#there are also certain authors who write idw mop where like
lord-squiggletits · 1 year
The funny thing is I'm sure there's more IDW MegOP content out there than I give people credit for, but the issue is that I have very exacting standards for IDW MOP. By which I mean I refuse to read takes on IDW/MegOP/Optimus/Megatron that are shit and a lot of fics fall into one or more of those shit takes lol.
Like oh, "IDW is so popular and MegOP is so popular, you should be able to find content of them you like!"
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find IDW MOP content that doesn't feature Megatron being whitewashed as fuck or being written as some tragic misunderstood hero whose crimes aren't actually that bad because he was oppressed first. Or Optimus being completely replaced by a bland continuity soup version of himself (instead of his actual IDW personality). Or an uneven dynamic in which Megatron is treated as some genius while Optimus is an idiot whose only political stances are "killing bad :( ". Or a dynamic in which Megatron has all of his IDW lore and then some to be 10000% fleshed out while Optimus is just written as "oh he was a dockworker/librarian and liked Megatron a lot. And he's nice :) ".
It's harder than you fucking think lmao
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