#theodore ramsel
eorzeansavagery · 1 year
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It makes no sense, but I could not resist bringing Hythlo and Themis into this. Lahabrea was spared because I couldn't get that many characters at once.
The Elpis picture bears a dark, dreadful story ...
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So I tried to put Gaius on an unnamed NPC with anamnesis, wondered why the npc didn't change, turned around, and saw a tiny man running in the sky. Confused, wondering who's mount is invisible, I realize to my shock and horror after looking at it's flying pattern that it was, actually, the tiny flying purple pony in Elpis. And he neighs.
Tiny flying neighing Gaius.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 4 months
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The Fae Court - Military:
The Fae Court of the Wanderer, is many things... and thanks to its not-so-insignificant interest in remaining armed and protected, situated as it is mainly within a storied citadel at the heart of a magical mountain... surrounded by hundreds of acres of magically potent fae-monster-infested woodlands, and separated into its own fragmented shard of reality in the Void between Worlds to boot, it is no surprise that the Martial Branch is what it is - a loose collection of well-focused and extremely talented - or perhaps dangerous - individuals all fitted under a flexible-yet-effective hierarchy and honed to a singular goal - protecting the Court, and not only in its many members or unique territory.
Knight(s): Eerie Somby (Head) [ @dethdvncer ], Leanna von Braun (Reserve) [ @automaton-otto ] As much paragons of might as effective leaders, as much one-man-armies as exemplars of the values of the Court (in theory at least), the Knights are the top of the rankings for the Court's military, and the Tip of the Spear when open battle becomes inevitable to protect it from those who would harm it or its many members. Currently, there is only one Active knight, and thus their leadership is not truly in question, but the differentiation between 'Head' Knight and other Knights will perhaps one day be tested. As powerful and deadly as they are to face one-on-one, any and all Knights of the Court of the Wanderer are technically those most heavily or closely sworn to the Lord of the Court itself - as in many ways they are one of the foremost faces of the Court by virtue of their position(s).
Marshal(s): 'Hiegau' of the Black Dogs [ @lookthedevilintheeye ] A more mixed and indirect, if no less important rank just under the Knights, a Marshal of the Fae Court of the Wanderer is effectively meant to fill two roles interchangeably - logistics officer and organizer during peace, and field-commander during wartime. While strong in their own right as a prerequisite, being a Marshal is less about being able to fight so much as being able to Lead and keep one's wits in any sort of struggle - be it maintaining standards and assignments for the many Rangers and Guards in the court, or leading them to battle against deadly odds and winning without major losses. There is only one Marshal position filled at the moment, and the Lord of the Court is eager to see another rise to the position - be it from within the Court's current ranks or otherwise.
Ranger(s): Yuugo [ @heroesxdemons ], Ulan 'La Brújula' of Tangway [ @sins-of-the-sea ], Finn Mertens [ @finncomet ] Rangers are by far the most mixed and flexible of the members of the Martial Branch of the Court, regardless of their skills. By nature, the rank of Ranger is not one of leadership but nonetheless is a position of merit and importance, as Rangers are effectively Operatives ideal for assignments of great difficulty or importance to more actively guard the Court... not only its members, but its interests and investments, even if by occasionally unsavory means. Rangers are not Knights, but rather Spies, Assassins, Bounty-Hunters, and Specialists of many kinds and fields - far from defenseless in a straight-up fight, but generally those who favor tactics and methods other than full-frontal combat to fulfill their objectives. Current rangers include - in no particular order of seniority - an expert in hunting and subduing even the toughest of monsters, an expert assassin and tracker with exceptional skill in stealth and reconnaissance, and an in-training powerhouse of an adventurer learning new skills to better round-out his repertoire in more than simple combat.
