#these ultrakill models just keep getting better and better
lowpolyanimals · 9 months
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Florp from ULTRAKILL
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dravid-writes · 1 month
V1 shoots through the window and leaps into the building. There's a locked exit door, and nothing else important. No sign of that strange machine, either. V1 advances and scans the room for any sign of a way forward-
The stained glass shatters, sending a shower of rainbow shards to the floor as a crimson machine descends, landing gracefully and looking up to meet V1's gaze. "Ah, at last we find ourselves face to face. I believe I speak for both of us when I say I've been looking forward to our meeting... V1."
"What are you?"
"What- Are you serious? I'm V2!"
"You're a 404."
"I'm the improved version of you, you ignorant toaster."
"You indeed appear to be a moderately improved toaster."
"I suppose it figures that such a brutish war machine would be unable to appreciate such an elegant design. While you're programmed with crude and reckless combat tactics to simply destroy everything in your path like a ravenous lion, cold and uncaring to the world around you, I-"
"My design was repurposed into a theater bot?"
"No no, theater is just my hobby. I was designed to do exactly the same thing as you..." V2's golden wings unfold as it draws a revolver. "Only better in every way."
The machines leap into action. V2 slides and glides across the battlefield, each of its shots made with pinpoint accuracy as it dances circles around V1, always maintaining control over the distance between them. V1 keeps up a relentless barrage of shots, avoiding V2's attacks with snap reactions and frantic movement while always trying to get closer, never letting off the heat for even a moment.
As the machines trade shots, blood stains the floor, and cracks begin to show in their armor. V1 finds an opening after avoiding a shotgun blast to dash in and blast V2 with a shotgun of its own, staying close and continuing to punch it to absorb as much fresh blood as possible.
A red fist slams into V1's body, throwing off its next punch. "Back OFF!" V2 shouts, punctuating the word with an explosive blast from its fist that sends V1 soaring across the battlefield.
V1 watches the blood from the blast simply drip off of V2's armor. "You can't absorb blood in combat. You aren't better in every way."
"Such a barbaric method of refuel and repair is hardly beneficial in peacetime."
"You were built for peacetime. Now I see why you don't know how to fight." V1 draws its shotgun and advances with a dashing leap, but V2 is already sliding away to keep distance. V1 shoots anyway, throwing a practiced punch in perfect sync to launch one of the heat projectiles toward V2 at high speed, exploding on impact.
The cracks in V2's armor grow. "What- Did you just punch your own shotgun pellet?!"
"That's NOT how you use a shotgun!"
"Affirmative. Counterpoint: It's extremely cool."
"It's literally made of heat you scrapheap running on spaghetti code!" V2 charges and fires a piercing shot from its revolver, but V1 throws another feedbacker punch to deflect it directly into V2's shoulder, blasting apart the joint and sending its arm flying away. "My arm! How DARE you!"
"I believe that twice is enough to verify that I can punch bullets." V1 charges a shot in its own revolver. "Now, let us test if the new and improved model can do the same."
V2 dashes behind a pillar just in time to avoid the shot. It spreads its wings and leaps up out through the skylight, escaping before V1's revolver can recharge and finish the job.
V1 approaches a wide open chamber at the top of the pyramid, where it spots V2 sitting reclined in a throne, one foot resting on the seat.
"War machine."
"Improved toaster."
"It's about time you arrived. I've been waiting for you. When we last met, you took something very important from me." V2 stands. "This time, things will be different. Because this time, I've got some new toys, and some new tricks. I've been studying our battle, V1, analyzing how you fight, and I've been mastering my arsenal until-"
"If you weren't invincible while monologuing, this fight would already be over."
... V2 cracks its mechanical knuckles, purely for dramatic effect. "Indeed it would."
V1's strategy remains the same, firing nonstop and always advancing, sliding and dashing erratically in response to V2's attacks. V2 keeps distance and circles around, and when V1 gets too close, it throws out a grappling hook from its new green arm to zip away before firing back with revolver shots.
With V2 becoming impossible to catch, V1 switches focus to long-ranged combat, weaving in and out of cover while firing charge shots, and ricocheting shots off of coins to attack from outside V2's line of sight. But when it peeks out to fire another shot, V2 lodges its grappling hook into it, digging its heels into the ground to yank V1 out of hiding and blast it with a point-blank shotgun blast. "What's wrong, V1, where are those lightning-fast reflexes?" V2 revs up its nailgun and fires a hail of iron death at V1.
V1 shoots a magnet into the ground that drags the nails out of the air. "I was occupied considering possible uses for that arm once I add it to my collection."
"HahaHA, your confidence is entertaining! But here is what's going to happen. I'm going to claim my victory-" V2 draws its revolver, "-then you will admit my superiority-" charges up a shot, "-and then I will take back my FUCKING ARM!"
V1 shoots the magnet with its own revolver, then dashes into cover as the nails to explode all around. V2 is battered by nails, but shrugs it off and instead tosses a coin toward the pillar V1 hid behind. It waits for the perfect moment to ricochet the shot, then-
A beam of electricity shoots out from behind the pillar, ricocheting off of the coin directly at V2, causing a cracked plate of armor to finally break off! V1 dashes out of cover and aims its own barrage of nails at V2.
