#there was a family we used to visit who had a sheepskin rug and I thought it was the best thing ever. the height of luxury and realness
brown-little-robin · 8 months
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 51: Getting to Know You
Chapters: 51/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: none Relationships: Loki x Reader (Getting There) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Here Have Some More Weird Foreshadowing, Mynos Is Friend Shaped, Oh Shit Who Could Have Ever Guessed This Might Happen
Summary:  You and Loki share some quality time, and make a new friend. 
You huddled next to Loki on his black sheepskin rug, in front of his fireplace. The warm light of the flames-actually a fake fire, as the 'logs' were made of iron-spangled off his deep eyes, as he excitedly explained his new ideas to you.
He'd been side-eying you for two days. Not avoiding you or anything, and not distant at all; if anything, he was more attentive than ever. Something had clearly disturbed him, but you had no idea what it was. Ever since he had rushed you off to the healing wing after that weird candle dinner, he refused to tell you what you had said or done that had startled him so badly, he just told you not to worry about it.
He was definitely still worried about it. He acted as if you were still convalescing: trying to do everything for you, hovering, asking you over and over again if you were all right, how you were feeling, if you needed anything.
What you needed was for him to lighten up and back off a bit. You might have liked the attention under other circumstances, but like this it was just feeding into your paranoia. What was it you had done to make him act like this? Why wouldn't he tell you?
When he'd asked you to have dinner with him again, you'd hoped he was ready to discuss it, so you could finally get it off your mind. Otherwise, you would pick and pick at it forever.
But no, instead it was another weird dinner. Firelight this time, and trays full of finger food, on a sheepskin rug, on the floor of his bedroom, where you had never been before.
You would really have to ask Saldis if this kind of thing was normal. Because from your perspective, this screamed 'date', but he hadn't actually made his intentions clear, and you weren't sure you wanted to date right now, no matter how much you liked him. There was just so much on your mind.
He was in those damnably tight velvet trousers again though.
“So, you drew these?” You said, munching on some fruit. “They look nice. Very precise.”
They were. Every line was absolutely straight and perfect, just like his writing.
“They are longhouses. A little stylized, admittedly, but basically just longhouses. I saw buildings like this when I visited, centuries ago. They have a certain charm to them, don't they?”
“I see you've put your horns on them.” You said, pointing to the curved carvings on the apex of the roof at both the front and back entrances.
“Stylized, as I said.” He shrugged. “Besides, as the patron, I do reserve the right to put my signatures on the buildings. The inhabitants should know under whose auspices they live.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I intend to have these built. For the camp. Before Buridag. As a sort of symbolic gift, in the spirit of Buridag.”
“They had difficulties last winter. It is hard to live in a tent when the snow can rise higher than your door. With these, they can climb out the roof if the snow gets high, and they can also keep warm, and safe from winds. We can build them with modern amenities as well. Electricity, plumbing, all of that.”
“You want to build them houses? Houses for the campers?” You asked, incredulous.
“I am Aesir. I was a god once, on this world. Even as a child, a youth, people of this world worshiped me. I never stopped being that, only now I have the power to do something for them.”
You set your fruit down and threw your arms around his torso. “They're gonna build you so many shrines!”
His bright smile betrayed his delight. “You approve then?”
“Of course I do! I was out there once, I saw what it was like. And that was in the spring! I can't imagine what winter is like here. Loki, are you really going to do this?”
“Yes. I'm going to build something for this world.” He blew out a breath, staring into the fire. “We are at the beginning of something, I can feel it. And while I may never get to make any kind of reparations for what I have done here, for the lives lost-” He cut himself off sharply, glancing down at you, as if waiting for something.
“What?” You wondered. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” He said after a moment of just staring.
“Is it because of what happened before? What did I do, Loki?”
“It doesn't matter, really.” He deflected.
“You say that, but it's bothering us both!” From your position snuggled into his side, you gazed up at him with a pleading expression. “It's freaking me out, Loki. Please, just tell me what it was?”
