#the vietnam war. shot in late 79 and early 80 this suffered the fate of many a low budget horror‚ being sold to a distributor that tinkered
mariocki · 2 years
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Deadly Games (1982)
"It's an incredible feeling, you know? You hold someone's life in your hands, and because you choose... the life passes out of them. Now there's a game again. With winners and losers."
#deadly games#1982#slasher film#american cinema#scott mansfield#jo ann harris#alexandra morgan#sam groom#steve railsback#saul sindell#dick butkus#denise galik#christine l. tudor#robin hoff#jere rae mansfield#colleen camp#june lockhart#william patrick johnson#modest indie sort of slasher that's less about slashing and more about the sickly deterioration of small town suburban america after#the vietnam war. shot in late 79 and early 80 this suffered the fate of many a low budget horror‚ being sold to a distributor that tinkered#with the film and ballsed up the cinema release. eventually director Mansfield got so fed up he bought the film back and set up his own#home video label to release it and other such poorly maligned indie projects. having learnt all this (an excellent interview with jere rae#mansfield on the arrow disc) it explains some of the weaknesses in the film; those non director mandated cuts and edits are#presumably responsible for the somewhat confused plot and characters who appear and disappear without warning (Jere confirms in the#interview that her character is killed‚ but the footage was completely removed). a very good looking film (beautifully shot and lit) but#hampered by those edits which cloud the sharper more compelling aspects of the character building. regardless the cast do well; Railsback#is great when he's doing less (just stalking around looking sinister) but goes a bit too big whenever he has to have a coughing fit or pal#around with Groom. Harris does well to keep her endlessly chattering protagonist likable even when talking all through a monster movie (an#unforgivable crime in the Mariocki handbook of good date etiquette)
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