the day before, smelling like an airport, with rain soaking his hair. Droplets slip down his cheek and jaw, livening the dried tears from earlier, and they seep into his mouth; he can taste the salt.
He’s just staring at the flickering sign.
He can’t move.
Well, that’s not really it; he can move, he can feel, and he can see, but he doesn’t want to move.
How fucked up is that?
He doesn’t want to go inside. Despite all of his fears, and his longing for answers, and his need to see his family, he can’t move.
Because that would make everything real.
If he goes inside, if he pushes past those doors and sees the doctors, he can’t deny it anymore. When he goes inside, he has to face the very real possibility that he could lose his wife and daughter. He isn’t sure if he’s strong enough to handle it.
He’s being selfish. He knows that. He should be running inside, yelling at doctors and nurses to tell him what they’re doing about his family. He should be trying to do something, anything to see his wife and daughter.
But why is it so hard to move his feet?
And why does he still feel so numb?
He breathes in the cold air, burning his tender throat.
When he finally opens those doors, past the point of no return, he’s welcomed by a blinding light and the scent of antiseptic. The inside is just as lifeless, with dull white walls that leaves his head throbbing and dingy carpet that scrapes against his boots. He follows the signs, leading to the waiting room.
A new round of tears fills his eyes when he sees his mother’s familiar figure. He hasn’t wanted to just completely collapse into her arms, crying, in years, but now, he just wants to be in the comfort of her presence, to forget the world.
But he can’t, just like Jeff told him, he needs to stay strong, for them. He can’t shut down. He breathes out deeply, raises his head, and calls out for his mother.
Anne turns around, and when he sees Rhiannon pressed tightly to her chest, safe and sound, he feels more of his strength return, like he can breathe a little easier. He feels his knees weaken, but he keeps moving. He doesn’t feel quite so empty and broken and numb, a small ray of hope filling him for the first time in hours. He cups the back of her little head, thumb caressing the soft baby hairs. They’ve gotten thicker since the last time he saw her.
“She’s fine, Harry, just a little shaken up,” Anne says, smiling slightly.
His happiness is short lived when Gemma stands from behind Anne.
“Y/N’s in surgery right now. All we can do is wait,” she says, her eyes ringed with red, mirroring his own.
“Da,” Rhia says, and he smiles, a single tear running down his cheek. He wipes it and sniffles.
Y/N pretended to be upset when that was Rhi’s first word. She said it only hours before he had to leave. They were in their home, and Y/N was helping him lug his suitcases out of the bedroom when he heard it. It sounded like another babble, but it became clearer until—
“Da,” she squealed, bouncing in her little jumper chair. “Dada.” She hit a little plastic toy ring on the tray
“Y/N,” he called out for her and knelt down in front of his baby. She rushed out of the bedroom.
“What? Is something wrong?”
“Say it again, peach, show mummy,” he cooed, and Rhi repeated it, again and again, reaching for her father.
“I carry her around for nine months and feed her out of my tit,” Y/N whined, “and this is the thanks I get?”
They laughed, nevertheless. It was a bittersweet moment, as he looks back on it now. He was so happy that Rhiannon was growing and learning, but she was growing up too fast for his liking. He lifted Rhi up out of the chair and pressed a gentle kiss to her chubby cheek, tears stinging behind his eyes.
“She’s just daddy’s little girl. Aren’t ya, peach?”
She left a slobbery kiss, well, her version of a kiss (which was more tongue than lip) on his nose. He scrunched up his face, and her features pinched together in return, mimicking him.
“See, jus’ a little mini-me you are,” he said, tickling under her chin.
And when she called out to him after saying their final farewells in the airport, it made it even more difficult for him to leave.
Maybe it was a sign that he shouldn’t leave.
He should have listened.
He’s knocked back into the present when his baby girl looks up at him, eyes lit up with innocence, completely unaware of the dire situation they’re in. They’re not in their London home, and Y/N’s not there with him. His lips wobble, nose burning. His chest hurts, whether from unshed tears or from the thought of actually losing the love of his life, he doesn’t know.
He cups his baby girl’s cheek.
Rhia has Y/N’s eyes. He loves her eyes. When she first opened them, as he held her for the first time, bundled tightly in his arms, he cried big, fat tears until they were all dried up. He felt nothing but love for this little human because she was a perfect mixture of him and Y/N. He loves Rhiannon’s eyes, but now, they serve as nothing but a deathly reminder of his wife, who could possibly not survive these next few hours.
