#their self hate faze looked much cooler tho!
nellasbookplanet · 1 year
I do find it odd that I see so many negative takes about the official Yasha design. Like, fair, I would also like her to be bigger and more muscly, but all the "oh, early Yasha looked so much cooler, she looks so boring now" takes? When the disheveled look of early Yasha - the messy hair and makeup, the tattered clothes - was very much a mix of her being in mourning and in too bad a place mentally too care for herself? No one looks at late campaign Caleb and complains that he looked better when he was covered in dirt; they actually recognize that his less messy look is a sign of healing.
Though maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, seeing as there are still people out there who would’ve prefered that Fjord kept faking a texan accent over his actual voice because that was cooler.
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