#theogony‚ the legend of the forgotten god ╱ meta
godraet · 6 days
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wake up every1 new gan art from percival ... have i settled on colors ... i think??? may add some more red to his hair but i think i am ... otherwise happy with the result?
anyway he looks a little like a lion and he's supposed to, with his wild mane ... it is soft to touch!
he has many scars he has been in many battles. the scar on his forehead is remnant of another life (see: when link stabbed gan in the head that was real in WW) but it's rather faded ... that was a distant life in his timeline or something. a life in another world, perhaps? he's not exactly sure.
there's a regal look because he is not only a divinity but a king. he looks the part. it's easy to forget he will also become the calamity???
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godraet · 5 days
what is a superstition in my muse’s culture?
is there a widely held religion in my muse’s culture? 
what are the views on hospitality in my muse’s culture? 
what is the view of money / wealth in my muse’s culture?
are there any beliefs held in my muse’s culture they don’t agree with? 
culture metas :)
ok we are going to try to not make this a million pages long but uhhh no promises.
what is a superstition in my muse’s culture?
uHHHH is it superstition if it actually is a real thing? let's talk about the omens that lead to someone being named padishah- as in "whats that 100 years kingship thing" all about!
so, the overarching idea that most cultures (not counting the gerudo) grasp is that every 100 years "a male is born into the gerudo and he is crowned king", well that's actually bullshit because gerudo genders are punch muscle and melon crushing thighs. their views of gender aren't about a binary at all- notably, the terms vai and voe aren't actually used when gerudo talk with each other about other gerudo- they use the term "vayam" which has the same energy as how "farsi" derives from pars, which is persia in middle persian, and in the same vein, other people call the gerudo "the gerudo people" (if theyr'e being polite, which for some reason they have trouble with??? yikes), but the gerudo term for that is, you guessed, it, vayam.
anyway, so every 100 years it's said that the old gods breathe life to a new padishah, and the person born under these most auspicious conditions is to be "sun and lion" and "victorious boar". notably, each padishah has been born at night on a solstice (any solstice works) and the skies of the day are always clear, yet charged as if lightning could strike at any moment. in the morning, a flock of oddly colored sand sparrows will fly through the valley, in the afternoon, the winds blow and "sing" but move not a single grain of sand. as the sun sets that day, a group of lynel are always seen crossing the dunes.
oh, and there's also the fact that after all of these omens happen all together, the elders visit the newborn child and will light candles and if the flame burns a brilliant blue then bam this is the padishah.
"and this only ever happens every 100 years? and this is ALWAYS how it is every goddamn time?" yeah it sure is, which is why considering how WEIRD all of those things are ... none of that can just be by chance.
notably, the lynel are said to be warriors loyal to the old gods, and for people who actually pay attention and don't just assume shit, they are associated with an old god called din-vārtra. din-vārtra in other texts is called vārtra the fire-blessed, vārtra kingmaker, vārtra of the heavenly depths, and later, this god is known as demise. notably, din is one of the three golden goddesses and she is represented by fire- which is what her name means (although it can also mean power in certain contexts)
that in itself leads into the Next part of this
is there a widely held religion in my muse’s culture? ( also asked by @gerudospiriit )
ok so as above, i mentioned din-vārtra, the old god who later gets labeled demise (do not Ask how that happened, there were so many mistakes made), and of the gods worshipped by the gerudo, it's din-vārtra and the goddess of the sands (tiamat), and the padishah is said to also be the vessel of din-vārtra, so that's that.
since the padishah [mighty king] (and then in the future, bānbishnān bānbishn [queen of queens, the title used by urbosa and riju, this title is also used to refer to the twinrova and is the secondary title that gan uses for himself]) already serves as leader of the people, most temples are dedicated to the lady of the sands, leaving offerings for her is something that the people believe helps bring the rains.
