#theres more and i think it's really funny but sadly it's in the context of a cracky au i kinda dont wanna uh. write
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i wrote some househusband itachi today because i've lost control of my life
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liquidstar · 2 years
Hi! I haven’t read the Kaguya-sama manga, only watched the anime, and I was wondering how different the tone is once Kaguya and Shirogane start dating? Is it like, considerably less funny or is it funny in a different way?
well there are a lot more serious arcs that last for longer. (spoilers: almost immediately after their first kiss theres a pretty heavy one that centers around kaguya's dissociative disorder that goes on for a few volumes, we're gonna see that one this season actually) the further into the story you get the more "arcs" and continuing plot-threads there are in general. but the humor doesnt go away all together, there are still plenty of bullshit stupid comedy chapters. sometimes they have some more serious stuff peppered in, or maybe it just seems more serious now that we have proper context (like how in the early volumes and season 1 there was plenty of stuff you can look back on in retrospect and see was setup for the more serious character stuff). but the lighthearted tone doesnt go away all together, even the serious chapters have their moments of comedic relief. the jokes sort of stop being centered around “getting them to confess” and more-so just general character antics, and the occasional comedic misunderstanding. 
SPOILERS but i feel like my only real complaint is sometimes i wish the story would balance its side characters a bit better, because i honest to god am not as invested in any of the other relationships. i feel like the ishimiko relationship was given way too much focus on miko's end (did we really need that whole falling-out arc between her and kobachi? just felt tedious). and then on ishigami's end he just sort of woke up one day and was like "actually im over tsubame. i like miko now." but like. on paper i do like their dynamic! i think its a cute concept! also the romance between fujisaka relationship was sort of like, set up, forgotten about, and then returned to like 100 chapters later lol. but im honestly just glad they made the moeblob character gay so ill take it (and its possible there were limitations on that end from the publisher or editor, since both characters are popular "waifus" so its only being done now that the manga is ending. thats total speculation though). also im sorry but mikado’s character did nothing like. he had potential but i feel like he was just kind of There.... like hes fine and all, but he sort of felt unneeded for the story, it doesnt feel like his presence amounted to much, sadly. wish wed seen more of the ttgc tho
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irkenheretic · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons/know any cool headcanons on Spork?
hey, i remember you! you’re the same guy that asked about the announcer, the messages are near-exact! Who Are You And Why Do You Care About My Headcanons
im not saying that in a STOP MESSAGING ME!!! way sdkjfnjkdf im just curious bc 99% of my headcanons are tailor-made to a still-unreleased AU and its not like i make a habit of making headcanon posts unprompted
but anyway i have a few! sadly i dont know any cool headcanons since mmmost people who like the irkens, esp the obscure ones, are in that “Z//@//D///R/// FREAKS DNI AND ALSO DIE” crowd
he was a smeetery worker before he was tallest. NOBODY knows about this, nobody ever asks about pre-tallest jobs and it would be really embarrassing if it came out
he knows NOTHING about the military. literally nothing. most irkens at least know basic facts about the military and how it works but all he knows is “hm. well. there are irkens in it.”
he straight up has a learning disability. that funny way he talks is a legitimate speech impediment. he doesnt... know he has one, he doesnt even know they exist, nobody in the empire does outside of maybe biologists (yknow, for eugenics)
piggybacking off that last one, hes not stupid, he just needs things explained to him multiple times and in more detail than the average irken. but of course the empire is unaccomodating to even the slightest deviations so he was just called stupid and thrown to the side
“why didnt he improve accomodation if he knows what its like to not have them” he has no idea disabilities outside of like... the obvious ones (like missing limbs or blindness/deafness) exist because the empire doesn’t teach this shit! he doesnt know theres anything different with his brain he thinks hes just dumb because thats what he was told all his life
he flourished in smeetery work because the old workers that train the new ones make super duper double triple quadruple QUINTUPLE sure that the new hires know what the fuck theyre doing, because if a new hire fucks up and kills a smeet out of ignorance, then its on the idiot that trained them. so he finally actually got that in-depth explanation he needed
he was an... okay tallest. as a tallest he didnt really do much because tallests get minimal training to begin with so he had no idea how any of this shit Worked. but he didnt actively break shit so... yay! hes doing way better than some tallests before him!
(and no, he doesnt have a lack of knowledge about the military because hes “stupid” or whatever, he just never saw the point in learning because he knew for a fact that he didnt want to join the military so why should he know the ins and outs of a job hed never have? he didnt know he was gonna become tallest!)
its not like he hates being tallest, but he misses his old job and greatly prefers it to being tallest. if he didnt die hed probably pull an “i’m the tallest and i make the rules, so goodbye im going back to the smeetery” move (spork says fuck the control brains apparently)
like with the announcer post theres more but it makes no sense out of context to the au and/or its spoilers lmfao but um. yeah here take it
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mizu-bright · 7 years
Wanna One reaction to their crush being close with a male idol
Requested by Anon (thanks for requesting! :D)
I’m gonna assume that you are also a fellow idol (or someone who is able to meet other idols) which is why you get to interact with other male idols
Kang Daniel: He would probably be really bothered by the fact that you and another idol are close but he would keep silent about it because he thinks theres no point in bringing it up. But if he sees you guys getting way too close in front of him he would probably (while inhaling loudly) walk up to the both of you and introduce himself to the male idol, if he already knows the male idol he would probably offer a handshake or a small hug and try to get included in the conversation so that he can stay close to you.