You had put on your best puppy-dog face, the one you always used on your father, and Nanna Beth. It almost always worked on them, but for Loki, who could say?
He gritted his teeth in a tiny grimace as you stared up at him, and you saw him break.
Well. Wasn't that interesting?
“It's...you said that you were waiting for the people I killed to return. As if there was a direct link between them returning, and the people Thanos killed returning. And then you instantly forgot that you had said anything at all.”
“Woah.” You breathed. “Okay, yeah, that's pretty freaky.”
“Yes. I thought perhaps there was some deeper damage to your brain, something we just hadn't picked up yet, or...” He clutched you a little tighter. “Your father told me about your families health issues, and I've promised to keep you-and specifically your head-safe. I am not going to allow some malevolent lump of flesh to harm you, but I was worried it might be something related to that.”
“Oh. Yeah. That's been looming over me for my whole life. You know, I didn't go to college, partly because I didn't have the money, but I didn't even try to get scholarships or financial aid. Mostly because I kinda thought it wouldn't matter. I figured I would die young, like my mom, and Nanna Beth, so it was no use. It wasn't like I'd have time to make anything of myself.”
His grip on you tightened.
“But I'm still here. I'm older now than either of them ever got to be.” You looked at the brand on your hand. “I got to grow up. I got to see things neither of them could have ever imagined. I'm going to become royalty. I'm going to be a sorceress. I'm going to be an advisor to a god. I'm gonna be...I am someone.”
He released you with one arm, only to stroke your hair with his free hand. You leaned into the touch. It was always nice to have your head tended to.
“You certainly are.” He murmured. “Please tell me something, _____. It's very important.”
“Yes?” You gazed back up at him, finding him staring earnestly back down at you. So beautiful. So close.
“What is your favorite color?”
“Huh?” And just like that, the somber mood was broken, sending you reeling into the mundane, but wholly unexpected question.
“Your favorite color. What is it? You have been by my side for months, yet I don't know what it is. I have seen many sides of you, shared things as intimate as dreams with you, but I don't know something as simple as what kind of music you like, or if you know how to dance. What is your favorite dish? Your favorite game? What is a Bulbasaur, and why do you like it? I would like for you to tell me about yourself. Please. Teach me about you.”
He held you in front of the fire for the rest of the evening, as you traded stories back and forth, questions, musings, and little tidbits of information. You put out of your head that you were in a mans bedroom, in his arms; Loki had shown himself too old-fashioned for you to fear his intentions. Finally, that fear had passed.
You were at that point where you wished he would kiss you, but were afraid for him to do so. Though it had been some time since you had been in anything resembling a romantic relationship, the last person you had been with was Todd, and that experience had made you wary, knotted up inside over the prospect. You were over Todd, but you weren't over it. Loki wouldn't do those things to you, you thought. But you weren't sure. How could you be?
Besides, desiring him wouldn't get you anywhere. You could not have him. Even though you were going to be declared royalty, the regal god-prince would always be way out of your league. What did a royal title mean, when you knew what you were? It didn't matter what title stood next to your name, you were a peasant. You had been raised a peasant, and though you now had the chance to make something of yourself, your roots would always be in the Iowa cornfields.
And for most things in your life, that was just fine. You weren't ashamed of it. But you knew it drove a great wedge between you two.
Perhaps Loki understood that too, if the thought of it ever even crossed his mind. He probably never even thought about it, never thought about you that way, because of that very wedge, even if he seemed to be constantly trying to shave away at it.
Eventually, you both grew quiet, and the food disappeared into one mouth or another. Allowing yourself a sliver of the comfort being in his arms should have brought you, you dozed off against his chest.
Flying through space was just as beautiful as always; the stars, the blue light, the rapidly approaching planet.
You'd been here before, to this hazy, orange world, the home of the supposedly extinct Titans. You and Loki landed once again at the edge of the sickly fields, Loki gazing around in concern.