Guard(s): Theodore 'Teddy' Augustus Ramsel [ @bleedinghearth ], Mortem [ @cursedfortune ], Nikki Eryl Faden [ @wiildhearrted ] Guards are technically the lowest rank in the military-hierarchy of the Fae Court, but in many ways they remain the backbone of more than just the defenses of the Court and the Halls it is seated within. While in times of war they are both soldiers and the last lines of defense should the Halls be attacked, in times of peace any Guard of the Court is expected to have other duties to help them serve and protect those they have sworn to defend: One such guard happily serves as a de-facto daycare worker in his day-to-day life in the Court, another inspects and maintains the many Runic protections and Wards in and around the Halls, yet another extends her patrol-duties to the wild, monster-infested forests surrounding the Mountain and serves as a Game Warden of sorts to control and maintain the natural defenses and resources the forests offer. While not expected to be front-line soldiers except as a last resort, there is no real requirement or expectation of strength or power to the role, other than simple diligence and an understanding of what might be asked of a Guard in times of need - it is therefore one of the easiest positions to enter and maintain in the Court.
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bleedinghearth · 7 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Theodore Augustus Ramsel. He thinks his name is incredible stuffy.
Dragon doesn't have a name. He's just The Dragon, and the descriptor stuck.
NICKNAME: Teddy, Red, Fireball, Copperhead, Rapunzel (hates this one), Hey You, Scales, Nightingale, and many, many more, depending on the verse and the relationship between him and other muses.
TITLE(S):  Copperhead, The Dragon, Consigliere, Deputy (Retired)
AGE: 46 / 2 (Forty Six and Two by Tool is a good song by the way)
SPECIES: Metahuman*, Malbol'Giath / Extremely convincing dragon mimic
SEX: Male
NATIONALITY: Third-gen Scottish immigrant Evenite/Keftanian
INTERESTS: Cooking, crocheting, gaming, spear-fishing, homesteading, socializing... there's many interests he has, but he's alarmingly social for someone who's a traditional introvert. Dragon enjoys collecting things, as does Teddy, and they have masses of display cases and wall racks.
PROFESSION: Chef, consigliere (verse dependent), sex worker, auction-hopper, deputy sheriff (retired)
BODY TYPE: Swimmer body. He's lank and lean, with dense, not voluminous, muscle. He's just a little bit soft, having developed a small pad of fat on his stomach, but he's not going to get any bigger, his metabolism won't allow it. Dragon's body is the dragon equivalent, being slender, but muscular.
EYES: Turquoise with golden central heterochromia. Dragon's eyes are star-ruby red, bearing a light red ring around the pupil, and a bright red iris, with golden sclerae.
HAIR: Deep copper-red with a blond streak on his left side due to stress-induced poliosis. Dragon does not have this streak in his mane, which is a dark blood-red.
SKIN: Somewhat pale, but with a bit of an islander's tan due to his mixed heritage of Scots and Keftanian. He can get mass amounts of freckles, but he doesn't burn. Dragon's "skin," if you can call scales skin, is a dark crimson, and the actual skin underneath is charcoal black. Teddy is absolutely covered in freckles, as is Dragon, across the shoulders and cheeks, and Dragon is, charmingly, seal-point.
POSTURE: Straight and proper. He holds himself with confidence, but he tends to slouch a little when speaking to others so they aren't intimidated by his height. Dragon is consistently back straight, shoulders square, regardless of whom or for what purpose he's speaking to.
HEIGHT: 6'6"/198 cm, 18'/~5.5 m
VOICE: A low baritone with a broad, non-rhotic Scottish accent. Dragon also has this accent, but masks it somewhat with a phoned-in Received Pronunciation flair. His voice is deeper and rougher, and as The Dragon also carries a heavy note of resonance as his voice rumbles in his lungs.
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: A black leather biker jacket or a tanned bomber with natural wool lining, a wine- or blood-red turtleneck, black jeans, and either Hi-Tops, black leather boots, or black penny loafers.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Verse-dependent. In main verse, it's Jean, in the Theta timeline it's Airin, in the Beta timeline it's Sterling, and in the Upsilon timeline he has a few, including Adrian Tepes, Fenrir/Beowolf Lokison, Oswald Cobblepot, and many satellite partners.
COMPANIONS: Too many to list. This man is very friendly, and as such has many allies, whom he treats with nothing less than pure adoration.