"but why isn't there anything like temples for din-vārtra?" well it's because din-vārtra is never said to have asked for the worship of the people of the valley, instead it has been passed down that "din-vārtra came with heaven's fire and brought warmth in the chilled desert nights and was welcomed as vayam, and among vayam he has remained"
there are plenty of festivals dedicated to the gods, and of course the golden goddesses are also quite popular, but the lady of the sands and din-vārtra are unique to the gerudo.
what are the views on hospitality in my muse’s culture? 
well, generational trauma made the gerudo say "yikes" about outsiders, but before all of that went down, they were a warm and welcoming people. there's no real rule about not allowing men in, mostly because the gerudo don't see gender like that! it's not about what's in your pants! there are plenty of gerudo born with primary male sex characteristics, that doesn't mean a goddamn thing to them???
they became more and more closed off as they faced greater struggles due to the border war with hyrule, where many other peoples had sided with the hylians, the gerudo valued their freedom and autonomy, and with the padishah out of the picture (they didn't really know what happened) tensions only rose. no one who knew padishah dragmire would ever think he had any fondness for rauru, but it was rather clear that the two kings had fought and when ganondorf didn't return, they assumed rauru had killed him ... and they waited for the omens ... that never came.
but life had to go on, they did what they had to do to protect themselves, even when the great kingdom was burned to the ground (which is why the valley looks so much like the ruins of persepolis, basically the same thing happened), but yeah they closed off because they are protecting what they have left!!! and who could blame them???
what is the view of money / wealth in my muse’s culture?
"wealth is of the soul, of the strength of mind and body." is a nice way to start this.
under padishah dragmire, trade was the way to go, there weren't things like rupees or whatnot, people would trade things. similarly this is how things worked with other kingdoms. common exports of the gerudo were silks and precious gems and spices. the term "wealth" referred to a philosophical thing rather than physical. not to say that by standard definition that ganondorf wasn't exceptionally wealthy, the monetary value of the gems and precious metals he wore on his body alone is ... a LOT, but that's just not how things were seen there?
with the introduction of the rupee, monetary value became "standardized" like the euro in a sense, but that was a fair amount of time after ganondorf was sealed away (so he has so much culture shock??? when he wakes up lmao)
are there any beliefs held in my muse’s culture they don’t agree with? 
uhhh well, considering that ganondorf is the entire ass leader of the gerudo, the culture he was raised with is the one he follows. granted, he would want his people to be more inviting again- cautiously so, but to be closed off is something he feels is unwise; it stifles the growth of a kingdom and its people, but also he Gets it, everything has sucked for the gerudo for a LONG TIME. but, the people are also in the good care of bānbishnān bānbishn urbosa (or riju, depending on the time) and even though times have changed, the strength of the people has endured and so he??? doesn't ??? feel a huge need to argue with it???
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godraet · 8 months
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so yeah ok i know totk says "gan eats a sacred stone and turns into a dragon" but i offer you this:
first off, ganondorf is so prideful in his OWN power, there's a 0% chance he would actually want to rely on any other power but his own. also he clearly hates rauru why would he use a zonai artifact like lmao he'd rather die than do that.
second, ganondorf is a seasoned warrior. and also this isn't the first rodeo he's had with the hero and it won't be his last! he knows from experience what he SHOULDN'T do, and one of those things is Stop Thinking, which is literally the biggest risk of draconification. its on the label, the risk is Losing Your Mind, and how can he strategize if he isn't THINKING! so another reason he wouldn't just eat a magic rock.
third, by nature of transforming into anything else, it still means that you're open to being hit by attacks. if the entire issue is link hitting him with the master sword or something, then the most logical answer is to make it so that link CAN'T do that- and what better way to showboat than using your OWN overpowered magic god bullshit to create the shape of Some Animal (lets go with a chimera blend of a dragon, a lion, and a boar for the Classic Vibes!) AROUND your body! and if what the calamity is shown to do is any indication, that would be almost impossible to break through as a defense without massive protagonist armor. which link has, but i digress.
what i mean is yeah, ganondorf can intentionally become ganon, and the plot can stay sorta adjacent there, but my god if he's going to turn himself into ganon he's going to do it like the stupid showboat he is and i accept nothing less.
