#the phoebe changing her personality but still being outcasted thing sounds a lot like the experiences of a lot of autistic women
Taylor Swift Songs That Mention Cars That Are Totally About Phoebe and Silas - Fifteen
try and stay out of everybody's way
Especially in TPATS, Silas really felt like he didn't belong anywhere and that his presence was an imposition. To the extent that he feels bad about his chopsticks clinking against the side of his bowl while he eats in case the sound bothers anyone.
'cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you / you're gonna believe them
Obviously Phoebe and Silas were much younger than fifteen during TPATS, but this makes me think that Silas could potentially feel really foolish for still believing the promises that he and Phoebe made when they were younger. Assuming that Silas still remembers the "do well together" scene from TPATS, but in my mind he does until I am proven otherwise so. He does remember.
this is life before you know who you're gonna be at fifteen
During TPATS, Silas is really concerned with what he's going to do once he leaves London. He's trying to find his place in this world (sorry sorry sorry) and feels incredibly inadequate. Which is interesting because the only Silas snippet from FHH (that I've seen at least) shows him reverting back to this feeling but stating that he hasn't felt like this since he was much younger. Phoebe also seemed to feel this way during TPATS, but I think she had less anxiety around it.
you sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail / and soon enough, you're best friends
The London trio origin story. But obviously different.
laughin' at the other girls who think they're so cool
cue Orion leaning on a column with an unlit cigarette in his mouth asking Silas to sneak into a bar with him
and then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
Obligatory car line
in your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team
I think a bit of Silas's arc is going to revolve around him realizing that he needs to stop idolizing people and see them as humans with faults if that makes sense. Because I think him finding out that Phoebe is Priest is going to really hurt him because it's going to be irreconcilable with this perfect, untouchable version of Phoebe that I think he has in his mind.
when all you wanted was to be wanted / wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
While this line does potentially work for Silas, I think it works a bit better for Phoebe. She constantly changes vital parts of herself in order to be liked, but at the same time is still clearly an outcast. She's making a completely unsustainable effort to live a double life, knowing that it can't possibly work long term, likely because she's absolutely terrified of the potential disproval of the people closest to her.
back then, i swore i was gonna marry him someday / but i realized some bigger dreams of mine
Based on reviews from arc readers, this isn't going to happen. But in an alternate reality this would fit.
and abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind
I think Silas is going to think that Phoebe betrayed him when she actually wants both him and to be Priest. So he's going to think he's Abigail when he isn't actually Abigail.
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phoebelf · 7 years
A fan’s plot for ‘13 Reasons Why’ Season 2
Hi, this is Phoebe. PhoebE-LF. Alive and on tumblr. 
I just finished - guess what
- 13 Reasons Why (and if you don’t know what this is by this point you should definitely have yourself checked up for any social media existential issue). 
Because as ELF we love the number 13 (although for a reason no where near that dramatic), I have decided that, well, I might as well just get a bit obsessed with this show, and also, because it is pretty damn good!. 
So, here comes my rant... 
There has never been a show that left me dumbstruck that much after each episode and like almost everyone else, I really really really hope for a season 2 with the continuation of the same story line.
After some serious research (a.k.a. watching conspiracy videos on Youtube) I’ve realised the 13RW fandom has matured so much since its birth over a month ago with the fact that the fans are already flighting over theories for the next season (if it actually happens). Well, looking at it from a positive view, at least this is not as bad as couple wars! You clearly wouldn’t like the idea of fight over whether Brourtney or Jourtney is the show’s ultimate cannon (!). 
So, to add to the hype, and mainly because I have that much time to spare, I’ve come up with my own theories for (hopefully) the next season of 13RW. And in this post I’m more than thrilled to share it with you, my beloved followers who definitely didn’t click ‘follow’ to keep up with my cinematographical (if that’s a word) analysis and predictions...
Well, like it or not, if you have bother to read as far as to this point, you might as well just go on reading ‘a bit’ further to know what my theories are, ‘cause it’s fun to theorize, isn’t it?. So, enjoy! Here they are:
1. Season 2 of 13RW would be about even more high school issues. Tyler will be trying to shoot down everyone in his photos, and Justin probably will have a go with his own gun as well (his first victim would likely be Bryce). Imagine going to the high school where one day, two kids decide to just skip classes, load some guns and go around shooting people - it’s definitely worth a Netflix show on that right? Apparently, the issues we will be dealing with here will be the popular topics such as gun laws, school shooting and bully-victims so traumatized by the bullying they got to the point of being driven into criminals (or doing other weird things). This makes sense, as this is a continuation of the bullying issues in season 1, and also follows up on the more subtle theme of mental issues, because if you are going around shooting your schoolmates, it’s highly likely that your mind is somewhat messed up. 
