#these kinds of things are heavily biased by personal interpretation so if yours differ I'd love to hear
iwritenarrativesandstuff ยท 1 year
r u familiar with the enneagram system? if so, i'd be curious to know what u think dazai, akutagawa, yosano, or anyone else's type is. of course, that's just a suggestion. i really like ur blog and hope life's going well for u.
I am familiar with it!
I'm not a huge fan of it for several reasons that I won't get into here, and as a psychology student I do feel compelled to alert people that tests like the Enneagram and MBTI, while fun, are not statistically valid or empirically grounded, and that I absolutely hate how these kinds of pseudo-psychological tests are still sometimes used by companies in the hiring process. They have no place there.
But, like I said, they are fun to do and I think my young teenage self, who spent literal years trying to rework some of these tests to yield more consistent results when analyzing fictional characters, would like it if I gave it a shot!
I'll do Dazai, Akutagawa and Yosano, and I'll add in Atsushi, Kyouka and Tachihara because of the recent episodes. :)
Dazai: I think he kind of has to be a 5w4. (I hate it I hate it that's my type arghhhh) 5s tend to withdraw and become detached observers - their ideal is to become as knowledgeable, intelligent and competent in their area as possible. The 4 as a wing meanwhile gives this type an emotional underpinning it wouldn't normally have. The 4 wing makes the 5 desire more in the way of self-expression and makes them tend to turn their knowledge and information gathering about people over hard facts. While the 4 might be considered an alternative, as 4s tend to be melancholic and feel separate from the rest of the crowd, it's also too focused on self-expression to be right for Dazai's character. 5s may have similar feelings but they deal with it more by rationalizing these feelings or withdrawing from people. 5s also tend to move towards 7s when under stress or in a bad place, which typically involves frantic attempts at spontaneity or excitement in an attempt to not feel so drained, trapped or incompetent. When in a healthier mindset, they tend to move towards 8, which enables more assertive, leader-like, and protective behaviours.
Akutagawa: I'd say a true 3. 3s are all about achievement, objectives and competency - and about gaining recognition for it. While they are normally characterized as extraverted, I think the core is there in Akutagawa - the need to win above all else, the idea that love and recognition are based on accomplishment, the projecting of their own insecurities onto others. These are traits that are present even in Beast, and likely rooted in his survivalist mindset. Akutagawa will go about whatever means are required to succeed, and he is objective-driven and direct in his ambitions to an almost extreme degree. Under stress, they go to 9, which leads them to stubbornly continue on the path they have set and put themselves under immense pressure without questioning why or branching off to something different, likely out of familiarity with the struggle and a fear of revision. This is quite clear in the main universe, with Dazai's approval being one of the only things that matters to him and making him largely unable to see alternate paths and driving him to reckless action. In a healthier mindset, they move towards 6, which makes them more committed team players. This seems to be where Beast was going, and hopefully we see that with shin soukoku as well.
Yosano: I'd say type 8w9 for sure. 8s are protectors, powerful and assertive to avoid showing weakness or vulnerability. Nothing else really makes sense for Yosano; she's always been an assertive person, and she doesn't mince her words - she likes to get to the point quickly and get things done. She also projects an image of intimidation and doesn't reveal much about herself to her coworkers. The 9 wing brings a more mellow side to the type 8 and focuses their protectiveness more on places of safety - like the Agency for Yosano and how protective she is of it and the people in it! Under stress, 8s move to 5, which causes them to withdraw into themselves as they try to detach from what's going on and question themselves and their usual confidence... yeah... In a healthier setting, they move towards the 2, which enables them to put their confidence and control towards helping those who need it, instead of focusing only on minimizing their own vulnerability.
Atsushi: I waffled between 2 and 6 for him before deciding on 2w1. 2 makes sense with its emphasis on helping others to be needed and building an image of being someone who helps others so they don't have to bother/deal with their own issues. 6s are too suspicious and focused primarily on security to be a good match for Atsushi, who, while he doesn't want to be hurt anymore and loves having a supportive group of people to come back to, is uh. Often very reckless. The 1 wing is that undercurrent of not just doing helpful things for others, but of doing helpful things that are also morally right and just. Underdeveloped 1 can result in some black and white thinking, which Atsushi can be a bit prone to, especially early in the series. 2s can be prone to becoming strongly prideful via their good deeds, but they can crash hard if they neglect their own needs for too long or somehow "fail" another. They are not supposed to be "selfish", and I think we see Atsushi struggle to fit his own needs into his image of the "one who saves others" he thinks he needs to be to be worthy. When under stress, they tap into the sudden aggression of 8, which may cause them to try to exert power to stop feeling vulnerable, but the growth towards 4 lets them explore their own feelings and perceptions to figure out what they actually want.
Kyouka: Probably a 9w8. Kyouka has very simple, straightforward wants and needs - part of the beauty of her character is that while everyone is angsting over big picture things (and she does too, continuously questioning her own goodness and worthiness), she also pretty quickly gets to the heart of it - "the crepe was delicious" "i like bunnies and tofu" - her desires are all simple little things that bring her happiness and give her a reason to fight back. Seeing Kyouka come to life over the course of the series is genuinely one of BSD's biggest joys. 9s are all about comfort, repression of anger, "going with the flow", etc. They tend not to be incredibly assertive, but are supportive and can quickly turn obstinate and quietly protective if their stability and home are threatened. Under stress, they detach, go numb and essentially keep their heads down and do what they're told, which is reminiscent of how Kyouka was so distant at the beginning of the story. In a growth mindset, they move towards the 3, which allows them to actively pursue their goals, not just for others but for themselves. The 8 wing was chosen due to Kyouka's sudden action and decisiveness when someone/something she cares about is threatened - she's less concerned with the morality of the 1 and more about protecting what matters to her by any means.
Tachihara: I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sold on this but I'm thinking a 6w7. 6s are all about the group, and are hardworking and committed types, but also known for being skeptical, uncertain, and questioning. The thing about Tachi is that he's actually a pretty loyal dude, he's just unfortunately attached to two different groups... what's interesting is that the resolution to this conflict is related to his earlier proclamation that "orders make him who he is", and that loyalty to the boss' (Mori's) wishes is a crucial factor in his choice to stay with the Mafia. 6s tend to feel insecure without some stable structure around them and tend to like having some direction from others. At the same time, some of the indecisiveness and uncertainty is alleviated by the 7 wing, which brings a little more impulsiveness and energy to the usually muted 6. Under stress, 6s move towards 3s, which makes them feel the need to accomplish and succeed to "measure up" - I think about Tachihara always being compared to his brother until one day he just gave up. 6s move towards 9s when in growth, and this is at the core of what a 6 wants: they really crave security and belonging, and the 9 alleviates some of the suspicion the 6 carries and makes them feel more relaxed.
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