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godraet · 1 day
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tagged by: stole this from another blog of mine tagging: steal this tag me
instructions: fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞? often, various spices or incense. rather pleasant!
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞/𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫? 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬? contrary to popular (hylian) belief, gan cares about hygiene a lot. there's nothing like a refreshing bath to unwind after a long and stressful day. also, the man has quite the long mane of hair, and he takes care of it very well! he's rather vain about it... over all, he's quite well groomed- he's padishah, after all, and wants to look the part!  
𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬? he does have piercings! as is common among the gerudo, his ears are pierced- on the note of tattoos, he sometimes will be marked with henna for various occasions, but that's temporary.
𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐬 ( 𝐞𝐱. 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 )? no, but this is because as the years passed, gan had to basically learn how to be conscious of literally everything he did ever because he's padishah and he has to act like it. as a child he used to just fidget in general because he had a lot of energy and needed an outlet for it. that's when he started honing his skills using magic.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧? usually just sirwal pants- while it can get quite chilly in the gerudo desert at night, gan has so much body heat that he doesn't really mind.   
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠? he's not sure if he has a favorite? he never thought of things like that. clothes are practical and they serve their purpose, be they simple nightclothes, formal attire for meeting other nobility, armor to wear into battle, it isn't about favorites, there.  
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐩? honestly gan wakes up and watches the sunrise. that's been a habit since his childhood and he's not stopping any time soon. of course, this doesn't count 10,000 years in weird death stasis. anyway yeah he wakes up, throws on a robe and goes to watch the sunrise over his kingdom from the balcony ... after that, it depends on what's on the day's agenda. sometimes he'll just have things to look over and do from the actual political governing perspective as a king, sometimes he will be meeting with other people. and when he's out on the battlefield, he still likes to watch the sunrise as best he can, because there's something soothing about that...
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩? 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧? gan sorta sprawls out, at least at the start. he often tosses and turns, he has a bad time with visions and memories while he sleeps, so it isn't too fun. safe to say, he sleeps poorly if he doesn't cool down first. 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞? rough and calloused due to the fact that most everything he does is manual labor or combat. his hands are also always warm, because he’s always warm- it's also a side effect of his magic use.  
𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞? probably still like subtle spices and some honey- which is always nice to put in an herbal tea! gan is very fond of herbal teas and honey, so there's a high chance the taste may linger...
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godraet · 1 day
so u know how i mentioned in a post like a billion years ago about how the gerudo have long hair and only cut it for health except when they cut it at 1 coming of age 2 before maiden battle (and then for gan also when he actually took the throne) but it's like also symbolic of a "new start" or new era of life and what i'm saying is gan post bullshit cutting his hair again bc he's done and maybe this time he can do things right and also say a big fuck you to the cycle ...
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godraet · 2 days
anyway Vārtra has toe beans of course he does, but also like big cats, he can't retract his claws, and if he scratches you those scratches feel like if you fell in lava it's agony. the wounds will be cauterized as soon as they're made, but yeah the toe beans are a trap, don't try to touch them.
Vārtra purrs. gan purrs??? in his own way??? it happens often when he just laughs (in the not unhinged way) where it sounds like a low rumble.
as the "victorious boar" his tusks do the same thing as his claws would in his "sun and lion" form. as in it feels like the fires of hell and also he WILL go for vital organs he doesn't play around contrary to popular belief, he's not actually one to "play with his food"
he can be a showboat in battles that he doesn't perceive as "threatening" but if he's faced with the hero of courage he's not going to just fuck around and find out- and it isn't even that he hates the hero, he doesn't? as far as he's concerned, the hero is just a 3rd party that the golden goddesses decided to drag into something that didn't even involve them????
