#the peasants are leaving their shitholes! shut the door!
hjhb-the-hdgp · 2 years
Госдума: талантливые выпускники уезжают из своих деревень в столичные ВУЗы и не возвращаются! Нужно с этим разобраться.
Законопроект об отмене ЕГЭ споров не вызвал, депутаты планируют приступить к его рассмотрению в феврале 2022 года.
Коммунисты предложили сдавать ЕГЭ по желанию, альтернатива - обычный экзамен.
В перечень обязательных помимо русского и математики хотят добавить литературу, а также дать право Минобрнауки добавлять другие предметы как обязательные на свое усмотрение.
Экзамен по литературе должен проводиться только в устной форме, либо в форме сочинения, по обществознанию и истории - полностью или частично в устной.
Самый сок законопроекта в пояснительной записке:
«В части расширения доступа абитуриентов в ведущие вузы Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга и других университетских городов цель достигнута. Однако при отсутствии стимулов выпускники вузов в регионы России, как правило, не возвращаются, что обедняет интеллектуальный потенциал этих регионов».
«Стремясь уклониться от сдачи ЕГЭ, около 55% выпускников девятых классов идут не в старшую школу, но в систему профессионального образования. В результате многие сельские школы переводятся в разряд основных, что провоцирует отъезд квалифицированных кадров из села в районные центры или города и наносит прямой ущерб развитию сельского хозяйства».
Жалеют коммунисты, что нельзя у жителей села отобрать паспорта как в старые-добрые.
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CW: Perceived kidnapping / rescue; dehumanization; lots of swearing; gun violence; home invasion; collar;
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They drove to the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Orfeu jumped out of Farlan’s car, staring at the tall buildings with hatred.
“What a shithole” Farlan comments, staring at the small yellow building, that seems largely empty.
“…It’s average? You are just not used to us peasants” Orfeu smiles when Farlan rolls his eyes.
“Yeah maybe. So how we get in?”
Orfeu shrugs and starts climbing over the fence. Farlan soon follows him to the door. He peeks inside the glass. Doesn’t seem to have a reception or anything, just a long corridor with doors to the apartments.
“…Maybe we could shoot the door? But that will be so loud and-“
…Orfeu pulls the little iron levers and starts picking the lock. A few seconds later and the door open. Farlan rolls his eyes.
“Of course” he smiles.
“What floor was it again?”
“Third” Farlan says, pulling his phone to check “…Cameras?”
Orfeu looks around for a while.
“Nope, not that I can see”
“S-h-i-t-h-o-l-e” Farlan repeats, with a smirk.
…They thread upstairs, still careful not make noise. For what Orfeu can see, most of the apartments are empty. It’s not far from a university, so it’s likely the students are out on vacation.
This makes him shiver. If Blue screamed there… There was a chance no one would have heard.
They climb to the third floor and he opens that door too. Farlan leans closer to his ear when he is crouched working.
“Fucking criminal”
…He chuckles.
“What did you expect?” he whispers back.
…The door opens. He hears Farlan cocking the revolver. He has his knife too, but right now, his priority is finding Blue. He can kill the motherfuckers later.
The place seems like a usual apartment, vaguely lit by the street light peeking from outside, full with plants and decorated with posters.
They quickly made their way into the living room, and… He spotted a tiny figure on the corner, fully covered by a blanket... A chain could be seen as well. He and Farlan exchanged looks, and Farlan nodded, turning his back to them and getting the gun ready, as he went to pick up Blue.
…He pulled the blanket down. Blue’s scared little figure stared back at him, and was about to scream. He covered his mouth and nose, suffocating most of the sounds.
“Sshhh, it’s okay, it’s okay” he whispered.
Blue trashed around for a second, panicked, before fully awakening and comprehending the situation. He seemed to relax, and Orfeu let go of his nose and mouth.
“Be quiet, okay baby?”
…Tears were already falling freely down his cheeks. He unclips the chain and Blue jumps over Orfeu, wrapping his hands on a hug.
“Master, master m-m-master, I-It was so scared… It thought, thought you’d l-l-leave Blue…” he cried “S-s-sorry, s-s-s-sorry It, it-“
“Shhh” Orfeu whispered back, caressing his head “I’m here now dear. I’ll never leave you. Are you hurt?”
