#then Ferdie 😉
lorstone · 2 years
Ferdinand Kingsley would make a fantastic Doctor. He’d have to wear the glasses though and this is non negotiable.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
(Bringing this as a bit of background-Teemu is basically the singing voice of Cherry from studio killers)
So, musician Dream finally gets to work with singer Hope (no one has ever seen her face face before, her voice is this sweet melodic sound, all the vibrato and high notes are always exquisite in execution, has never had a live event, only using youtube/soundcloud/spotify and other media to promote herself, from time to time you can see some pictures of her daily day life but she is never in them)
So, when Dream gets an dm, from the very Hope herself, asking shyly if he wants to do some collaboration with her, Dream eagerly agrees.
Dream has been in this kind of love with her, he knows it is extremely hard for that relationship to ever exist but he is a romantic fool, he takes this opportunity as some sort of miracle.
Dreams thinks of Hope as a delicate, vibrant, elegant woman, and, allowing himself to daydream about her appearance, he is certainly convinced that the singer must have such beautiful doe eyes.
Because he says so XD
Imagine his surprise when the one he mets is a man, big chest, hairy (very handsome thats for certain) and with a very chatty friendly, sometimes rude and rash personality! (On the side note, the very beautiful doe eyes are in the end, the only thing that's true about Hope/Hob)
Dream belives its a joke and goes along with Hob for a while, annoyed, but still going along the joke, until they start to get a brainstorm of what the collab its gonna be and Hob (He really didnt thought that much about his idol name XD) starts to sing.
And it is, indeed, with no doubt, the person he fell in love.
(Also, its first time Hob has ever shown himself as 'Hope' to anyone besides his family/close friends. So, its no like he is doing this because he thinks Dream is an amazing musician, very alluring, goth, mysterious and overall his type, nope, not at all, its not like he has been in all his presentations and listens to his music religiously and has regular horny thoughts of said goth rearranging his guts in the most extremely, steamy sex ever, Hob might have saved his best melodic moans to Dream and Dream only)
///Let's just pretend Ferdie's voice can do this super cool stuff for this to work XD///
Anon!!!! You have MOST galaxy brain ever. I'm absolutely enthralled and obsessed with this!!! And as Ferdie is a music producer, I can totally believe in this 😉
Dream has this whole mental picture of what Hope probably looks like. Petite, angelic and sophisticated. She probably dresses in the cutest outfits and of course she has the most soulful brown eyes. Dream definitely has some quite elaborate fantasies as he listens to the music, sometimes he makes himself blush because he finds his own thoughts so cringey!
Those eyes that he had imagined meet his across the room, and the soft brown is even more beautiful than he'd dreamed of. As for the rest of Hope's appearance... Dream was quite far off the mark. Hob is an attractive guy, with a neat beard and chest hair just peeping out over the collar of his thin white t-shirt. He shakes Dream’s hand enthusiastically and immediately starts to gush about how much his loves Dream’s music, what his favourites are, how he's even been to a few of Dream’s live events. And Dream has this feeling that he ought to be disappointed. He ought to feel like he's been tricked into something. But the Hope inside his head has been easily replaced by Hob himself already.
The second Hob does a vocal warmup, Dream’s jaw almost hits the floor. Although he knows now that Hob is Hope, he just can't believe that those sounds are coming out of Hob’s mouth. Hob gets a little shy, then. He says that he knows his image doesn't match up with his music, that's why he's never ever shown his face. He was just so desperate to collaborate with Dream, he had to at least give it a shot.
Dream absolutely melts and quickly takes Hob’s hands. He explains that he was drawn to Hope's voice, and it doesn't matter what he look like! Dream wants them to make music together, and if Hob is amenable, they could maybe also get dinner?
Hob sings beautifully for Dream during the following warmup and studio session. But none of those sounds can quite compare to his desperate, warbling moans as he bounces himself on Dream’s cock later on. That's real music. And one day, Dream is going to record it for all the world to hear.
For now though, Hope belongs entirely to him.
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yourpalmickeymouse · 1 month
Hello Mickey! How ya doing pal? (Hope you’re having a swell day)
I wanna ask, what do you think about your nephews Morty and Ferdie? I assume you’re kinda close with you considering well. You’re their uncle and I feel you do fun stuff with them sometimes. And another question is, what’s your current job right now? Do you enjoy it (or do you feel you wanna do something more fun. That you clearly enjoy the most)?
That’s all! (Sorry if it’s too long) see ya later Mickey :)
-Sunny ☀️
Hiya Sunny!
I am havin' a swell day! Thank you for askin'!
What great questions. I would love to answer 'em both.
Oh, I love my nephews Morty and Ferdie. They're just so fun and energetic and every time they come over and visit, I just know that my day is about to be 100 times more interesting. They can sometimes... get into things they shouldn't. But I also was a mischief maker back in the day, so I have no standin' to say anything. In fact, I actually see a lot of myself in them. Just like me, they can go overboard sometimes. But they also have hearts of gold and are usually clever enough to fix it, or at least know when to get help. That's usually when I come in 😆.
