#then wondered why it had a red squiggly line saying it was a typo
neverafters · 8 months
          +          continued from legacy editor here
"no, i definitely think he was high." an aura reader would probably have been the most normal thing that happened to them that week. but she wasn't buying it. was that even something people could do? she didn't think bonnie could. "okay, sure . . . but a new beginning isn't necessarily a good thing. what if it's symbolizing the beginning of the end?" she didn't mean to be such a downer, but with the way her life was going these days, it was hard to stay optimistic. she didn't know how rapunzel and caroline did it. at least caroline could make a b-positive joke. @shesdaylight was just . . . a light in the dark. she always had a way of making elena feel better. "sorry. sorry, you're probably right. we should go to the grill and get shots to celebrate this new beginning," she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
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zombriekid · 5 years
The Devil Takes Care of His Own 3/?? [Alastor/Gender Neutral Reader]
Series: Hazbin Hotel
Chapter Name: Checking In?
Chapter Summary: you’re faced with a dilemma as the happy hotel opens its doors to you
Text from: The Boss
Oh no...
Fuck... oh fuck, oh god no, please.
The drop of your stomach echoes with a fluttering impression, while a surge of heat, abrupt and uncomfortable, licks at the lining of your throat all the way up to your jaw and it bleeds into your ears; the burgundy walls all around you begin to shrink.
“*shit you broke some shit”
With a resounding clack, your phone slips from your grip and plummets to the sturdy countertop below, a noise that makes the three people around you flinch (you notice distantly), but your brain- your outermost awareness- doesn’t even bother. Because your entire world is now summing up to the blurbs of rapid fire notifications assaulting the LCD screen. Message after heated text message just filled to the brim with expletives and threats and perpetual capslock until this massive wall of verbal abuse blurs your vision; makes your head throb in sync with the increasing thump-thump of your heart.
The device vibrates against the bar and its screen lights up with another message alert, this one demanding your immediate response before declaring you a “useless piece of shit”, and then not long after comes a voice mail about a minute in length.
You’re not gonna listen to it though, you’re gonna grovel.
A tap from your right middle finger brings the digital keyboard to the glass, and your digits begin dancing across the letters to formulate what you consider to be a heartfelt apology, and you beg forgiveness for your transgressions as a lowly delivery person.
But three paragraphs in your hand forces a sudden stop; typos in need of amending due to the constant use of the backspace key, an entire sentence underlined by red squiggly lines with no break between the nonsense letters, and without realizing it at some point you accidentally pulled up the emoji list and now thirty percent of your sniveling is made up of a bunch of cartoons. It’s an odd sensation, you think as you stare back at the jargon, a backlog of muscle memory for modern technology yet you can’t even design coherent text messages in order to save face.
In order to save your fucking job.
All because your goddamn useless hands won’t stop fucking shaking.
Suppose it’s a futile effort at this point- your ass is one hundred percent absolutely and totally fired now.
Meaning no money for bills, no money for food, for utilities, for clothes... Here comes your eviction notice- goodbye lumpy mattress, and a fine greeting to the filthy streets of Pentagram City. A steep price for your compulsive philanthropy, go figure that that’s how things operate down here. How bass ackwards.
But that’s alright, that’s okay, you’ve been through worse you think- you’ve been- you’ve...
You’ve suffered through worse before. Homelessness? Ha, nothing compared to the shit you’ve seen willingly, a temporary setback, maybe a coworker will let you sleep on their couch. The new girl, what was her name? Stacy? Yeah, she’s pretty eager she’ll let you crash with her- it’ll give her more of an excuse to “befriend” you but that’s alright. Sacrifice comfort for survival, right?
Not the first time, definitely won’t be the last; life in a concrete jungle is such a fickle bitch, especially here in-
-here in Pentagram City.
Present time. Post death. Hell. The here and now.
Impossibly small hands are pulling the apples of your cheeks into fleshy bulbs, folding your lips as a pout, and the darkened corners of your vision dim until Niffty’s lone ocular takes precedence in sight; a triad of quick blinks help anchor your focus.
Oh. How wonderful. Yet another episode... how many does that make today? Certainly way more than usual.
You blame the stress.
“Newbie, you okay?” Niffty asks with a tight throat, and a bob of your head delivers your response.
“Just havin’ a... moment. But I’m alright now.”
She glances down to her right in the direction of your phone, still glaring at you from the grainy surface of the bar, and it’s as if you can literally see the gears in her brain start to rotate. You’re fairly certain that she’s about to put two and two together and get four.