ANTAGONISTS: Verse-dependent. In the main verse, effectively it's the ghost of Pieter Gravesen, Jean's abuser, who doesn't actually haunt Jean, but haunts his mannerisms and mentality. In the Upsilon timeline, he has many enemies, but the most threatening and prominent is Edward Hyde.
STRENGTHS: Immunity to heat and cold, immunity to blunt-force trauma and pressure, resistance to electricity, immunity to poison, super-human strength and speed, as well as his ability to toss out fire and ice with extra steps. Also immune to magic, and resistant to radiation. He's keen of mind, sharp as tacks, and an excellent cook.
WEAKNESSES: Has certain strongly-held values that when challenged, make it easy to get him worked up, he's too trusting, and patient to a fault, giving chances to people he probably shouldn't, and generous to people he shouldn't be. Also tends to play on both sides of a given court, even if he's firmly allied with one side by way of employment. He sees himself as above affiliation, and doesn't see fraternizing with the other side as turncoating if he isn't sharing information and just making friends.
FRUITS: Passionfruit, mangoes, peaches, pretty much any sweet, juicy fruit with bright flavors and a little bit of bite.
DRINKS: Black teas, like English/Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, and Darjeeling. Also enjoys florals like Jasmine, and greens like Oolong. And like any decent Scotsman, likes a good Irn Bru.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Malty, high-quality dark ales, whiskey, rum, red wine, sherry for cooking, plenty of cocktails, Hriob's brews, which can get him drunk, Triple Sec.
SMOKES: Cedar-scented incense.
DRUGS: Weed, usually, in either smokeable or edible form.
Tagged By: @hriobzagelthewanderer
Tagging: @revunant @airxn @rathalascendant @fooltarot @paradisecursed and whoever else wants it
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primordialfell · 3 years
@bleedinghearth​ MAKES CONTACT
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     THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK OF LACHRYMOSE, Chapters Twenty One through Thirty Three. It describes the meeting between Eternatus. Virtuous Worm, and Theodore Ramsel, He Who Leaves Six Footprints. The tale here is as true and honest as the roar of the Worm Our God itself; may you read it and find some comfort. IA.
     -- SO ETERNATUS LOOKED UPON ITS GUEST, and its titanic head swiveled towards the seashore. Six eyes, each one greater in size than the Wyrm Within. Glowing white spots of flesh on hard black-blue bone, the Virtuous Worm grumbled softly, the sound so great that it shook the earth itself. Rivers of sand flowed past the [man]’s feet, and crabs scuttled for safety under the sight.
     THE WORM OUR GOD RESTED A GREAT TALON on the shore. It pulled its body into the ocean, leaving a mighty head to converse with; one that stretched hundreds of feet beyond the boundary of the tide and the seafoam. Brine and salt caked its membranous, bioluminescent flesh, and to gaze upon it incited headaches and a pressure behind the eyes. Regardless of this, the WORM was sympathetic (perhaps not benevolent) to the nature of Man.
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                   Truly so, did the distinction even matter?
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eorzeansavagery · 1 year
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So ... not Eorzea. But "travelling Etheirys" didn't ring as nicely. Those were actually made before the Coerthas line, fun fact! My deepest apologies for poor Teddy across these photoshoots, I can't remember the name of the braid mod for him and I keep forgetting to put his character data on myself. He's stuck with default elezen hair #106.
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eorzeansavagery · 1 year
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Technically with some Dravania but shh. After the events of Endwalker, Maxima, her father, a newly-resurrected Zenos and Theodore embark on a year-long travel of the world, in hopes of helping the Warrior of Light forge a new identity for herself outside of her role as Savior of the Entire Universe. With her mind fractured and heart wounded beyond belief, there isn't much to be lost.
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eorzeansavagery · 1 year
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In the year 1552, Emperor Solus zos Galvus returned to Garlemald from Doma on the back of a great beast - a red dragon, which was from then on kept at the Imperial Palace as a lavished pet of his, as well as a method to threaten those who would offend the Emperor, for the few who dared go against him in the presence of his beast would then end down the creature's gullet, never to be seen again.