“Here again?” He wondered. “Why?”
“The fields look better this time.” You observed. “The leaves don't look as crunchy.”
“That is because we have developed more effective water filters.”
Both you and Loki whirled to face the Titan behind you, knives in hands.
“I dare say, those are unnecessary.” The titan said, sitting on an hill, overlooking the fields. It looked like you had interrupted his lunch. “I pose no threat you you. I am merely a scientist.”
You weren't sure if he was the same Titan you had seen the last time you were here, but he was wearing similar clothing.
“Are you Mynos?” You asked.
“I am.” He replied. “And you travel with an Asgardian. Are you an invader?”
“No.” Loki replied. “We are travelers of fortune.”
“Ah. Well, you will find little of that here. I should have thought you'd have realized that the first time you came.”
“You saw us?” You asked.
“Yes, just as you disappeared into the storm. After it passed, I sought you out, but could find no trace of you. It was dismissed as yet another of my odd visions.”
“You happen to be known for such things?” Loki asked.
“Oh yes. Old Mynos is a capable chemist and engineer, and that's why he is kept around, despite all his oddness. Such as seeing Asgardians and...Asgardian-adjacents come floating out of the sky on a silent blue beam, rather than a roaring rainbow. Perhaps you are not actually real either.”
“We might not be.” You agreed. This had to be another dream, but the awareness of that didn't seem to change anything. “You're not worried about that?”
“I am not.” He said, taking a swig of water from a bottle with a large filter attached to the top. “I have seen things more terrifying than you, strange creature, and they were not real either, thankfully.”
Something clicked.
“These things...Did they have anything to do with someone called Thanos? Another Titan, from this world?”
Mynos slowly set his water bottle aside.
“So...You are either some waking dream, or all of that was real. I would much rather you be a dream. I wonder why you and I remember, but no one else does?”
“Thanos is not remembered here?” Loki asked. “Not at all, not even before he came to power?”
Mynos patted the dirt next to him.
“Sit.” He said. “It appears we have some things to share.”
Loki remained where he was, you took a seat next to Mynos. Though sitting himself, he towered over you, like a mauve boulder jutting out of the orange soil.
He might be like you; remembering things that technically never happened. That meant he might have magic, like you did.
“Will you tell me how an Asgardian and a...”
“Human.” You provided.
“...A Human know Thanos?”
“I don't know him.” You said. “Never even seen the guy. But I remember living through the results of something he did. That's been fixed now.”
“I knew him. He was as pathetic and perverse as he was powerful.” Loki said bitterly.
“Yes, that all matches up to my experience as well. The Thanos I knew was a farmer who became a military leader during the overthrow of our old government. When he was young, most of his family died of starvation, as the land began to die. During the Revolution, he took up a leadership role, and organized the remaining local people into a militant force, one of many that rose up at that time. As the Revolution wore on, he gained more and more influence. It seemed he was naturally gifted in charisma, but it was discovered later that he was actually very efficient at manipulation, intimidation, and the radicalization of his soldiers. After the Revolution, he made a bid for control of the new government, but it was discovered that he planned to cull half the population, and he was rejected. We had already lost so many, and the planet was still dying. He spoke of conserving resources, but his plan would have killed indiscriminately: scientists, who were needed to research and create plans to heal the planet, workers, who were needed to implement those plans. We couldn't afford to lose even one more mind, one more pair of hands.
He wanted all of the factories and infrastructure shut down before we had alternate plans in place. To force us all back into an agrarian society before most of us had been taught the necessary skills. In short, he wanted as many of us to die as possible. He was obsessed with death, seemed to nearly worship it, and his soldiers viewed him as a kind of prophet. The plants grew better on the battlefields and mass graves, and, to a generation of soldiers who had been raised on war and dead lands, that must have seemed like a miracle.