“That’s just my own bossman, Mr. Terry. Well, pretty sure he’s my former boss now.”
“Is it cause of today? When you helped me?”
Your knee-jerk reaction is to mindlessly blurt out a response that would confirm her suspicions, but luckily whatever humanity remains in tact notices her pitch- not necessarily concern rather something akin to it paints the undertone- and it clamps your mouth shut with an audible click of your teeth. Because what you were about to do, what you were about to say, be it directly or indirectly that was going to shift at least some of the blame on to her, and that would be completely unfair. The fault doesn’t lie with her. It’s entirely your own. First off the little lady didn’t even ask for your help, she didn’t beckon to you she didn’t plead for interception, you swooping in to “save the day” was your body’s reflexive need to act, to just do something instead of perpetuating the stereotype of morbidly curious bystander. Second, the manner of which how you saved her was incredibly, stupidly sloppy- a path of damage shadowing your trek and all you left behind was a substantial cost of repairs and replacements. Since when was charging through a line of stores ever a good idea?!
No, you made the decision to do something about Niffty’s situation, so you could’ve found a better way to engage it- actually you should’ve found a better way, but your lapse in judgment cost some people tools, resources, products, and even some clientele, thus costing you practically everything, and now Hell is demanding its pound of flesh from someone’s hide.
Don’t let her believe that it may come from her.
“Nah, I accidentally pissed off some clients recently,” you say as you gently take hold of her hands and remove them from your face. “No need to worry about it, kiddo.” Which none of that is a lie in any capacity, sometimes your cleverness does in fact shine through.
Niffty doesn’t seem to think so, though obviously there’s no way for her to know without some form of mind reading, regardless her face falls into a displeased frown complete with round, bulgy cheeks. “I’m not a kid, Newb. Besides you’re younger than me!”
Oh, she’s so friggin precious, you’re gonna miss this youngen. “In terms of dates, sure. But my, uhh, ‘departure time’ so to speak-” you decorate this with air quotes “-gives me some years on ya.”
“Yeah, by a few at most.”
... No? By, like, ten-ish years? Are you missing something?
“Dude I’m pretty sure I died somewhere in my twenties.”
“Okay? And?”
Okay, yeah, you’re definitely missing something. The tingles on the back of your neck prove this.
She’s not a child, is she?
“... Niffty, how old were you when you bought the farm?”
“Twenty two.”
Alright, okay, that’s dope- how long until the next extermination? That’s a thing you’ve heard about, and you’d really love to volunteer yourself to be first in line right about now. The sooner the better, really.
From pit in his stomach comes an eruption of raucous glee, such an intense reaction that it forces Angel Dust- long forgotten until now- to bend until he’s bracing himself with two hands on his knees, the other pair clutching around his heaving abdomen, as he cry-laughs at your expense.
Meanwhile, the feathered feline fellow manning the bar makes a sound in the back of his throat loud enough to reach your ears, and when you give him your attention he deems the conversation relevant enough to glimpse at you from the corner of his amber eyes; there’s a deep green bottle entrapped in his massive paws and with a tip of the neck he takes a hearty swig before he finally mutters whatever is on his mind. You catch a whiff of the unmistakeable odor of bitter, cheap booze.
“Didja really think Niff’s a kid?”
Ten minutes.
Ten whole arduous minutes spent enduring rigorous taunting and not-so-light-hearted ribbing from all three demonic compatriots; statements such as “not so bright are ya, smooth talka?” ala Angel and “no wonder you’re so weird” courtesy of Niffty force the tips of your ears to sear with your cheeks quickly following the same trend.
In your defense, Niffty’s rather small stature and youthful disposition makes her seem much younger than she actually (apparently) is, and sincerest apologies to the court but she’s the most humanoid individual you’ve encountered downside- other than Charlie, of course- so how were you to know that she wasn’t a child in danger solely based on the information you were given? It’s not like you had the time to stop and ask!
And if this trio of assholes would take a few moments to consider your perspective then maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to jump straight to mockery, so until they do they can just suck your bits.
Some time passes, you’re unclear on how much for you refuse to even so much as think of your phone right now, and though you’ve yet to receive anything further from Mr. Terry- no more text messages, no more voice mails, no more notifications- and though the hotel’s three residents have retired from their cruelty and are seeking entertainment elsewhere- Niffty on a dusty painting, Husk at the bottom of a bottle, and Angel Dust... doing whatever in another room- still you find no peace.
No respite from this fuster cluck of a situatio.
And you don’t know what you’re going to do about it.