Delighted with his new companion, Solus would keep him for the remainder of his life, the dragon occasionally accompanying him to official visits to subjugated nations, most notably Doma and Ala Migho, whether as a threat to those in attendance or simply out of enjoyence for the beast's presence being uncertain to those even closest to the man, as few as they were.
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bleedinghearth · 9 months
NAME: Theodore Ramsel
RESIDENCE: A custom-built house on Loch Lomond. Various other, temporary haunts across timelines.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Way too many. Not counting the duvet, at least seven.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Flannel pants or skivvies.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: It's preferred. Ideal situation is a cuddle puddle.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: So much better. Dear god help him.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: Not really. Big bay window, a sofa, the fucking floor, he'll sleep anywhere as long as he's comfy.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: After eleven PM, usually. He's a night owl.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: He's a feather-light sleeper, any noise or jostling will wake him up.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early riser, though sometimes he sleeps in until past noon.
Tagged by:@thekavseklabs
Tagging: @revunant @airxn @the-blackened-dove @suntdracull and whoever else wants it
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bleedinghearth · 11 months
LEGAL NAME: Theodore Augustus Ramsel
NICKNAME[S]: Teddy, Rapunzel, Oggs, Fireball, Red, Cousin It, Copperhead
DATE OF BIRTH: 9/7/1977
GENDER: Cis male, fluid while in drag
PLACE OF BIRTH: Eveny City, Keftan
CURRENTLY LIVING: Timeline-dependent. Usually on Loch Lomond or in London.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Castillan Spanish, French, Japanese, German, ASL, BSL, Keftan Sign Language
EDUCATION: Bachelor's in Medical Science, most of an MD
HAIR COLOR: Dark ginger
EYE COLOR: Turquoise hazel with golden central heterochromia
HEIGHT: 6'6" as a man, 18' as a dragon
WEIGHT: ~210 lbs as a man, ~3 tonnes as a dragon
SIBLING[S]: Caesar Graham Ramsel
PARENT[S]: Sorcha Ramsel, David Ramsel
RELATIVE[S]: Too many to mention.
CHILDREN: Nicole (estranged), Claire (estranged, status unknown), Emma Chadnezzar (timeline/verse dependent)
PET[S]: Caliburn, a sterling morph boa constrictor, Orion, a crocodog chimaera (alpha timeline only)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual, polyromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: verse-dependent, multiship
SINCE WHEN: Married to Jean Damon since September 21, 2021 (alpha timeline only)
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tagged by: @ama-tcra-su tagging: @the-blackened-dove, @revunant, @suntdracull, @dxsole (pick one idk), @xxlordalexanderxx, and whoever else wants it
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bleedinghearth · 3 years
𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
full name.  Theodore Augustus Ramsel
nicknames / aliases.  Teddy, Rapunzel, Fireball, Skink, Dragon, Toony, Godzilla
size.    6′6′, 210 lbs/~18′, ~3 tonnes
age.   44
zodiac.    Virgo
spoken languages.  English, Spanish, French, German (fluent), Japanese (conversational), ASL/BSL/KESL (fluent)
𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
hair / fur colour.   Copper red
eye colour.    Blue-green hazel
body type.  Skinny and kind of lanky as a result of his height, his chest is broad but still a little on the narrower side, he’s lean and athletic, but he lost his visible abs to a thin layer of fat years ago.
dominant hand.    Left
posture.  Proud, usually, but when speaking to people he doesn’t want to intimidate, he slacks and loosens a bit to make himself look shorter. Usually has good sitting posture.
scars.    A scar over his right eye, a dog bite scar on his left hand, multiple gunshot scars, one on his scalp, wrist scars from nearly having his hands cut off, a vivisection scar down his solar division and chest from...well, yeah, that, and plenty of other, smaller scars.
tattoos.    A caduceus on his left ankle, and a D&D logo on his left calf.
most noticeable features.    Scar over his right eye, long fucking ass hair, and his freckles.
𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉  .
place of birth.   Eveny City, Keftan
siblings.    Caesar Graham Ramsel (younger brother)
parents.   David Ramsel (father), Sorcha Ramsel (mother)
𝖆𝖉𝖚𝖑𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊  .
occupation.  Sex worker
current residence(s).  Inchmurrin, Loch Lomond, Scotland
financial status.    Independently wealthy
driver’s license.    Standard operator’s license
criminal record.     A B&E like, almost thirty years ago, a MOUNTAIN of minor traffic violations
𝖘𝖊𝖝 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊  .
sexual orientation.  Pan/Poly
preferred sexual role.  Switch
turn-ons.   Praise, being able to trust his partner, ovi, cunnilingus/oral (giving), body worship (receiving), light bondage (either), light pet play (either), softcore BDSM (either), breeding kink (giving, doesn't mind receiving but he’s not as wild about it), biting/scratching (either), mouth worship/mouth fondling (receiving), there’s a lot.
turn-offs.    Drawing too much blood, hurting his partners too much, heavy/hardcore bondage/BDSM, heavy petplay, unsanitary kinks, demanding doms, passive subs, pseudo-rape, suspension play
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘  .  
hobbies to pass time.   Reading, gaming, cooking, crochet/knitting, makeup experimentation, getting lost in Wikipedia
mental illnesses. GAD, PTSD, MDD, separation anxiety, anger issues.
bruh u want it you can have it
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bleedinghearth · 3 years
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NAME. Theodore Augustus Ramsel
NICKNAME(S).  Teddy, Rapunzel, Fireball, Red
ALIAS(ES).  Dragon, Officer Ramsel (do not.), whatever Amy has him listed as in her projects folder.
AGE. 44
SPECIES. Metahuman (Genetically Altered)
PRONOUNS. He/Him, situationally, she/her, ma’am (drag only, call him a woman outside the getup and he’ll give you a dirty look)
ORIENTATION. Pansexual Polyromantic
ABILITIES / POWERS. Pyro/Cryokinesis, shapeshifting, formshifting, fireproof, iceproof, bulletproof, electro-resistant, pressure-proof, superhuman strength, speed, hyper-durability, cannot exsanguinate, exceedingly difficult to suffocate, unbreakable bones, accelerated healing factor, death defiance...the list goes on.
INTERESTS. Cooking, baking, collecting trinkets, reading, tabletop games
FEARS. Abandonment, rejection, heartbreak, hurting people he loves, being unable to protect people he loves
GUILTY PLEASURES. ...Suffice it’s a long list.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, Spanish, French, German, some Japanese, BSL, KSL (Keftan Sign Language, not Korean Sign Language)
PROFESSION. Depends on the timeline, anything from a literal vore whore to a professional chef.
BODY TYPE. Lean, lanky, densely built rather than stocky
COLORS. Red, silver, gold
DRINKS. Irn bru, Moxie, tea
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? ALE, BABEY. And Whiskey, and rum, but mostly ale.
SMOKES? Like a freight train, some days.
EVER BEEN ARRESTED? ...That’s a secret.
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bleedinghearth · 3 years
Pros and Cons of Dating my Muse
Name: Theodore “Teddy” Ramsel Race: Metahuman (Genetically modified) Sexuality: Pansexual / Polyromantic
-List all the Pros and Cons of a relationship with your Muse below-
1. So sweet??? He is so sweet. This man is fucking babie. He will damn near wait on you hand and foot (even if you insist that he shouldn’t.) 2. Insists on communication; this will lead to lots of talks about feelings and mental health, and he’s borderline obsessed with consent. 3. So much physical affection. Hugs, kisses, the whole lot. He Fumkign Loves You. 4. Fucking adorable. Look at him. Sure, he’s six and a half feet tall and has a big, nasty scar on his face, but he’s more like a puppy in demeanor than the junkyard dog he resembles. 5. Don’t worry babe he’ll cook tonight if you don’t feel like it. 6. Very physically strong. You will feel safe around him. 7. If he trusts you enough, you’ll get to see him in drag, and that’s always a good time. 8. Trans? Gay? Bi? What’s that? Nothing he fucking cares about, that’s for damn sure. 9. He’s older, so he’s more mature about love than one night stands and wild nights you barely remember after the fact. 10. Will doggedly respect your boundaries.
