#these posts keep getting longer. if they ever get obscenely long i'll start adding readmores
harurio · 2 months
guardian ep6
@oneiro-nautical the cat's sleeping on my legs for this one. very warm and heavy
awww the straights are being okay. one of them is going to die then i suppose
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oh oof that flashback. chu shuzhi lost somebody didn't he. very good work by the actor too, the way his face fell made my throat close up a little
hey shen wei! and a hei pao shi reveal to boot. is that a yunlan i see on a bike in the distance (it is!)
oh something's wrong with that guy's fiancee the music told me so
you could cut the tension in this weilan scene with a knife. that damn lollipop. not to be crass but look at him
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smthn smthn call that man osha the way he's demanding a railing!!!
aw hell yeah i love creepy mirrors
never fear! hei pao shi is here!
sooo.... was the mirror girl the one that guy fell in love with? bc she was the one who looked more torn up about everything, the real girl just seemed pissed
oh heck. at it with the morally ambiguous and terribly sad situations again. i feel for both girls, though maybe a little more for the mirror girl, because she's the one in love and the other girl just wants what's rightfully hers
'love caused calamity' hey shen wei are we projecting here? this sounds like self-recrimination >:/
ooooh yunlan he is living rent free in your headdddd
and you are breaking rent free into his house. maybe don't do that
and now you're sending him bugged presents. behold, the mating rituals of the bisexual boytoy
poor li qian. i hope we continue to hear updates. also was it in the script that whenever weilan walk they have to be perfectly in step or did they just do that naturally
gettin real tired of your shit checkers man. do something already
you can really tell that shen wei is neither mortal nor (probably) human as he stands there very calmly allowing a couple of thugs to steal all his worldly goods. he has clearly had so many more important things to worry about for so many centuries
i really enjoyed this episode and i would love to watch the next to see how the mugging plays out but unfortunately i gotta put myself to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. sleep is for the weak and baby i can't do even one pushup 👍
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