#the original interp is like… as close as it gets to mine
onebizarrekai · 3 years
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you know I’m just gonna post this. it really do be like this sometimes
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jackdaw-kraai · 3 years
What are the meanings behind the names from your Tatooine Slave Culture? Names like Luke, Anakin, Leia, Owen, Beru, Biggs, and even surnames like Skywalker, Whitesun, Darklighter, etc.?
Well, first off, the surnames are all the Basic translations out of Karilaa, so there isn't really any meaning in those beyond the obvious. But if you go back to their original root...
"Skywalker" is derived from the Karilaa Clan Name "Aitrushmal", meaning "The One Who Runs With The Stars." Another Basic translation of the Name could be "Starrunner," but Skywalker is what we've got.
At it's core, that Name references the First Runner, who gained the Name "Aitrushmal" after becoming one with the stars, still leading their charges through the Star Paths to this day. It's a defiant Name, proclaiming a desire for Freedom and an allegiance to the Desert and Her Children to anyone who can understand the language. Whether or not the Skywalkers are descendants of the first Aitrushmal is really impossible to tell, as the tale is older than the family genealogy records. Or at least those still remembered and passed on to the current day.
Luke is the thirteenth generation of Clan Aitrushmal as far as anyone knows, the records of those who came before lost to time. So it could be, or it couldn't be. Really, it's up to you to decide what you want to believe.
And for the rest... "Luke" is again the Basic transcription of his Karilaa Name, which would be notated as "Luk." "Luk" means "Blessing" in Karilaa, and before Luke ever became Lukkesh, he was Luk, as Named by his Mother.
Anakin, in turn, is Karilaa, but Vader has gotten kind of down in the dumps about what it means for reasons I'll explain in a second.
The Name is made up out of three parts. "A," "na," and "kin." The last part is the first half of the Names of the Suns, indicating that Anakin is of the Suns. "Kin" derived from "Kinri" which in itself is the Name of the Suns Kin and Ri, spoken as one due to their status as being each other's Home. (Hence the traditional blessing for newly Named Homes, being "May your Names be spoken as One.")
"Na" means "my." Literally just that, it literally just means "my" or "mine."
"A" is a bit trickier, seeing as there isn't really an equivalent for it in English. It's basically a positive prefix, as I like to call it. It's use is to attach positive connotations to a word or sentence that's otherwise neutral in value.
Now, broken down into it's most basic, stripped-down, no-context-allowed-whatsoever translation, "Anakin" basically means "[positive prefix] my Suns."
Now, obviously that's something only a victorian british anthropologist would be happy with, so let's put it back in context, shall we?
In essence, to Name yourself something like this, is to transfer the properties most strongly associated with the deities invoked onto yourself. You're invoking that part of you within yourself that most closely resembles the deities you now share your name with. So a closer translation already would be to say that "Anakin" translates into "[postive prefix] my [inner] Suns."
Better, but we're not there yet.
Now, if you've been following the #Lore tag on my tumblr, you'll know that the Suns are intense in what they claim as their domain. They are the desperation and drive and miracles of survival. They're the fight within you that will not die. The part within you that refuses to lie down and let it be the end. They are your passion, your aggression, your furious will to live and overcome.
Taking that into account, "Anakin" suddenly gains a new perspective. Instead of merely being "[postive prefix] my [inner] Suns" we now get "Passion/Aggression/Fury of the Suns."
Which is, again, closer but not there yet.
Because we still forget the "A" in "Anakin."
You see, Vader is technically right in saying that his Name means "Wrath of the Suns" but also... not. It can be read that way, don't get me wrong, but he's missing quite a lot of intent and context in that interpretation that is, to be perfectly honest with you, mostly fueled by self-hatred and diaspora.
Because don't forget, "A" is a postive prefix. And that one letter transforms the entire meaning of the Name. Because with that "A" unloading a positive association onto a value-neutral Name, a completely accurate translation of "Anakin" wouldn't be "Wrath of the Suns."
It would be "Righteous Fury of the Suns."
You can probably see from the terms above that there is more than one translation into basic that you can make out of "Passion/Aggression/Fury of the Suns," but if we hold true to the spirit in which Vader interprets his Name?
His Mother didn't Name him for the Suns' wrath.
She Named him for their furious justice.
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