But you gotta do something, can’t let this continue to fester, so take a deep breath: one, two, three, four- and let it out: five, six, seven, eight- and repeat. Clear your head. Think about this logically.
The first step should be an apology, of course, but your gut tells you that a simple “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to, won’t happen again” just wouldn’t suffice- not for a group of pissed off demons at least. And your employment with Mr. Terry is a measly two weeks young, nowhere near enough to build up some sort of history of positive work ethic, so starting with him is practically a fool’s errand already.
After all, your enigmatic boss isn’t known for his mercy.
... maybe...
Maybe you’re on to something with that assessment.
Maybe you shouldn’t apologize to him first but rather save him for last. Work up the list of priorities instead of down.
Starting with the demon you pissed off first: Mrs. Sowbelly.
Two pokes at your back.
A delicate, graceful exclamation of “FUCK!” comes bellowing out of your mouth as the abrupt shock nearly sends your ass careening to the floor, your hands scrambling upon the bar in order to hook stability.
Mere seconds later and you find Charlie over the slope of your shoulder with her right index finger pointed in your direction; the look on her face suggests that your squawking startled her. In this moment your mouth works much faster than your brain and an apology is already leaping off your tongue... that is until you notice the person standing next to her.
Now, not to be rude about it, but there’s nothing inherently striking about this individual; gray tinted skin, long white hair pouring down the length of her spine, a few inches shorter than the blonde at her side, and a large pink eye staring straight at you with something like irritation. For the most part, she looks human- not humanoid like Charlie and Niffty, but like you.
And that’s why she’s stealing your attention.
“Hey Newbie, I want to introduce you to the Happy Hotel’s manager and my partner, Vaggie.” Charlie says with a somewhat forced smile, likely residual from your outburst.
With your eyes trained on the gal in question, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “Howdy, pleasure to meet you.”
Vaggie doesn’t say anything back.
Luckily, however, Charlie keeps the conversation rolling.
“The two of us actually wanted to talk to you about something important. Is... is that okay?”
For your anxiety? Anything that even remotely parallels “we need to talk” is a near guarantee to sending your heart to the racetrack, so no it’s not okay in that regard. That being said, given her response earlier, before Mr. Terry battered you with derisive texts, and the fact that she called the manager/her girlfriend over is... well, you’d be lying if you said that you aren’t intrigued. Skeptical, maybe even paranoid, but intrigued. So you give your consent.
“Cool beans! So, umm, I think I’m just going to cut to the chase here,” she clears her throat, “we want you to stay here. At the Happy Hotel. To be rehabilitated.”
“I’m sorry, fucking what?”
The question is out before the rest of your body has time to process Charlie’s words, but even when you fully digest the information you’re still left feeling perplexed. What does she mean “rehabilitation”, what all does that entail, why did she have to call her girlfriend for this?
And, oh, how her patience seems to know no bounds for the smile that curls on her lips is soft, and her brow pulls together in what you can only call generosity. Like she understands your confusion; makes you wonder how often she goes through this schtick.
“Allow me to explain our predicament since you’re still new.”
And she does, in great detail, weaving a copper-scented tapestry with threads dyed the shades of suffering and heinous sin. In less pretentious terms, she regurgitates material you’ve only heard in passing. Hell is bursting at the seams with its substantial over population issue, one that only grows more exacerbated with each newcomer, and with limited real estate and even more limited resources the powers that be reached the conclusion long ago that a percentage just... has to go. Enter the exterminators, a team set out from the tippy topside whose sole purpose is to literally slash some numbers in half once a year.
Charlie doesn’t like this, in fact her exact words are “it kills me inside knowing that my people are being systematically annihilated” and honestly they kinda make you equate this to that of a speech from some representative- an authority figure, someone with power, which makes sense if this is her hotel. It’s pretty, the way she feels about the annual genocide, but you’ve yet to hear her alternative solution if she has any to begin with.
As the saying goes, actions do speak louder than words.
That’s when she genuinely explains the hotel’s purpose: to purge the demons of their vices, purify their souls, make right their wrong doings from when they were alive so that they can walk through the pearly gates as a reborn person, faultless and whole. Redemption. Rehabilitation. Because a hotel is only a temporary pitstop between two destinations.
The idea... makes enough sense, you guess.
“I mean, that’s neat, super admirable, and the whole idea of reforming demons instead of just- ya know- offing them sounds way better in comparison. But uhh- what does this have to do with me?”