She gives him a gummy smile, her little tongue slipping out over her lips. There’s some white peeking through her gums, and his heart aches. He wipes some drool from her chin, and she reaches for him, but he backs away.
His stomach sinks, and he wants the ground to swallow him whole. His mother looks at him softly, not a shred of disappointment apparent on her face, as if she knew he wouldn’t be able to hold his own daughter. His throat closes.
How could he be so weak?
Rhia’s smile drips down, but she lays her head back on her Nana’s shoulder. Anne cups the girl’s head, wrapping the thinly woven blanket tighter around her; sadness and pity present in the air.
“‘M gonna check in with the nurse, see how Y/N’s doin’,” he whispers, backing away, and he stumbles down the hallway, following the signs until he sees the nearest nurse, clad in pale blue scrubs. Even though he’s sure the nurse expects him to look nothing less than distraught, he smooths down his clothes and clears his throat, trying to quell the cries building, lips quivering pitifully.
“Do you have any information on Y/N Styles?” His voice is watery and broken.
The nurse looks at him with sad eyes, warm and understanding, like his mother’s. How does everyone else know what he’s feeling besides himself?
“No, I’m sorry, sir,” she says, and he simply nods. He doesn’t have the energy to be upset or press her anymore. The heaviness on his chest building, he doesn’t even try to stop it anymore. He just wants to wallow, curl up and cry until he’s finally able to wake up from this nightmare. He hates the feeling like he’s just given up, accepted that Y/N may not come back from this.
He wants to fight, but all of the fight he has left him as soon as Jeff told him the news.
“Thank you,” he whispers, heading back to the waiting room. He sits down silently on the chairs next to Gemma, the worn wood squealing from the sudden weight. Anne paces in front of them, rocking Rhia back and forth, like she has been for the past few hours; call it a nervous tick or a mother’s instinct, but holding Rhiannon calms her.
Gemma glances at him in the corner of her eye, unsure of how to comfort him in such a situation. He can see her
“I can’t hold her, Gem,” he says weakly, and she looks at him, finding his gaze held on the small little bundle in their mother’s arms. She sighs. “What if—” There’s a bitter taste on his tongue. He covers his mouth with trembling hands, trying to push back the cries swelling in his chest.
“What if Y/N dies?”
It’s one thing to think about it, but saying it aloud breaks his heart in two.
Y/N has been a constant in his life for six years, and in that time, she became his rock, his shoulder to cry on, his stability, who held his heart so close to her. Then, he thinks about his baby girl, who has had her mother for barely seven months, just to have her ripped away so easily because of some drunk who didn’t know when to quit, and he thinks he’s going to be sick again.
It takes only one mistake to set off a series of irreversible events.
Exhausted, he doesn’t fight the sob that comes out, his shoulders shaking as more and more. He heaves for breath, curling into himself. Gemma wraps an arm around him, and he cries into her shoulder. He feels useless, sinking further into the endless pit in his mind. He’s never considered the possibility of Y/N never being there with him, holding his hand through the fire, and now that possibility is very real; he can’t face it.
When he’s run himself dry, he finally looks at her with red-rimmed eyes and swollen cheeks.
“If she dies, I dunno if I could even look at her,” he admits. “To see her eyes...” Gemma just listens. She knows that there’s nothing she could ever say to make the situation any better. She holds her brother’s hands tightly. “I should have been here,” he says, nodding softly.
“Harry, there’s nothing you could have done. It’s that prick’s fault, not yours,” she says angrily. She’s trying to keep calm, for everyone’s sake, but it’s difficult when it feels like her family is being torn apart.
“I would’ve been driving,” Harry insists. “I would be the one in there, not her, and they would’ve been safe.”
“You don’t know that,” Gemma argues softly. She’s never seen him like this before, but that’s to be expected in the situation they’re in. He’s normally such an optimistic person, and to hear him degrade himself is almost too much to handle.
“If she does make it—”
“When she makes it,” Gem snaps.
“She’s gonna hate me. I know it.”
“She has never blamed you for anything, not when fans gave her shit, not when paps would follow her, and especially not when you had to leave. There are some things that are simply out of our control, and she understands. She understands that you can’t be there all the time. She understands that this is your job, and your job has made you who you are today. She won’t blame you for this either, so don’t blame yourself.”