We built a tiny fleet of starships in the hope of harvesting resources from other parts of the system, to give our planet a rest. That seemed to be the last straw for him. He had his forces plant explosives in factories, city centers, bridges. Then he seized the entire fleet, and escaped the planet.
His madness, and the madness he cast over his soldiers became crystal clear at that point. He'd convinced his soldiers that not all of them could survive the coming journey, and had them plant explosives on each other's ships, all the ships save his own, promising each group that they would be the ones to accompany him on his new quest. Then, when he was far enough away, he detonated all of the explosives.”
“How do you know what he did?” Loki asked.
“Because after the initial waves of explosions, we located one of the soldiers who had been left behind, and interrogated her. She told us that he had discovered some great power source, and was going to use it to fix the universe. She had been laying explosives on one of the ships, but had been left behind when she went to get more. She and I were killed when debris from the ships crushed our shelter.. I remember this happening. And yet...”
“And yet here you are.” Loki finished.
“And no one else remembers.” You offered.
“Yes. You know of this.”
“Yeah. The universe spent a whole year with all life halved. People, plants, animals...even microbes, I guess. And then, it was reversed.”
“Can you tell me how?”
You glanced at Loki.
“Only the briefest summary.” He admitted. “I was barely there. Thanos continued in that form for many years, decimating planets and seeking this power source. He succeeded. But a group of survivors wrested that power from him, used it to reverse his work, and ended his life. It was thought that he was the last of you, but it appears that we were mistaken.”
“You may have been right. I remember not even two years since that time. Nobody else seems to perceive this gap. No body else remembers him, not even the people who were once his fanatical soldiers. They do not even recognize his name.”
“That wasn't part of the spell...Wait, did you feel that?” Loki asked. You had felt a jolt, and now the world was narrowing around you.
“I'm sorry Mynos, but I think we have to go.” You said, urgently running up to one of the plants, and snatching a leaf. “I don't know if and when we'll be back, but if it's possible to send you help, we'll try.”
“Idle promises have little worth.” He said. “But I appreciate the sympathy, Human.”
You wanted to say more, but the orange world blipped out, replaced by warm firelight, a sheepskin rug, and the arms of a prince, who was being shaken awake by a troubled Andsvarr.
“Your Highness!” He cried. “Your highness, please wake up!”
“Give me one good reason not to banish you, Alarrson!” He snapped grumpily.
“One of the camps has attacked the others! They created a distraction for the gate guards, then set the other two camps on fire!”
You were both suddenly very awake.
“Sofie!” You cried, leaping to your feet.
“No you do not! You stay here, you are in no way combat ready!” Loki commanded.
“No! I will see to the humans, you stay here. I swear on my father's name, if you follow me out there, I will lock you in your room and throw away the key!”
You crossed your arms in anger. You knew he wouldn't do that, but you also knew that he was right about not being ready for a battlefield. Oh, you hated it.
“Then go!” You snapped. “Don't hang around here arguing with me. Get out there! Andsvarr, help my friends!”