if gan ever killed link, he'd make sure it was an honorable death. he just gets spiteful when he's not given one. which ... happens often bc it's not like link KNOWS about the background of what's going on, not to say that link would remain ignorant if given the chance to LEARN but who the heck is going to tell a story that 99% of people have forgotten, and even the gerudo have lost parts of it??? they just have the most in tact version, but no one really knows what happened for real except Vārtra and in every reincarnation things still get sorta muddied, so it would take speaking to Vārtra in the land of the dead (in a brief time period where there was no living padishah) to get the story and dang it's not like he'd let someone LEAVE after they enter his realm??? that's necromancy, my dudes, and he's not about that. things are supposed to stay DEAD that's how he has more things to rule over and while not inherently evil, Vārtra will always be power hungry and want more and more and more.
we question why din liked him???? or why she entrusted Power to him??? maybe because he can actually wield it well??? @ the sages its not a divine prank if the fragment was Entrusted to Vārtra Specifically When the golden goddesses decided to PEACE OUT sorry no one informed u ....
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godraet · 5 days
what color dyes are most commonly used? 
(Tell me about Gerudo dyes :3)
culture metas :)
ok so we're going to start with "what would zelda associate immediately if asked about color dyes and the gerudo" and essentially everyone who has eyes knows that the gerudo are rather expert at crafting basically anything- many well off individuals across the land have at least One Gerudo Rug, because those are made with the same technique that was used in ancient times to color their clothes.
now, i say this because the "classic gerudo rug" was Not a thing 10,000 years ago, they came into fashion much later than that, but still hundreds of years before zelda's birth.
anyway, the gerudo were fond of vibrant colors- reds, blues, golds, greens, their traditional clothing hasn't changed much over the thousands of years, because its tradition. it should be noted that the modern gerudo aren't always in traditional clothing, they dress however they like because the times have changed!
to accent the vibrant colors of their fabrics, the gerudo also were fond of precious gems!
... honestly the only gerudo who probably is in traditional wear at almost all times is gan lmao.
but long story short is they're characterized by vibrant colors as a contrast to the more subtle or deep hues seen in other cultures of the world.
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godraet · 6 days
also happy pride month gan's gender is both punch muscle and melon crushing thighs and his titles translate to king of kings, mighty king, and queen of queens :)
gerudo genders are truly those, and some other things
also demise has been born so many times and has identified as everything under the sun so yeah
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godraet · 6 days
something something about after 10,000 years of absolute fuckery and pain and misery gan waking up and actually Not being a mess and finding ways to channel all that energy and passion into creating instead of destroying .... yeah yeah me and rae with the galaxy brain ....
sometimes rewriting totk is executing incredibly well thought out zelgan and also just screaming about things and that is very valid
we are going to file this post also under: gan sees the valley and Cries because he remembers when it was his thriving kingdom and now so much of it is in ruins, even though they've maintained as much as they can, it's still so tragic so he immediately decides to help his people flourish again because these are his people. no matter the era, the gerudo are his people and he loves them ...
and he doesn't speak the modern tongue, so there's an awkward language barrier and actually the only person he actually can converse with on a fluent level is zelda, who lived for a time in the ancient past and so until he picks up all the new changes in the language he's going to need some Help ....
something something her entire ass existence changes him for the better, slowly but surely, and maybe this time the cycle breaks and at the end of it the old gods can finally be at rest ...