“You don’t understand,” he sighs. It’s true. She does not understand what he’s gone through. She doesn’t know what it feels like, but she knows that the damage is already done. There’s no use in looking back and analyzing everything to see what they could have done differently.
“I should’ve been here.”
“If only things were that simple.”
“Harry?” A shallow, unfamiliar voice speaks from behind him, making everyone raise their heads.
Anxiety spikes in his stomach. He wonders how anyone could have recognized him, since there is absolutely no one else in the hospital, and how insensitive they would have to be to come talk to him while he’s in such a state. Anger bubbles within him, his skin turning hot as he turns to face the woman.
The blood on her uniform makes him pause.
“My name is Leslie. I was one of the first people on the scene.”
“Do you know anything?” She shakes her head sadly.
“But I was with your wife in the ambulance. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you and…” She coughs, hesitation clear on her features. “And not to give up.”
She probably doesn’t realize how much he needed to hear those words because when he stands and tugs her into a hug, she tenses, hesitantly wrapping her arms around him. Again, like when he saw his baby girl, hope warms him, blanketing and strengthening him.
It’s like Y/N is speaking to him through her.
“Thank you,” he whispers, offering her a weak smile. Just as they part, an older woman rounds the corner. Everyone sits up a little straighter, the air becoming a little tenser, when she gets closer to them.
“She’s resting, now, but she should be up in a few hours,” the doctor smiles.
Harry wants to crumple to the ground as a weight lifts from his chest, and he can finally breathe. He’s run ragged, a broken cry slipping out of his blubbering lips. He tugs Gemma into his arms, who returns the embrace wholeheartedly. Such relief and warmth fills him that he can barely hear the doctor as she continues.
“There was some pretty severe internal bleeding, but we got her stabilized. She also had a couple broken ribs, nothing that time and care won’t heal. After we do some more tests, she should be released in about a week. I can show you to her room, if you’d like?”
“Yes,” Harry cries.
When they reach Y/N’s room, Harry pauses outside and turns to his mother. Her eyes, noticing the confliction in his eyes, are soft and understanding. He never thought about seeing her in such a state until now, but least she’s still with him, his little fighter, just like Rhi.
“Mum, can I, uh…” He nibbles on his lip, holding his arms out.
“Course,” Anne says, moving the baby in his open arms.
“Hi, peach,” he says, smiling. She sleeps contentedly, her features relaxed. His heart twinges as she burrows herself into his chest, and he wraps the blanket a little tighter around her.
“We’ll go to the cottage and get some extra clothes for you all,” Gemma says, knowing that Harry needs this time alone. She tugs her mother, who hesitates but soon follows.
He expected her condition to be poor, but that doesn’t stop the burning in his eyes when he sees her, hooked up to what seems like dozens of machines, her face swollen, and stitches along her hairline; she looks so fragile, so broken, but her heart beat is strong, breathing steady. As if sensing her father’s discomfort, Rhi burrows further in his arms, snuffling lightly.
He settles in a chair next to Y/N’s bed, one hand holding hers while the other arm cradles his baby.
“Gave daddy a scare earlier, peach,” he coos. “Daddy’s sorry that he wasn’t there with ya.”
He promises her many things, that she’s safe, that nothing will ever happen to her, and that her mum is safe, too, but most importantly, he promises to be there for her. He cries silently, careful to keep the tears and painful jolts of his chest from waking Rhi. He just can’t help it. After the dust settles and the smoke is cleared, the gravity of the situation weighs on him: he could have lost the two most important people in his life, and he would not have been there.
A nurse stops by to bring a bassinet for Rhiannon and to check on Y/N, who is doing wonderfully, especially after such an invasive surgery.
Y/N wakes after about an hour, just as the sun peaks beyond the horizon. Harry is still up, of course, watching his girls, finding comfort in the heart monitor. He pushes the bassinet back and forth with his foot.
He beams when he hears her voice, gravely and worn, but it’s her voice nonetheless, comforting and warm. He wishes that he could hold her and kiss her until his love heals her wounds, but he has to settle for holding her hand and kissing her forehead for the time being.
“I’m sorry,” she sobs, tears slipping past her swollen eyes. “It happened so fast.”
