#theres so much random fodder id give him
minimutty · 4 months
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Lucius: Holy Light
Based on his Bishop Cipher Card by Uroko Naruse, it wasn't a full body so I kinda just guesstimated some parts of it, but eh. Good enough. E for effort, at bare minimum.
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It's funny that his version doesn't have the bishop hat, I think it'd suit him, but I could imagine it would mess up his hair. I can relate to that.
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Lookie, the lil hat.
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missjackil · 4 years
Andrew Dabb is by far the weakest showrunner SPN has had. I dont understand why you stan him? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion of course but to me he obviously doesnt care about canon or the Winchesters, only the side characters and pandering to the 1% (Hellers)
First, let me say I don't “stan” him, I just don't think he’s any worse than any other showrunner SPN has had, and in some ways, he's even better.  Apologies up front that this may run long, but I have a lot to say about the subject.
I didn’t join the Tumblr fandom until s11 was over and the show had changed hands from Carver to Dabb. All summer long I heard from Hellers how Dabb hates the Winchesters toxic co-dependency and is going to do away with it. And he is “for sure” going to make Destiel canon because he likes it and so does his assistant, she even had books published on the subject! So everyone not interested in that ship, dispised Dabb before the season even started filming, However, the Hellers were proven wrong, Dabb has done the least destiel pandering than ANY other showrunner, and has improved on Sam and Dean’s relationship while still managing to keep them dangerously co-dependent, but for some reason, the Hellers still preach the opposite and the bibros still believe them. I don’t think the fandom gave Dabb a fair chance. 
Now,  I agree that there have been some bad stories, and failure to keep up with canon and some annoying retcons but because i actually watch the series over and over, I can see this has been a problem with every showrunner, even Kripke.  A problem I have seen with the show since the beginning is maybe, there have been too many writers and maybe they dont watch the show or read what other writers have written from episode to episode. But since this has been a constant, I dont go nuts when it happens over and over because I still love the show and I am still invested in the whole story. 
One thing I learned quickly when I came to the fandom is the hypocrisy is level 50 on all sides. One side hates the other because theyre bullies but the other side isnt much better.  Bitter girls are critical of the other brother for things they dont hold against their fav and everyone thinks J2 hate the show as much as they do. These people may never know how ridiculous they look by watching a show for 10 years past the time they stopped liking it, or bitching about a show they dont even watch anymore and pretend they have a clue whats going on. 
As I watch the Krikpe era recently, I like picking out things that the fandm would cry about if it happened now. In s1 Faith all the reapers were scary monster looking shriveled old dudes, and then in 2.1 (Less than 10 episodes later) Dean’s Reaper tells him Reapers can appear as whatever they want even a pretty girl “RETCON!!!” I could hear y’all crying if Dabb did that.  And why did saying “Christo” help point out a demon once but never again? (till s14 when they did a call back)
How about fan-favorite Mystery Spot? We all love that right? But if it wasnt an episode until the Dabb era, you would all flame it because Sam keeps saying every day is exactly the same, thats how he knows what is going to happen and yet none of the days are the same as the one before. “THESE WRITERS SUCK!!!!!” is the response you all would give 
The End is literally double Dean and 5 minutes of Sam. In the Beginning is literally 46 seconds of Sam, if these episodes happened now alll id hear is “Dabb hates Sam... writers hate Jared!!” 
How about S4 when the Angels are threatening to kill Sam for using his powers, and yet, they want him to kill Lilith with his powers?? What? Theres no way that would fly in the Dabb era. 
How about introducing the Anti-Christ in a season about The Apocolypse and not following through on it? Or how everyone shades Dabb for pushing Wayward sisters when Kripke pushed Ghost Facers? Even threw in a random and highly out of place advertisement for their web series that never went anywhere? (random promo in Hammer of the Gods) or having girls constantly getting in the boys’ way and Dean frequently telling Sam he cant trust him and doesnt believe in him?? “No one knows the brother’s love as well as Kripke uwu” 
As far as destiel fodder goes, if anyone just started watching SPN in s12, they would never get a vibe that Dean and Cas have a thing, but maybe Sam and Cas do, Cas and Dean are hardly even friends since S12, yet the Kripke era gave birth to Destiel, and Gamble and Carver fed into it “I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” “He was your boyfriend first” “Bases loaded bottom of the 9th, (cas) Id rather have you (as opposed to Sam) “ *dean carries trench coat around in the trunk of all his beater cars* “I need you.... we need you” “Theres people, and feelings, that I want to experience differently now, maybe for the first time” (when the only people in Deans life at the time were Sam and Cas) ALL came before Dabb, and what is Dabb guilty of? “I love you, I love all of you” and a mix tape. 
So no... Dabb isnt perfect, but he definitely doesnt suck. I just think y’all decided to hate him before s12 and just never gave him a fair shot.  Hardly any of you rewatch the series and cant remember things that happened back in the day, you just all seem to have this notion it was all gritty car scenes, googly eyes and dirty motel rooms. 
Have a Merry Christmas
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