“Yes, my Seidkona!” He declared.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
The Timeless Beachside Home Of A Magazine Industry Legend
The Timeless Beachside Home Of A Magazine Industry Legend
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
Gorgeous views looking out over Pittwater in Deb Bibby’s warm, welcoming home! The disco ball on the far left creates spinning light around the room at sunset – ‘it makes you want to party, or at least pour a G+T’ says Deb! Sarah Ellison stoneware vase.  Family photos are strewn amongst the bookshelf. Black and white polaroids taken from Deb’s days as editor of Dolly magazine (!) and Follow Me magazine. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
A cosy alcove. The long burgundy leather cushion with tabs was made to Deb’s design based on German gym mats by Heatherly Design. Le Klint original wall light from Vampt Vintage Design. Pony Rider cushions. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Deb with her son Jack Murphy and his girlfriend Alli Ficarra. Deb and Alli both wear Lee Mathews (‘We couldn’t help ourselves – although I’m more of a jeans girl, we got dressed up for TDF’.) Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Jean Gillon ‘Sling’ leather and rope sofa, which Deb fell in love with at first sight. St Vinnies lamp. NSW Leather Co grey sheepskin. All of Deb’s most-loved books are in the book shelf, and the trophy sitting on top is in memory of Deb’s brother Adrian. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Looking out to the lush surrounds. Artwork left to right: Pencil sketch by Deb’s friend creative director Carolyn Innis. Mia Oatley print. Jorna Napurrurla Nelson ‘Bush Carrot Dreaming’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The dining room with a view. Sarah Ellison stoneware vessels. Sarah Ellison Zee leather chairs around the dining table. Original butterfly chair from Angelucci. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The living room. LEILAH coffee table. Sarah Ellison marble top CHUB table. Rock and roll prints on the wall of INXS that Deb had blown up from polaroids of a past life. Painting ‘Tingari’ by Charlie Tjapangati. Terence Conran London sofa. Pony Rider cushions. Atlas leather cushion. Jean Gillion ‘Sling’ rope and leather chair. Mantis wall light from Spence & Lyda used as pendant. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
‘I found this chair at Camden Markets in London – a gorgeous old rocker that I used when my son was a newborn’, Deb shares. Pony Rider cushions. Blanket from the four-year-old real living for Freedom range. Freedom Furniture mug. The best of the best Italian Vogues, Liz Tilberis-edited British Vogues, US Vogues, and all her own of course! ‘All of them are still a source of inspiration when I get tired of scrolling’, Deb says. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Deb’s early morning work spot. ‘I’ll bring the laptop out, coffee in hand, and work here until the sun takes over’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The kitchen, which is ‘definitely the most popular room in the house’! designed by architect Noek Witzand and built by David Moses. Smeg appliances (stove, integrated dishwasher, kettle, and toaster). Perrin & Rowe taps. Ikea clamp lights. Vintage pendant LED lights. Pearl Lighting & Brassware brass handles. American Oak timber benches. Formply cupboards. Colmar Limestone tiles on walls from Eco Outdoor, that architect Noek cut down to a smaller size. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Perrin & Rowe tapware. Original Gurgle Pot water jug – ‘the most fun you’ll ever have pouring water!’ Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Sarah Ellison vase. Peter Lindbergh book – ‘I sat outside his apartment in Paris waiting for him to come out, I wanted to meet him. I waited all day. Then a few years ago he ‘liked’ a shot I posted of my dad on Instagram by photographer and dear friend Andrew Southam – now that gave me a rush!’ tells Deb! Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Deb’s current mood board. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Lee Mathews silk slip dress. Pony Rider throw. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Pony Rider rug/throw. The painting over the bed was the first piece of art Deb ever bought, purchased in New York, by Jessica Falstein. Raine&Humble Pom-pom cushion. Society of Wanderer denim pillows and floral linen cushion. Ikea wall light. Stools found at Vinnies that Deb painted green. Leather bucket bag from Lee Mathews. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Vanity. Perrin & Rowe tapware. Omvivo Laris basin from Candana. ‘Girl With The Pearl Earring’ print from Deb’s family home. Green MT45 terrazzo from Terrazzo Australian Marble – ‘I would’ve had this terrazzo everywhere except it’s more expensive that marble. I’ve always loved it, a bit annoyed everyone else has fallen in love with it in the design world. I thought it was my little secret!’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Ottocento from Artedomus – ‘definitely sold my soul to buy this and it was the best investment ever’. Linen shower curtain were discontinued by the original supplier, so Deb found a maker to create them and now she can hardly keep up with the orders – DM Deb on Instagram if you want one! Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
‘There’s nothing quite like sunset over Pittwater – makes my heart skip a beat without fail. Never take that view for granted’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Deb Bibby first encountered this family home as a neighbour, as she used to live next door! At the time, she explains ‘it was an ugly duckling covered in plastic mock bricks.’
