#the picture is my favourite character he is very bitchy and pretty and i adore him
ratnurse · 1 year
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its-all-ineffable · 4 years
TUA 1x01 Review: ‘We Only See Each Other At Weddings & Funerals’
The opening scene got me hooked immediately! Kudos to the young girl at the pool, she’s absolutely brilliant at conveying a sweet, innocent romance and then the fear of suddenly and unexpectedly giving birth! The girl and guy are a very cute couple, and I kinda wanna know more about them. And the concern that the guy shows when the girl doesn’t surface immediately after she’s jumped in the pool is so sweet. Also, those women in the pool are hilarious! They all scream in horror when they see the girl start to give birth in the pool and the next scene they're crowded around her, patting her hair and holding her hand! I do feel sorry for the girl though - I personally headcannon that she’s Vanya’s mother. They’re in Russia, as we can tell because they’re all speaking Russian, and Vanya is a diminutive form of the Russian (among others) name Ivan. It’s just an idea, but I like it!
Pogo’s VO (though of course, we don’t know it’s Pogo at this time) is nice - he’s got the kind of soothing and authoritative voice that makes you feel like everything’s gonna be okay. Nice bit of exposition too! ‘HE GOT SEVEN OF THEM’ hahahahaha!! Love the overdramatic text on-screen! Also, ‘Picture Book’ by The Kinks fits so nicely in this scene, the lyrics are a beautiful juxtaposition for the ‘family’ that they become and all the actors manage to walk perfectly on the beat. The swinging arms from Reginald though - every inch the pompous idiot we love to hate already! Though the nannies have some pomp and swagger too. Imagine how weird it’d be to see the Monoply man walking down the street followed by 7 women in the same outfit with prams though? The small, ridiculous moments make the series!
The intro to the siblings is one of my favourite moments in the entire series! It’s beautifully acted and edited and the music is perfect. When we see Vanya for the first time, the blue lighting she’s framed adds a sense of melancholy too the scene, and perfectly sets her up as a lonely woman and an outsider. Ahh, Tom Hopper! And his butt scratching! Love Luther’s intro, Vanya still playing the slow, melancholy music, emphasising that he’s lonely too. Bless him. As we move to Diego, bass, guitar and drums join the violin, which I love, as it gives the music a more dangerous and frantic edge to showcase what sort of person Diego is. Also, what a badass rip-off Batman with a Robin mask! Go Diego! Then we have Allison, appearing in that frankly stunning dress! The violin gets a solo her, possibly to emphasise her fame? Love how gorgeous and stylish she is. Those paps get on my nerves though, the fucking assholes. The music switches again, to a more sombre violin melody for Klaus, indicating his BAG of trauma. The music changes are very cleverly done. Also, the “I believe in you! You, not so much.” - instantly my fave!! And his outfit is on point! And, I just noticed that when the clinic worker says “Stay sober.”, Klaus just shakes his head! 
Then we go back to a nice, slow violin solo, indicating loneliness. Poor Luther, stranded on the moon all alone. Though, he’s the only one that finds out about Reginald’s death directly?! The others all find out from the TV, or in Allison’s case, the paps! Who’s the favourite son?! Also, those paps? Twats! Insensitive twats! Ugh! Moving on - love the rock version of ‘The Music of the Night’ that starts playing when Klaus gets resuscitated! It works so well with the scene and his manic attitude. The way he high fives the paramedic makes me laugh every time though! I love Klaus, can you tell? A very solid introduction to Klaus’ character, to all of them in fact. The finish with Vanya’s sad sounding solo is a beautiful end to the scene. Also, when the lights go off and we have the establishing shot of the theatre, Vanya looks so small and alone. I just want to wrap her in a hug and tell her that everything will be okay. The way she says “Dad” as well, so soft and sad, gets me. Bless her tiny heart, she’s so cute! Ellen Page is such a brilliant actress, portraying sadness, loneliness and shyness at the same time. 
