#the whole show sounds bonkers on a reality tv way and an irresponsible of netflix to produce a show this inaccurate about judaism way
moregraceful · 11 months
kasper, you are the best. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Thank you anon, you are so sweet! I was having a bad morning but pillar of tumblr's sanity Dr. Grace baking-soda explained to me that doctors have admin days and so that is probably why my doctor has not contacted me yet and if I were truly dying she would have called me. So I am NOT dying imminently. (Did write my last will and testament. But that's just good planning imho.) Also having cleaned my apartment I am feeling much better about the state of things. Sometimes you just gotta wipe down surfaces, you know.
Also, my friend Mars has been texting me every single thought they've had while watching My Unorthodox Life on Netflix and they just finished today and can I just: reality tv stars are bananas. Netflix just lets you get on their streaming service and say anything and do anything. The mom was talking about her adult daughters squirting?? In a pizza parlor??? But I was enjoying watching vicariously and learning about Orthodox Judaism through Mars getting mad at how inaccurate the show is about Orthodox communities and Orthodox structure. I'm interested to see what reality show I get to watch next through my friend and what drive-by psychological damage I take from it. They were watching the Ultimatum: Lesbians Edition earlier last week and I took psychic damage from their description of that one too. Like people just be getting on tv and screaming "YOU HAD YOUR FINGERS IN MY GIRLFRIEND" like it's nothing. Like yes you could hear that in any given gay or lesbian bar in San Francisco or San Jose, but that's in the privacy of our communities. Not in front of every person on netflix my god lmao. Anyway I am having a good day overall though I think I will probably be very tired tomorrow.
Thank you for sending this ask, I appreciate it!! You are very sweet!!
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