I know the boys can sometimes seem as if they are the same person, but they're pretty different. Morty, who tends to dress in reds, is definitely the more rowdy and brave one. He's usually the one findin' the trouble in the first place 🤦. But it comes from a strong drive for life and so much excitement for what the world has to offer. He has such big dreams and hopes and honestly, I hope he goes far. Unfortunately, he doesn't always think through what he does. He tends to run into things head-first and without warning, but he has good instincts that help keep him safe. And a lot of times his spontaneity is just what the situation needs 😉.
Ferdie, the one wearing more blues and sometimes wears glasses, on the other hand, is more shy but is extremely smart and mature for his age. He's usually the one being dragged into trouble by his brother🤷, but I think he enjoys the adventures they go on, just as much as his brother. They help him come out of his shell and be more prepared to face the unknown. He prefers when things are more planned out and can be hesitant to unexpected changes. But it is because he cares about havin' a good future. He was just askin' me about good colleges yesterday and he's not even in high school. He has a very bright future ahead of him and I cannot wait to see where he goes 🌞.
As for your second question,
I'm actually currently workin' as a Detective for the Mouseton Police Department. And honestly, things seem okay so far. I used to have another job, but they weren't treatin' me right and wouldn't let me grow in the ways I wanted to. It was tough movin' from that job as I genuinely thought that it was my dream, and revolved so much of my early life around it. But it wasn't makin' me happy, and I kinda think I misattributed some of the positive experiences I had with my sister, who is still workin' in that field, with my feelin' towards the work. Honestly, it can be tough figurin' out where you belong. And even I still feel like I haven't figured that out yet
Luckily my new job is definitely a step up. For starters, the people I work with are much better. I was already pretty close with Chief O'Hara as he was my neighbor growin' up. He tends to be very supportive and even recommended me for the detective role (even though I think I might be a bit underqualified, I didn't realize how high rank of a position it was 😓). But he says he trusts my skills and convinced the others that it was a good idea. So I guess I better not mess this up. There's so much pressure.
Though I mostly work with the other two detectives. Brick can seem a bit intimidatin' on the outside. He's pretty big. But you'll soon learn that he's neat once you talk to him. If you ask questions 'bout Texas, he'll be your best friend in an instant. Though be prepared to listen to him for hours, haha. Casey on the other hand... Well... He can be a bit of a... challenge sometimes. I think like me, he's also under a lot of pressure, and that causes him to be a bit stubborn and hesitant to get help. He apparently was really strugglin' with cases before Brick and I came into the picture and it probably felt like an attack on his pride when we came to help. But I think he genuinely cares and wants to do a good job. And with the right push, he can do a swell job.
However, it isn't just the people that make this job a step up. I actually think I am enjoyin' the work more. There is just something 'bout investigatin' and solvin' crimes that clicks with me. Every time we get a new case, I don't wanna put it down until I have it all figured out. Maybe O'Hara was onto something when he hired me. And even better yet the work I do is actually helpin' people get justice which is what I really care about. I've always wanted to make the world a better place, and I feel like I'm doin' my part with every sinister scheme I stop and every person I help.
Though, I can't say everything is perfect. While I do enjoy my work and the people I work with. There are quite a few elements of working with the Police Department that... I am not sure how I feel 'bout. It's honestly hard to talk about. I just don't want O'Hara to feel like he made a mistake. But I also want to make sure I'm doin' the right thing.
But hopefully, that answers your questions! 😄 This was pretty long, but I wanted to give you my best answers.
I hope you have a swell rest of your day, Sunny!!!
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sevarix-blogs · 3 years
In Post-Timeskip, don't make fun of Ferdie's hair. Unless you want to get your ass beaten.
i don't think i have 😅 but uh. thanks for the warning?
didn't realize people were so defensive over ferdie's hair...
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tarikofsicall · 2 years
Üzülünce demlisi,
Sevinince şekerlisi,
Aşıkken ince bellisi
Efkarlanınca ferdi abilisi…
Velhasıl çay içmek güzel şey .. 😉
Tumblr media
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three-moving · 3 years
Let's go wiiiiiiith... Ferdinand von Aegir! 😉
ferdinand von aegir my beloved!!
Sexuality Headcanon: pansexual. i am not taking criticism.
Gender Headcanon: i don't think he'd really care too much about labels, but transmasc ferdie makes me very happy :)
A ship I have with said character: hubert. hubert hubert hubert. i also don't mind ferdie x hubert x dorothea as an ot3.
A BROTP I have with said character: edelgard! i just want them to be friends. very competitive friends.
A NOTP I have with said character: hilda. i'm not a huge fan of their supports and i don't think they'd do well in a relationship.
A random headcanon: after his B-support with dorothea, he gets really into baking. he mostly makes sweets that go well with tea, but he also makes them as gifts for friends. love is stored in ferdie's sweets.
General Opinion over said character: when i first played 3H, i didn't like him much. i thought he was kind of pretentious and full of himself. but then i played through CF and really started to like him! now he is my favourite sunshine boy. i love him very much :)
thanks for asking!
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