#the racial bias is strong in this fandom and I am hating every second of it thank you very much
soul-wanderer · 1 year
Here’s a hot take - the Marina fandom has shown it’s whiteness and racial bias this season in the way it defended Maya the whole time she was struggling with her mental health but then immediately turned on Theo when it happened to him too.
Alright, I had to let this sit for a hot second, because otherwise I might have just exploded, because yes, yes, yes.
And let me preface this by saying: I am NOT saying that how Theo treated others was, in any way, okay. Just like I wasn't saying that what Maya did to everyone else was okay.
But it is so blatantly and painfully obvious that Theo gets no grace or kindness from this fandom whatsoever, and it does make you wonder, doesn't it?
If we put aside the people who always hated Maya anyway, this still leaves us with a considerable amount of people who willingly and happily defended Maya, but harshly and immediately judge Theo for the very same struggles now.
How comes that somehow, somehow, people think Theo being dismissive and accusing Vic of being self-centred (which he isn't entirely wrong about) or Theo being intense as a captain because he wants his team to be safe is WORSE than Maya quite LITERALLY telling Carina that if she is being hurt by how she is dealing with her problems, that's her problem? Or her just completely ignoring her wife for weeks? Maya, at her worst, was just as, if not more self-centred than Theo ever was, so it makes absolutely no sense why Maya got away with it, while Theo did not.
I'd argue it is partially because we only ever got to explore his trauma surrounding Michael's death, something that he has stated numerous times is still affecting/hurting him, but so far they did not pick up the arc surrounding his old neighbourhood, and we know very little about how he grew up, apart from knowing his dad died and that his best friend got kicked out for being gay. But still, still, there has been no doubt that him behaving the way he does is due to mental health issues and people are still so quick to judge him for struggling. And that isn't even taking into account that Vic kept trying to push him when he told her numerous times to stop and therefore indirectly asked her to respect his boundaries. Vic has a heart of gold, but sometimes it makes her miss the mark, and that's exactly what happened there. Sure, Theo needs therapy, but Vic isn't the one to provide him with that.
Long story short: This fandom is so big on double standards, but will happily uphold their own double standards for the sake of what? I honestly do not even know at this point. And it's kind of funny, actually, because historically Theo has been shown to be such a loving and supportive and funny person, so why would people suddenly conclude he is the most toxic person on earth? While historically, we have met Maya as this person who is kind of ruthless and a little (well a lot) messed up and in the end she still got more kindness from everyone when she started treating everyone around her like shit.
And to make it clear: This is not "Love Theo, but hate Maya", this is merely saying that they both hurt those around them because they are both struggling, and they deserve equal amounts of kindness for that. Maya got the chance to work on herself and make amends, so for christ's sake, offer Theo the same opportunity as well, okay?
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