#the target audience for this post is me and the other dutch just dance enjoyer that sometimes pops up on my feed
surr3al1sm · 2 months
Just Dancers and their favourite Efteling attraction + fairytale!
Night Swan is here too btw, its just like Canned Heat.
I stand behind my choices and am not afraid to go into heavy detail (and I will for some of them). Everything’s below the cut :)
This is going to confuse so many of you but being very real with you: I don't care. This is me mixing my special intrest with my current hyperfixation and you cannot stop me.
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The attraction I chose for Wanderlust is called Symbolica. It’s a dark ride that takes you on a tour through the Palace of the world of wonders aka Symbolica. I feel like he really enjoys this ride simply because of the whimsy of it. It’s an exploration through all different kinds of rooms (from a garden with a huge whale to a ballroom with all different types of dancers). It just feels right up his alley. He would 100% pick the music tour (and get into an argument with Jack in line why the music tour is better than the treasure tour). They always end up going for Wander’s choice though.
The fairytale I picked for Wanderlust is the Indian Water Lillies. I picked this fairytale for its story! I feel like it’s something he would really enjoy. If you don’t know it here’s a little summary: The stats dance on the water at night, and return to the sky before the first light of day. One day the stars refuse to come back through. The sun rises and a witch curses the stars. Now they’re water lillies during the day and dance as girls during the night.
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The attraction I chose for Sara is called Dreamflight. It’s also a dark ride but it takes you through the world of fae and trolls. I feel like Sara would be a big fan of the fairies and maybe even have a plush of one of them. She always buys the pictures of her and the others whenever they go.
The fairytale I chose for Sara is Rapunzel (Raponsje). Although this version follows the original source of Rapunzel much closer, I think we all know the premise of it. I feel like it would be her favourite fairytale, why? Purely vibes. She does compare Jack to Rapunzel every chance she gets just to mess with him.
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The attraction I chose for Brezziana is called Joris and the Dragon. It’s a roller coaster based on the story of Joris and the Dragon. I chose a roller coaster for Brezziana because I feel like she would enjoy roller coaster’s more than dark rides because of the thrill. The story doesn’t really influence why I chose this ride for Brezz. I feel like she would be more interested in the racing aspect of the ride. She would definitely challenge her friends to races if they were in the park on a quiet day. Brezziana is 100% a water side girlie (and good on her because water always wins). I feel like she would also really like the theming for this ride.
The fairytale I chose for Brezziana is Snow white. A true classic really. Don’t think I need to tell you the story of this one either. Brezziana really does strike me as a princess enjoyer, so thats mainly why I went for Snow White. A simple classic that no one can blame her for.
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The attraction I chose for Mihaly is called Fata Morgana. It’s a dark ride that takes you on an adventure through the stories of the 1001 Nights (in a boat). I feel like they really like this ride because it’s often seen as a way to relax in the middle of a busy day or at the end of the day. I also think that they like it for all the different scenes you see throughout. Although they used to be really scared of the giant that you encounter near the end of the side as a child.
The fairytale I chose for Mihaly is called Frau Holle. I picked this fairytale because I feel like they would really agree with the message behind it. If you don’t know the fairytale it basically tells the story of a very hard working girl. One day this girl falls down a well while doing chores. In this well she gets transported to another dimension. In this dimension she does chores for Frau Holle. When she goes back to the human world she is rewarded with loads of gold. Her spoiled step sister throws herself down the well in search of gold, but once she comes back she’s covered in soot because she didn’t work hard enough. I feel like Mihaly would really agree with the idea that you get rewarded for the hard work that you do. Also Frau Holle is just iconic and we love her.
Jack Rose
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The attraction that I chose for Jack is called the Flying Dutchman. It’s a roller coaster that is based on the legend of the Flying Dutchman. He likes it because of the theming and music. Thats all really, no other reason (looks at Night Swan who doesn’t like this one bc theres a tiny possibility that you can get wet and she doesn’t want to ruin her perfect outfit). No but in all honesty: he’s right. This is the best one.
The fairytale I chose for Jack is called the Red Shoes. It’s a fairytale about a poor orphan girl who gets adopted by this old lady. The old lady gives her a pair of red shoes that she can dance in. Eventually the old lady falls ill, but instead of caring for the lady the girl goes to a ball. As a sort of moment of instant karma the girl gets cursed and now she has to dance in those shoes forever. Seems decently innocent right? Nope. It ends with a lumberjack cutting off the girls feet. The shoes continue to dace, even without the girl. Feels right up Jack’s alley ngl. I feel like he talks about liking it really innocently too, and when people read the story they’re just kind of horrified. (It was between this one and the little match girl so)
Night Swan
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The attraction I chose for Night Swan is called Villa Volta. Its a mad house type of attraction where like the entire room spins (or at least thats the illusion that is created). Basically the house got cursed and only someone with a soul as pure as a new born baby can list the curse. Just feels like her type of thing. Also she heavily vibes with the music.
The fairytale I chose for Night Swan is called the Chinese Nightingale. Although this is a very ironic fairytale for her to like (basically a ruler with a god complex finds out that they’re truly not as great as they thought they were), I feel like she would because it made Jack cry as a kid. Thats all, that amused her enough.
Thank you for listening to me yap.
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