“N-n-oo” it sounded more like a wail than an answer “Ss—s-sorry…”
…But of course he wouldn’t calm down, and kept crying, clinging to Orfeu like his life depended on it. He heard movement on the other room. There was no way he could let go of Blue now…
“It’s okay, I got you” Farlan says. He is glad he brought back up…
Regardless, the tiny, brunette woman that appears, rubbing her sleepy eyes, isn’t exactly threatening. The same bitch that tried to attack them that other day. Orfeu shows his teeth, growling.
…She then realizes the men on her living room and lets out a scream.
“Shut up” Farlan says, gun pointed at her “…Drop the phone”
“W-w-what?” She tries, her face going pale with fear.
“Drop. The. Fucking. Phone. Kick it over here.”
…She does. Farlan steps over it, smashing the screen. Blue’s sobbing is the only thing that can be heard for a solid minute.
“…Give me one good reason not to kill you right now” Orfeu says when he manages to control his voice enough not to scare Blue. The boy trembles on his arms “…I gave you a warning last time”
“Y-you are… “ she whispers, slowly turning her head to Orfeu.
“I made you a question” he growls again, showing teeth “-Why the fuck you keep messing with my Blue”
…The woman dry swallows, the gun pointed at her.
“H-h-he is… I want to help him”
“Help him?” Orfeu hisses, and Blue trembles on his arms “Keeping him chained to a wall? Look how fucking scared he is!”
“…He was my friend” she says… Tears are falling through her cheeks “He is not… Not a fucking pet. Don’t you think this is disgusting?”
“No, not really” Farlan answers, with a smirk. Orfeu rolls his eyes.
“Shut up Farlan” he turns back at the woman “He is not my pet he is my fucking family”
She stares at him, trembling.
“…If you had though for a fucking second…” He takes a deep breath. He wants to put his hands on a fist, advance and rip her stupid throat right there. But Blue is scared he is trembling in his arms, clutching to him for dear life “…You knew him from his old life. I’d love to have your help before. I want Blue to feel better”
“…B-b-blue’s family” He says, suddenly “B-b—blue wants, wants t-t-to go home. P-p-p-please?”
“…Of course darling” Orfeu kisses his forehead “In a moment…”
“What was his name?” Farlan asks, looking at the woman
“…Cecil… We worked together. College too…” she says, nervously “…They forced him into this. I’m sure. This isn’t fair.”
“…Life isn’t fucking fair” Orfeu growls yet again “But you know you have the chance of not making it worse. If you want to fucking help... Stay away”
“Please… you can’t… can’t just take him away again… He-“
…Orfeu gets up, doing the best to swallow all his rage. Blue shivers and wraps his legs around his waist, almost making him fall… But the poor thing is too scared to let go.
“I can I fucking will” he stares at her “…I’m taking him home. Where he is fucking safe, you dumb witch”
“Ooooooh” Farlan laughs at the insult.
“-Wait” Blue sudenly shouts, pushing Orfeu away. He fails to hold him and Blue falls to the floor. He run past Alyssa and into her bedroom. She turns to move but-
“Don’t fucking move!” Farlan screams yet again, finger on the trigger.
��It’s only a second before he comes back, holding the little purple bunny. He jumps back at Orfeu, trying to climb up his lap again. He does his best to hold the boy.
Slowly, they back away then run back to the car. He sits on the backseat, with Blue crying over him, almost incoherent. He tries to soothe the boy, combing his hair with his fingers, whispering ‘it’s okay’,’it’s okay’… But is it, really? He isn’t physically hurt but…
…They get dropped off near his home. Of course he can’t allow Farlan to go close. He won’t let Farlan step close to Haru ever again. So, he carries Blue. The night air feels… Refreshing, for once. The tall trees are a welcoming arch.
…He unlocks the door and carries Blue into the living room… and soon Haru appears, peeking from upstairs. He makes a sound and runs down the stairs, practically jumping on Blue. They hug, and nuzzle. Blue crying ‘sorry’ over and over and Haru smiling, so, so happy…
Orfeu just lays on the couch, finally starting to few… Just how fucking tired he is. How long has it been…? But they are safe. They are finally safe. And, he at least has a clue as to who Blue used to be, he can look into it now. 
…He closes his eyes, just for a second… and falls asleep… Soon, the two pets notice. They lay over him, the three nuzzling together on the small couch. Home.
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