The property was built in 1926 by Sir Arthur Alfred Clements Cocks, and has only have four owners – clearly once people move in, they don’t want to leave. This is certainly true for Deb, who describes ‘we walked in and fell in love. Kaboom!’
While Deb immediately removed those ‘ugly duckling’ bricks to reveal Jarrah boards wrapped around the entire home – further renovations to the house took a little longer. She explains ‘an architect friend told me to live it a year before renovating… we ended up living in it for 20 years before we renovated!’
After well-and-truly getting to know the feel of the home and appreciate its rich history, the house underwent a major overhaul four years ago. Deb explains ‘the house was lifted completely intact (with all of its furniture) 1.2 metres into the air, and we built a bedroom and bathroom underneath!
In addition to this elevating experience, a garage was rebuilt in the original 1926 location, and a studio was designed to match the materials and craftsmanship of the historic home. Deb describes ‘the new studio connects to the house via the deck, which now creates a beautiful courtyard feel.’
Inside, the home has a timeless sensibility, styled with a delightful mish-mash of  eclectic artwork, antiques and classic design pieces, collected over a lifetime. The palette here is muted and primarily neutral, with tiny pops of green, dirty pink and orange adding moments of intrigue to a backdrop of Dulux Natural White. For Deb, favourite pieces include artwork and objects collected on her travels – such as the small green landscape painting by Jessica Falstein above the master bed, which was the first piece of art Deb purchased when visiting New York in her 20s.
This divine family home provides an inspiring and stimulating environment for Deb and her equally creative son, Jack. She enthuses ‘I swear being here makes you creative, I think it’s the light and being up in the trees – nature literally blows into the living room, and the birds are deafening.’
0 notes
wholesalestore-blog · 5 years
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0 notes
sunkissis · 6 years
Bonjour Amis,
Let me confess, the first two months were exhilarating and equally stressful for me. I was absolutely enjoying our time living in Nation (12th arrondissement) and exploring beautiful Paris but also I was staying up all night looking for potential apartments. Every time I got close to scoring a fabulous place, someone else would snap it up. I was starting to believe it was because I wasn’t French but we had our French friends call on our behalf and they got the same response. I was so close to renting my dream apartment on the sweetest street ever when the agent said the landlord just approved someone before us. I mean, I called every day, left voicemails, sent emails all during the whole enrolling Liv into school drama. I commend my own strength because I thought I would have a mental breakdown with stress and disappointment. It was house hunting all over again but with a two month deadline. I was also working with our real estate agent in Los Angeles trying to get our house rented. My stress was at an all time high during the first few months here.
Every apartment I saw I would compare to the beautiful, perfect place that we didn’t get.
I grieved over this place. It was €2400, a block from Liv’s ballet school, a 15 minute walk to her school on a private street. I would have lived with the tiny fridge and non existent storage for those floors and that price. I asked the agent to be put on a backup list incase the renter fell through. This put me in a worst state because nothing came close to this place in terms of layout, gorgeous Parisian charm and price. I found a larger, cute place but it was in a shady area of the 10th which would mean a bus ride to school and a 20 minute walk. I was running out of time and feeling like we would end up homeless in Paris.
The second I saw our apartment on the French real estate website I recognized it from years earlier when I first began looking for apartments. It was available the day after we were scheduled to move out of our exchange and it was under my budget. I immediately emailed the agent to schedule a viewing to make sure it wasn’t too good to be true. I’ve had such bad luck getting in touch with an agent and then discovering days later that the apartment had already been rented I made sure to let them know I was ready to sign the lease. I made two lists for our apartment search.