The way they show the passage of time through the photographs is really clever - a brilliant idea! The way we see 2 pictures, then suddenly one kid is missing and we get shown the solitary painting of Five, then we see 2 more pictures, after being shown Ben’s statute? Cleverly done, and deepens the mystery of the missing numbers! Moving on again - the house is a brilliant set and so well-designed. Mom’s intro, with her staring into nothing is weird, but we know right from the get go that this is weird. Another mystery! And the actress who plays Mom is so pretty! Just had to say that! Love her outfits too! 
The reunion - when everything starts to go to shit, though of course, we don’t know that yet. The way Allison is cloaked in shadow on the stairs as she comes towards Vanya - like she’s a threat? Very clever. Also, the tone that she says “You’re actually here” in, bitchy much? But, siblings I guess! I don’t know, I don’t have any. The hug is nice though, and Allison makes more of an effort to interact with Vanya than the rest of them. FUCK OFF DIEGO, with you’re “You don’t belong here!” Stop being an asshole to tiny, adorable Ellen Page! The beginning of my dislike for Number 2, I’m afraid. Sorry, Diego fans! Not happy with him atm! Allison sasses him though, go Allison! And the way she re-assures Vanya. Bless! 
Luther, WTF are you doing sneaking around? Hmm. Ah, and here comes the tense brotherly banter between #1 and #2. It’s pretty funny, but you can smell the rivalry a mile away! And Luther, just forget the monocle. Forget it! Jeez! Loving Diego’s sass though, very good at low blows isn’t he? And finally, the famous book - I’d read it! Looks interesting. I kinda want to know what she says in it, don’t you? And there’s Pogo! Is it bad that when I first watched this, I wasn’t even surprised to see a walking, talking monkey reach out to hug Vanya? Welp, I feel like that says something about me. I liked him straight away, he’s so kind to Vanya and his voice is very soothing. I don’t know okay, it just is?! 
The backstory isn’t exactly subtle, the whole “How long has it been since Five disappeared?”, but it works. The whole interaction between Vanya and Pogo, when they talk about Five, makes me so sad for Vanya. The way she said “I used to leave the lights on for him” tells me that they had a pretty close bond before Five up and left, even when I first watched the show. It just made me feel for Vanya’s character more, she’s so sweet and she clearly misses Five a whole lot. 
They all seem to wander round the house a lot, don’t they? Memories I suppose. The flashback scene here cemented my hatred for Reginald, it takes 2 seconds to say goodnight to your kids!! Fucking dick! Also, looking at the kids breaks my heart even more - Ben and Five are looking at Reginald all hopeful, Klaus clearly knows Reginald doesn’t give a shit, leaning against the doorframe with a ‘I don’t care’ expression on his face, Vanya hiding in the background, slightly separate from the rest of them. They break my heart. Great acting from the kids btw! And the way Ben looks back at Reginald, still hoping, and Luther guides him away - aww!
And back to the present - “Where’s the cash Dad?” Klaus!! XD The gigantic, adorable smile Klaus has when he sees Allison, and he immediately goes for a hug is so sweet! I get the feeling that Klaus genuinely cares about his siblings, but he masks a lot of his true feelings. That could be interesting to explore in a fic. The hug is very tense though - Allison recoils from him and awkwardly pats his back - as if she’s too good for him? Clearly not sure how to feel about him. Klaus in this scene is great, and was already my favourite at this point when I first watched. Though Allison does snort at his jokes, so perhaps they were close once? I want more Allison and Klaus interaction is Season 2! They could be an amazing duo! 
And then Luther ruins the moment, with his “Get out of his chair.” Jeez, Luther, lighten up? Also, this is the first time you’ve seen them in years and that’s your opening line? Way to go big boy. I do love Robbie in that cropped shirt though, and the coat is awesome! Allison, I see you laughing at Klaus! I see you! Also - how the hell did that box fit in his trousers?! XD I’ll leave you be Luther, ‘cause you’re taking the piss out of Diego and it’s funny. Though I’m slightly uncomfortable. Allison & Luther stare at each other with so much longing, and I just...ugh! Also, I know this whole Patrick & Claire situation is supposed to make us feel sympathy for Allison, but immediately saying “shit” when you hear that he got custody, like - don’t judge? It could be a good thing? Don’t assume that Allison didn’t do anything wrong. Sorry, just, the bias. And so begins my dislike of Luther!