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godraet · 6 days
UUAUAAGGHGHGHG OK OK ok ok so uhhhh since i just STARTED to yell at rae about this now you all have to Also know whats up irt gan's Constant Attempts to take over Hyrule and what the REASONING is because ok uh
so i've covered this in previous posts im p sure about demise as one of those big name primordial gods and his entire ass tragedy with hylia, and gan is just the latest incarnation of demise (but essentially every padishah has also been demise, while also being their own person), and ok at first in the earliest incarnations the hyrule thing was about trying to reclaim hylia, but then many lifetimes passed
and it became more of a spite thing. the people of hyrule have been shitting on the gerudo (demise's people) for AGES!!!! and so it became less about hylia and more about revenge, and this is because each padishah is their own person on top of being demise
no two padishahs have been the same- either in looks or personality or even birth gender, it's not about gender it's about conditions of birth (stars aligning, omens, etc.) and so of course the relationships they have with the people of hyrule are different
there's also the sad part about ... sometimes courage shows up unannounced before ANYTHING has happened bc i guess everyone knows about the omens and the stars aligning and decide "proactive behavior" and the padishah has been slain before causing any trouble before so uhhh
generational (reincarnation) trauma, and it keeps getting worse??? yeah this is scattered but ALSO important thanks!
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godraet · 8 months
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something something my god gan is truly lion and sun aesthetic and i continue to promote persian coded gerudo im never going to stop idk why nintendo let us down on so many fronts but it's my sacred duty to FIX IT ig im also going to be hero of the people
and speaking of that, i KNOW that gan made some real fuckshit choices, but as rauru says, he is in fact some entity born of prophecy to his people, every 100 years the padishah is born as hero of the people and has the right to rule simply by meeting the goddamn criteria, and im just going to say, if the things he was doing were like Evil he wouldn't be seen as a hero of his people
gan sends a literal stampede of molduga on hyrule but honestly its not like his people were objecting, which means he wasn't attacking for no fucking reason??? like ok yeah it's not Great but it sorta implies that huh maybe the gerudo didn't actually provoke this shit, what a wild concept, gan not just being this power hungry entity, but actually having like a real reason to be fuckin MAD
which also ties into gan wanting to kill rauru, like ok yeah sure sonia had a sacred stone too but he doesn't have beef with sonia, she barely seems to do anything other than sit next to rauru and not be seen as his equal if gan says that rauru was ignorant to her power it's like dude ok you obviously disapprove of the entire ass dynamic they have which is a whole different story, but why go for sonia who he has no apparent issue with when he could kill rauru who is "king of hyrule" like killing sonia doesn't actually do anything in the grand scheme of things???
there's this horrible anger and hurt that has built up in gan, he's evidently been doing things FOR HIS PEOPLE that they see him as a hero, not just a king that they have to follow because of some prophecy and the conditions under which he was born, it's so much deeper than like. him just being evil and the incarnation of demise. the man even gains a crown that looks sorta like the sun's rays and thats when he gains a sacred stone???
also there's truly a 0% chance that he could just suddenly master that level of magic if he didn't already HAVE it. much as the triforce just augments what already exists in someone, the sacred stone probably just does the SAME THING, it removes the limiters on his abilities, some of those which were absolutely self-made, because divine power makes someone rather isolated, be they loved or feared- gan already had the divide of being padishah by birth, he would never be like the other gerudo, whether he would be raised as vai or voe, there would ALWAYS be this massive divide in the end,
let's also not forget that gan just sorta wipes the floor with the other sages in the old days, and rauru only manages to seal him away, and even after 10,000 years of supposedly having no magic, he just YEETS the master sword??? yeah uhhhh theres a 0% chance gan wasn't a deity in the first place i just have no other way to explain this anyway this is getting very scattered but i have IDEAS for where this blog is going thanks
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godraet · 8 months
theres a 0% chance that gan went to king rauru and was like lmao ill bow to another king JUST to get a goddamn magic rock, being power hungry isn't the same as like... having some deep spite and anger driving that because also the way he went about it was like... he wanted this to fuckin hurt. if he just wanted the stone he could've just been like lmao and taken it, the guy's literally established as the aspect of power and now he can BREAK THE MASTER SWORD which was supposed to be the only thing that could yeet him and even when he gets yeet he .... comes back ... like
it's established that there's ISSUES between the kingdom of hyrule and the gerudo. that's existed from like. many games ago- i know windwaker goes into this a little more, which is totally valid because of COURSE gan would be spiteful and mad if his people were suffering, his JOB as the person in charge is to Make Sure His People Don't DIE, and evidently hyrule was making that Very Not Easy,