“Well,” Charlie looks over at Vaggie before advancing her explanation, “you’re new. You haven’t regained your memories yet, your body hasn’t adapted yet, you still have your humanity- I mean you helped Niffty out of a tight spot without any expectation of a reward!”
“Nah, I just did what felt like the right thing at the time.”
“Exactly! We need someone like that here!”
Now the picture has clarity.
What Charlie said earlier, “... if I can help just one demon find redemption here then everyone else will believe too!” that was merely another way of saying “we haven’t succeeded yet.” And judging by the way the hotel’s current residents, this motley crew of friends(?), they’ve been trying with people who have been here a lot longer than you have- you, a newbie that hasn’t gone through “the Change” yet, hasn’t full acclimated or been assimilated into the disgusting system of eternal suffering. Like they have. If redemption can be had here it’s more likely to be found with a newcomer like you, and if you can be saved then it’ll prove possible for anyone else.
At least that’s what you’ve surmised from the situation.
It doesn’t sit right with you though.
You did something topside to warrant your arrival here, or maybe you did a lot of things, or maybe you didn’t do enough, you don’t know and that’s the point. You don’t remember. There could be a mountain of skeletons shoved into your closet that you’re completely unaware of and until further notice that’s where they’re going to remain if they even exist.
You. Don’t. Know.
There are way too many unknown variables regarding your past- no, you’re very identity, and though you’ve been reassured on numerous occasions that that’s actually the standard here for newcomers... that doesn’t mean you deserve a second chance. Because who you were may not deserve it.
So don’t waste the room on a potential lost cause, is what you tell them.
“All the more reason to try it now before your memories can influence you.” Vaggie says in a firm voice, the very first you’ve heard her speak. 
And admittedly the logic is sound, you’re not trying to dispute that, it’s just... 
Not you- a clattering racket against the bar top- anyone else may deserve this opportunity- disrupts the conversation- but not you- and it takes all of two seconds to determine the source. It’s your phone, probably Mr. Terry announcing you officially dead to his business.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Still Vaggie.
As of right now, no, you really don’t.
“Residents can board here for free, you just have to stay clean- no sinning, at least as best you can.”
That’s not too bad, you think. Maybe you should-
No! No, one “good deed” doesn’t merit a shot at atonement. It’s not going to negate whatever it is you did to topside to leave you downside.
...but you’re more than likely out of a job now, one that barely paid enough to cover expenses to begin with, and losing your apartment is trailing not that far behind.
“What do you say, Newbie?”
“I-” the sudden dryness in your throat drags forth a minor coughing fit. “I don’t know if I deserve it.”
“Only one way to find out.”
Sacrifice comfort for survival, right?
You take a deep breath. “O-okay. Where’s the check-in sheet?”
a/u: mental health has been a bitch to deal with so i’m sorry that this took longer than i expected. i have half a mind to scrap this and redo it again but i’ma do this funky fresh thing where i stop overanalyzing it and put it out there for y’all to read. still no beta, and still no al yet, but we’re definitely getting c l o s e r, got this bitch all planned out and everything. y’all know the deal by now: like, reblog, and comment; the engagement makes my lil queer kokoro go doki doki
tagged: @kryptum-one @itz-kira @peachesandkats (i’m in love with all three of y’all, just letting you know)
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justinglawe · 7 years
Trump’s typos indicate a careless presidency
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On Saturday, Donald Trump accused former President Obama of wiretapping him during the campaign. Perhaps you heard about it.
When I read the tweets I was, of course, thinking how insane they were. If Trump was wiretapped, it would have been a FISA court that ordered it—and it would have done so under the suspicion that Trump had “committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power,” The New York Times reported.
“How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process,” Trump asked without a question mark. “This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!”
The brazenness of the charge is shocking—as are most of Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations. The fact that it contained an obvious typo is not.
More than a day later later, as the tweet still stares back at me from the glowing void of the Internet that allows for the President’s every thought accompanied by his tenuous grasp of the English language to be transmitted directly into my tired eyeballs, I wonder why it still says “tapp.”
No correction. No deleting the tweet and replacing it with a new one that correctly spells tap. Just “tapp,” sitting there, boring a hole into my frontal lobe with its glaring stupidity or stubbornness, depending on what you choose to believe. Our President, I have thought many times over the past 30 hours, either cannot spell the word “tap” or refuses to correct a mistake.
Each morning, I along with tens of thousands of journalists and about 24 percent of American adults log onto Twitter. Many of us go to Trump’s page to see what the president has said the night before or hours before most people have woken up. Sometimes he’ll promote an upcoming television appearance. Often, the president will critique media that is not friendly to him. Sometimes, like yesterday, Trump will launch a baseless attack against a foe that has little or no evidence behind it, sending aides scrambling to explain the president’s allegation and news organizations into their familiar, daily mode of debunking a presidential falsehood.
