#the shared enthusiasm fuels me it's like crack to my braincells
johnslittlespoon · 2 months
dog-coded Bucky has ruined me and my poor little brain, you’ve caused it to rot and this is the only thing i have been thinking of for days!!
i saw your post about the different tropes and have a few ideas you might like:
• fear of the vets — i’d imagine that Bucky avoids going to medical at all costs and it would take either Buck or Curt dragging him in for him to actually get medical attention, he’s not happy about it though
• rumbling / playful growling — looks aggressive but it’s completely playful, a lot of the guys could a bit hesitant when he gets like that but quickly realise Bucky is just messing around
• leaning on someone with his full bodyweight — my dog does this all the time and i could imagine Bucky just letting all his weight fall on whoever’s closest; maybe the rest of the 100th learn to always have your feet planted after too one too many falls
• chasing his tail — i think that Bucky tries to live life to the fullest and often that means overindulging in certain vices, but the chasing tail metaphor is more like participating in the simple joys, doing something stupid just because you can
• trigger words — instead of treat or walk, as soon as someone even whispers the word bet Bucky is bounding over
• no social awareness — it’s so clear that Bucky is a social creature, but i feel like he would just go up to anyone and act as if they’re old friends, arms thrown over shoulders and wide smiles; does it make Buck jealous… 👀
• instinct — sort of following on from the above, there are some people that Bucky just avoids as he’s got a bad feeling, you know how some say that dogs always know what type of person someone is
i definitely have more ideas floating around, but these are the main ones at the moment. i loved the first chapter and got so excited when i saw it posted!!
the way the live wires in my brain lit tf up at these oh you're a saint. i am SO sorry for the transferred brainrot but omg THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE THIS OUT?! i'm nearly in tears at some of them i am so soft for him someone needs to come put me out of my misery pretty please
saving all of these and absolutely trying to squeeze some in <3 esp the no social awareness one bc i do have a little jealous buck scene planned out for chapter three teehee
thank u again legend i am about to post a little snippet as an offering of gratitude SDGJKDSK <3
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