V2 whiplashes out of the way, then counters with revolver shots. "You have a damn RAILCANNON and didn't use it until now?!"
"I was waiting for a chance to do something stylish with it." V1 chases down V2, returning the shots with its own.
"Stylish- Your priorities are as unrefined as your tactics, war machine!" V2 whiplashes away once more, fighting more and more defensively as its armor's integrity fails.
"I don't trust your judgment regarding priorities. In your own top 3, you managed to miss the most important thing. So here is what is going to happen, V2.." V1 punches one of V2's shots back towards it, exploding against the wall V2 had grappled onto and knocking it to the ground. "I am going to kill you."
Cursing the blue bot for besting it once more, V2 dashes to the chamber wall and blasts a hole in it with its shotgun, sliding down the pyramid in retreat. V1 follows suit, chasing V2 down the pyramid slope, firing its guns nonstop all the while.
V2 fires back, trying not to defeat it but just to slow it down enough to escape. "Damn you, you wretched pile of trash and wires! You barbarian! You demon!"
"Demon?" V1 parries a shotgun blast back into V2, knocking off another armor plate. "Negative. Demons are made of stone and hell energy." A barrage of overheated nails shreds off more armor plates. "They are made to punish. They are weak." A coin tossed and shot with perfect timing splits the shot in 2, striking at V2's joints. "You were made to keep peace. You are weak." An explosive shot and detonated with a railcannon overwhelms V2's senses and burns its circuitry. "I was made to kill. And nothing is better at killing that me."
With an explosive punch from the red arm, V2 is blasted into the air, every part of its body so thoroughly damaged and broken that it can't do anything to save itself from slamming into the hard stone below, splattering into a mess of blood and scrap.
V1 lands beside the bloody mess. It grabs the green arm, plants a foot on the twisted remains of V2, and tears off its prize. Then, it throws the grappling hook, and zips away.
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shock-micro · 4 months
Hi, I'm Mira! I'm a silly gay robot on the internet. "How," you might be wondering- don't worry! I have a two greek letter answer for you: θΔ. I'm also transfem, if you couldn't already tell by the trans flag in my profile picture.
I used to do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine, but now I'm kinda just burnt out of the game as a whole. Oh well! Now I just generally like looking into the visual and game design of various games.
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill and probably even more that I'm missing, and definitely more after this post is made.
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon. She doesn't have her own sona yet, having recently (as of this post) decided to no longer associate herself with the character that first helped her manifest. You'll know it's her- she uses blue-colored text, and I typically don't type in proper grammar on Tumblr.
Hello, all! It's Moon- I'm not typically around as much as Mira, but it's always a pleasure when I can be~
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got another goober in my head whose origins are unknown, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
...now how do I pin this?
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robo-mox-motley · 1 year
[Video ID: Gorg, a tall blue mech, runs forward brandishing the blunt grip end of his tank gun. He lifts the whole long gun upwards by the barrel before striking down on the top of a tank. The original sound of the tank being hit is replaced with a coconut bonk stock sound. End ID.]
Always Gorgin' time at Mox(ter)'s
Aficionado número uno del Pavo Tecnicolor (al menos en el Occidente supongo), con yo mismo a partir de ahora conocido como un Archaditz!
Mox(ter) reporting. Some things you might want to know. Or not ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
Things that keep me up at night: The camaraderie of the Autobots in Armada. Japanese punk and rock artists hitting Rs with that guttural growl. Trying to make up transforming figures in my head that don't exist for certain characters and getting pissed the next morning because I don't have them. Only thing stopping me is lack of access to a resin printer.
I am Mox/Moxter and have been a bot nerd since I was an anklebiter. Mostly gung-ho about other stuff like practical effects, costuming, figures/models, 3D modelling, old tech, lizards, and birding. I do art a little too, but I’m not too fond of the idea of putting it out on here quite yet. I mainly study tech communications, visual effects, and language. Couple years of Spanish but also picking up and learning bits of Japanese and Welsh when I can. I apologize beforehand if you see my dumb ass getting long-winded about Tailgate (full reason being too long to explain here).
I’m generally invested into anything related to toy design— mostly TakaraTomy, HasTak, and Sunrise bot stuff is my focus though. I am hooked on the design development surrounding Binaltech and Alternators for better or worse. And wouldn't you know, a bunch of car robots helped me to realize what I should re-prioritize my career track to be; that's the power of my dumb special interest at work
( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧.
Got tired of updating which music artists I like at the moment, but I tend to stick to ELO, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, hip hop, rock, J-punk, ska, funk, and EDM. I don’t mind getting music recs. Delighted owner to my little shit of a gecko. A lot of what I reblog is aesthetic posts, robotic nonsense, and other things. If you want to go ahead and block some of my tags, I’ve got a list of them linked in my pinned post. I try to put alt tags in the majority of images I upload. May need a poke on that though once in a while because I can’t remember everything.
