#there was an IC on MIE and that was only for kissing. so it could just be for that?
reluctantjoe · 4 months
lead intimacy coordinator on agggtm. elliot & andie scenes might be happening
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wakabond-blog · 6 years
GPF 2017 Junior Ladies
Rika looks good in the warm-up, solid 3Lz-3T but no visible 3A from the official livestream; Daria Panenkova up first w/non me quitte pas
Daria: Solid solid SOLID jumps with her rippons, great set of spins too but stsq was only a level 3. I get that some folks think her artistry isn’t entirely there yet, but hey I’m totally here for that lipstick-smudging sass. Everything looks fully rotated and Ted Barton’s being very complimentary as usual: “look at that detail face expression hand movement.” And she gets a 70.66+54.85=125.51 for a 191.56 total great start to the comp
RIKA KIHIRA omo my heart: lil’ prayer with Mie Hamada and La Strada begins. I’m literally huddled under a towel in the dark please please OH MY GOD FIRST TRIPLE AXEL TRIPLE TOE EVER LANDED BY A LADY HOLY!!!!!!!! 14.80 POINTS FOR A SINGLE ELEMENT! OKAY OKAY SECOND TRIPLE AXEL ahhh popped into a single. That’s alright, she’s got a lot of tech ammunition left. 3F(t) low GOE (slightly ur?). 3Lz+2T(t), 3Lz(t)+2T+2Lo, 3Lo, 3S all landed cleanly. YAS QUEEN LEVEL 4 STSQ AND SPINS ALL GREAT. Ted B: “Well folks, you’ve just witnessed history. 3A+3T never done before, but today is the day.”
~cue Rika almost tripping on the way out of the rink~ Replay on the huge combo looks amazingly clean esp the 3T and Mie Hamada going crazy like the rest of us. 67.12+58.51=125.63 Total 192.45 (currently 1st) :/ I’ll just find solace at her historical move tonight <3
Sofia Samodurova: gosh love this tango style music, 3Lz a little wonky, looks down at the ice, more expressive than Daria in the stsq but edges aren’t as deep as Rika’s. Beautiful 3S(t) and 3Lo(t) as the second half starts. 3Lz(r)+2T+2Lo(t), 2A+3T(t), 3F(t)+2A(t)+SEQ, final 3F(t) all clean. She looks a little disappointed heading towards her bows but what a wonderful program. Coming into the free in 6th place (but by a mere few points off the podium) she has a shot to climb up...but I don’t see her taking over Rika with that program. Scores 67.12+55.61=122.73 Total 187.74 (3rd currently)
also did she just kiss alexei mishin on the mouth
Anastasia Tarankova: let’s go long-limbs what chu got. 3Lz(r)+3T (hella extension on that exit) clean and now the 2 minute wait for the next series of jumps. 3Lz(r)+Lo+3S, 3F+2T(t), 3Lo, 3F, 2A, 2A all clean wow she’s really picking hard into the ice and attacking.
Shoma would be proud. Great fist-pump at the end to celebrate. Ted: “I feel like I’m watching history here...because of the remarkable skill of all of these athletes” I totally agree that skating’s only going to get more exciting from here on out. Scores: 72.99+58.75=131.74 Total 199.64 vaults into 1st currently (BRONZE)
Alena Kostornaia: I initially put my bets on Alena to win— starting off with a combo spin, eee a sliding move I’m into it, nice edges too, great position and height on her flying spin. 3Lz, 3F+3T(r) backend a little lean, 3F+2T(t)+2T, 3S+3T(r), 3Lo, 2A, 2A all clean. The pressure is definitely showing on everyone’s faces even after these clean performances, and it’s so nice to see them happy in the K&C.
