#the whole grain gluten free audacity of it all
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Why does the new Silent Hill merch look like the shit people get printed when a child goes missing. Or like. When family member dies unexpectedly.
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What’s your take on Eva not right out telling Naked Snake that Raikov may have been gay? What would be her reasoning for milling around and not getting right to the point?
In MGS2, Solid Snake told Raiden that Vamp was bisexual. Why can’t Eva just tell John that Raikov is possibly homosexual? Do you think it had anything to do with the time period?
Anon, she all but tells him point blank multiple times that Raikov is both gay and Volgin’s lover and then straight up calls him slow over the radio when it doesn’t register for him at all — you can’t get much more obvious than Eva telling Snake that ‘he would have a better chance at getting Raikov to take his clothes off than her’, and it went right over his head. A running joke with Snake/BB (and later Solid Snake) is that he’s both incredibly intelligent and remarkably stupid at the same time, depending on the subject at hand. EVA was just being slightly cheeky and playful, and Snake is fucking oblivious.
It’s also a a bit of a play/flip on the MGS2 bit. Snake doesn’t explicitly tell Raiden about Vamp’s sexuality at all — just states that Vamp was Scott Dolph (Fortune’s father)’s lover, and that he and Fortune are very close but not romantically involved. He then goes into a long winded rundown of Vamp’s tragic backstory and how he ultimately had to drink his deceased family’s blood to survive the situation he was in. Raiden comes to the very logical conclusion that his backstory must why his codename is ‘Vamp’. Then Snake has the whole grain, gluten-free audacity to sound annoyed —as if Raiden hasn’t been paying attention/is slow to the draw — and tells Raiden that it’s because he’s bisexual. Vamp is a pretty old fashioned word for a woman who uses her charm/beauty/charisma/mysteriousness to hypnotize and seduce men, and it realistically wouldn’t be the first word a ~20-something year old in the 2000’s would think of to describe a bisexual man, even if he embodies the same characteristics.
Both conversations are ultimately two generations of guys codenamed ‘Snake’ showcasing two similar flavors of dumbass.
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