The tense silence in the sitting room. Family’s, am I right? Also, Klaus steals every scene he’s in, especially in that skirt! “And here we go,” Preach Diego! Here comes the family dysfunction. Also, how does no one laugh at Klaus? Can you imagine how many bloopers there must be? C’mon Netflix, give me! The family dysfunction is strong, though. “Sober up.” - it’s not that fucking simple Luther! There’s a long hard road to sobriety, even after withdrawals, so just shut up and leave Klaus the fuck alone, yeah? You are part of the problem, the reason why Klaus is the way he is. Just...can you tell I dislike Luther a bit? 
And here’s Diego, who I also dislike, but at least he actually addresses Klaus like he’s a PERSON! So, I like him slightly more. And Luther totally suspects Diego of killing their father. None of the other siblings, just Diego. You can see it in his face. “I’m just gonna go an murder mom” I love Klaus so much! XD And the way they all file out while Luther stands there like an idiot...
The whole flashback scene, to the bank, is AMAZING, all the kids are great and its a great way of showcasing all their powers (bar Klaus’) and what they had to experience. Also, we get some Five and Ben content! Yay! Five’s sass immediately endeared me too him. Poor Ben “C’mon Ben”, Jeez Luther, do you ever stop being an ass?! And there’s Kenny’s mom, running out the bank! Poor Ben again, he clearly hates his power and using it. And being covered in all that blood. Also, can we talk about Klaus leaning on Five when they get outside?! And Five lets him?! I want more Klaus and Five in Season 2 as well, pretty please? And then here comes Reginald, telling Vanya she’s not special. Great parenting strategy asshat! Also, “six children”, GET FUCKED REGGIE! That reporter made me laugh though, the “Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?” one. Nope, no he is not. Take them away from him please! 
Those posters, in the hallway outside the bedrooms, fuck, they’re disturbing! G is for gouge? Fuck me. And here we are, the ‘A+L’ locket. Slightly weirded out by it. Also, love the symbolism of the siblings being scattered throughout the house all in different rooms. Shows how fractured they are at the moment. 
“Daddy?” Klaus, I can’t even...XD What was with the fire extinguisher as well? Darling, I love you, but really? “Yeah, get behind us!” cough*toxic masculinity*cough! Now is not the time to try and be the alpha male Diego. Also, Klaus seems to have the most common sense - “I vote for running!” - yep, great idea! Common sense, folks, from the super high medium! Five’s entrance is pretty great though, but I’ll just say this - if it was my sibling that I hadn’t seen for 17 years? I’d be hugging him so tight, regardless whether he likes touch or not. Just saying. I like how we have Five falling right back into the family as if he were never gone, as if him being 13 isn’t a big deal, the banter is great. I also like how he doesn’t look at his siblings at all, and then he looks up for the first time since being inside, and it’s to compliment Klaus. Such a small yet sweet moment in the series. Underappreciated, I feel. Five doesn't seem like the type to give compliments often. The “Well you would if you were smarter”!XD 2nd favourite sibling, here we come! This whole kitchen scene was a great setup for the sibling dynamics. 
The elusive Ben is finally mentioned again. Creepy statue though. I love the fact that they all have big black umbrellas, and then there’s Klaus, with his little plastic one with pink trim! Diego again with the impeccable comedic timing “He was a monster”. And Mom is adorable, I love her so much. Here we go with Luther & Diego again, I guess. “Who’s the alpha male? I’m the alpha male!” Jeez. AGAIN? You 2 ever even tried being nice to each other? The fight scene is pretty cool though, the choreography is really well done. I love how we see them act more like a family here too, Vanya pulling Mom back and Klaus shoving Five out the way. Adorable! Allison’s got some deadpan! Like it. Diego, why are you such a dick? Especially to Vanya? She was trying, is trying, and you just...I’m so done with you and Luther. And y’all just gonna leave Klaus out there alone? Nice. Predication...