“What are you sorry for, lovie? You did absolutely nothin’ wrong,” he says, brushing back her hair.
“You had to leave because I wasn’t being careful enough, and I—”
His heart aches, eyes glazing over. He hates that he made her feel like his job was more important than her.
“No, none of that,” he says, shaking his head. “That doesn’t matter. Listen, this was not your fault, and as far as tour goes, it’s not nearly as important as you two. I would drop everythin’ if you needed me to. There is nothin’ that I wouldn’t do for you. You know that, right? You both are my life, now; I made that promise the day we got married and the day she was born. You both are my number one priority, and I haven’t been treating you like it. For that, I’m so sorry.”
“It was selfish of me to think that I could live in the past and the present, live the life that I used to while trying to be a father and a husband. It wasn’t fair of me, and I am so, so very sorry, babylove.”
He kisses her, careful of her bruises, and she sinks further into the bed, comforted by his warm words and tender touches. Her eyes, fluttering with exhaustion and filled with tears, refuse to close, as if she’s afraid that he’ll be gone by the time she wakes. He runs his thumb along her cheek, mindful of the swollen areas. For the first time in what feels like years, his mind is calm, basking in the feeling of happiness as he’s finally able to feel and see his family, safe and within his reach. That’s all he’s ever wanted, and as he sees her nodding off, he presses a quick kiss to her knuckles, whispering.
“Rest, lovie, I’ll be here. Don’t worry.”
She falls asleep with a faint smile.
Perhaps, fate isn’t cruel as many think. Just like anything, it can be merciful and loving for those who are worth mercy and love.
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boy-above · 3 years
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a few days ago, we took butternut to the apl to get her spayed. this would turn out to be the biggest mistake we could have made. butternut has parvo and she only has a 30 percent chance to live. she isn't even a year old and she already has a high chance of dying.
apparently the apl had a fucking parvo outbreak, and didn't feel the need to tell us that at any point during the process of making an appointment or bringing her in. they've known about this outbreak for weeks and are still taking in healthy cats and putting them at risk. this was beyond fucking preventable.
i didn't even want butternut to go to the apl. i wanted her to go to our regular vet. my mom decided our vet was too expensive and went to the animal protective league instead. and doing that killed my fucking cat. money was worth more than butternut's life.
i signed over the rights to butternut to these people. they have her in quarantine i guess and are supposed to be treating her. we can't see her anymore. we can't be in the same room with her until she either dies and comes home in an urn, or if a miracle happens and she survives. they offered that we could do the treatment ourselves at home, and my mom tried to make me feel guilty for choosing the latter. it's for a lot of reasons. one, i have other cats. i think they've been vaccinated but im scared. also, we have six entire kittens living on our porch. if they get it they die. it's highly contagious. two, i don't want to give my cat injections. i don't want to see her deteriorate. i just saw my cat for what might be the last time today, on a table in the vets office. i had to pull her out of her carrier to hug her because she didn't have the energy to crawl out. i had to tell my cat i loved her and then abandon her. if she dies, her final days are going to be so lonely. they said only one person comes in and they're in a fucking hazmat suit. don't think i'm not wailing about how horrible and unfair that is. but i think at least in there she might have a chance, at the very least because they're giving her fluids. but she probably thinks we abandoned her and we did this on purpose. we took her to a scary place and she got sick and then we took her back to the scary place and we're leaving her there.
we've just been running around the house sanitizing everything. they said to strip our clothes as soon as we got home and wash them. they took us out a different door so we couldn't touch anything in the waiting room. ive been cleaning and cleaning. i made my mom make appointments for my other cats. they're obviously going to a different vet. i want them to test them. i'm gonna be quite honest: this is all my mom's fucking fault and i'm glad she feels bad. i didn't want her taken out there. i just had a bad feeling. i didn't want her left overnight either. but this has never been about what i want. even though we Had the money, even though we would have been able to afford our normal vet, she had to fucking take her there.
if she dies, pixie doesn't even know she saw her for the last time this morning. they're best friends. when we got butternut spayed those few days ago, pixie walked around the house looking for her, and come night time she was meowing for her. i want butternut to come home to her. i want her to be in that 30 percent. it was challenging even finding a solo picture of butters because her and pixie are always together
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here they were last night. this might be the last time she gets to hold her like this
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