2. Now, THIS is interesting. I believe that Hannah will still be around. She has been such a big part of season 1 that no director would be silly to not include her in the sequence. Her existence will be... wait for it... through Tyler’s obsession! Remember Tyler said he loved Hannah? So now because he is so sick with being bullied, and at the same time struggling with Hannah not being around anymore, and being the weirdo, social outcast the way he is, he starts having hallucinations about Hannah telling him to take her revenge. So perhaps, each episode will be Hannah telling Tyler (or more accurately, Tyler thinking Hannah is telling him) to kill a different person. 
3. You might be thinking, ew, that sounds sick. Well, actually it doesn’t, if the way each episode develops actually helps the conflicts to be resolved. Through Tyler’s planning to track down and shoot each individual, he will see more of their problems and end up showing sympathy, or some sort of reconsideration (if that makes sense?) and decide to deal with them in a less violent, and more lawful way.   
4. Clay will still be a major character. He will continue to have flashbacks about Hannah and his visualizations of how he could have treated her differently and how they could have been happy together will continue to happen (because we all want that!!). Somehow, Clay will know about Tyler’s plan, and being the hero he is, he will be the main force stopping Tyler from committing crimes and helping him understand about each of his targets’ own story. 
5. At the same time, the adults get on with the lawful and mature ways of dealing with all the mess. Perhaps there will be some content dedicated to how adults should change the way they look after their children both at home and at school. 
6. We will learn a lot more about Bryce, because I feel like there is so much more to him and his family which makes others so heavily influenced and intimidated by him. Bryce will appear to be way more difficult to catch even when we all know he is a criminal because of his background, and successfully proving him guilty will also be another goal that this season is aiming for. 
7. We will see a counter story to Hannah’s, that will be Skye’s. With Clay’s support and the changes that are about to happen at Liberty High, Skye will overcome her problems and this will be the success story of the season to prove that it is not that bad after all. This of course has a big moral impact which acts as a buffer for potential criticism that the show is likely to face. 
8. Of course we can’t forget about Tony. Seems like he comes from a pretty badass, mafia-like family so he will definitely be of good help with things like gun issues, both lawful and unlawful.
9. Further digging into Clay’s previous mental problems might be useful in his struggle to deal with the aftermath Hannah’s suicide and her tapes, which will also be a major theme (though more subtle) of this season. The fact that he was bullied in the past could also be related to how people are finding ways to tackle this issue. 
10. The ending scene of season 1 - Tony, his boyfriend (Brad or something?), Skye and Clay drove off in Tony’s car. I suspect they are going to Hannah’s grave (now with a proper gravestone on?) so Tony can tell his boyfriend more about the girl he’s been busy doing jobs for, and Clay can show Skye that she doesn’t have to end it the same way. 
11. Alex. I think Alex tried to kill himself, but he was not the one in the ambulance, because the show clearly left things disconnected like that for a point. The one in the ambulance was perhaps that Mong(?) guy who threatened Tyler earlier, hence his first shooting victim.  
12. So, with all that, after all we have a happy ending. People are not shot to dead. Liberty High becomes a better place. Bryce will go to jail. All the people on the tapes get their own punishment either by law or by facing other consequences. Courtney and Marcus, the two corrupt, perfect-from-out-side but shit-inside characters (whom I hate with a passion!) will definitely get kicked out of the school’s board of students (or something like that). Ryan can stick around if he continues to annoy Courtney (he doesn’t do much otherwise anyway). Zach and Sheri should find something a bit more interesting or dramatic to get remembered by. Jessica still needs to fight between her complicated personalities (hopefully she gets rid of the bitchy one). Skye becomes a success story. Clay and Hannah are happily in love in Clay’s dreams. Mr. Porter might be fired but I’m not that fussed about him to be honest, as long as he turns in the tapes instead of throwing them away. The Bakers win the law suit and sort out their money problem and use the rest of the money setting up a suicide prevention and mental health charity under Hannah’s name.  
13. (Because we need 13 theories!) Although fans might hate it, Clay will slowly get over Hannah and therefore season 3 (if we’ve already got season 2 then season 3 seems like a likely thing too) will go in a completely direction. It will be a typical high school soap opera about Clay becoming an expert in girls. Hallucinations of Jeff will ‘haunt’ him to help with his love life and each episode we will see him hitting on a different girl. 
The end :P.    
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