#they did gender affirming surgery on each other they dont care about most things they care about everything more deeply than other people
unusualshrimp · 2 years
theres just something about reckless scientists and their ride or die partners thats just somehow trans and aro and gay all at once. cant explain but u get me
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staboteur · 4 years
14 or 18?
It’s Salt Time (accepting)
//why not both?
14. Your opinion on muns making canon characters Trans/ gender fluid etc.?
//honestly, live and let live, i hope those people have a great day and have a good time with their trans headcanons. I have a few trans headcanons myself actually, although not for Rene, who is... for all intents and purposes cis but does he care? not particularly. Honestly, if given the knowledge that I have today, I’d put him somewhere on the male end of the nb map/scale/graph, because he cares more about fancy things than actual gender. He just happens to prefer the fancy things that men wear over the fancy things that women wear.
//what i really can’t stand is when people get all pissy about people headcanoning a character one way or another. I hate it when people get mad at trans headcanons “because it’s not realistic!!!11!!!!!!1!1″. Like no? Please do not make assumptions that our bodies must appear a certain way??? There are tons of trans people who undergo gender affirming surgery, and ALSO tons of trans people who DO NOT undergo gender affirming surgery. Some pass better than others, some decide to do hormones, hell, some of y’all are rping full on dragons and magic and shit, what makes a trans person suddenly so special and unrealistic when you have dragons and magic and potions and whatever??? In fact it’s more unrealistic to NOT have trans people (and all types of LGBT+ people), because fun fact! We’ve existed for thousands of years, and the only reason why people openly and widely hate us now is because, at least in the US and western europe, the plague known as John Calvin decided that people need to be all up in each others’ business and that if one person is LGBT+ (which is supposedly a horrible awful sin) it’s the responsibility of the community to get rid of them bc of some communal predestination bullshit.
//in other news we actually talked about that very subject in one of my classes. I’m not saying homophobia and transphobia didn’t exist long ago (it certainly did), but it definitely was a different brand of it vs what we most commonly see today. People always talk about “take into consideration the worldbuilding!!!!” and im like “yeah and in my world john calvin and st augustine never existed so we never got to the point where hyper-conservative christianity exists, and by that reasoning, there is absolutely NO REASON for this character NOT to be trans”.
//conversely, if you headcanon a character as trans, don’t like,,, force other people to also like your headcanon? Like you can say “no, I prefer this headcanon”. No one should go around saying “YOUR HEADCANON CAN’T EXIST BECAUSE X Y AND Z”. I thought we got over this like 3 years ago.
//also miss me with that “””””Confirmed Cis”””””” bullshit. Fun fact trans people can ‘look cis’. Fun fact in a lot of these worlds, magic and/or sci-fi tech exists so they can have surgery/literally just transform their bodies and you wouldn’t know the difference. So. Maybe check your internalized transphobia for a sec and like just let people have their trans headcanons
18. Have you ever felt like something off about someone?
//ALL THE TIME MAN like lemme clarify:
//there are a lot of little red flags that pop up whenever I meet a new person. It isn’t always bad red flags, just little notifications that go “hm this is something i need to watch out for”. It doesn’t always amount to something major (like for example, someone might say or do something that I get a red flag about, but turns out it’s just because they have a certain way of communicating that comes off a certain way to me, but isn’t intended to do that). 
//obviously, once these little notifications start stacking up is when i start to go “hmmmmmmmmmm” and may slowly withdraw contact with them. It’s usually not the person’s fault though, like to be clear, it’s just a character foible they have that i dont vibe with, like... maybe they require more attention and energy than i have, or they want fast replies, or whatever. So not always bad things, just things I don’t get on well with.
//although there have been times when i see someone’s pages and bio and i’m like ‘UH NOPE SORRY NOPEEE YOU MIGHT BE SECRETLY A NICE PERSON BUT IM NOT WILLING TO BET ON IT’. It’s usually a combination of different traits, but most of them appear somewhere in the rules/bio/mun pages. If they appear rude, short tempered, or otherwise unprofessional, i just close the tab lmao bc around 90% of the time, I prefer avoidance to rolling the dice and seeing if my bad feeling is right or not (usually it’s right)
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