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Park Jihoon: Would try to swallow his jealously multiple times to not cause a scene because he doesn’t want any attention drawn to him or you. His mindset would probably be “Ahh... She’s not even my girlfriend, they already seem close... showing that I’m jealous would just make it obvious that I like her”. He would lowkey try to get your attention by being the eye catching flower boy/jeojang master that he is. “Hey Y/N what do you think of this as a new trend” *does some aegyo/dope dance* He would not-so-subtly take you away from the other male idol by striking up “casual” conversations with you. (And then secretly give the guy a smug, satisfied smile because he managed to “win” you over because who can resist wink boy)
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Lee Daehwi: Would probably straight up call your name a lot and be like “Yoyo Y/N come here please I gotta talk to you” and just do things that would make you voluntarily leave the male idol. And when you do, he would probably make extra extra effort to make sure he is closer to you than any other male idol is. “Yah Y/N, who’s the male friend you’re closest to hmmm?” “Yesyes Daehwi it’s you” *satisfied daehwi*
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Kim Jaehwan: Would probably be really oblivious to himself being jealous and be like “그 (uh)...that male idol? Who is he? Why are you guys so close? When did this happen?” and stutter while he says it because he’s so flustered by himself. You’d giggle and just say its nothing but he would just be displeased and be like “Mmm...*안돼, 안돼 Stay away from him okay? It’s not safe to get so close to other idols! Except me of course, I’m already your friend so make me an exception” /cheeky laugh/
*Andwae- It means No no but in this context more like no cannot/you can’t
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Ong Seongwoo: Would be highkey shocked that you’re close to another male idol at first but when he sees you two interact he would start to get jealous and be constantly giving death stares to the guy glancing at both of you. He would probably be less hyper (and memeable) than usual and when you asked him he would say, while sighing (but still being a bit funny) “That guy... don’t please? You guys are too close... I’m uncomfortable” He would then smile sadly and pat your head while you look at him slightly lost because you don’t understand how he feels.
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Park Woojin: Would probably keep his jealousy to himself and try his best to hide it well because he feels he shouldn’t be mad at something as trivial as this (although he can’t help it). He would probably stutter a lot when you speak to him because all he can think about is you and the other idol being so close. When he’s by himself thats all he can think about and he would constantly be sighing at himself.
In short: *woojin.exe has stopped functioning*
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Lai Guanlin: It would probably be difficult for him to express how he feels to you so he would probably just go up to you and the male idol talking and try his best to be friendly and casual “ayo I’m swagger rapper wbu”. If he really felt like he was serious about you, he might take the (confused) male idol aside and explain to him how he felt about you and ask for his understanding that he was jealous asf. And if the guy idol didn’t wanna listen (I mean what kind of dick are you friends with) he would just tell you “Hey your friend, he’s not nice, be close with me not him please”
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Yoon Jisung: As the oldest in his group, he would feel the greater need to act more mature and control his jealousy. (lol jk) He would try not to say anything at first but drop hints to you like “Hey you seem really close to him... What about me :(” or obvious subtle hints to the other idol that he should back off (but not in front of you of course). And he might whine a bit to the other members like “Ayy why are they so close?? Are they dating?? Ahh I’m worried...”
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Hwang Minhyun: Would try his best to be calm and mature about it. If people asked him what he thought of that male idol he would drop a lowkey burn while still sounding polite - “Ahh him? Ohh yeah I heard he has an intriguing personality! I admire how he can act so openly in front of others” He would act so gentlemanly yet cold to the male idol to a point where the idol would probably voluntarily back off.
(Because don’t mess with CEO Hwang)
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Bae Jinyoung: Would be visibly sad and frustrated when he sees you and the male idol interacting and joking around. He would avoid a lot of eye contact with you until you asked him what was wrong. He would smile a bit and brush it off, saying that its nothing even though you clearly show that you don’t believe him. Later on he might drop you a short text, something like “It’s that guy friend of yours... I feel uneasy...” If you asked him why he probably wouldn’t reply or just change the subject.
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Ha Sungwoon: Would immediately have a change in mood and he might start acting a bit strangely. He would talk more, clap a lot and basically try to distract himself from thinking of you and the male idol interacting. But after awhile he would get tired of the facade and just have a heart to heart talk to you about it and how he felt. After that he would subside more and just be more shy around you.
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