Must Have – Dealbreakers Close to our max budget €2500/$2950 Two Bedrooms Shower High ceilings Hardwood floors Washer/Dryer Dishwasher Oven/modern kitchen amenities Walking distance to Liv’s school Close to Metro/public transportation Smoke-free apartment
Like to Have – Bonus Haussmann building Elevator Balcony Office Space for Antz Herringbone hardwood floors Large Refrigerator (typical Americans can’t live with a minibar fridge) Storage (for our 14 suitcases!) Nice view Close to le Marais Crown Molding Good Layout Parisian Charm Nice furniture
I know I sound picky but every single place had something missing from my Must-Have list. Mostly two bedroom apartments were over budget or too far from school. I was even getting more flexible by the second month and considering one bedrooms and really horrible layouts. We visited an apartment that was way under-budget but on the 6th floor with no elevator and the world’s narrowest bathroom. It was as wide as the bathtub and you practically had to step over the toilet to get into the tub. It also wasn’t in my ideal neighborhood but the price tag was so enticing. The only reason we didn’t get it was the owner wanted someone who would rent it for at least two years. So I guess that was a blessing in disguise. When it comes down to house hunting, location and price and the deciding factors. Everything else is negotiable. It took days of going back and forth to get the agent to schedule a viewing. The problem was the renter didn’t want to show it until the place was available so I was cutting it close to our move-out date. I finally got a call to see it so I dropped Liv off at school. Because it was so close to her school I decided to walk around the neighborhood and wait for our appointment. I was almost two hours early and the agent was late (because she was French, of course!). We buzzed the door of the building and waited. The appointment was fifteen minutes late so she tried to call the renter. We saw the window was open but she didn’t answer. She called the agency and they confirmed the right place and right time. After a half an hour she said let’s reschedule for next week. UNLUCKY LIZZIE! I was practically in tears and starting to feel like this was hopeless. I already began to fall in love with the neighborhood. Everything was a close walk and my favorite shop (Monoprix) was a block away! I was already familiar with the neighborhood and getting excited that I could actually live in my favorite part of Paris.
All the while I was getting no leads for renting our house in LA. Our agent had an open house but hardly anyone showed serious interest. My agent was sure it was due to our cat Lola coming with the house and it being rented fully furnished. I was so nervous we lowered the price and asked my angel best friend Aimee to foster Lola for us so we could rent our place with pets. Then we found a family that was excited to rent our place. I signed the lease and waited for them to send the deposit and then they flaked. This made Antz and I very nervous because we couldn’t rent a place in Paris without renting our house in LA. Like, a scale of 1 – 10 in the stress department, I was about 100. After some negotiations and hard work on our agent’s side, we found someone lovely. She signed the lease, sent the deposit and we are very relieved to have a responsible adult living in our house. Whew!
After the most intense week of my life the agent finally got the tenant to show us the apartment. The chick didn’t offer an apology for not showing up our first appointment and she laid in bed while I saw the apartment. The place didn’t look like the online pictures but I knew they were three years old. The furniture was rearranged and it looked smaller but when I saw the floors, the light pouring in from the floor to ceiling windows and I said, straight out of a movie “We’ll take it!”
Then came the rental process. It’s a little different than in the US, the French don’t really have a credit score rating. We also didn’t have a previous rental or French tax return to show so everything came down to Anthony’s pay stubs and his job title. I spent several days running back and forth to the print shop making copies to send to the agency. They needed to see our bank statements, we had to buy French renter’s insurance and they requested a letter from his job stating he would be employed for the year. I was worried about getting the letter in time because like I said before, apartments go fast and we were not prepared to lose this one. Thank goodness Antz job sent the letter right away. I saw the place right before we took our trip to London and we electronically signed the lease when we were in London! I couldn’t believe we did it. I have heard so many horror stories about Americans getting scammed online by having to wire huge cash deposits and losing the money. Or the landlord requesting up to a year of rent for a security deposit. We only had to put down two month’s rent deposit and pay an agency fee. I was ecstatic! I could finally breathe after so long, I found a place of our own in le Marais, a seven minute walk to the kid’s school with almost everything on my must-have list. The first week we didn’t have wifi so I almost died but lucky for us, we extended our house exchange so Antz would go to the other apartment to work. I don’t even mind that our building has world’s smallest elevator or the wonky furniture. I got my herringbone flooooooooooooors!! (Hope you heard that in Oprah’s voice)
I packed my beloved Anthropologie tablecloth, some family photos and as many crafting supplies as I could fit in my suitcase. I would have brought my Things Will Work Out print but Antz made a good point that it could have gotten damaged in my suitcase.
