#the turbofox reveal needed to be done in a dramatic way
singingcicadas · 3 months
Am I reading too much into this or does Rewind have a very... possessive attitude towards Dominus?
Like he's mad at Minimus because he didn't tell him that he's related to Dominus. And then basically questioned Minimus' love for his own brother. I keep feeling that there's a sneaky undertone of 'I love him more than you do because you gave him up for dead and got on with your life without mentioning him again while I kept searching' being insinuated in there somewhere.
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(Minimus is playing with a little Ten figurine it's cute)
And then his reaction to learning that Dominus kept a secret from him. First, denial: no he wasn't a loadbearer. Then he brushed it off: no don't be silly. Then assertion: I knew everything about him!
And then he was incredulous/angry/determined and immediately demanded Minimus to show him what exactly Dominus was hiding under his armour. Look at his tone.
I know they were conjux but Dominus is still his own person. Why does Rewind think he's entitled to know everything about him? With what Minimus said up till that point it's clearly implied that the secret is something very personal. And also likely involves Minimus. What right does Rewind have to make that demand, much less with such an attitude?
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First screenshot Rewind gets mad because how could Dominus' brother keep something from him. Second screenshot he gets mad because how could Dominus keep something from him tell me what it is right now.
Coupled with his downright fanatical obsession with looking for him it's questionable how much of Rewind's zeal actually has to do with Dominus and how much is just an expression of Rewind's own need, since he apparantly can't stand the thought of not knowing something about Dominus. Which includes what happened to him.
Then in the end it's Rewind who makes the choice to let Dominus die by cutting Chromedome's arm off, and while it's an understandable reaction to an emergency situation and he's doing it to save Chromedome, the way he said "It's not your choice to make" after he did it sort of seems to suggest that it's his choice and... idk, feels vaguely uncomfortable.
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