1. Can be a little clingy, and in fact has separation anxiety to some degree. 2. He is a MESS. PTSD, depression, anxiety, anger issues to a mild degree, and that’s not even starting on Dragon. 3. You can’t have a big dog if you’re with him; he has crippling cynophobia. 4. You also can’t have ophidiophobia yourself. If you’re scared of his darling princess, it’s not going to work out. 5. He will put your needs above his own at a cost to himself (though if it gets too much he WILL complain about it) 6. He’s not afraid to criticize you if he feels you deserve a verbal slap on the cheek. He can also be a little pushy if he thinks he knows what’s best for you. 7. This can be a pro or a con, but he will try to soften you to the idea of letting in a third. He’s polyromantic, and he simply has too much love to spend on one person. 8. The “giant, red, fire-breathing crocodile” thing isn’t for everyone. 9. Has this bad habit of not bringing up stuff that’s bothering him until it’s reached a head. 10. He can play a little rough sometimes, and he is VERY playful.
Pro and Con depending on who you are: fumking leezord....
tagged by: swiped from @magioffire tagging: eh whatever go for it I’m tired
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bleedinghearth · 3 years
name: Theodore “Teddy” Augustus Ramsel
alias(es): Teddy, Ted, Rapunzel, Fireball
gender: Cis Male
age: 43
date of birth: 9/7/77
place of birth: Eveny, Keftan
hometown: Eveny, Keftan
spoken languages: Polyglot; English, German, French, Spanish, KSL, BSL, ASL, and just enough Japanese to get by.
sexual preference: Pansexual, preference for men
occupation: Depends on the timeline, he’s anything from a stocker to a sex worker.
eye color: Hazel
hair color: Ginger (Dark ginger, his hair is a pretty copper-red)
height: 6′6″ / ~18′
scars: Over his right eye, dog bite scar on his left hand, and a deep, thin scar from his collar to his diaphragm over his front.
burns: Oh, yes, like the pyrokinetic can get burn scars. Idiot.
over weight: Nope.
under weight: Nup.
color: Red
hair color: Auburn
eye color: Green
song: Bro there’s so many. Rhiannon’s a strong contender tho.
movie:  Little Shop of Horrors
tv show: Arrested Development/Psych
food: ...bruh
drink: Irn Bru
passed university: Yes, didn’t pass med school.
had sex: His body count is probably higher than yours, unless you’re some fuckwad who lives for multiple human lifetimes.
had sex in public: Uh. Probably? Once.
gotten pregnant: LMAO
kissed a boy: Yea
kissed a girl: And he liked it
gotten tattoos: Yep
gotten piercings: His ears will set off the metal detector (I’m kidding)
had a broken heart: Into a million pieces.
been in love: So many times.
stayed up for more than 24 hours: Does that one time he almost died from a caffeine OD count
a virgin: NAH
a cuddler: YEAH
a kisser: He’s a smoochin’ machine.
scared easily: Only in certain circumstances.
jealous easily: Nah
trustworthy: ABSOLUTELY. You could trust this man with the Hope Diamond.
dominant: Usually. Only because he’s so big, though.
submissive: Loves it.
in love: Timeline dependent. 
single: Timeline dependent.
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: Yeah
thought of suicide: Yup
attempted suicide: Nope
wanted to kill someone: Did, in one timeline.
drove a car: Ye boi
have/had a job: Yea
sibling(s): One younger brother. He loves him.
parents: Sorcha and David
children: Two bastards, Claire and Nicole
pets: Caliburn, his Sterling morph boa.
Tagged by: @xaallo​
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bleedinghearth · 4 years
Brrrrrrr. Brrrrrr. B-
“Hi, Mum. It’s Teddy.”
“Theodore! My sweet baby, how have you been?”
“Could be better. That’s not why I called, though, Mum.”
“Well, what do you need from your old mummy, eh, Theodore?”
“...I wanted to wish you a happy Mother’s Day, and...I’m sending you some things in the post.”
