#they are overdoing it. it isn't healthy for someone to be over protective because it usually harms the party they are trying to protect
redysetdare · 9 months
Every time someone calls a character being normal protective "overprotective" i lose a brain cell. i need to you guys to learn what the "Over" means in "overprotective" because you think it's a cute little fun character quirk instead of a flaw that usually acts as hindrance to one characters freedom and privacy in favor of another characters control and fear.
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isabella-kr · 3 years
hello! i wanted do ask dating hcs for babe and pierce from love unholyc, but the link for the rules isn't working :((
I fixed the links!!! Hopefully they’ll work properly now.
When I do headcannons, I do all the characters from the Masterlist they’re in, that’s why there’s more characters than requested!
I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
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Shallote is very loving and protective towards the ones she loves. She would do anything to keep you happy, safe and healthy.
She’s very well versed in the language of love, having spent the majority of her life writing popular love stories. She knows how to treat her significant other, so always expect to be surprised by her.
Spontaneous road trips to the beach, the mountains or just a quiet place far from everyone.
Romantic dinners as often as possible, making sure to nurture the love you two share.
She’s will show you off and PDA will not be something she’s afraid of. You can expect kisses and hand holding even when there’s people around.
But don’t worry, if PDA isn’t something you’re interested in, she’ll be more than happy to give you space. After all, she’s the master at relationships and understands that boundaries are important.
She will never EVER do anything you wouldn’t like. Just have a serious conversation with her and she will listen without judgement, respecting all your decisions.
She’s an author. So I can imagine the two of you spending creative days together in her office or outside under a tree, brainstorming ideas for her upcoming stories. Those quiet times only making the two of you fall ever harder for one another.
She will value all your input, putting many of your ideas in her stories.
She loves you a lot, so don’t be surprised when one day she gifts your with a book based on you. A special edition, just for the two of you.
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Another protective one… just a bit more obsessive than Shallote.
When he loves, he loves hard.
He tends to be possessive, if he sees someone getting a bit too comfortable with you, he might overreact.
He finishes his work as quickly as he can, finishing his chores in record time to spend more time with you. He would be with you 24/7 if he could, but maybe it’s better that he can’t… everyone needs space from time to time.
He gets jealous easily and so he tends to ‘mark’ you or overdo the PDA when you’re at a social gathering. Kissing your neck, having his arm wrapped around your waist or glaring at anyone who comes your way. Anything to let people know you’re his.
Don’t like PDA? He might have a hard time accepting it, but after some time and multiple serious conversations, you might need to come to an agreement.
He will settle on holding your hand if you’re really uncomfortable with the rest. As long as you’re near him, he’s fine.
Kitchen dates. Cooking together for Shallote and yourselves. It’s way more fun doing it together! Please teach him to make tea properly, everyone’s tastebuds will benefit from it.
Shallote loves you two and is more than happy to have you take him away from her. This means a lot of date nights and going out together. She enjoys watching you two be happy and I can see her writing a story about your relationship.
He might be a bit possessive and over-protective but it’s all because he really really loves you. He would never hurt you on purpose
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Claude is more reserved by the others, but he absolutely adores his family.
If you can’t get along with them, I doubt your relationship would last. So if you love him, you’ve got to love the rest of his siblings, it’s a package deal!
He doesn’t mind keeping his relationship on the down-low and won’t be into much PDA.
Hand holding on having his arm around your waist is the farthest he’ll go.
He’s busy so he won’t be able to go out with you often, but when he does he makes sure you know he cares about you.
He will take you on quiet dates to the park or a nice restaurant. He will be sweet the entire time, sharing loving smiles and engulfing you in hugs.
He’s very protective so if someone bothers you, he might succumb to his anger and throw hands.
But he also tends to be very sweet, especially when you two haven’t been able to spend much time together recently.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately,” he will apologise.
Make sure he knows you’re not mad :( he loves you, he just tends to be busy often.
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This man will Show. You. Off
He is so proud and happy to be with you.
He will love spending time with you and will always find a way to to see you more often.
This will, unfortunately, frustrate Sol to no end, always having
Fun days out: going to the cinema, on trips and fun outings.
He will proudly announce to everyone that you two are together, holding your hand tightly in his as you walk down the street or enter a shop.
You could help him at Ripeato from time to time, and he will greatly value your input on his work. He will love having you around, claiming that your presence makes his work better than normal.
He would love hanging out with you and his brothers, after all, you would be part of his family so you getting along with the rest would be important to him.
He will love you dearly and would make sure you’re always safe. So if anything ever happened to you, I can see him losing his chill. He won’t be too aggressive and will settle more on threats, but his aura will be enough to scare anyone away.
He loves you and will gladly show you off to everyone, no matter how annoyed they might get by him shoving your relationship in people’s faces.
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Siu will be more reserved than his twin.
He loves you, sure, but he doesn’t see the need to show you off at every turn.
He’ll hold your hand and will happily give you a kiss on the cheek, but I don’t see him showing you off as much as his brother would.
He would be similar to his brother in date ideas: cinemas, outings and trips.
He would love you having around at work as well! Very much so, maybe even going for a sweet treat together after work.
Just like his brother, he will do everything to keep you safe.
And if anything happens to you, well… good luck to the person who caused you harm.
He’s not afraid of using violence to keep you safe. And unlike his brother, he won’t settle on threats, he will act instead.
Make sure to spend a lot of time with him and the ones he cherishes, he will love knowing you get along well with the ones he loves.
He won’t be as out there as his brother, and might get shy from time to time, so make sure you have some quiet alone times together - he will love them!
Rule book
Mains + William & Eater Masterlist
Unholyc Undateables Masterlist
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