I love how she doesn’t pull the bent-arm tanos and instead has this amazing posture and stature with her rippons. Although she’s not the eldest or tallest junior in the field she has this air of maturity that none of the others has. Ted: “reads a little bit like an angel” I concur 72.89+60.04=132.93 Total 204.58 (1st currently, SILVER)
Alexandra Trusova: looks real chill and confident heading into the program ahhhh fall on the QUAD salchow, still gets 6.50 points for it as well as full rotation. 3Lz(r)+3T no flow on landing and hops to hold steady, 3F+2T+2T good, 3Lz(r)+3T, 3F(r), 3S, delayed 2A, all clean. Omg the arms in the donut spin are timed perfectly to the music it’s kinda gimmicky, but I’m here for it. Tech score currently nearing 76 points despite the fall early on. Ted: “To put this in perspective of the 100 elements performed by these girls in the short and long there was only one mistake, and that was by a 13-year-old on a quad salchow”
lol at eteri like “there goes your sQuad membership” 73.72+59.64+132.36 Total 205.61 (1st Place, GOLD)
Oh my gosh this entire Junior Ladies comp is cleaner than anything I’ve seen this Olympic cycle. Only CoC this year could even compare. Still reeling from the 3A+3T—and that concludes my 1AM foray into skating commentary. G’night.
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slutforpoetryx · 7 years
1-150 😁
Jesus, so much 😭 but thanks handsome!! 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?: My mom hahahah2. Are you outgoing or shy?: Definitely shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?: No one really4. Are you easy to get along with?: Uhm I like to think that I am but I'm not an easy person and I have very poor social skills, always nice though.5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?: I surely hope he would 🙂 but no I am pretty sure he would take great care of me6. What kind of people are you attracted to?: People who have a very open mind, lots of humor and just people I vibe with.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?: No definitely not8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?: Oh you know that one 😏9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?: No not at all, I'm very comfortable with it10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: I honestly can't remember11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?: "Sorry 😭"12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?- Bea Miller - Like that- Robin Schulz ft James Blunt - OK - Sleeping at last - Already gone- Sleeping at last - Saturn- Lady Gaga - The cure13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?: Fuck yes14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?: I do yes15. What good thing happened this summer?: The summer kinda still has to happen and last summer I barely remember 😂16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: No never 🤐17. Do you think there is life on other planets?: I do think so yes also because not everything has been discovered yet18. Do you still talk to your first crush?: Nope 19. Do you like bubble baths?: Ugh yes very much so20. Do you like your neighbors?: No not at all, one is a grumpy raisin that never smiles and is rude. The other ones are an older couple and their 40+ son and I can hear them yell when they're in their house and I am in mine 😂21. What are your bad habits?: Hmmm reacting very childish in certain situations and one I don't like to talk about. 22. Where would you like to travel?: All over the world, definitely 🌍🌎🌏23. Do you have trust issues?: Yes, very much so24. Favorite part of your daily routine?: Going to sleep hahahaha or spending time with my dogs25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?: My entire body but mostly my stomach area26. What do you do when you wake up?: Take my phone27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?: Darker definitely, way prettier than my pale skin28. Who are you most comfortable around?: My 2 best friends and mom 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?: No but then again I don't really have ex's30. Do you ever want to get married?: Yes for sure 💍31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?: Hell yes, it reaches my ass already32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?: Uh no idea tbh33. Spell your name with your chin.: h8hq, that's the best I could do wtf34. Do you play sports? What sports?: I bingewatch 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?: TV definitely36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?: Hmmm no37. What do you say during awkward silences?: Nothing, I make it more awkward or I ask something very random38. Describe your dream girl/guy?: Take a look in the mirror39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?: Newlook, h&m, the body shop etc40. What do you want to do after high school?: Already graduated and studying psychology 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: Depends on the situation but usually yes42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?: I'm either in my own world, sad, very focused or uncomfortable 43. Do you smile at strangers?: Yes very often 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?: Bottom of the ocean but kinda both actually 😂45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?: The will to talk to my soulmate46. What are you paranoid about?: Uhm almost everything 47. Have you ever been high?: Nope48. Have you ever been drunk?: Yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?: Nope50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?: Jesus that's been so long but idk dark blue I think51. Ever wished you were someone else?: Very often52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?: My immaturity at times and aside from that my entire body53. Favourite makeup brand?: Don't have one, whatever is good is good54. Favourite store?: Don't have a favorite one55. Favourite blog?: @eagerforpower 56. Favourite colour?: Green57. Favourite food?: Pasta ish stuff58. Last thing