This training scene, reinforcing how AMAZING Reginald Hargreeves is as a parent! The tattoo scene too. Poor tiny little Klaus and Allison huddled together, and Ben, Luther and Five looking so scared/nervous. The way Vanya is left out - again - and draws her own tat. These poor abused kids guys! I just wanna hug ‘em all! Also, watching your kids sleep? Not creepy at all! And back from the flashback, Vanya leaving because she keeps being treated like crap. You know in nature programmes, when the baby animals bully the runt of the litter out? Yep. Loving the way Pogo is looking out for her though, clearly he cares about her a lot. Better Dad than Reggie! And no one notices she’s gone, that’s nice.
Love the entire kitchen interaction between Five, Klaus, Diego and Allison. Family banter again! Oh wait, they did notice Vanya left, they just didn’t care? Brilliant. Great family. Also, does Diego always need to be such a prick to his sisters? Asshole. Though I like the way he treats Klaus - he lets him hitch a ride despite knowing that he could leave without him, and listens to him more than the others do. Though you can see David trying not to laugh at Rob’s ‘hippo’ line in the scene. God, he seems like so much fun! 
The scene at Griddy’s is just, simply awesome. Love Agnes, she’s so sweet. Five’s fake smile has me in hysterics every time though! The tow truck driver is very nice, buying for a ‘weird kid’ he doesn’t know. The fight scene, again, is perfect, and the juxtaposition of the upbeat tune “Istanbul Not Constantinople” in the background, just...chef’s kiss! Poor Five didn’t get his coffee though. The quest for Five to have a decent cup of coffee begins! Aidan is a phenomenal actor too, absolutely brilliant! Love the tightening of his tie as he walks away, the cocky little shit!XD Poor Agnes.
The intro to Ben is funny, and cleverly placed so that it doesn’t feel forced, it just fits with the story of the episode. Also, Diego’s a dramatic bitch. But he cares about Klaus. So, we’ll see, I guess. A nice little interaction between 2 brother (3, sorry Ben!) that love each other. Nice to have a moment of the siblings being, ‘normal’, for want of a better word. Vanya and Five interaction, yay! “Rapists can cimb” - Five, no!XD Funny, but...Anyway, I like the relationship between these two. The way he comes to her and trusts her the most and lets her touch him and clean his wound. I love it. The flashback to Five hurts, because he really was just a kid then and I feel so maternal about that...I’m not the only one, right? Aidan’s phenomenal acting again. I love the cliff hanger of the world ending in 8 days. Got me hooked. Also, Van’s response is perfect - “I’ll put on a pot of coffee.” I love you Vanya! XD
Alright, I know it was long, but it’s over now. Thanks for reading all of it, if you did. I don’t know when I’ll get around to the 2nd episode, but hopefully it’ll be soon. Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings! x
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jordandrawings · 7 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Jordan: I doubt everyone’s existence
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Jordan: I’d say 3, My mind thinks of weird things in the dark and I see things that aren’t there.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Jordan: I’d never want to meet anyone who loves them self so much it’s all they can talk about, they always make sure that their make-up is ok and that they’re looking “Perfect”. Trust me, I put up with this every day in school
4. What is your favourite word?
Jordan: i don’t know... uh... consent?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Jordan: I’d say a Sakura tree.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Jordan: Nothing, I was to busy listening to music.
7. What shirt are you wearing?
Jordan: A Dan and Phil “Cat whiskers come from within” T-shirt.
8. What do you label yourself as?
Jordan: A fan-girl... I guess.
9. Bright room or dark room?
Jordan: Surprisingly, my room is bright
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Jordan: Sleep.
11. Favourite age you’ve been so far?
Jordan: I haven’t really enjoyed any age of mine just yet, so I’ll just say when I was 1... I guess, Cause I can’t remember anything from that age.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Jordan: My dad.
