#the sun/moon dynamics in vbs have been driving me nuts lately like sure you can slap 'sun' and 'moon' on any pairing in prsk
mymarifae · 1 year
Ok so you've said you liked orange star and the VBS Daybreak frontline cover
So I was wondering on how you feel about Ichika and Anhane's night sky patrol of tomorrow cover. Um if it's alright could you talk about both night sky patrol of tomorrow covers? And what you liked/disliked about each please
oh my gosh i looooove night sky patrol of tomorrow it's such a special song. ik i say this about all of orangestar's music but it's not my fault he makes such good songs ok
i like both covers a lot! A Lot. ichika's cover blew my mind the first time i heard it like those high notes at the end? my god. beautiful!!!!!! god. she has suuuuch a pretty sparkly clear voice it makes me want to cry...
and anhane's cover is just!! it's lovely. an and kohane's voices go so well together... tbh i can't pinpoint anything i dislike about either cover! they're both really good in their own ways and like. they change the feel of the song to suit the characters while maintaining the overall integrity of the original? idk.
but on that note what i really like about both covers is that this song is very much an ichika song but it's also an anhane song (romantic or platonic anhane it works either way). i'm just picking out the verses that stand out to me the most based on which lens you're looking at the song through, but:
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the loneliness ichika felt once her friendships with saki, shiho, and honami fell apart and how all her days began to blend together and she was stuck feeling like she was just drifting through life... i included the "i'm a boy who picks out his enemies to fight" lyric because ichika used to be scrappy, impulsive, and just generally a lot more extroverted when she was younger, but her friends drifting away had a real, permanent effect on her temperament. she felt so hopeless for so many years. she lost a lot of the natural courage she had once upon a time and became complacent - because it was easier.
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and then there's anhane. an is terrified of losing kohane - more specifically of kohane shooting so far ahead of her as a singer that she will never be able to keep up and she'll be left behind. but kohane looks at an and sees someone she wants to stand by for the rest of her life. an is the one that gave her the courage to really come out of her shell for the first time; if it wasn't for her, kohane would still be the shy nondescript girl with no real hobbies or dreams for the future. she can only stand so tall because an's been supporting her. like, notice how they sing "if this is to end as a dream, at least let me change yesterday..." together, and then kohane sings "i won't say anything like that..." alone. she's never going to see an as someone who's holding her back because she's been the one to push her forward and open her eyes to everything she's capable of but an doesn't understand this because she's trying to hide her feelings and her fears like she did in bout for beside you and aAGNDKXKSlfkdgm&3
(also i like the "the moon sets, and the sun rises" lyric because the sun/moon dynamic is very much present in an and kohane's relationship. but an is the moon, and kohane is the sun - contrary to what you might automatically assume)
anyway i love both covers forever ok. ichika's solo is stunning and i love that the line distribution in anhane's cover actually reflects their relationship and the direction of their story. 🫶🏾.
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