if gan wanted power he could just take it, but instead he makes sure that he LEAVES WOUNDS that go deeper than just the wounds of battle, he wants the people he targets to Suffer and that doesn't stem from a desire for power, that looks a lot like vengeance and attempts to deliver divine retribution
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godraet · 9 months
@griefurias sent me
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and said "gerudo genders" and yeah essentially gerudo genders are like orc genders "punch muscle" and "melon crushing thighs" it's just the facts and no one can change my mind at all on this thanks
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godraet · 8 months
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something something gan's personality has grown more and more distinct from that of demise (which means demise has in fact gotten a lot of character development good for him im so proud)- he's no longer just some power hungry divine thing that couldn't figure out how to tell the deity he also had a crush on that he Liked Her and Killed Her Instead (thats not a love language my dude), by this i mean there is a lot of anger and obsessiveness to gan's personality and he still does love power and he still wants hyrule, but now there's a melancholy about him, there's a lot of sorrow and he's learned what guilt is! and he knows a little better how to actually care about others- he learns how to respect his opponents rather than just trying to immediately overpower them, he has developed a code of honor.
but he is also shaped by generational trauma as he chose the gerudo to be born into, and they seem to get the short end of the societal treatment ALL THE TIME (for no good reason, either!) and that is a large part of why he still has so much rage to draw on to make himself into ganon- which is the manifestation of his divine wrath and desire to just ... enact divine retribution on basically everything around him-
ultimately, it should also be noted that ganondorf isn't really seeking destruction, per se- and demise also wasn't initially seeking destruction! demise just couldn't exist in the world of the living without causing death everywhere he went, because he is the God of Death!!! but stigma also got slapped on that, and as legends changed, demise became "the demon king" rather than "the god of the land of the dead", and that sort of thing also influenced how ganondorf sees demise- which also makes him have this inner conflict. he doesn't want to see himself as "demon king"- he has no issue being "wild boar" because the boar is a symbol of power and decisive victory! a force that can't be stopped even in death, and he takes PRIDE in being "the boar", just as he takes pride in being "sun and lion".
if he was asked what demise was, he'd say "a forgotten old god of the dead", and while he tries not to show it, he will flinch slightly as soon as someone just slaps "demon king" on him, because that is NOT what he is, it's not what demise really is, and that bothers the shit out of him, he just doesn't really know how to express that to others so uhhhh yeah
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godraet · 8 months
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ok this has been rotating in my brain (and i want it out of my brain before work) but i know i mention gan remembering all his lives completely out of order but here's some other fun facts- he's a different age in basically all of those lives too, and i can back that one up!
as he exists in his main verse, he's about 35 [as in he's in his early 30s when he finally shows up to meet with rauru] (at time of sealing), he has the build to prove it. i have no other way to describe this aside from he is just in general bulkier in build than younger lifetimes- and more lean than older lifetimes
"so what does that mean" ok so let's start with OoT (pre time skip), gan is still beefy because of course he is, but also he's notably more lean- broad shoulders yeah but damn he sure has a nice tapered waist lmao, also he behaves like he's younger- more prone to mocking his opponents and also he's impulsive and clearly doesn't actually have the current life experience to navigate through the hylian courts- this will come to bite him in the ass in TP timeline. so i slap pre-timeskip OoT gan at like ... 25 or so (which puts him at 32 or so after a 7 year time skip). he is a young ruler still, and his lack of experience shows, even if his words are pretty- and there's a fair chance that for as much as he thought he was playing the hylian court, they were actually playing him.
which leads into TP- if the premise of TP is that link goes BACK in time and tells people "yeah this dude's going to do shit", and soon after gan is sentenced to DEATH (and actually with what evidence other than the word of a kid who says he traveled time???), which means he's still that same rather inexperienced young man- and then he's banished to another realm since it turns out lmao he couldn't be killed by the sages!! and time passes weirdly there i'm sure, so his body has aged to maybe about 40 or so, he's definitely no longer the overconfident young man who first showed up to the hylian court!
in a similar energy, we have WW gan, who is definitely older- closer to 50 than 40 in looks; he's basically a wall of muscle, but he's also got a fair amount of healthy fat, which gives us our top tier dad-bod gan. except WW gan also has LIVED SO LONG and so he's super bitter because everything went to shit and actually not all of it was his fault!!!