13. Your worst enemy?
Jordan: Nearly everyone I know in school.
14. What is your current desktop picture?
Jordan: An 8-bit Sakura tree.
15. Do you like someone?
Jordab: Kinda... I guess, online.
16. The last song you listened to?
Jordan: The Milo Murphy’s law theme song.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Jordan: My irl friend’s bitchy friend who always tells me to shut up.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Jordan: As I just said... My irl friend’s bitchy friend who always tells me to shut up.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Jordan: I’d have @pyroisswag. I’d just tell her to get some sweets, give her the money and when she gets back we just watch cartoons and Dan and Phil for the rest of the day.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Jordan: Walking 2 miles.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Jordan: I’d look like myself except with shorter hair, no boobs and deeper voice. And I’d just live my life as normal.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Jordan: I can turn one eye in with out moving the other.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Jordan: Self confidence.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Jordan: A ham sandwich, I’m very plain when It comes to sandwiches.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Jordan: Online :3
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Jordan: Tokyo!!
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Jordan: I’d say: “Could you give it to someone else, give it to Rick Sanchez for all I care”.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Jordan: No one annoy me or anyone else I love. :3
29. What is your favourite expletive?
Jordan: I don’t have one
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Jordan: The doll my dad gave to me when I was a baby.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Jordan: I wouldn’t tell people in school about my youtube channel back in 2012.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Jordan: America, I can visit most of my friends!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Jordan: Edd Gould, He died to young
34. What was your last dream about?
Jordan: I think it was about Wander over yonder, I can’t remember my dreams when I wake up but I remember seeing a little chibi Lord Hater in my dream... That’s it.
35. Are you a good person?
Jordan: I can be when I’m not angry, sad or sleepy
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Jordan: 3 times, when ever I’d break my arm or leg. I broke my arm twice and my leg once, ON FUCKING SOFT PLAY!!
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Jordan: I have, I’ve even built some in my neighbours yards.
38. What is the colour of your socks?
Jordan: Black and Grey.
39. What type of music do you like?
Jordan: I like Electro swing, modern and old stuff, Basically anything that is catchy.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Jordan: I’m a sucker for Sunsets
41. What is your favourite milkshake flavor?
Jordan: Strawberry and Vanilla.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
Jordan: I don’t support any, I hate foot ball and any sport ever created excpet for swimming and ice skating.
43. Do you have any scars?
Jordan: I don’t think I do.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Jordan: I’m stuck between a voice actor, an animator, a character designer or a story boarder.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Jordan: My weight.
46. Are you reliable?
Jordan: I can be sometimes.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Jordan: Will I ever become what I want to be.
48. Do you hold grudges?
Jordan: Yeah. Again the principle at my school for being an ass-hole to my dad.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Jordan: A shibi inu and a panda.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Jordan: Talking about Sausage Party with my friends and what are dark fantasies are about
51. Are you a good liar?
Jordan: My facial expression makes it terrible but I disguise my voice.
52. How long could you go without talking?
Jordan: I don’t know, Never timed myself.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
Jordan: I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad hair style I didn’t like. I’ve had the same hair style ever since I was young
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Jordan: I have, It turned out ok.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Jordan: I can, Too much to list because I’m tired.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Jordan: Butter, just butter.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Jordan: Me as a star Nomad.
58. What would be you dream car?
Jordan: My dad’s car, it’s so cool!!
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
Jordan: I sing in the shower often, I once even sang a Steven Universe Medley in the shower.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Jordan: Yes.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Jordan: I don’t think I ever have read a horoscope
62. What is your favourite letter of the alphabet?
Jordan: I don’t know... Um... Y? I guess. Cause Why?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Jordan: Dragons
64. What do you think about babies?
Jordan: They’re so adorable!!!! 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
*65. OK, how about, If you could meet someone famous, who would it be?
Jordan: Jack McBrayer, He’s basically the sweetest man on earth with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen!!
I tag: @pyroisswag and @hollywoodholly
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