I adore the French doors and the open flow from Liv’s room to the living room. The layout works perfect for us because Antz works California hours so he can close the doors for his conference calls and Liv is usually sleeping while he’s working. Antz was fortunate enough to inherit a comfy office chair from the previous tenants. When we were staying in Nation, he was using an antique chair that was cool but uncomfortable. It may be ugly but it’s super comfy! I bought that wall map from a shop in le Marais for under €30. I’ve always wanted to get her a world map but never had the wall space in LA. I may add some framed photos on the back wall. Antz doesn’t want to add any holes, so we’ll see. I love the white palette of the apartment but we wanted to add some color so I bought a pom pom kit and vibrant yarn from La Droguerie.
Now you can see why I brought so much luggage! I packed Liv’s Miffy bedding and a suitcase full of her books and toys. We rented a car for move-in day and drove outside of Paris to Ikea. We bought basic bedding (comforters/sheets/pillows), that lamp shade and the sheepskin rug. I also had to buy some new kitchen supplies, a flatware set, wine glasses, a new bath mat, storage bins and throw blankets. The apartment came with plates, pots, pans and utensils.
  I also brought a sewing kit, art supplies, a few books, a huge accordion folder with our important paperwork and our huge iMac computer (which serves as our TV).
There’s a long story behind that rad Shepard Fairey poster. Antz and I went to a hardware store called Castarama. I was looking for curtains for Olivia’s room when I saw the framed print. I asked one of the guys working there if they sold the print and he said no, just the frame. He then told me where to go buy the print at a poster store near the Pompidou Center. I could have hugged this kid! I thought I was going to have to order it from eBay for hundreds of dollars. We rushed to the store and found a smaller version. When I asked the woman if they carried it in a larger size, she said they were sold out but she would print one for us in ten minutes. Say what?! I couldn’t believe we got the French Shepard Fairey print for less than €60. I mean, President Macron has this same artwork in his office. I love the French motto: Liberte – Egalite – Fraternite which means Freedom – Equality – Fraternity. That kid really did me a solid.
I brought our rainbow maker from home. I need to make a video of the rainbows bouncing around our room. I can’t get over the details of this fireplace. I am still looking for the perfect mirror to go on the mantel. Our bedroom in this apartment is larger than our bedroom at home. I didn’t get as much crown molding as I hoped for and we don’t have a dryer so we have to put our clothes on a drying rack but I can’t get over this stellar view.
The bathroom is pretty basic. We purchased a new shower head and spent a fortune on new towels.  OMG! I am obsessed with our towel warmer. I need one for LA.
Antz and I are now sharing one closet along with all of our empty luggage and winter coats. I am extremely happy I brought a shoe hanger from LA. This is about half the shoes I brought. It’s a tight fit but there is space for everything.
And lastly, here is our mini balcony.
It’s just wide enough to step out on and see the entire street. We are extremely lucky to live on a trendy, lively (sometimes noisy) street. This area is exactly like Highland Park without the dumb neighbors across the street. There are cafes, brasseries, cute shops, art galleries and a tiny square dedicated to one of my favorite jazz musicians, John Coltrane.
We have met our nice neighbors, a dad and his young son. We love living here. It’s simple but has everything I could ask for. We are just under budget and all the utilities are included in our rent. I cannot believe this is our life.
Bienvenue dans Notre Appartement Parisien Bonjour Amis, Let me confess, the first two months were exhilarating and equally stressful for me. I was absolutely enjoying our time living in Nation (
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