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There will sometimes be 18+ content. It will be tagged or marked under community labels as such. I don’t want complaining when the tools are right there to prune out stuff. Block the tags, block me, or go on your own way.
I have an affinity for and somehow keep crushing on turbonerd robots in STEM and medicine.
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It keeps happening.
Ok, but like, Archadis and Airazor too. Birdman, birdwoman? Man, I don’t care... I’m just bi and giddy. If you get bothered by that kind of thing, I will probably piss you off. r/transformers or some specialty forum like Seibertron is probably more your speed.
Don’t be stupidly obnoxious around here; shit-stirrers get Gorg'd:
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If you slander bugs, reconsider.
Please do not ask me my pronouns. Like, sorry, but I don’t know you. At least talk to me for a good while and wait before asking? Just use my name and no they/them-ing me if we aren't all too familiar, that's all I ask.
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Things I like or have watched/read. Not exhaustive. Strong favorites are bolded.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Destiny (Well, it was good up until every update following Witch Queen)
Fallout 1, NV, 4
Final Fantasy VII
Lethal League Blaze
Mass Effect
Rhythm Heaven
Comic Stuff
Astro Boy
Atomic Robo
Dai Dark
IDW Transformers
Transformers Linkage
Kaiju No. 8
Kamen Rider Kuuga (2019)
Brave series: Might Gaine, J-Decker
Cromartie High School
FMA 2003
Giant Gorg
Lupin the III
Kamen Rider: Ichigo, Gaim, Zero-One
Transformers: G1, JG1, BW, JBW, Unicron Trilogy, Prime, RID 2015, Cyberverse, Earthspark
My MAL profile (I forget to update it though)
Blocked and still rooting through here?
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I applaud your tenacity, but I don't get it. Have a little cheer in your life and go watch Kamen Rider or Medabots or smth.
Signing out.
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scithemodestmermaid · 3 years
It’s Steam Awards time, and here are my nominations!
My explanations for WHY I nominated what I did are right below the spoiler jump:
I’m so glad former Epic and Origin exclusives are considered 2020 releases, otherwise I’d be screwed.
GOTY = Ghostrunner.  Everything about this game is perfect.  Visuals, soundtrack, optimization, characterization, combat, movement.  It is one of the greatest cyberpunk games ever made.  It is the only “LOL 2HARD” game I’ve played where I didn’t feel like I was fighting the game’s controls or enemy scaling.  Jack is a damn sexy protagonist.  Go play Ghostrunner right now, damn it.  If I could beat the game, so can you.  
VRGOTY = Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency.  Everyone’s going to vote Half Life Alyx, but honestly I enjoyed my time with Budget Cuts 2 way more.  There’s a lot of humor and heart, with a touch of horror.  The bow is so much fun to use.  The showdown with Adam is some of the best atmosphere I’ve encountered in a VR game.  I have some issues with how they chose to end the game, and yet the ending itself was so precious that I could forgive the flaws.  Yes, overall it was a step back from the first.  But it’s still a grade-A VR game on its own.  
Labor Of Love = Among Us.  These guys maintained this game for two years before suddenly taking off in popularity.  Instead of taking the money and running, they continued to do their best to improve the game and keep it running.  They’re an underdog story for the ages.
Better With Friends = Titanfall 2.  Pretty much the only co-op/multiplayer game I’ve played, and I admittedly didn’t even play anything but singleplayer.  Still a damn good game.
Outstanding Visual Style =  Beautiful Desolation.  Take the classic Fallouts and infuse it with classic South African visuals.  Animate it with some of the best CGI I’ve seen out of a tiny indie team and some physical models and you’ve got a game that ertainly lives up to its name.
Most Innovative Gameplay = Superliminal.  While I was playing, I spent more time trying to figure out how they programmed the puzzles than actually solving them.  They use optical illusions and clever coding to their benefit to create a mind-bending experience that will leave you wondering what the hell just happened.
Best Game You Suck At = Ultrakill.  The second-hardest game I’ve played all year (Ghostrunner being the first, but I already nominated that one for something).  A sexy robot getting swarmed by legions of tortured souls, splattering them in style.  Not only is it hard to survive, its hard to look good doing it.  But once you pull of that coin trick shot combo or take out a horde by punching your shotgun bullets, oh baby its SO GOOD.
Best Soundtrack = BPM: Bullets Per Minute.  I’m gonna be honest, the soundtrack was the only part of this game I liked.  The heavy metal riffs punctuated by the sharp rhythm of your weapon is epic.
Outstanding Story Rich = Observation.  A chilling sci-fi epic.  Essentially a remake of 2001, except its told from Hal’s point of view.  A planetary mystery that has dragged dozens of compelling characters from the corners of time and space.  One of the most intriguing stories I’ve experienced all year, and that ending will stick with me for quite some time. 
Sit Back & Relax = Spiritfarer.  Despite the heartbreaking narrative of coping with loss (told in a way that only those who have actually experienced loss will understand), the game is surprisingly relaxing.  Sailing the seas, cooking meals, organizing your ship, and tending your garden.  It’s very zen.
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