HW gan is a more experienced warrior- he's got plenty of experience under his belt and is in his later 30s, pushing 40- he is a capable commander and it's more than just having natural charisma (which is something that he relied on as a young man in OoT- making up for a lack of experience with charisma and the ability to at least plan in some capacity- but in no way is OoT gan a masterful warlord, he's a better sorcerer than he is general, but a devoted king regardless),
anyway, all of these jumbled memories are why gan doesn't respond to rauru's summons until he's in his 30s (knowing if he goes when he's still "rather inexperienced" he's more likely to get fucked over), but it's also why he's overconfident (remembering how WW was ... arguably his win for a time, although it also means he has this sinking feeling that his victory will in the end be this lonely and hollow thing, and sometimes he wonders if it's really worth it) thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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godraet · 8 months
who does he feel closest with in terms of romantic partners? what can one do to get there?
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oh ho ho ... now you get to learn about my adventures in talking to friends about ships on discord ohohoho well!
for gan's main verse, he went from 0 to 100 with @perditos's zelda, and by this i mean "ganondorf doesn't understand that he can't just IMMEDIATELY decide to try and court someone he literally just met" (elsa vc YOU CAN'T MARRY SOMEONE YOU JUST MET) - there are red flags in her story but all flags are red flags when you're wearing rose colored glasses! he's fascinated by her and for anyone following the thread, he's really just taking his shot and he's got not the slightest clue that things are going to go to shit no matter what he feels for her or what she feels for him! he's so curious about her and she is also curious about him! he hasn't experienced anyone of hylia's blood who was Interested in LEARNING about him or his people before, so honestly that's some top tier things right there!
for his pkmn verse, which is still a MASSIVE work in progress, he's rather infatuated with yuri (@moonkssd)- they have a great sun/moon dynamic in the way of "gan is sun and lion coded and you can pry that from my cold dead hands" which leads to yuri being a moon maiden and having a dude who is like the sun- they compliment each other there!
actually, now that i look at it ... both his ships so far are sun/moon coded ... i think that's very sexy of me and my writing partners! we know where it's at!
on the note of how to win gan's heart, be patient with him! as in, understand that he has some real problems, and while he can be quite charming and charismatic, he's also ... really a bastard lmao. he seeks power and there's a place he wants to take over (usually hyrule but honestly verse dependent, whatever i can work in lmao) and nothing is going to stop him from trying- don't try to change him, gan is, pun absolutely intended, rather pig-headed about how he does things. if he wants to change, he'll do it on his own accord. loving someone won't stop him from making bad choices- heck, per his main verse, he wants to give zelda hyrule as a wedding present-
he likes others who are also curious. he's drawn toward those who are wise and those who are courageous (match his wit, stand up to him even when he's at his worst, that's a surefire way to get his attention in the best way!)- and whether or not that's a triforce thing or just something he has learned to value in others over time is??? who cares, it all leads to the same point. he will be more willing to open up if someone shows genuine interest in learning about him and the gerudo instead of immediately slapping down stereotypes- which is done all too often (looking at you, rauru!)
other fun things: gan loves to cuddle! his love language is absolutely physical touch, so if he's getting to the point of casual touches (read: i have this thing about the symbolism of hands and whatnot and something something about gan has hands with the power to create or destroy, to hurt or to heal- i'll die on this hill too!) it's a good indication that he likes someone a lot!
anyway, hopefully this makes ... some sense???
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