No matter what he says, Trump’s tweets usually contain a typo.
On Friday it was “hereby,” which Trump misspelled twice before getting it right.
“I hear by,” he said at first, before thinking better of it.
“I hearby,” he tried again.
Finally, “I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi and her close ties to Russia, and lying about it,” the president said in a sentence of questionable grammatical effectiveness. (Her close ties, should they exist, are plural and should therefore be referred to as “them,” and not “it.”)
For most Trump supporters—and probably for most Americans—none of this matters. With the vast majority of Americans not even on Twitter, most people view this media echo chamber in which journalists spent a disgusting amount of their time like they would any other place they don’t frequent: not too important.
But to journalists, Twitter is our home and language our currency. We understand the power of words because we deal in them each day—which is why we’re not the only ones who are taken aback when the Leader of the Free World uses Twitter to speak openly and freely and, in the minds of many, irresponsibly.
We also understand, as people who write not only to make a living but to inform our fellow citizens of news, make arguments, explain the sometimes confusing mechanisms of government and ask specific questions of those in power, that spelling words correctly and using language with precision is important to achieve success in any of those realms.
So, to watch a man bludgeon the English language each day and see few consequences for it is maddening.
I imagine many people would say Trump’s typos are simply mistakes. But this can’t be true. Because when something is done consistently—whether it’s striking out on high fastballs or not using your turn signal—the pattern shows that the action is more than a mental lapse. It is something that has been learned and can be unlearned, in those two examples. For Trump, to fix the problem would require learning, which is another reason that his poor grammar is so bewildering to journalists: how can someone who has achieved so much in life, who has made tens of millions of dollars, who has become the President of the United States, not know how to spell “tap” or be too stubborn to make a simple correction? (Don’t tell me he doesn’t have time; Trump watches six hours of TV a day and plays at least a round of golf almost every weekend. Plus, he has fixed tweets before.)
I can’t tell you why Trump doesn’t care to make a correction, but I can say for certain that he has had enough issues with the English language to suggest that his errors are more than mistakes made in the heat of the moment. He has consistently misspelled words on his Twitter account—my personal favorite is “unpresidented,” a hilarious misspelling as well as the possible subject of a lengthy psychotherapy session.
Google “Donald Trump typo” and more than a half million results come up. Hit the News icon and there’s usually an article from a few hours ago. On Saturday afternoon, it was a Politico piece noting that it isn’t just Trump who struggles with spelling and grammar, but his entire Administration.
The article notes several recent errors on the part of Trump’s White House—the most simplistic of which appears to be the old to/too mix-up, a mistake that prompted the Library of Congress to remove from its website a pre-Inauguration poster created by the Administration that had been for sale. (The best part: the poster managed to get the spelling right the first time around. “No dream is too big, no challenge to great,” it read.)
And right there, the little red squiggly line just showed up under “to,” as I wrote. Most phones don’t even tell you that you’ve just spelled something incorrectly, instead automatically correcting the mistake. So how is it that a White House document listing terrorist attacks that supposedly weren’t covered by the media (they all were) contained the non-existent word “attaker” 27 times? How can the president, typing on the Android phone we all know he uses for his personal tweets, misspell “honored” as “honered”?
If you consider this nitpicking, fine. But think of how you would feel if you were the attorney general of American Samoa traveling to the White House only to learn that your territory had been identified in an official document released to the press as “American Sonoma.”
One person told me that perhaps Trump should be considered an “idea man,” someone whose overall plans and ideas are what makes him a success, and that it’s up to others underneath him to sort out the details. That’s understandable; idea men can get a lot done and can prompt great change. But that’s why they have handlers. That’s why they have people who filter their ideas through sober-minded reasoning, detailed planning and careful implementation.
At times during Trump’s first weeks in office, his aides have been successful at reining him in, but his tweets show that he continues to act without the filter of the more cautious minds around him. (Forget about typos momentarily and consider that Trump may have accused Obama of a crime yesterday with tweets that White House aides did not know were coming until they woke up and saw them on their phones.) It’s also possible that Trump, not a fan of criticism of any kind, is ignoring his phone’s suggestion that he properly spell some words. I think what’s most likely, though, is that the president simply doesn’t care to go back and fix a simple mistake.
This should tell you everything you need to know about the man we have chosen to run our country.
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