#themosthatedbeing || dragons entwined
- rumbles to his brother to get him to come chase him and play fluffing up his wings- @themosthatedbeingg
Lucid answers with puffing all his feathers up and several sharp flaps of his multiple wings. The little white and blue dragon looks even more like a fuzzball, chasing after the far larger dragon. He nips at Lucifer’s tail, chittering and chirping playfully.
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brokendreamscreation · 2 months
@themosthatedbeing cont.)
Whoops, maybe he should not have snuck up on his predecessor like that. Of course the seraphim thought this was a rather vivid dream after all. Some deep self-consciousness fear trying to help Lucid work through his fears. As soon as the devil nearly fell backwards in alarm, Lucid jumped back as well with all 6 of his sky blue wings puffed.
“OH! Oh goodness, I-I did not think you’d react like that. Or…honestly I’m not sure what I expected.” Lucid tapped at his chin in thought for a moment before shaking to clear his derailed thoughts. “Well I’m…you. Not you you, but another you, you see?”
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Deliberate Injury Gambit Starters:
[HIT] The sender intentionally takes a hit from the opponent, creating an opportunity for the receiver to counterattack. - @themosthatedbeingg
The beak filled with dagger like teeth deep sank into Lucifer’s neck, the transformed Nephil expelling gigawatts of electricity into the dragon king. Dearil, Bring of Death, was half the King of Hells dragon form, but cunning and swift. However he did not anticipate another player to enter the fight. Rocketing out of the clouds, a glowing white-blue dragon with six wings directed a blast of holy light from his maw and into the side of the monstrosities face. Bellowing in pain, the beast released his jaws on Lucifer, flaring one of his dark feathered wings in an attempt to knock Lucid from the sky, the small feathery dragon barely dodging in a spin.
The younger twins voice shouts in the mind of the other. Lucid wheeled back around and up into the violent storm clouds surrounding them. The lightning bolts were being absorbed by Dearil, charging the rogue Nephil with every strike upon his body.
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