For a moment, there’s not a lot of noise on the line, and then-
“Ohh, Theodore, you don’t have to do that for me, but thank you, love!”
“I want to. I heard you and Dad were in a bit of a bind, so I’m sending you a care package and fifty thousand quid.” 
This time, the silence if much, much longer, and for a brief span, Teddy thinks the call may have dropped, but then he hears a sniffle. 
“Theodore Augustus Ramsel, you bloody cad! Give your poor mother a heart attack!” 
“I mean it, Mum! I shacked up with a new guy, and he’s...troubled, but he’s trying to be better, and he’s so rich he doesn’t know what to do with it all, so I’m sharing what he gave me with you.” 
“Fifty thousand quid, Theodore?”
“He gave me a million.”
“You’re going to end up in trouble sending me that much money!” 
“It’ll help, though, right? Besides, I’m all the way in Wimbledon. I don’t think fifty thousand quid sent in a care package is worth starting an international tiff over.” 
“What happened to moving to Scotland?”
“Money was tight. Not so much, now.” 
“...You’re gonna be the death of me, boy. You’ve got too much kindness in your heart. World en’t ready for you, yet, love.” 
“Then I’ll be ready for the world. I love you, Mum.” 
“I love you, too, Theodore. Stay safe for your old mum, will you?” 
“Working on it.” 
He holds his phone for a long time, as if it’s his mother and not the woman he just talked to. Quietly, tears fall, but he’s got a smile on his face. 
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bleedinghearth · 4 years
Dear Monocle Layton,
I’ll bet you’re real proud of yourself, aren’t you, you piece of shit? Well, guess what, asshole. Your little plan fell through. Everyone’s still here, and your portal is gone. Not only that, but we found Jean’s mother. I’ll bet you’re right pissed off that you died in such an undignified, out-of-sight, impersonal way.
No showdown, no standoff, nothing but my teeth in your flank to show for it.
You show up in my nightmares sometimes, crawling out and swearing vengeance, but you’ve been getting quieter. Not much quieter, but quieter.
You will never do to me what you did to him.
Rot in hell, Theodore Augustus Ramsel
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bleedinghearth · 4 years
It might as well have been the sound of his heart breaking. 
Everything could have been done to prevent it, and everything was forbidden. 
It’s like watching your best friend be wrongfully accused of treason, unable to be tried again after the initial hearing, no one believes you that they’re innocent, and you’re forced to watch as they’re set up in front of a firing squad, to be mercilessly turned into Swiss cheese. 
Pride is the most deadly of poisons, but pigheaded as he is, he knew he wasn’t going to successfully convince Jean to stand down, no matter how much he begged. 
All he could do is trust him. 
So, he trusted him. Trusted him to walk to his death knowing he’d come out of it- eventually- alive. Trusted him to tell a Ramsel, the most pissed-off and fearless family name Keftan has seen for 200 years, to stand down. 
Well, now, when he hears the crack of the gun, that deadly report, it may as well have been him who’d been shot. Who’d be drowning in his own blood. Who’d be laying on grimy cobble, sullying the street with his wounds. And for once...
For once, in forty-two years, for once, when Theodore Ramsel’s heart sings murder, he doesn’t repress it. His sense of vigilantism and justice are too strong, now. The beast in his soul is too strong. It had something it loved, that it cherished, that it found a reason to be a beast for. 
Only one thing had been holding him back from tearing apart that smug bastard’s petticoat, and now he’s dead. 
Three things. Him, his sense of morals, and how he’d turn Layton into a red smear. If he’d turn him into a smear. The Dragon in him shrieks, devour him until there’s nothing left, and Theodore, for once, doesn’t fully disagree that that’s the correct answer. Burn those who would take Our Treasure away.
Consume all in Our path who would bring harm or theft to Our Treasure, in teeth and flame and claw.
The Dragon in him craves blood in its mouth, bones crunching in its teeth, pained, desperate screams of terror of its enemies in its ears, swallowed by its throat. 
He’s going to have to think for a while, and this bottle’s going to be useful.
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