you ate?: Chocolate mousse59. First thing you ate this morning?: Bread60. Ever won a competition? For what?: Hahahahaha I never won anything 😂61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?: Nope, I'm a good girl 62. Been arrested? For what?: Nope63. Ever been in love?: Yes64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?: Uhm trying to remember that one. I think it was when I was sitting on my bed with him and there was a certain vibe, we made eye contact and he leaned in to kiss me. Not that special really 65. Are you hungry right now?: Noooo I'm so full66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?: I don't have tumblr friends, well you don't really count as a tumblr friend or do you? Cause if you do then tumblr > rl friends67. Facebook or Twitter?: Twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr?: Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?: No70. Names of your bestfriends?: Chris, Jolien & Grisja71. Craving something? What?: Having you here72. What colour are your towels?: Uhm so many colors, green and blue but also brown etc72. How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2 but I used to sleep with 4, 2 got stolen 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Not anymore. Wait no I never have74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?: I do have plenty of that so uhm about 20?75. Favourite animal?: A panda76. What colour is your underwear?: Well I'm not wearing any so 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?: Banana or lemon79. What colour shirt are you wearing?: Baby blue80. What colour pants?: Grey 81. Favourite tv show?: Hmmm don't have a favorite one82. Favourite movie?: Charlie's Angels and many more83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?: The original duh84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?: 21 Jump Street85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?: Cady 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?: Dory87. First person you talked to today?: My mom, well I texted you before that but you were still asleep88. Last person you talked to today?: My brother89. Name a person you hate?: N.90. Name a person you love?: Chris91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?: Hahahaha sure yes 92. In a fight with someone?: Nope93. How many sweatpants do you have?: About 594. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?: Like 10 or so95. Last movie you watched?: The Stanford prison experiment 96. Favourite actress?: Angelina Jolie97. Favourite actor?: Johnny Depp98. Do you tan a lot?: Noooo99. Have any pets?: Yes many100. How are you feeling?: Okay I guess101. Do you type fast?: Pretty fast, at times102. Do you regret anything from your past?: Yes many things103. Can you spell well?: Yes I can104. Do you miss anyone from your past?: No I don't 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?: No but I would like to106. Ever broken someone’s heart?: Yes I have 107. Have you ever been on a horse?: Yes and it was super fun, I loved it108. What should you be doing?: Nothing rn, did eveything I had to do today109. Is something irritating you right now?: Yes, me 😂110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?: Yes111. Do you have trust issues?: Yes I do, this question is in the list twice which means it's 149 questions112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?: My mom113. What was your childhood nickname?: Mie, kinda still is114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?: Yes I have115. Do you play the Wii?: Used to, soooo often but haven't in years116. Are you listening to music right now?: No I'm not, I mean I do hear my mom's music coming from her headphone but that don't count117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?: Sometimes 118. Do you like Chinese food?: Ugh fuck yes I do 119. Favourite book?: Hmmm probably for now My favorite Mistake120. Are you afraid of the dark?: Unfortunately yes, terrified even 121. Are you mean?: No but I can be a bitch122. Is cheating ever okay?: Never123. Can you keep white shoes clean?: Hahahaha no, not even for a day124. Do you believe in love at first sight?: I do believe in a connection at first sight, if it is really love idk125. Do you believe in true love?: I do126. Are you currently bored?: No, thanks to these questions not127. What makes you happy?: The little things. My bae, taking pics, playing with my dogs, writing, my project etc128. Would you change your name?: No129. What your zodiac sign?: Aquarius130. Do you like subway?: Yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?: Tell him to get over it132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?: Ok so 148 questions, also asked before. But again, don't remember 133. Favourite lyrics right now?: "I thought I saw the devilThis morningLooking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongueWith the warningTo help me see myself clearerI never meant to start a fireI never meant to make you bleedI'll be a better man today"134. Can you count to one million?: Pretty sure I can but not gonna try135. Dumbest lie you ever told?: "I didn't know I was dry"136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?: Uhm it's only a little open137. How tall are you?: 1m70138. Curly or Straight hair?: In-between 139. Brunette or Blonde?: Brunette 140. Summer or Winter?: Hmmm probably Spring141. Night or Day?: Night142. Favourite month?: May143. Are you a vegetarian?: Sometimes 🙂144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?: Milk145. Tea or Coffee?: Tea but I love coffee too so both146. Was today a good day?: I think it was in some ways147. Mars or Snickers?: Hmm I think Mars but I love Snickers too, it just makes me nauseous148. What’s your favourite quote?: "But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" By Mark Twain149. Do you believe in ghosts?: I do150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?: "Those causes aren't goal-causes, but mechanical causes"❤❤❤
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